WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ REGIONAL OFFICE FOR AFRICA L’AFRIQUE BUREAU REGIONAL DE OFFICE OF THE WHO REPRESENTATIVE FOR LIBERIA WHO SITUATION REPORT 20 FEBRUARY - 15 MARCH 2002 SITREP #2 I. Socioeconomic and Political Events with Health Implication 1. President Taylor Frees Political Prisoners: Twenty-one political prisoners were the beneficiaries of executive clemency granted on 12 March 2002 by the Liberian President. The President’s action was a response to petitions from many civic organizations, groups, and individuals. The most recent petition came from the steering committee of the National Reconciliation Conference. The released prisoners had been arrested, charged and some convicted of treason in connection with fighting between the Liberian Government and loyalists of the former faction leader, Mr. Roosevelt Johnson, in September 1998. The released persons included military officers and former Government officials of the late President Doe’s Era.. The action of the President is seen as a major enhancement of peace and reconciliation in Liberia. Peace is a pre-requisite for health development. 1. Liberia remains in phase 4 of the UN Security Plan. The reclassification of the security status of Liberia was done on 13 February, owing to the worsening state of insecurity in the face of arm conflicts between the Government of Liberia and LURD rebels. This situation limits the implementation of programs to Monrovia. 1. Sporadic shooting continues in and around Monrovia. On Thursday, 13 March 2002, heavy shooting was heard in the vicinity of the United Nations Offices in Virginia. II. WHO Collaborative Activities A. National Health System (OSD) 1. WHO is supporting the situational analysis of the Liberian Health Sector currently being conducted. The findings of the situational analysis will form the basis for a fiveyear Health Sector Plan for Liberia. The situational analysis is part of health sector reform which the Government and its partners embarked upon since 1997. In 2001, the National Health Policy, a major component of the reform, was adopted. 1. A review of the curricula of health manpower training institutions is in progress. The process entails the review of the currently existing 16 programs of 6 institutions and covers all cadres of health workers. 1. The scholarship committee of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has adopted a policy of awarding fellowships to candidates to pursue their studies locally where possible. Recently, 15 WHO fellowships were awarded to 10 recipients of basic Nursing at TNIMA, 2 for basic Nursing at the Cuttington University College and 3 biology majors at the Cuttington University College. The Biology majors have an interest in studying medicine. The localization of scholarships provides a short-term solution to the shortage of professional health personnel. 1. In continuation of its program in national capacity building in health, WHO recently placed 3 health workers in African training institutions to pursue graduate studies as follows: Two (2) Masters in Nursing in South Africa, One (1) Masters in Pediatrics in Makerere University in Uganda. 1. WHO has been involved in the development of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) by the UN Country Team in Liberia. The health component emphasizes support for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS among other health problems. B. Nutrition WHO has made financial contribution to the development of a National Plan of Action for Nutrition (NPAN) for Liberia. Other contributors to the exercise include relevant sectoral ministries of government, NGOs and other UN agencies. The draft of the NPAN has been completed. The document will be sent to NUT/AFRO for comments before finalization. B. Humanitarian Assistance 1. On 5 March, the UN System in Liberia made a presentation of essential drugs and medical supplies to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for internally displaced persons, especially those recently distressed by the February attack on Bomi County. The drugs and medical supplies came from the resources of the UN Dispensary. The items were presented to the Government by Dr. Castro Camarada, the FAO Resident Representative, in his capacity as the UN Resident Coordinator at the time. The donation is estimated at five thousand United States dollars. It was donated through WHO and received on behalf of Government by Dr. Nathaniel Bartee, Deputy Minister of Health and Chief Medical Officer. 1. The dispersion of internally displaced persons out of recognized displaced centers poses an impediment to the coordination of humanitarian assistance by NGOs. The February 2002 dissident attack in Tubmanburg, Bomi County has generated as estimated10,000 IDPs. Those who settled in sites previously occupied by Sierra Leonean refugees (Sinje & VOA) are fortunate to have dwelling, potable water and health post that caters to their first aid needs. D. Communicable Diseases Surveillance and Response 1. Weekly active surveillance of 8 priority diseases resulted in the following monthly results: AFP (0), Neonatal Tetanus (0), Measles (9), Cholera (11), Bloody Diarrhea (30), Meningitis (0), Lassa Fever (0). There was one suspected case of yellow fever. 2. Supervision of the Montserrado County Surveillance System has identified the need to train surveillance focal points in centers for internally displaced persons in and around Monrovia. III. Staff Movement A. WHO Office P.O. Box 0316, 1000 MONROVIA, 10, LIBERIA , TEL: (231)227-378, FAX: (231) 226-208, SAT: +871 762 545 625 VSAT: +31 594 55 21 22 EXTN. 5502 Email: 2 1. Dr. André Ndikuyeze WR/Liberia 22 February to 08 March: To attend RPM29 in Brazzaville. 2. Mr. Kamau Thuo AO/Liberia 09 - 17 March: Rest and Relaxation Break to the United Kingdom. 2. Dr. Alex Gasasira non-local leave. 10 February: Rest and Relaxation Break and then 2. Dr. Bjorn Forsen His Contract ended on 30 January 2002. 2. Mr. Tim Freeman 14 February 2002: Rest and Relaxation. B. WHO Supported Missions 1. Ms. Nyanpu Taylor Mr. Sammakai Richards 2. Dr. Harrison Freeman 26 February - 01 March 2002 to attend intercountry meeting on Food and Nutrition Plan and Policy in Nairobi, Kenya. Framework Convention for Tobacco Control in Geneva, Switzerland from 17 - 23 March. He left Liberia on 13 March to process visa matters in Accra. P.O. Box 0316, 1000 MONROVIA, 10, LIBERIA , TEL: (231)227-378, FAX: (231) 226-208, SAT: +871 762 545 625 VSAT: +31 594 55 21 22 EXTN. 5502 Email: