Secondary Student Interest Form

Secondary Student Interest Form
Current grade level: [ ] Freshman
Check all that apply: [ ] Female
[ ] African American or Black
[ ] Asian American
[ ] Caucasian or White
[ ] Sophomore
[ ] Junior
[ ] Senior
[ ] Male
[ ] Disabled
[ ] American Indian or Alaska Native
[ ] Pacific Islander
[ ] Hispanic or Latino
As a result of this presentation are you more interested in studying (check all that apply):
[ ] Science [ ] Technology [ ] Engineering [ ] Mathematics [ ] Computer Sciences
As a result of this presentation are you more interested in pursuing a career in (check all that
[ ] Science [ ] Technology [ ] Engineering [ ] Mathematics [ ] Computer Sciences
What did you like best about this presentation?
What do you think we could have done to make the presentation better?
Secondary Student Interest Form
Current grade level: [ ] Freshman
Check all that apply: [ ] Female
[ ] African American or Black
[ ] Asian American
[ ] Caucasian or White
[ ] Sophomore
[ ] Junior
[ ] Senior
[ ] Male
[ ] Disabled
[ ] American Indian or Alaska Native
[ ] Pacific Islander
[ ] Hispanic or Latino
As a result of this presentation are you more interested in studying (check all that apply):
[ ] Science [ ] Technology [ ] Engineering [ ] Mathematics [ ] Computer Sciences
As a result of this presentation are you more interested in pursuing a career in (check all that
[ ] Science [ ] Technology [ ] Engineering [ ] Mathematics [ ] Computer Sciences
What did you like best about this presentation?
What do you think we could have done to make the presentation better?