University of Texas San Antonio F. tularensis strain construction and evaluation TVD Team


University of Texas San Antonio

Update on F. tularensis attenuated vaccine strain construction and evaluation

TVD Team

7/17/07 tech call


Active milestones during last reporting period:

Milestone #43: Creation of uvrA and uvrB mutant F.

tularensis subsp. holarctica (LVS) strains

Milestone #49A: Construction of iglC F. tularensis subsp.

tularensis strain

Milestone #50A: Immunologic characterization of F. tularensis subsp. novicida , subsp. tularensis , and LVS strains

Milestone #51: Construction of F. tularensis subsp. novicida uvrB + pdpD, iglA, iglB, iglC, iglD strains.


Red: completed

Green: in progress

Blue: Steps in the milestone

Milestone 43

Added on:

Creation of uvrA and uvrB mutant F.

tularensis subsp. holarctica (LVS) strains

Construct SIINFEKL-tagged secreted protein for expression in F. tularensis


 uvrB::Kan mutagenesis plasmid


 uvrA::Kan mutagenesis plasmid

Construct PepO-SIINFEKL plasmid

Mate into LVS, select for transconjugate,

Counterselect for mutant

Mate into LVS, select for transconjugate,

Counterselect for mutant

Transform into LVS,

Confirm expression

Verify mutants,

Pass on to Milestone 50 Pass on to Cerus


Milestone #43: Creation of uvrA and uvrB mutant F.

tularensis subsp. holarctica (LVS) strains

• We have created

 uvrB ::Kan LVS strain (documented in previous reports)

• We constructed

 uvrA::Kan construct, mated into LVS, could not maintain antibiotic pressure

• We designed Targetron primers to target two different potential sites within uvrA

• PCR performed, target sites inserted into Tulatron vector to create two different uvrA Tulatron plasmids.

• We have stored these plasmids, since it was decided that uvrA LVS mutant not necessary; however, if there is free time we will go ahead and transform LVS with plasmids and isolate uvrA LVS mutant anyways.


• We designed SIINFEKL complimentary oligos to replace FLAG tag with SIINFEKL in PepO-FLAG plasmids (one for E. coli expression, one for Ft expression),

• We identified PepO-SIINFEKL plasmids, both in E. coli and Ft expression vectors), sequencing confirmed these were correct.

• We attempted to visualize PepO-SIINFEKL in E. coli by Western blot with anti-SIINFEKL monoclonal (U. Mass), but failed to detect--control OVA antigen also failed to detect.

• Will repeat Western, also transform LVS with Ft plasmid


• We also previously created uvrA Targetron vector which we had stored away.

• In free time, this was transformed into LVS, and colonies with uvrA Targetron insertion identified, verified by sequencing.

• We are currently attempting to remove plasmid from

LVS uvrA ::Targetron strain, this will be characterized and passed on to Cerus when finished.

(documented in UTSA TVD notebook #2)


Red: completed

Green: in progress

Blue: Steps in the milestone

Milestone 49

Creation of mutant F. tularensis subsp. tularensis strains

A. Construct

 iglC mutagenesis plasmid(s) B. Construct

 vgrG,

 iglD mutagenesis plasmids

C. Construct

 iglA,

 iglB mutagenesis plasmids

Transform into Schuh4, select for transconjugate,

Counterselect for mutant

Mate into Schuh4, select for transconjugate,

Counterselect for mutant

Verify mutants,

Pass on to Milestone 50

Mate into Schuh4, select for transconjugate,

Counterselect for mutant


Milestone #49A: Construction of iglC F. tularensis subsp.

tularensis strain

This past month we concentrated on Targetron-mediated mutagenesis of iglC in Schuh4:

• We had constructed Targetron vector to target knockout of iglC , and had successfully achieved knockout of both copies of iglC in LVS (value-added)

• We transformed iglC Targetron vector into Schuh4, achieved many colonies.

• Intron (~900 bp) is designed to insert into iglC sequence between bp 427 and 428.

• Utilizing iglC primers at beginning and end of the gene, we can detect if intron inserted into iglC by shift in size.

• We achieved a number of colonies that have insertion in iglC (next slide)


WT iglC

3 Schuh4 Targetron transformants, appear to have insertion in iglC

• Note that transformants appear to have 900 bp insertion in iglC , as predicted for Targetron insertion

• Also note there is NO WT-length iglC in transformants, suggesting both copies of iglC have been inactivated.

• We are currently amplifying both copies of iglC by longrange PCR in these strains to verify that both iglC copies are inactivated.


We have also been working on system to remove one copy of the FPI to facilitate mutagenesis in Schuh4:

• This is “value-added” technology, we already developed the components and have verified that it works in Ft novicida .

• The strategy is to insert FLP recombinase recognition target sites in both ends of the same FPI, then express FLP recombinase to catalyze deletion of intervening DNA

(seen on following slide).

• We have identified Schuh4 strain with pdpA ::FRT-Kan R , this is in FPI-1, we have candidates with pdpA ::FRT-Kan R in

FPI-2 that are currently being analyzed


FLP-mediated excision of FPI

pdpD iglA B C D pdpC pdpB pdpA

FLP Recombinase

FLP Recombinase-mediated recombination




• Construction of mutagenesis vector

• We have constructed mutagenesis vector (R6K ori, sacB ) for Schuh4 mutagenesis, we have removed native promoter for sacB and introduced better MCS

• We are now working to insert FTgroELp to drive antibiotic and sacB expression.

(documented in UTSATVD Notebook 3).


Red: completed

Green: in progress

Blue: Steps in the milestone

Milestone 51

Creation of uvrB + pdpD, iglA, iglB, iglC , and iglD mutant F.

tularensis subsp. novicida double mutant strains


 uvrB::Kan mutagenesis plasmid


 iglB::ermC mutagenesis plasmid

Transform into U112, isolate mutant

Transform into pdpD, iglA, iglB, iglC, iglD novicida strains, isolate mutant

Verify mutants,

Pass on to Milestone 50


Milestone #51: Creation of uvrB + pdpD, iglA, iglB, iglC, iglD mutant F. tularensis subsp. novicida strains

•  uvrB ::Kan DNA transformed into

 iglB :: ermC strain, Kan R colonies isolated.

• Kan R colonies screened for

 uvrB ::Kan mutation, several confirmed to contain mutation by PCR.

• Double mutant strain will be confirmed by additional

PCR as well as intramacrophage growth, frozen.

(documented in UTSATVD Notebook 2).


Milestone 50

F. novicida uvrA , uvrB

Double mutant

Immunologic characterization of F.

tularensis subsp. novicida, subsp. tularensis, and LVS strains

F. novicida uvr A+ pdpD

F.novicida uv rB+ pdpD iglA, iglB, iglC, iglD

LVS uvrA, uvrB

F. tularensis Schu4 iglC

In vitro Growth

In vivo Bacterial Burden


50 determination

Red: completed

Green: in progress

Blue: Steps in the milestone

In vitro Growth

In vivo Bacterial Burden


50 determination

In vitro Growth

In vivo Bacterial Burden


50 determination

Further immunological characterization based on initial screen


Milestone #50A: Immunologic characterization of F. tularensis subsp. novicida , subsp. tularensis , and LVS strains

Results Update

Determine the LD

50 of Ft uvrBiglD double mutant subsp. novicida

Groups of BALB/c mice (female, 4-6 weeks) were intranasally (i.n.) challenged with 10 5 , 10 6 or 10 7 CFU of ΔuvrBiglD . Animals were monitored for morbidity and mortality.






10 5

10 6

10 7



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Days post-challenge


. Survival of mice infected with Ft subsp. uvrBiglD double mutant. Groups of BALB/c mice (female, 6-week old) were challenged intra-nasally with 3 doses (10 5 , 10 6 , and 10 7 CFU) of ΔuvrBiglD to determine LD

50 of this strain.

Results : there is no mortality observed at any given challenge dose, indicating the high degree of attenuation with this organism. No significant weight loss of infected mice was also observed. The LD

50 of ΔuvrBiglD in the intranasal infection model (BALB/c mice) was greater than 10 7 CFU.


Milestone #50A: Immunologic characterization of F. tularensis subsp. novicida , subsp. tularensis , and LVS strains

Results Update

Monitor Ft subsp. novicida ΔuvrBiglD replication and dissemination in mice after intranasal challenge

BALB/c mice were challenged with ΔuvrBiglD mutant (10 6

CFU) intranasally. Lungs, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes were collected from the infected mice at day 3, 7 and 14 after challenge (3 mice per time point). Numbers of bacteria in each organ were determined by dilution plating.













Lymph node

* *



3 7 14 3

Days post-challenge

7 14

Fig. 2 Kinetic growth and clearance of Ft novicida ΔuvrBiglD in target organs after i.n. vaccination. Bacterial burdens were determined from lungs, liver and spleen of individual mouse and from pooled lymph nodes at each time point (3 mice per time point). Numbers (*) of mice without detectable bacterial burden are indicated.

Results : There was heightened replication of the organism in the lungs within the first 7 days post-challenge, with slight reduction noted at day 14. Numbers of bacteria in the liver, spleen and lymph node are lower than that in the lungs and are consistent throughout the observed period. 19

Plan for following month:

Milestone #16 : completed.

Milestone #39 : completed.

Milestone #48: completed.

Milestone #43 :

1. Test PepO-SIINFEKL tag for expression in E. coli

(again) and Ft by Western blot

Milestone #49A :

1. Screen Schuh4 clones with iglC Targetron vector for inactivation of both copies of iglC by PCR

2. Create and test iglD Targetron vector

3. Verify pdpA ::FRT Shuh4 mutant, work on pdpD ::FRT insertion into these strains.

Milestone #51:

1. Analyze

 uvrB ::Kan igl double mutants for intramac growth, send double mutants to Cerus.

Continued on following slide


Plan for following month:

Milestone #50 :

 Evaluate the protective efficacy of the Ft subsp. novicida uvrBiglD mutant as a vaccine candidate

 Analyze the antibody profiles of mice immunized with the Ft novicida uvrBiglD mutant at day 14 and 28 after vaccination


Action Items

• Action : Karl will send SIINFEKL to Justin for testing in T cell assays, if Western repeat doesn’t work

• Action: Karl will send uvrA LVS to Justin, when it is ready.

• Action: Barbara will provide UTSA’s gastric plan to

NIAID by 8/14, in preparation for the call with NIAID on


• Action: Theresa/Karl will respond to Barbara’s proposed reallocation of funds among UTSA’s completed/nearly completed milestones to fund the gastric plan testing to be added to MS 50.

