Postsecondary Student Interest Form At what college are you currently enrolled:______________________________________________ When you graduate will you be receiving: ___AA degree ___AS degree ___BA degree ___BS degree ___Other (please indicate) ______________________________________________________________ Check all that apply: [ ] Female [ ] Male [ ] Disabled [ ] African American or Black [ ] American Indian or Alaska Native [ ] Pacific Islander [ ] Caucasian or White [ ] Hispanic or Latino [ ] Veteran [ ] Asian American Is the academic program you are currently enrolled in the area of: [ ] science [ ] computing/technology [ ] engineering [ ] mathematics [ ] other ______________________ As a result of this presentation are you more interested in studying (check all that apply): [ ] science [ ] computing/technology [ ] engineering [ ] mathematics [ ] other ______________________ As a result of this presentation are you more interested in pursuing a career in (check all that apply): [ ] science [ ] computing/technology [ ] engineering [ ] mathematics [ ] other ______________________ On the back of this form describe how this workshop has changed how you feel about succeeding in college and your interest in a certain field of study. Postsecondary Student Interest Form At what college are you currently enrolled:______________________________________________ When you graduate will you be receiving: ___AA degree ___AS degree ___BA degree ___BS degree ___Other (please indicate) ______________________________________________________________ Check all that apply: [ ] Female [ ] Male [ ] Disabled [ ] African American or Black [ ] American Indian or Alaska Native [ ] Pacific Islander [ ] Caucasian or White [ ] Hispanic or Latino [ ] Veteran [ ] Asian American Is the academic program you are currently enrolled in the area of: [ ] science [ ] computing/technology [ ] engineering [ ] mathematics [ ] other ______________________ As a result of this presentation are you more interested in studying (check all that apply): [ ] science [ ] computing/technology [ ] engineering [ ] mathematics [ ] other ______________________ As a result of this presentation are you more interested in pursuing a career in (check all that apply): [ ] science [ ] computing/technology [ ] engineering [ ] mathematics [ ] other ______________________ On the back of this form describe how this workshop has changed how you feel about succeeding in college and your interest in a certain field of study.