MOCAN Food Systems Workgroup - July 26, 2012 Present: Stephanie Currao, Mary Ellison, Angela Jenkins, Lorin Fahrmeier, John Gulick, Amy Stringer-Hessel, Annette Triplett, Jill Hancock Discussion Summary: 1. Blog update - Annette Triplett has established a blog for our workgroup. (thanks Annette!!) The blog is laid out in a manner to encourage 8 regional updates. All members are encouraged to populate the blog with your updates from regions you work in. Annette, Lorin Fahrmeier, and Carey Edwards will be assistants in getting your material updated. Check out the blog at: and link to the article about the Southwest Missouri Food Policy Council. Amy stated she had recently attended a communications workshop and will share pertinent information from that session as we consider how best to utilize the blog. ACTION: John will work with Stacey Colley to get the BLOG linked from the MOCAN Food Systems webpage. 2. Community Development Society conference Food Systems related presentations - John Gulick shared descriptions of several food system related sessions he attended at this recent conference. Contact John if you would like to see the workshop descriptions or go directly to the Community Development Society web-site in early August to download the conference material. 3. Healthy Nevada/Cerner initiative - John Gulick shared the press release announcing the 3 year commitment by Cerner Corporation to work to improve health indicators in Nevada, Missouri. Representatives of this effort might provide an overview of the initiative at the next MOCAN quarterly meeting on October 25, 2012. 4. State of the Plate conference - Febr. 8, 2013 – Springfield (within the Missouri Organic Association conference). Angela Jenkins shared her draft for a one day track of workshops within the larger framework of the MOA conference (scheduled for Febr. 7 – 9, 2013 in Springfield.) Stephanie Currao shared that she was also tentatively planning a one day conference in early 2013. Discussion lead to the conclusion that if possible we should work to integrate Stephanie's content into the proposed “state of the plate” conference. It was discussed that this conference could offer the unique opportunity of having both the growers/producers and the health community participating in the same conference. The general outline of the conference drafted by Angela Jenkins was received very favorably . Two possible additions to the conference objectives were suggested: add an objective that would be met through Stephanie’s track of workshops; add an objective around “social justice”. Angela and Stephanie will work on creating a revised draft agenda incorporating their insights. All workforce members are encouraged to visit directly with Angela and Stephanie on any insights/resources you have to share about this conference. Angela is working with MOA to develop enough of a draft agenda so that MOA (and us) can start promoting this event. A concern about looking beyond just the February conference and creating a plan of action coming out of the conference was also shared. In response, Amy Stringer-Hessel shared the opportunity described in no. 5 below. 5. National Convergence grant opportunity Amy Stringer-Hessel of the MO Foundation for Health brought to the group’s attention an opportunity regarding a National Convergence grant. The 3 year grant will focus on food policy issues in targeted communities. This may lead to a food policy council but is not necessary. The decision of what to pursue is up to the community. Some of the grant monies CAN be requested to be invested in actual on the ground infrastructure for food access projects. While the Innovation Fund will not entertain large capital projects, ideas such as equipment for food hubs, community garden supplies/set-up, and urban farming set-up ad these are all deemed as acceptable. MFH will not be the lead applicant if this moves forward. Part of the focus is engaging funders who are not currently involved in the healthy eating/active living on a policy or environmental change level so the lead will be a funder who is new to this work. We do have one funder who has stated willingness to serve in this role. Amy suggested that possible areas being considered for inclusion in the grant application are: Springfield, Joplin, St. Louis and Dent County. Amy has already visited with some St. Louis area funders who appear interested enough in this opportunity to provide some of the required local match. Amy stated that the application must be submitted by August 9th so she is moving forward on pulling the grant application together. John Gulick stated he would share this information with the Healthy Nevada/Cerner leaders to see if they also are interested in visiting with Amy about being included as a possible region as well. If you have questions or suggestions for Amy, please contact her directly at: Amy Stringer Hessel phone number is 314-345-5540 Next regularly scheduled MOCAN Food Systems workgroup conference call is: Thursday Sept. 27 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.