Publications for Rosemary Lyster 2016


Publications for Rosemary Lyster


Lyster, R. (2016). A Capabilities Approach to defining Climate Disasters (Forthcoming). In

Jacqueline Peel, David Fisher (Eds.), The Role of

International Environmental Law in Disaster

Risk Reduction . The Netherlands: Brill


Lyster, R., Solis, M. (2016). Adaptation in the

Energy Sector (Forthcoming). In Daniel Farber,

Marjan Peeters (Eds.), Climate Change Law .

United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lyster, R., Lipman, Z., Franklin, N., Wiffen, G.,

Pearson, L. (2016). Environmental and Planning

Law in New South Wales - 4th Edition . Australia:

Federation Press.


Lyster, R. (2015). A Fossil Fuel-Funded Climate

Disaster Response Fund under the Warsaw

International Mechanism for Loss and Damage

Associated with Climate Change Impacts.

Transnational Environmental Law , 4(1),

125-151. <a href="

0302">[More Information]</a>

Butt, S., Lyster, R., Stephens, T. (2015). Climate

Change and Forest Governance: Lessons from

Indonesia . Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Lyster, R. (2015). Climate Justice and Disaster

Law . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lyster, R. (2015). Protecting the human rights of climate displaced persons: the promise and limits of the United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change. In Anna Grear, Louis Kotze

(Eds.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and the Environment , (pp. 423-448).

Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>


Lyster, R. (2014). Renewable Energy in the

Context of Climate Change and Global Energy

Resources. In Paul Babie, Paul Leadbeter

(Eds.), Law as Change: Engaging with the Life and Scholarship of Adrian Bradbrook , (pp.

83-109). Adelaide, Australia: University of

Adelaide Press.


Lyster, R. (2013). Adaptation and climate justice.

In Jonathan Verschuuren (Eds.), Research

Handbook On Climate Change Adaptation Law ,

(pp. 32-69). Cheltenham, United Kingdom:

Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lyster, R., Byrne, R. (2013). Climate change

Publications for Rosemary Lyster adaptation and electricity infrastructure. In

Jonathan Verschuuren (Eds.), Research

Handbook On Climate Change Adaptation Law ,

(pp. 391-420). Cheltenham, United Kingdom:

Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lyster, R. (2013). International legal frameworks for REDD+: ensuring legitimacy. In Rosemary

Lyster, Catherine MacKenzie, Constance

McDermott (Eds.), Law, Tropical Forests and

Carbon: The Case of REDD+ , (pp. 3-25). New

York, United States: Cambridge University


Fisher, R., Lyster, R. (2013). Land and resource tenure: the rights of indigenous peoples and forest dwellers. In Rosemary Lyster, Catherine

MacKenzie, Constance McDermott (Eds.), Law,

Tropical Forests and Carbon: The Case of

REDD+ , (pp. 187-206). New York, United

States: Cambridge University Press.

Lyster, R., MacKenzie, C., McDermott, C.

(2013). Law, Tropical Forests and Carbon: The

Case of REDD+ . New York, United States:

Cambridge University Press.

Lyster, R. (2013). Towards a global justice vision for climate law in a time of 'unreason'.

Journal of Human Rights and the Environment ,

4(1), 32-57. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>


Lyster, R. (2012). Coal seam gas in the context of global energy and climate change scenarios.

Environmental and Planning Law Journal ,

29(2), 91-100.

Lyster, R. (2012). Energy and Climate Law. In

R Lyster, Z Lipman, N Franklin, G Wiffen and L

Pearson (Eds.), Environmental and Planning

Law in New South Wales, 3rd edition , (pp.

237-303). Sydney: Federation Press.

Lyster, R., Lipman, Z., Franklin, N., Wiffen, G.,

Pearson, L. (2012). Environmental and Planning

Law in New South Wales, 3rd edition . Sydney:

Federation Press.


Lyster, R. (2011). Australia's Clean Energy

Future Package: Are we there yet?

Environmental and Planning Law Journal ,

28(6), 446-477.

Lyster, R. (2011). REDD+, transparency, participation and resource rights: The role of law.

Environmental Science and Policy , 14(2),

118-126. <a href="

008">[More Information]</a>


Lyster, R. (2010). In the Wilds of Climate Law .

Australia: Australian Academic Press.

Lyster, R. (2010). Reducing Emissions from

Deforestation and Degradation: The Road to

Copenhagen. In Rosemary Lyster (Eds.), In the

Wilds of Climate Law , (pp. 97-142). Australia:

Australian Academic Press.

Lyster, R. (2010). Smart Grids: Opportunities for

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.

Monash University Law Review , 36(1), 173-191.


Lyster, R. (2009). Domestic and International

Carbon Offsets Under the Carbon Pollution

Reduction Scheme: What Prospects? University of Tasmania Law Review , 27(1), 111-138.

Lyster, R. (2009). Energy and Climate Law. In

Rosemary Lyster, Zada Lipman, Nicola Franklin,

Graeme Wiffen and Linda Pearson (Eds.),

Environmental & Planning Law in New South

Wales , (pp. 221-270). Sydney, Australia: The

Federation Press.

Lyster, R., Lipman, Z., Franklin, N., Wiffen, G.,

Pearson, L. (2009). Environmental and Planning

Law in New South Wales - 2nd Edition .

Australia: Federation Press.

Lyster, R. (2009). The New Frontier of Climate

Law: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation

(and Degradation). Environmental and Planning

Law Journal , 26(2), 417-456.

Lyster, R., Coonan, E. (2009). The Precautionary

Principle: A Thrill Ride on the Roller Coaster of

Energy and Climate Law. Review of European

Community and International Environmental

Law , 18(1), 38-49. <a href="

9.00619.x">[More Information]</a>


Lyster, R. (2008). Electricity Privatisation in

New South Wales: What Are the Climate

Change and Broader Sustainability Implications?

Environmental and Planning Law Journal ,

25(4), 229-239.

Lyster, R. (2008). The Australian Carbon

Pollution Reduction Scheme: What Role for

Complementary Emissions Reduction

Regulatory Measures? University of New South

Wales Law Journal , 31(3), 880-894.

Lyster, R. (2008). The Reality and Effect of

'Advance Informed Agreement' Under the

Cartegena Protocol. In M I Jeffery, J Firestone and K Bubna-Litic (Eds.), Biodiversity

Conservation, Law & Likelihoods: Bridging the

North-South Divide , (pp. 500-526). New York:

Cambridge University Press.


Publications for Rosemary Lyster

Lyster, R. (2007). Chasing down the climate change footprint of the private and public sectors: Forces Converge. Environmental and

Planning Law Journal , 24(4), 281-321.

Lyster, R. (2007). Chasing down the climate change footprint of the public and private sectors: forces converge – Part II. Environmental and Planning Law Journal , 24(6), 450-479.

Lyster, R. (2007). Editorial: Heading into the

2007 Climate Change Negotiations: What Are the Issues for Developing Countries? Asia

Pacific Journal of Environmental Law , 10(3&4),


Lyster, R., Lipman, Z., Franklin, N., Wiffen, G.,

Pearson, L. (2007). Environmental and Planning

Law in New South Wales . Sydney: Federation


Fahey, J., Lyster, R. (2007). Geosequestration in

Australia: Existing and Proposed Regulatory

Mechanisms. Journal for European

Environmental and Planning Law , 4(5), 378-392.

Lyster, R. (2007). Separating the Wheat from the

Chaff: Regulating Greenhouse Gases in a

Climate of Uncertainty. Carbon and Climate

Law Review , 1(2), 89-104.

Lyster, R., Chiam, L., Bortoluzzi, D. (2007).

Sustainability and climate change: Liability of corporations. Company and Securities Law

Journal , 25(7), 427-438.

Lyster, R., Stephens, T. (2007). The Rise and

Rise of Environmental Markets: Biodiversity

Banking in Australia. Asia Pacific Journal of

Environmental Law , 10(1), 1-12.


Lyster, R., Bradbook, A. (2006). Energy Law and the Environment . Melbourne: Cambridge

University Press.


Lyster, R. (2005). Editorial: Privatising Water

Utilities: A Cautionary Tale. Asia Pacific

Journal of Environmental Law , 9(1), 1-9.

Franklin, N., Lyster, R. (2005). Human Rights

Protection in Australia: A mixture of curiosity and embarrassment. Comparative

Constitutionalism and Rights: Global

Perspectives - University of KwaZulu Natal

2005 , Durban, South Africa: Presentation.

Lyster, R. (2005). The implications of electricity restructuring for a sustainable energy framework: what's law got to do with it? In A. J. Bradbrook,

R. Lyster, R. L. Ottinger & Wang Xi (Eds.), The

Law of Energy for Sustainable Development , (pp.

415-448). New York: CUP.

Lyster, R., Bradbook, A., Ottinger, R., Xi, W.

Publications for Rosemary Lyster

(2005). The Law of Energy for Sustainable

Development . New York: CUP.

Franklin, N., Lyster, R. (2005). The need for a

Bill of Rights in Australia. Comparative

Constitutionalism and Rights: Global

Perspectives - University of KwaZulu Natal

2005 , Durban, South Africa: Presentation.


Lyster, R. (2004). Common But Differentiated?

Australia's Response To Global Climate Change.

Georgetown International Environmental Law

Review , 16(4), 561-591.

Franklin, N., Lyster, R. (2004). Interdisciplinary

Reflections on the Sustainable Regulation of

Biotechnology. Asia Pacific Journal of

Environmental Law , 8(3 & 4), 1-6.

Lyster, R. (2004). Sustainability, Regulatory

Dilemmas and GMOs: The US and EU compared. Asia Pacific Journal of

Environmental Law , 8(3&4), 111-139.


Lyster, R. (2003). The implications of electricity restructuring for a sustainable energy framework: what's law got to do with it? Environmental and

Planning Law Journal , 20(5), 359-385.

Lyster, R. (2003). The Implications of Electricity

Restructuring for a Sustainable Energy

Framework: What's law got to do with it? IUCN

Academy of Environment Law Colloquium

(2003) , Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

Lyster, R. (2003). The implications of electricity restructuring for a sustainable energy law framework. NSW Environmental Defender's

Office Elements Conference (2003) , Sydney,

Australia: Environmental Defenders Office.


Lyster, R. (2002). (De)Regulating the Rural

Environment. Environmental and Planning Law

Journal , 19(1), 34-57.

Lyster, R. (2002). Philippines regional court reiterates constitutional right to environment:

The Manila Bay case. Asia Pacific Journal of

Environmental Law , 7(3&4), 1-4.

Bennett, B., Lyster, R. (2002). Reimagining the

Global Space: Feminism, globalism and law .

Sydney Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths.

Lyster, R. (2002). The Heat Is On: Australia'S

Response To Global Climate Change. South

African Journal of Environmental Law and

Policy , 9(2), 125-149.

Lyster, R., Hoexter, C., Currie, I. (2002). The

New Constitutional and Administrative Law,


. Cape Town, SA: Juta & Company Ltd.,

Juta Law.


Lyster, R. (2001). (De)regulating the Rural

Environment. Environmental and Planning Law

Journal , 18(5), 445-468.
