Publications for Trevor Parmenter 2016

Publications for Trevor Parmenter
Publications for Trevor Parmenter
Gilroy, J., Donelly, M., Colmar, S., Parmenter,
T. (2016). Twelve factors that can influence the
participation of Aboriginal people in disability
services: Empowering Aboriginal people with
disabilities in an NDIS world. Australian
Indigenous Health Bulletin, 16(1). <a
Wark, S., Canon-Vanry, M., Ryan, P., Hussain,
R., Knox, M., Edwards, M., Parmenter, M.,
Parmenter, T., Janicki, M., Leggatt-Cook, C.
(2015). Ageing-related experiences of adults
with learning disability resident in rural areas:
one Australian perspective. British Journal of
Learning Disabilities, 43(4), 293-301. <a
re Information]</a>
Durvasula, S., Mason, R., Kok, C., Macara, M.,
Parmenter, T., Cameron, I. (2015). Outdoor areas
of Australian residential aged care facilities do
not facilitate appropriate sun exposure.
Australian Health Review, 39(4), 406-410. <a
re Information]</a>
Strnadova, I., Cumming, T., Knox, M.,
Parmenter, T., Lee, H. (2015). Perspectives on
life, wellbeing, and ageing by older women with
intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual and
Developmental Disability, 40(3), 275-285. <a
1043873">[More Information]</a>
Donelly, M., Hillman, A., Shelley, K., Knox, M.,
Stancliffe, R., Parmenter, T., Whittaker, L.
(2014). A good life: Personal support networks
and people with intellectual disability:
Translational research. 16th International
Congress of the World Federation of
Occupational Therapists, Yokohama: 16th
International Congress of the World Federation
of Occupational Therapists.
Parmenter, T. (2014). A Westerner's impression
of the place of people with a disability in Asian
society. International Journal of Inclusive
Education, 18(10), 1082-1089. <a
693394">[More Information]</a>
Stmadova, I., Cumming, T., Knox, M.,
Parmenter, T. (2014). Building an Inclusive
Research Team: The Importance of Team
Building and Skills Training. Journal of Applied
Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(1),
13-22. <a
e Information]</a>
Wark, S., Hussain, R., Parmenter, T. (2014).
Down syndrome and dementia: Is depression a
confounder for accurate diagnosis and treatment?
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 18(4),
305-314. <a
152">[More Information]</a>
Foley, K., Girdler, S., Bourke, J., Jacoby, P.,
Llewellyn, G., Einfeld, S., Tonge, B., Parmenter,
T., Leonard, H. (2014). Influence of the
Environment on Participation in Social Roles for
Young Adults with Down Syndrome. PloS One,
9(9), 1-11. <a
8413">[More Information]</a>
Cumming, T., Strnadova, I., Knox, M.,
Parmenter, T. (2014). Mobile technology in
inclusive research: Tools of empowerment.
Disability and Society, 29(7), 999-1012. <a
886556">[More Information]</a>
Gray, K., Piccinin, A., Keating, C., Taffe, J.,
Parmenter, T., Hofer, S., Einfeld, S., Tonge, B.
(2014). Outcomes in young adulthood: are we
achieving community participation and
inclusion? Journal of Intellectual Disability
Research, 58(8), 734-745. <a
e Information]</a>
Foley, K., Girdler, S., Downs, J., Jacoby, P.,
Bourke, J., Lennox, N., Einfeld, S., Llewellyn,
G., Parmenter, T., Leonard, H. (2014).
Relationship between family quality of life and
day occupations of young people with Down
syndrome. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric
Epidemiology, 49(9), 1455-1465. <a
2-x">[More Information]</a>
Knox, M., Donelly, M., Hillman, A., Parmenter,
T., Whitaker, L., Shelley, K., Stancliffe, R.
(2014). This is who I am: Personal meanings,
roles and support networks of persons with
intellectual disabilities. Journal of Policy and
Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 10(2),
136-136. <a
ore Information]</a>
Durvasula, S., Gies, P., Mason, R., Chen, J.,
Henderson, S., Seibel, M., Sambrook, P., March,
L., Lord, S., Kok, C., Macara, M., Parmenter, T.,
Cameron, I. (2014). Vitamin D response of older
people in residential aged care to
sunlight-derived ultraviolet radiation. Archives of
Osteoporosis, 9(1), 1-7. <a
Publications for Trevor Parmenter
7-9">[More Information]</a>
Hillman, A., Donelly, M., Shelley, K., Whitaker,
L., Stancliffe, R., Knox, M., Parmenter, T.
(2013). An ethnographic study of relationship
dynamics in the personal networks of people
with an intellectual disability. Occupational
Therapy Australia, 25th National Conference
and Exhibition, Adelaide, Australia: Adelaide
Convention Centre.
Gilroy, J., Donelly, M., Colmar, S., Parmenter,
T. (2013). Conceptual Framework for Policy and
Research Development With Indigenous People
with a Disability. Australian Aboriginal Studies,
2013 (2), 42-58.
Wilson, N., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R.,
Shuttleworth, R. (2013). From diminished men
to conditionally masculine: sexuality and
Australian men and boys with intellectual
disability. Culture Health and Sexuality, 15(6),
738-751. <a
780262">[More Information]</a>
Foley, K., Jacoby, P., Girdler, S., Bourke, J.,
Pikora, T., Lennox, N., Einfeld, S., Llewellyn,
G., Parmenter, T., Leonard, H. (2013).
Functioning and post-school transition outcomes
for young people with Down syndrome. Child:
Care, Health and Development, 39(6), 789-800.
re Information]</a>
Arciuli, J., Villar, G., Colmar, S., Evans, D.,
Einfeld, S., Parmenter, T. (2013). Home-based
reading between mothers and their children with
autism spectrum disorders. Australian Journal of
Learning Difficulties, 18(1), 17-33. <a
747186">[More Information]</a>
Hillman, A., Donelly, M., Dew, A., Stancliffe,
R., Whitaker, L., Knox, M., Shelley, K.,
Parmenter, T. (2013). The dynamics of support
over time in the intentional support networks of
nine people with intellectual disability. Disability
and Society, 28(7), 922-936. <a
741515">[More Information]</a>
Knox, M., Donelly, M., Hillman, A., Parmenter,
T., Whitaker, L., Shelley, K., Stancliffe, R.
(2013). This is who I am: Personal meanings,
roles, and support networks of persons with
intellectual disabilities. IASSIDD Asia
conference, Tokyo: IASSIDD Asia.
Hillman, A., Donelly, M., Whitaker, L., Dew, A.,
Stancliffe, R., Knox, M., Shelley, K., Parmenter,
T. (2012). Experiencing rights within positive,
person-centred support networks of people with
intellectual disability in Australia. Journal of
Intellectual Disability Research, 56(Part II),
1065-1075. <a
2.01647.x">[More Information]</a>
Chan, J., Arnold, S., Webber, L., Riches, V.,
Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R. (2012). Is it time to
drop the term 'challenging behaviour'? Learning
Disability Practice, 15(5), 36-38.
Wilson, N., Shuttleworth, R., Stancliffe, R.,
Parmenter, T. (2012). Masculinity Theory in
Applied Research with Men and Boys with
Intellectual Disability. Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities: journal of policy,
practice, and perspectives, 50(3), 261-272. <a
261">[More Information]</a>
Chan, J., Merriman, B., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe,
R. (2012). Rethinking respite policy for people
with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual
Disabilities, 9(2), 120-126. <a
2.00332.x">[More Information]</a>
Wilson, N., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R.,
Shuttleworth, R. (2012). The Health of males
with ID: knowledge and gaps. 3rd
IASSID-Europe Conference (2010), USA:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Parmenter, T. (2012). Vale Emeritus Professor
Alan D. B. Clarke, CBE: 21 March 1922 - 10
December 2011. Journal of Intellectual and
Developmental Disability, 37(1), 84-84. <a
659424">[More Information]</a>
Roberts, J., Williams, K., Carter, M., Evans, D.,
Parmenter, T., Silove, N., Clark, T., Warren, A.
(2011). A randomised controlled trial of two
early intervention programs for young children
with autism: Centre-based with parent program
and home-based. Research in Autism Spectrum
Disorders, 5(4), 1553-1566. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Brown, R., Parmenter, T. (2011). Challenges of
Residential and Community Care:An
analysis and appraisal of supported living
across the lifespan. Journal of Intellectual
Disability Research, 55(8), 719-719. <a
1.01442.x">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Trevor Parmenter
Wilson, N., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R.,
Shuttleworth, R. (2011). Conditionally Sexual:
Men and Teenage Boys With Moderate to
Profound Intellectual Disability. Sexuality and
Disability: a journal devoted to the
psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in
rehabilitation and community settings, 29,
275-289. <a
3-y">[More Information]</a>
Wilson, N., Stancliffe, R., Parmenter, T.,
Shuttleworth, R. (2011). Gendered Service
Delivery: A Masculine and Feminine Perspective
on Staff Gender. Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities: journal of policy, practice, and
perspectives, 49(5), 341-351. <a
341">[More Information]</a>
Mark, C., Roberts, J., Williams, K., Evans, D.,
Parmenter, T., Silove, N., Clark, T., Warren, A.
(2011). Interventions used with an Australian
sample of preschool children with autism
spectrum disorders. Research in Autism
Spectrum Disorders, 5(3), 1033-1041. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Gray, K., Piccinin, A., Hofer, S., Mackinnon, A.,
Bontempo, D., Einfeld, S., Parmenter, T., Tonge,
B. (2011). The longitudinal relationship between
behavior and emotional disturbance in young
people with intellectual disability and maternal
mental health. Journal of Intellectual Disability
Research, 32(3), 1194-1204. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Parmenter, T. (2011). What is Intellectual
Disability? How is it Assessed and Classified?
International Journal of Disability, Development
and Education, 58(3), 303-319. <a
598675">[More Information]</a>
Wilson, N., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R.,
Shuttleworth, R., Parker, D. (2010). A masculine
perspective of gendered topics in the research
literature on males and females with intellectual
disability. Journal of Intellectual and
Developmental Disability, 35(1), 1-8. <a
&list_uids=20121660">[More Information]</a>
Wilson, N., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R.,
Shuttleworth, R. (2010). Conditionally Sexual:
constructing the sexual health needs of men and
teenage boys with moderate to profound
intellectual disability. 45th Australasian Society
for the Study of Intellectual Disabilty (ASSID
2010), Adelaide, South Australia: Australasian
society for the Study of Intellectual Disability
Hillman, A., Parmenter, T., Donelly, M.,
Whitaker, L., Stancliffe, R., Knox, M. (2010).
How person-centred is it? Personal support
networks and the complexities of providing
support. The Third International Conference of
IASSID-Europe, UK: Wiley-Blackwell
Donelly, M., Hillman, A., Whitaker, L., Knox,
M., Shelley, K., Stancliffe, R., Parmenter, T.
(2010). Relationship dynamics among family and
friends. The Third International Conference of
IASSID-Europe, UK: Wiley-Blackwell
Wilson, N., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R.,
Shuttleworth, R. (2010). The health of males
with ID: knowledge and gaps. 3rd
IASSID-Europe Conference (2010), USA:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Donelly, M., Hillman, A., Stancliffe, R., Knox,
M., Whitaker, L., Parmenter, T. (2010). The role
of informal networks in providing effective work
opportunities for people with an intellectual
disability. Work, 36(2), 227-237. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Gray, K., Einfeld, S., Tonge, B., Parmenter, T.,
Taffe, J. (2010). Young people with ID and
mental health needs: Longitudinal change in
symptoms. Journal of Applied Research in
Intellectual Disabilities, 23(5), 421-421. <a
0.00582.x">[More Information]</a>
Hofer, S., Gray, K., Piccinin, A., Mackinnon, A.,
Bontempo, D., Einfeld, S., Hoffman, L.,
Parmenter, T., Tonge, B. (2009). Correlated and
Coupled Within-Person Change in Emotional
and Behavioral Disturbance in Individuals With
Intellectual Disability. Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities, 114(5), 307-321. <a
.307">[More Information]</a>
Whitaker, L., Parmenter, T., Knox, M., Donelly,
M., Hillman, A., Stancliffe, R. (2009). Creating
futures for adults with an intellectual disability:
Mothers enhancing social support through
network development. Journal of Policy and
Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 6(2),
Riches, V., Parmenter, T., Llewellyn, G.,
Hindmarsh, G., Chan, J. (2009). I-CAN: A New
Instrument to Classify Support Needs for People
with Disability: Part I. Journal of Applied
Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 22(4),
Publications for Trevor Parmenter
Wilson, N., Cumella, S., Parmenter, T.,
Stancliffe, R., Shuttleworth, R. (2009). Penile
hygiene: puberty, paraphimosis and personal care
for men and boys with an intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research,
53(2), 106-114. <a
8.01133.x">[More Information]</a>
Knox, M., Donelly, M., Hillman, A., Whitaker,
L., Stancliffe, R., Parmenter, T., Scotte, A.
(2009). Reflections on ethical principles in the
conduct of ethnographic research into the
personal networks of people with an intellectual
disability. Journal of Policy and Practice in
Intellectual Disabilities, 6(2), 123-123.
Burton-Smith, R., McVilly, K., Yazbeck, M.,
Parmenter, T., Tsutsui, T. (2009). Service and
support needs of Australian carers supporting a
family member with disability at home. Journal
of Intellectual and Developmental Disability,
34(3), 239-247. <a
3668">[More Information]</a>
Wiese, M., Parmenter, T. (2009). The Evolution
of Person-centred Planning in Supporting People
with a Developmental Disability. In Elizabeth
Moore (Eds.), Case Management for Community
Practice, (pp. 203-225). Melbourne, Australia:
Oxford University Press.
Arnold, S., Riches, V., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe,
R. (2009). The I-CAN: Using e-Health to get
People the Support they Need. Electronic
Journal of Health Informatics, 4(1), 1-7.
Chan, J., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R. (2009).
The impact of traumatic brain injury on the
mental health outcomes of individuals and their
family carers. Australian e-Journal for the
Advancement of Mental Health, 8(2), 1-10.
Riches, V., Parmenter, T., Llewellyn, G.,
Hindmarsh, G., Chan, J. (2009). The Reliability,
Validity and Practical Utility of Measuring
Supports using the I-CAN Instrument: Part II.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual
Tonge, B., Einfeld, S., Piccinin, A., Mackinnon,
A., Hofer, S., Taffe, J., Gray, K., Bontempo, D.,
Parmenter, T. (2008). Children with ID and
mental health needs:The Australian child to adult
development (ACAD) study. Journal of
Intellectual Disability Research, 52(8-9), 725.
Donelly, M., Hillman, A., Whitaker, L.,
Rushford, N., Parmenter, T., Knox, M.,
Stancliffe, R. (2008). Creating a future for adults
with intellectual disabilities with ageing parents:
Networks of support. Journal of Intellectual
Disability Research, 52(8 & 9), 713-713.
Donelly, M., Hillman, A., Rushford, N.,
Whitaker, L., Parmenter, T., Knox, M.,
Stancliffe, R. (2008). Critical analysis of the
conceptualisation of care succession. Journal of
Intellectual Disability Research, 52(8 & 9),
Einfeld, S., Tonge, B., Parmenter, T., Taffe, J.
(2008). Down Syndrome – The Australian Child
to Adult Development (ACAD) study. Journal of
Intellectual Disability Research, 52(8-9), 658.
Wiese, M., Parmenter, T., Yazbeck, M. (2008).
Evaluation of the quality of life of residents at
Peat Island Centre. Report to NSW Department
of Ageing, Disability & Home Care. Centre for
Disability Studies, University of Sydney,
Riches, V., Parmenter, T., Llewellyn, G.,
Hindmarsh, G., Chan, J. (2008). I-CAN: A New
Instrument to Classify Support Needs for People
with Disability: Part I. Journal of Applied
Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 22(4),
326-339. <a
8.00466.x">[More Information]</a>
McVilly, K., Stancliffe, R., Parmenter, T.,
Burton-Smith, R. (2008). Remaining open to
quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method
designs: an unscientific compromise, or good
research practice? International Review of
Research in Mental Retardation, 35, 151-203. <a
35005-2">[More Information]</a>
Parmenter, T. (2008). The dementia screening
questionnaire for individuals with intellectual
disabilities has high sensitivity and specificity in
adults with Down's syndrome. Evidence-Based
Mental Health, 11(1), 11. <a
More Information]</a>
Parmenter, T. (2008). The present, past and
future of the study of intellectual disability:
challenges in developing countries. Salud
Publica Mex, 50, s124-s131. <a
&list_uids=18470339">[More Information]</a>
Riches, V., Parmenter, T., Llewellyn, G.,
Hindmarsh, G., Chan, J. (2008). The Reliability,
Validity and Practical Utility of Measuring
Supports using the I-CAN Instrument: Part II.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual
Disabilities, 22(4), 1-14. <a
8.00467.x">[More Information]</a>
DiRita, P., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R. (2008).
Utility, economic rationalism and the
circumscription of agency. Journal of
Publications for Trevor Parmenter
Intellectual Disability Research, 52(7), 618-625.
8.01069.x">[More Information]</a>
Tonge, B., Einfeld, S., Piccinin, A., Mackinnon,
A., Hofer, S., Taffe, J., Gray, K., Bontempo, D.,
Parmenter, T. (2007). Change in
psychopathology from childhood to adulthood:
The Australian child to adult development
(ACAD) study. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry, 41(S2), A455.
McVilly, K., Stancliffe, R., Parmenter, T.,
Burton-Smith, R. (2006). 'I get by with a little
help from my friends': Adults with intellectual
disability discuss loneliness. Journal of Applied
Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 19(2),
Parmenter, T. (2006). Ageing with a lifelong
disability. A guide to practice, program and
policy issues for human services professionals.
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental
Disability, 31(3), 192-193.
Riches, V., Parmenter, T., Wiese, M., Stancliffe,
R. (2006). Intellectual disability and mental
illness in the NSW criminal justice system.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 29,
386-396. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Parmenter, T., McVilly, K. (2006). Professional
ethics and disability services. In Dempsey I;
Nankervis K (Eds.), Community Disability
Services: An Evidence-Based Approach to
Practice, (pp. 241-271). Sydney: University of
New South Wales (UNSW) Press.
Einfeld, S., Piccinin, A., Mackinnon, A., Hofer,
S., Taffe, J., Gray, K., Bontempo, D., Hoffman,
L., Parmenter, T., Tonge, B. (2006).
Psychopathology in young people with
intellectual disability. JAMA: The Journal of the
American Medical Association, 296(16),
1981-1989. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
McVilly, K., Stancliffe, R., Parmenter, T.,
Burton-Smith, R. (2006). Self-advocates have the
last say on friendship. Disability and Society,
21(7), 693-708. <a
5287">[More Information]</a>
Parmenter, T. (2005). Are we engineering
ourselves out of existence? Journal of
Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 30(1),
McVilly, K., Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R.,
Burton-Smith, R. (2005). Friendship experiences
of adults with ID: A consumer perspective. 1st
International Association for the Scientific Study
of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID) Asia-Pacific
Regional Congress 2005, United States:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Parmenter, T., Stancliffe, R., Burton-Smith, R.
(2005). Friendship experiences of adults with ID:
A consumer perspective (Abstract). Journal of
Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities,
2, 190.
Llewellyn, G., Parmenter, T., Dew, A. (2005).
Graduate Program in Developmental Disabilities.
1st International Association for the Scientific
Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID)
Asia-Pacific Regional Congress 2005, United
States: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Riches, V., Llewellyn, G., Parmenter, T.,
Hindmarsh, G., Chan, J. (2005). I-CAN: An
instrument to classify and assess support needs
of people with disability. Australasian Society
for the Study of Intellectual Disability - 40TH
Annual Conference, Auckland: ASSID.
Llewellyn, G., Parmenter, T., Riches, V.,
Hindmarsh, G., Chan, J. (2005). ICAN: A tool to
assess support needs of people with ID, based on
the WHO's international classification of
functioning disability & Health (ICF). 1st
International Association for the Scientific Study
of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID) Asia-Pacific
Regional Congress 2005, United States:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Schneider, J., Llewellyn, G., Parmenter, T.
(2005). Multiple impairment and experiences of
exclusion. NNDR 8th Research Conference,
Oslo: Nordic Network on Disability Research.
Wiese, M., Parmenter, T., McVilly, K., Riches,
V., Yazbeck, M., Stancliffe, R., Atkinson, N.
(2005). S3-4
Teaching and Research: A Partnership between
Australia and Singapore. Journal of Policy and
Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 2(3/4),
Wiese, M., Parmenter, T., McVilly, K., Riches,
V., Yazbeck, M., Stancliffe, R., Atkinson, N.
(2005). Teaching and research: A partnership
between Australia and Singapore (Abstract).
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual
Disabilities, 2(3/4), 181.
Yazbeck, M., McVilly, K., Parmenter, T. (2004).
Attitudes Toward People With Intellectual
Disabilities. An Australian Perspectives. Journal
of Disability Policy Studies, 15(2), 97-111.
Publications for Trevor Parmenter
Parmenter, T. (2004). Contributions Of IASSID
To The Scientific Study Of Intellectual
Disability: The Past, The Present, And The
Future. Journal of Policy and Practice in
Intellectual Disabilities, 1(2), 71-78.
Parmenter, T. (2001). The contribution of
science in facilitating the inclusion of people
with intellectual disability into the community.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 45,
Parmenter, T. (2004). Family Quality Of Life:
Implications For Policy. In A Turnbull, I
Brown, H R Turnbull (Eds.), Families and
people with mental retardation and quality of
life: International perspectives, (pp. 263-293).
Washington DC: AAMR Quebec and Partners.
Parmenter, T. (2004). Historical Overview Of
Applied Research In Intellectual Disabilities:
The Foundation Years. In Eric Emerson, Chris
Hatton, Travis Thompson, Trevor Parmenter
(Eds.), International handbook of applied
research in intellectual disabilities, (pp. 3-49).
Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Schalock, R., Brown, I., Brown, R., Cummins,
R., Felce, D., Matikka, L., Keith, K., Parmenter,
T. (2002). Conceptualization, Measurement, and
Application of Quality of Life for Persons with
Intellectual Disabilities: Report of an
International Panel of Experts. Mental
Retardation, 40(6), 457-470.
Parmenter, T., Wiese, M. (2002). Report of the
disability post-release support project. Report
to NSW Department of Corrective Services and
NSW Department of Ageing, Disability & Home
Care. Centre for Developmental Disability
Studies, University of Sydney, Australia.
Anderson, M., Parmenter, T., Mok, M. (2002).
The relationship between neurobehavioural
problems of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI),
family functioning and the psychological
well-being of the spouse/caregiver: path model
analysis. Brain Injury, 16(9), 743-757.
Sigafoos, J., Einfeld, S., Parmenter, T. (2001).
An introduction to challenging behavior in
children with intellectual disabilities. Special
Education Perspectives, 10(2), 37-46.
Parmenter, T., Sigafoos, J., Einfeld, S. (2001).
An introduction to challenging behaviour in
children with intellectual disabilities. Special
Education Perspectives, 10, 37-46.
Parmenter, T. (2001). Implementation of
disability studies within post secondary
education: an Australian perspective. Disability
Studies Quarterly, 21, 140-151.
Parmenter, T. (2001). Intellectual disabilities:
quo vadis? In GL Albrecht, KD Seelman, M
Bury (Eds.), Handbook of Disability Studies, (pp.
267-296). Thousand Oaks, California USA:
Academic Press.
Knox, M., Parmenter, T., Atkinson, N., Yazbeck,
M. (2000). Family control: the views of families
who have a child with intellectual disability.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual
Disabilities, 13(1), 17-28.