GRADE BAND: K–2 Domain: Counting and Cardinality, Number and Operations in Base Ten Why this domain is a priority for professional development Foundational for measurement Key standards in this domain that pd should focus on (2.NBT.2 -> 2.NBT.5 ->2.NBT.6) + (1.NBT.4 >2.NBT.7) -> 2.NBT.9 (MP3) (Tasks 4 and 5 good illustration.) Two threads, captured by critical areas 1 and 2. Moving towards fluency with 2-digit numbersand problem solving with 3-digit numbers. K.CC.4. Important to have a quantitative notion first before you attach a symbol (K.CC.1–3) K.NBT.1->1.NBT.2->2.NBT.2. (MP6) Moving towards decomposing numbers into tens and ones. Often all about position and columns with no value. Existing resources that support these domains and standards Essential understanding of Number and Numeration, NCTM Van der Walle National Library of Digital Manipulatives UCLA materials (two quarter sequence called number power 1 and number power 2) DMI Teaching number in the classroom (Wright et al) Domains and standards that are in need of new resources K.CC.4. Language is new to some teachers (“cardinality”). K.NBT.1+1.NBT.2. Teachers might think they know because “I already teach place value”, without understanding the connection with quantities. Building visual models for addition and subraction