Publications for Sascha Callaghan 2015

Publications for Sascha Callaghan
Publications for Sascha Callaghan
Callaghan, S. (2015). Session Chair: Australia
Rising to the Human Rights Challenge - New
Developments in Involuntary Treatment in
Australian Mental Health Law. XXXIVth
International Congress of Law and Mental
Health 2015, Vienna, Austria: Presentation.
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Peisah, C. (2015).
Capacity in mental health law: We are heading in
the right direction. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry, 49(9), 848-848. <a
717">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S., Kumar, M. (2015). Discussants:
"Primer on neuroscience for lawyers" presented
by Max Bennett. Neuroscience in Australian
Courtrooms: Responsibility, Liability and the
Capacity to Punish 2015 - Sydney Law School,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2015). Hits and Misses in
CRPD-Based Reform in Australia. XXXIVth
International Congress of Law and Mental
Health 2015, Vienna, Austria: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2015). Human Rights and Civil
Wrongs: Liability for Failure to Detain Patients
with Mental Illness. Asia Pacific Civil Law
Academic Symposium 2015: Tort Law Facing the
World, Beijing, China: Presentation.
De Crespigny, L., Callaghan, S., Kumari
Campbell, F. (2015), Is it ever too late to have an
abortion?. Radio. <a
ore Information]</a>
Callaghan, S. (2015). Legal framework. In Paul
Haber, Carolyn Day, Michael Farrell (Eds.),
Addiction Medicine: Principles and Practice,
(pp. 48-54). Melbourne: IP Communications.
Callaghan, S. (2015). Neuroscience Research and
Australian Law. Sydney Neurolaw Inaugural
Meeting 2015: Responsibility, Liability and the
Capacity to Punish, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2015), Plans for First Human
Head Transplant Announced. Television. <a
Callaghan, S. (2015). Policing parenting: is the
Family Court going to punish you for having a
drink? The Conversation. <a
ting-is-the-family-court-going-to-punish-you-forhaving-a-drink-45294">[More Information]</a>
Corderoy, A., Callaghan, S. (2015), Pregnant
Jehovah's Witness' decision to refuse treatment
'harrowing' for hospital staff after mother and
baby die. Newspaper. <a
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Peisah, C. (2015). The
capacity to refuse psychiatric treatment: A guide
to the law for clinicians and tribunal members.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 49(4), 324-333. <a
007">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Large, M. (2015). The
importance of least restrictive care: the clinical
implications of a recent High Court decision on
negligence. Australasian Psychiatry, 23(4),
415-417. <a
025">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S. (2015). When a mother's rights
clash with the needs of her unborn child. The
Sydney Morning Herald. <a
Callaghan, S. (2014). "Scientism" and legal
agency: Is neuroscience harming people with
disabilities? Neuroscience and society in the 21st
century: Neuroethics Down-Under 2014,
Melbourne, Vic: Presentation.
Large, M., Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Paton, M.,
Singh, S. (2014). Can violence risk assessment
really assist in clinical decision-making?
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 48(3), 286-288. <a
275">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Large, M. (2014).
Communication, confidentiality and consent in
mental health care: Balancing a patient’s right to
privacy with the information needs of family and
others. Medical Journal of Australia, 200(1), 9-9.
More Information]</a>
Morris, R., Callaghan, S. (2014). Diseased
preferences: The implications of volitional
impairments for legal capacity. Australasian
Association of Bioethics and Health Law
(AABHL) Conference 2014: How Should We
Decide?, Perth, WA: Presentation.
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Peisah, C. (2014). How
Publications for Sascha Callaghan
are we to assess decision-making capacity in
psychiatric illness? Australasian Association of
Bioethics and Health Law (AABHL) Conference
2014: How Should We Decide?, Perth, WA:
Callaghan, S. (2014). How to draw the line
between 'good' and 'bad' reasons to die. The
Conversation. <a
12">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2014). Is There a Future
for Involuntary Treatment in Rights-based
Mental Health Law? Psychiatry, Psychology and
Law, 21(5), 747-766. <a
949606">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S. (2014). Medical Cannabis in NSW.
12th NSW Addiction Medicine Training Day:
NSW Health, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2014). Session Chair: Pathological
choices? Neuroscience meets the right to decide.
Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health
Law (AABHL) Conference 2014: How Should
We Decide?, Perth, WA: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2014). Session Chair: Pathological
choices? Neuroscience, autonomy and the right
to decide. Australasian Association of Bioethics
and Health Law (AABHL) Conference 2014:
How Should We Decide?, Perth, WA:
Callaghan, S. (2014). Should people with acute
mental suffering be allowed to die? The
Conversation. <a
4233">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S., Newson, A. (2014). Surrogacy,
motherhood and Baby Gammy. BioNews, 766.
asp">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S. (2014). Treatment
Refusal in Anorexia Nervosa: The Hardest of
Cases: Commentary on "Anorexia Nervosa: The
Diagnosis: A Postmodern Ethics Contribution to
the Bioethics Debate on Involuntary Treatment
for Anorexia Nervosa" by Sacha Kendall.
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 11(1), 43-45. <a
8-8">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S., Chau, J., Willaby, H., Ding, D.,
Freeman, B., Thow, A. (2013). Debate: Public
Health needs the nanny state - Personal
Responsibility vs Nanny State. New Minds,
Fresh Discoveries: Our Public Health Research
- University of Sydney School of Public Health’s
Research Presentation Day, Sydney, NSW:
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Large, M. (2013).
Mental health law reform without the risk.
Australasian Psychiatry, 21(2), 179. <a
325">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Large, M. (2013).
Mental health legislation and likelihood of harm
criteria. Australasian Psychiatry, 21(3), 280. <a
382">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S. (2013). Qualifying for the Right to
Self-Destruct. XXXIIIrd Congress of the
International Academy of Law and Mental
Health 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands:
Callaghan, S. (2013). Rising to the Human
Rights Challenge: Capacity-Based Treatment
Arrives in Australian Law. XXXIIIrd Congress of
the International Academy of Law and Mental
Health 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands:
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C., Kerridge, I. (2013). Risk
of suicide is insufficient warrant for coercive
treatment for mental illness. International
Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 36(5-6),
374-385. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, C., Large, M., Callaghan, S. (2013).
Suicide risk assessment: where are we now?
Medical Journal of Australia, 199(8), 534. <a
More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S. (2013). Taking Over the Asylum:
New approaches to autonomy and capacity in
mental illness in the era of disability rights.
Sydney Health Policy Network Seminar Series
2013: University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW:
Callaghan, S. (2013). The Human Rights
Challenging in Treatment for Mental Illness.
North Shore Local Health District Recovery
Forum 2013: Embracing Risk Within Recovery
Oriented Practice - NSW Health Mental Health
Drug and Alcohol Office (MHDAO), St
Leonards, NSW: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2013). Values, Ethics and the Law
of Involuntary Treatment in Addiction Medicine.
Herbert Street Drug and Alcohol Centre
Specialist Training Workshop: Royal North
Shore Hospital - December 2013, St Leonards,
NSW: Presentation.
Publications for Sascha Callaghan
Callaghan, S. (2012). "Care and control": mental
capacity and discrimination in involuntary
psychiatric treatment. Australian Society of Legal
Philosophy Conference 2012, Macquarie Park,
NSW: Presentation.
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Large, M. (2012). Better
laws for coercive psychiatric treatment: lessons
from the Waterlow case. Australasian
Psychiatry, 20(4), 283-286. <a
668">[More Information]</a>
Treatment - new Approaches to Mental Health
law in Australia. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry, 46(7), 611-620. <a
872">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2012), Submission on
the Review of New South Wales Mental Health
Act 2007 - Part I: Criteria for detention and
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2012), Submission on
the Review of New South Wales Mental Health
Act 2007 - Part II: Other issues.
Callaghan, S. (2012). Capacity is more important
than risk in decisions to detain and treat. New
South Wales Mental Health Review Tribunal
2012, Gladesville, NSW: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2012). The Human Right to Be
Protected From Suicide: Rabone and another
(Appellants) v Pennine Care [2012] UKSC 2.
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 9(3), 241-242.
Callaghan, S. (2012). Complexity and
Challenges in Perinatal Mental Health. South
Eastern Sydney Local Health District Perinatal
Mental Health Forum 2012, Caringbah, NSW:
Callaghan, S. (2012). The Mental Health Act
2001. New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry
2012, North Parramatta, NSW: Presentation.
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2012). Financial Harm
and "Serious Harm" to Self, as a Criterion for
Involuntary Treatment of Mental Illness. Journal
of Bioethical Inquiry, 9(3), 239-241.
Large, M., Ryan, C., Callaghan, S. (2012).
Hindsight bias and the overestimation of suicide
risk in expert testimony. The Psychiatrist, 36(6),
236-237. <a
ore Information]</a>
Braithwaite, J., MacIntyre, R., Zwar, N.,
Jackson-Pulver, L., Baume,, P., Stewart, G.,
Callaghan, S. (2012). How punitive should
public health get: Smokers don't deserve health
care. Annual Symposium on Advances in Public
Health and Health Services Research 2012:
University of New South Wales, Kensington,
NSW: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2012). Justice comes a little
sooner for the mentally ill in NSW. The Drum.
Stewart, C., Cockburn, T., Madden, B.,
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2012). Leave to
Intervene in Cases of Gender Identity Disorder;
Normative Causation; Financial Harms and
Involuntary Treatment; and the Right to Be
Protected From Suicide. Journal of Bioethical
Inquiry, 9(3), 235-242. <a
3-z">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2012). Rising to the
Human Rights Challenge in Compulsory
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2012). Western
Australia - rising to the human rights challenge?
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 46(7), 683-683. <a
791">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C., Savell, K. (2012).
Whose harm? Whose responsibility? Refusals of
critical medical treatment in pregnancy.
Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health
Law (AABHL) Conference 2012: Harm, Health
and Responsibility, Auckland, New Zealand:
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S. (2011). A week can be a
long time in mental illness. Newcastle Herald. <a
More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S. (2011). Australian Mental Health
Patients wait too long for Review of Involuntary
Detention. 32nd International Congress of Law
and Mental Health 2011, Berlin, Germany:
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S. (2011). Clarification of
the Serious Harm Criterion for Involuntary
Detention. Newsletter of the NSW Branch of the
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Callaghan, S. (2011). Death Tourism. Precedent,
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2011), Exposure Draft
Mental Health Bill (Tasmania) Submission.
Publications for Sascha Callaghan
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2011), Exposure Draft
Mental Health Bill (Victoria) Final Submission.
Callaghan, S. (2011). Is that a feminist under
your burqa? Binge Thinking, 2. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S. (2011). Meeting the Call
of the Coroner: Detention and Release of
Patients under the Mental Health Act. Newsletter
of the NSW Branch of the Royal Australian and
New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.
Frankish, K., Ryan, C., Harris, A., Callaghan, S.
(2011). Navigating the new social media. Royal
Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatry Congress 2011, Darwin, NT:
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S. (2011). NSW law, ECT
and DBS. Australasian Psychiatry, 19(1), 85-85.
539223">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S. (2011). Protecting our
patients' rights. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry, 45(2), 180-180.
Callaghan, S., Ryan, C. (2011). Refusing medical
treatment after attempted suicide: rethinking
capacity and coercive treatment in light of the
Kerrie Wooltorton case. Journal of Law and
Medicine, 18(4), 811-819. <a
&list_uids=21774276">[More Information]</a>
Harris, A., Frankish, K., Callaghan, S., Ryan, C.
(2011). Social Media and Psychiatry: Pitfalls and
Promise. Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 45(Supplement 1), A16.
The Mental Health Coordinating Council., Public
Interest Advocacy Centre., Callaghan, S. (2011).
The Mental Health Rights Manual: A Consumer
Guide to the Legal and Human Rights of People
with Mental Illness in NSW (3rd Edition) 2011.
The Mental Health Rights Manual: A Consumer
Guide to the Legal and Human Rights of People
with Mental Illness in NSW (3rd Edition)
2011.Australia: Mental Health Coordinating
Council Inc.
Callaghan, S., Large, M., Ryan, C. (2011).
Toward Fairer Mental Health Legislation: Legal
and Ethical Issues in Coercive Detention.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 45(Supplement 1), A13.
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Large, M. (2011).
Towards better mental health legislation. Royal
Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatry Congress 2011, Darwin, NT:
Callaghan, S. (2010). A month is a long time to
wait in involuntary detention. Newcastle Herald.
Callaghan, S. (2010). Crime or care? The
problem of cause of death and 'intention to kill'
in end-of-life care. Crime or care? The problem
of cause of death and 'intention to kill' in
end-of-life care - A Symposium 2010, Sydney,
NSW: Organiser.
Callaghan, S. (2010). Detained with a mental
illness. On Line Opinion, 13 April 2010. <a
Bendorf, A., Callaghan, S. (2010). Examining
"Failure Because of Success": A critical analysis
of reduction in road and stroke deaths as an
explanation for Australia's low organ donation
rates. Inaugural Australasian Association of
Bioethics and Health Law Conference 2010,
Adelaide, SA: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2010). Keeping the bastards
interested. The Drum. <a
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S. (2010). Legal and ethical
aspects of refusing medical treatment after a
suicide attempt: the Wooltorton case in the
Australian context. Medical Journal of Australia,
193(4), 239-242. <a
&list_uids=20712547">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Large, M. (2010). Long
time, no see. Australians with mental illnesses
wait too long before independent review of
detention. Alternative Law Journal, 35(3),
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Large, M. (2010).
Proposed Changes to the Function of the Mental
Health Act Will Erode Patient Rights. Newsletter
of the NSW Branch of the Royal Australian and
New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.
Ryan, C., Callaghan, S., Large, M. (2010),
Response to "Review of the Mental Health
(Treatment and Care) Act 1994" - The
Framework of Mental Health and Related
Legislation in the ACT: An Options Paper.
Callaghan, S. (2010). Suicide and refusing
medical treatment: A reflection on the UK case
of Kerrie Wooltorton. Inaugural Australasian
Association of Bioethics and Health Law
Conference 2010, Adelaide, SA: Presentation.
Callaghan, S. (2010). The euthanasia lottery. The
Drum. <a
Publications for Sascha Callaghan
9006">[More Information]</a>
Callaghan, S. (2010). The wait for independent
review of detention is too long for Australians
with mental illness. 20th Annual Mental Health
Services Conference 2010, Sydney, NSW: