MOCAN Schools Sub-group Meeting August 27, 2012 Attendees: Updates:

MOCAN Schools Sub-group Meeting
August 27, 2012
Attendees: Janice Rehak, Karen Cooper, Deborah Markenson, Mary Telthorst, Barbara Keene, Cindy
Karen- Working in 120-150 schools in Kansas City MO depending upon participation in Columbia. Karen
will be working in St. Louis, Columbia and KC schools this school year. She is recruiting in Jefferson City
for next school year. Many schools have graduated from program so new schools will be recruited.
Deborah- Completed collection of 46 school wellness policies from the 47 target schools in KC. She is
currently compiling information from the policies for the wellness research study. She also had a
discussion with school personnel that yielded interesting information. A public presentation of the
wellness policy research results will be presented on 9/19/12 to Weighing Collaborative. The Weighing
In Healthy Schools Committee will be identifying priorities for activities to address the study findings.
Preliminary reports have been sent to DESE. Pat Simmons will be reporting data from a separate survey
on School Wellness policies regarding staff wellness at CSH conference.
Mary- Cole County Health Department received grant funding for WECAN to support school gardens and
community cooking classes. Currently she is working with parochial schools to develop wellness
committees. She will be using Alliance materials on the wellness project. Jefferson City Public Schools is
in process of hiring a wellness coordinator using resources other than Mary’s grant.
Barbara- Mickey Belosi is working part-time on a Team Nutrition (TN) grant. Mickey is recruiting 12
schools to assist them in meeting the silver level of the HealthierUS school challenge. Once identified
Mickey will provide technical assistance e to individual schools. The greatest challenge for schools in
qualifying for the award is having community member participation. Mickey has obtained commitment
from the St. Louis PS. Guidance is provided on meeting the new school meals requirements so that
schools qualify for 6cents per meal incentive. DESE will be doing webinars on the same incentive issue. A
training needs survey was conducted at the DESE-SFS summer workshops and DHSS is currently
compiling the results. DHSS is waiting to hear if they will receive a TN grant that would begin in Oct to
hire an FTE to provide nutrition training to schools.
Cindy- MOCAN is sponsoring a speaker at the Coordinated School Health Conference on how to help
families with an overweight child. She will be conducting a presentation at MOAPHRED on Weight of the
Janice- will be speaking at MOAPHERD about an online manual for PE educators that she is working on.
She received approval from the Cooper Institute that the Fitnessgram healthy fitness zones can be used
to assess the fitness of students in Missouri. Schools are required to report fitness level data in 5th and
9th grade. This information will be used for an award specified in SB291. The MSIP5 process and resource
standards presented at State BOE meeting last week. The Coordinated School Health conference
brochure has been completed and emailed to the Schools/Child Care group members – please forward it
to partners.
Work Plan discussion:
The group decided to maintain the current schools goals and activities. A lead will be identified for each
activity at the next meeting. An email will be sent to all work group members asking them to review the
plan and be prepared to accept responsibility for action.
September meeting will include an update of member activities and initial work on work plan.