Request for a one off additional payment to member of staff This form should be completed when you need to make an additional payment to a member of academic, research or related staff. It should not be used for bonuses or honorariums or for clerical/technical/manual overtime. Once authorised within the School, please send the form to the Research Office if the payment is being made from a research or services rendered account (internal order numbers beginning 5 or 6) or to the Payroll & Pensions Office (A124) for all other accounts. Please ensure they receive it at least a week before the payroll deadline (10th of month). School / Portfolio Information Services Infrastructure & Operations Name Employee No: Amount (£)* additional payments are non-pensionable Employers National Insurance will be added and charged to the Cost Centre / Internal Order Cost Centre/Internal Order: KT001 6050 Reason for payment I would like the above named member of staff to receive this additional payment. Authorised Signatory Name Date Research Office use only Passed to Payroll and Pensions: Signed Date Additional_payment.doc Oct 04