April 2016 - ECORD Newsletter # 26 7KH3DOHRFHQH(RFHQH7KHUPDO0D[LPXP,QYHVWLJDWLQJWKH FRQQHFWLRQEHWZHHQRFHDQGULOOLQJDQGFOLPDWHVFLHQFH Paul Bridger, Sinéad Lyster and Abigail Hunt* The discipline of palaeoceanography provides an insight into past climates and their applications to modern science. Oceans are the predominant control on climate and their associated climate archives provide the best records of palaeotemperature. Furthermore, oceans provide the most extensive records, with marine sediments documenting climatic changes up to 200 Ma. They document a much greater time span in comparison to other climate archives, such as lake sediments (<1 Ma), ice cores (<800 Ka), and tree rings (<10 Ka). Ocean drilling allows us to access these superior records. As geoscience undergraduates at University College London, we have had the opportunity to study Cenozoic marine sediments and observe what is arguably the most studied climatic event in geological history. We were assigned a replica of an ocean floor sediment core; this core was retrieved on ODP Leg 208, Site 1262 in the South Atlantic Ocean. The core represents the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, which occurred ~55 Ma, as well as the climatic conditions prior to, and succeeding, this event. The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, or the PETM, was a short climate interval whereby global temperatures greatly increased at both equatorial and polar latitudes (Zachos et al., 2001; Zachos et al., 2003). This climate event was a result of the rapid release of ~2000 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere (Zachos et al., 2005), causing widespread warming. This carbon was likely released in the form of methane, and is attributed to the melting of methane hydrates stored in the ocean floor (Thomas et al., 2002; Zachos et al., 2005). As part of the assignment, we observed a clay-rich horizon within the core - as inferred from the presence of very fine-grained red sediments (right). This horizon reflects the warming-induced ocean acidification that led to increased carbonate dissolution, therefore raising the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). The absence of calcareous nannofossils at this horizon is in accordance with a raised CCD. Underlying the PETM horizon, a carbonaterich nannofossil ooze is visible. This same lithology is repeated above the horizon, therefore demonstrating a return to previous conditions following the climate interval. Being able to make Undergraduate students at University College London studying observations from a replica of an ocean floor sediment core in order to develop primary data, such past climate interpretation skills (photo Prof. Bridget Wade, as this core, allowed University College London). us to develop our trends facilitating understanding and interpretative skills. To us as students, interpretation of modern-day climatic practicing these skills is more beneficial patterns. than studying articles whereby climate proxy data has already been graphically For further reading: depicted and interpreted. This exercise demonstrated the vast opportunities that ocean drilling offers to palaeoceanography. The emergence of ocean drilling and associated technologies has greatly advanced scientific research, permitting access to an ever-expanding climate archive and allowing scientists to go further into deep geologic time. As a result of ocean drilling, the Cenozoic is the most thoroughly studied period of geological history, with observed climate *Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK paul.bridger.12@ucl.ac.uk, sinead.lyster.12@ucl.ac.uk, abigail.hunt.12@ucl.ac.uk t 4MVJKTFUBM *OFET8JMMJBNTFUBM Deep-Time Perspectives on Climate Change: Marrying the Signal from Computer Models and Biological Proxies, The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications. The Geological Society, London. 323-349. t ;BDIPTFUBM 4DJFODF t ;BDIPT FU BM 4DJFODF 1554. t ;BDIPT FU BM 1SPD 0DFBO %SJMMJOH Program, Initial Reports, vol. 208, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, Texas. t ;BDIPT FU BM 4DJFODF 1615 15