EDL 654- Special Education Finance (3 credits) Syllabus of Record Prerequisites: None Catalog Description: Review and analysis of special education funding sources and formulas at the local, state, and national levels. School finance and special education funding will be highlighted. Financial management will be discussed with a focus on budgeting, accounting, auditing, reporting, support services and personnel. The COE Conceptual Framework Mission: “Teaching, Leading and Learning in a Democratic Society” The College of Education prepares candidates who enhance the individual growth of their students while working to establish policies and practices that promote the principles of democratic education. The College articulates this mission as Teaching, Leading, and Learning in a Democratic Society. Values: “Expertise, Equity, Liberal Education, Social Responsibility The College of Education values expertise to guide our practice, equity to guide our interactions, liberal education to guide our perspectives, and social responsibility to guide our commitment to democratic education. We value these ideals in our preparation of candidates, our development of faculty, and our relationships with the larger community we serve. Philosophy: Student Potential, Ethical Implications Believing that schools function as social and political entities as well as for the growth of individuals, the College of Education prepares teachers and leaders a) to enhance the academic and personal potential of their students, and b) to evaluate the social and ethical implications of educational policies and practices. Common Program Standards: This course supports the competencies required by the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education for approval as a Supervisor and Director of Special Education, and the professional standards established by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), a constituent member of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Specialty Program Standards (CEC): Standard 1: Leadership and Policy SA1K3 Local, state, and national fiscal policies and funding mechanisms in education, social, and health agencies as they apply to the provision of services for individuals with exceptional learning needs and their families SA1S3 Develops a budget in accordance with local, state, and national laws in education, social, and health agencies for the provision of services for individuals with exceptional learning needs and their families Standard 6: Collaboration ACC6S2 Apply strategies to resolve conflict and build consensus SA6S3 Develops and implements intra- and interagency agreements that create programs with shared responsibility for individuals with exceptional learning needs and their families SA6S7 Engages in leadership practices that support shared decision making Objectives: At the end of the course, the candidate will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skill in the following areas: - History of educational funding in Michigan - Relationship between the business office and the special education administration of a school district - Major types of special education funding formulas and the advantages/disadvantages of each - Impact of finance formulas on program decisions - Complexities of increasing special education costs - Basic sources of revenue that support special education in Michigan - Relationship among budgeting, accounting, reporting and auditing of school district special education expenditures - Development of a marketing plan for a special education millage campaign Major Topics: Sources and Distribution of Federal, State and Local Revenues to Schools Budgeting, Accounting, Reporting and Auditing of District Special Education Funds Financial Implications of Special Education Programs and Services Management Millage Campaign Planning Methods of Evaluation: 40%- ISD Budget Reduction Proposal (Key Assessment) 45%- Final Examination 15%- Participation and in class assignments Suggested Text: Coursepack