Publications for Stephanie Short 2016 2015

Publications for Stephanie Short
Publications for Stephanie Short
Lee, L., Heffeman, M., McDonnell, G., Short, S.,
Naganathan, V. (2016). A system dynamics
modelling approach to studying the increasing
prevalence of people with intellectual
developmental disorders in New South Wales.
Australian Health Review, 40(3), 235-243. <a
re Information]</a>
Negin, J., Coffman, J., Connell, J., Short, S.
(2016). Foreign-born aged care workers in
Australia: A growing trend. Australasian Journal
on Ageing, In press. <a
ore Information]</a>
Forsyth, C., Irving, M., Gilroy, J., Short, S.,
Kruger, E., Tennant, M. (2016). How to improve
the standard of dental care to Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people? Croakey.
Short, S. (2016). Is a Reciprocal Healthcare
Agreement between Australia and Korea
Feasible? In Touch, Newsletter of the Public
Health Association of Australia, 33(11), 1-2.
Balasubramanian, M., Spencer, A., Short, S.,
Watkins, K., Chrisopoulos, S., Brennan, D.
(2016). Job satisfaction among 'migrant dentists'
in Australia: implications for dentist migration
and workforce policy. Australian Dental
Journal, 61(2), 174-182. <a
re Information]</a>
Short, S. (2016). The Human Right to Health.
Australian Journal of Primary Health, 22(2),
174-174. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Balasubramanian, M., Brennan, D., Spencer, A.,
Short, S. (2016). The international migration of
dentists: directions for research
and policy. Community Dentistry and Oral
Epidemiology, In press, accepted Jan 2016, 1-12.
Balasubramanian, M., Brennan, D., Spencer, A.,
Short, S., Chrisopoulos, S., Watkins, K. (2016).
The life story experience of ‘migrant dentists’ in
Australia: new agendas for workforce planning,
migration policy, and international cooperation.
94th General Session & Exhibition of the
International Association for Dental Research
Balasubramanian, M., Brennan, D., Spencer, A.,
Short, S. (2016). ‘Newness–struggle–success’
continuum: a qualitative examination of the
cultural adaptation process experienced by
overseas-qualified dentists in Australia.
Australian Health Review, 40(2), 168-173. <a
re Information]</a>
Short, S. (2015). <i>'Research in the Faculty of
Health Sciences'
Solomon Islands National University
Roundtable, Honiara, Solomon Islands</i>.
Balasubramanian, M., Spencer, J., Short, S.,
Watkins, K., Chrisopoulos, S., Brennan, D.
(2015). Characteristics and practice profiles of
migrant dentist groups in Australia: implications
for dental workforce policy and planning.
International Dental Journal, 65(3), 146-155. <a
e Information]</a>
Collyer, F., Willis, K., Franklin, M., Harley, K.,
Short, S. (2015). Healthcare choice: Bourdieu's
capital, habitus and field. Current Sociology,
63(5), 685-699. <a
082">[More Information]</a>
Collyer, F., Harley, K., Short, S. (2015). Money
and markets in Australia’s healthcare system. In
Gabrielle Meagher, Susan Goodwin (Eds.),
Markets, Rights and Power in Australian Social
Policy, (pp. 257-291). Sydney: Sydney
University Press.
Balasubramanian, M., Brennan, D., Spencer, J.,
Watkins, K., Short, S. (2015). The importance of
workforce surveillance, research evidence and
political advocacy in the context of international
migration of dentists. British Dental Journal,
218(6), 329-331. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Short, S. (2015). The Pacific Rehabilitation
Workforce: Considerations for future research.
World Health Organization Forum, online.
Balasubramanian, M., Brennan, D., Spencer, J.,
Short, S. (2015). The ‘global interconnectedness’
of dentist migration: a qualitative study of the
life-stories of international dental graduates in
Australia. Health Policy and Planning, 30,
442-450. <a
[More Information]</a>
Short, S. (2015). WHO Collaborating Centre in
Health Workforce Development in Rehabilitation
and Long Term Care. In Touch, Newsletter of the
Public Health Association of Australia, 32(1),
Marcus, K., Short, S., Nardi, B. (2014).
"Hardworkers": Filipino Nurses' professional
practice in Queensland. Asia Pacific Journal of
Publications for Stephanie Short
Health Management, 9(1), 28-34.
Veronesi, G., Harley, K., Dugdale, P., Short, S.
(2014). Governance, transparency and alignment
in the COAG 2011 National Health Reform
Agreement. Australian Health Review, 38,
288-294. <a
re Information]</a>
Palmer, G., Short, S. (2014). Health Care and
Public Policy: An Australian Analysis (5th
edition). South Yarra: Palgrave Macmillan.
Short, S., Marcus (nee Verma), K. (2014).
HealthGov: Ideas and evidence to underpin
effective health workforce regulation at the
national level. Medical Regulation - Evaluating
Risk and Reducing Harm to Patients, IAMRA
11th International Conference on Medical
Regulation, London: International Association of
Medical Regulation Authorities (IAMRA).
Short, S., Marcus (nee Verma), K. (2014). How
Australian patients navigate the healthcare maze:
A critical policy discourse analysis. XVIII ISA
World Congress of Sociology: Facing an
unequal world: Challenges for Global Sociology,
Yokohama: International Sociological
Short, S., Balasubramanian, M., Brennan, D.,
Spencer, J., Watkins, K. (2014). How should we
respond to policy challenges posed by the
international mobility of dentists? Global Health
Migration Symposium, Sydney: The University
of Sydney.
Short, S., Palmer, G. (2014). Kajian tentang
Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Kebijakan Publik
(Researching Healthcare and Public Policy). In
Puguh Windrawan, Farah Purwaningrum (Eds.),
Sistem Pengetahuan dan Desentralisasi
Kesehatan di Indonesia: Kajian Multidisiplin
(Knowledge System and Health Decentralisation
in Indonesia: a Multidisciplinary Study), (pp.
125-132). Yogyakarta: Total Media.
Purwaningrum, F., Yoganingrum, A., Ariani, D.,
McDonald, F., Short, S. (2014). Kebijakan
Pangan Lokal di Kabupaten Gunungkidul:
Sebuah Tantangan Bagi Desentralisasi
(Challenges for Decentralization? Development
Practices and Policies for Local Food in the
Gunungkidul District level, Yogyakarta). In
Puguh Windrawan, Farah Purwaningrum (Eds.),
Sistem Pengetahuan dan Desentralisasi
Kesehatan di Indonesia: Kajian Multidisiplin
(Knowledge System and Health Decentralisation
in Indonesia: a Multidisciplinary Study), (pp.
91-123). Yogyakarta: Total Media.
Purwaningrum, F., Yaniasih, Y., Tri Lastiwi, D.,
Ariani, D., McDonald, F., Short, S. (2014).
Menerjemahkan Pengetahuan Ilmiah ke Alur
Kebijakan: Perbandingan Hambatan
Pengambilan Kebijakan Berbasis Evidence
dalam Kebijakan Gizi di Kabupaten Bantul dan
Gunungkidul (Translating Scientific Knowledge
to Policy: a Comparison of Evidence based
Decision-Making in Bantul District and
Gunungkidul District). In Puguh Windrawan,
Farah Purwaningrum (Eds.), Sistem Pengetahuan
dan Desentralisasi Kesehatan di Indonesia:
Kajian Multidisiplin (Knowledge System and
Health Decentralisation in Indonesia: a
Multidisciplinary Study), (pp. 40-55).
Yogyakarta: Total Media.
Balasubramanian, M., Brennan, D., Spencer, J.,
Watkins, K., Short, S. (2014). Overseas-qualified
dentists' experiences and perceptions of the
Australian Dental Council assessment and
examination process: the importance of support
structures. Australian Health Review, 38(4),
412-419. <a
re Information]</a>
McDonald, F., Yoganingrum, A., Purwaningrum,
F., Ariani, D., Short, S. (2014). Penguatan Tata
Kelola Pemerintahan Daerah dengan Intervensi
Kesehatan Gizi: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten
Bantul dan Gunungkidul (Evidence-Based
Decision Making to Reform Governance at the
District Level: The Case of Nutritional Policies,
Programs and Interventions in Bantul and
Gunungkidu. In Puguh Windrawan, Farah
Purwaningrum (Eds.), Sistem Pengetahuan dan
Desentralisasi Kesehatan di Indonesia: Kajian
Multidisiplin (Knowledge System and Health
Decentralisation in Indonesia: a
Multidisciplinary Study), (pp. 73-89).
Yogyakarta: Total Media.
Yaniasih, Y., Ariani, D., McDonald, F., Short, S.
(2014). Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Melalui
Sistem Pangan Lokal dan Teknologi Informasi:
Studi di Kabupaten Bantul dan Gunungkidul
(Increasing Food Resilience through Local Food
System and Information Technology: A Study in
Bantul District and Gunungkidul District). In
Puguh Windrawan, Farah Purwaningrum (Eds.),
Sistem Pengetahuan dan Desentralisasi
Kesehatan di Indonesia: Kajian Multidisiplin
(Knowledge System and Health Decentralisation
in Indonesia: a Multidisciplinary Study), (pp.
24-39). Yogyakarta: Total Media.
Yoganingrum, A., Ariani, D., McDonald, F.,
Short, S. (2014). Sistem Informasi Kesehatan di
Bantul dan Gunungkidul: Isu Desentralisasi dan
Integrasi (Information System in Bantul and
Gunungkidul: Decentralisation and
Integration-related Issues). In Puguh
Windrawan, Farah Purwaningrum (Eds.), Sistem
Pengetahuan dan Desentralisasi Kesehatan di
Indonesia: Kajian Multidisiplin (Knowledge
Publications for Stephanie Short
System and Health Decentralisation in
Indonesia: a Multidisciplinary Study), (pp.
56-70). Yogyakarta: Total Media.
Health & Care Professionals Society.
Marcus (nee Verma), K., Quimson, G., Short, S.
(2014). Source country experiences, perspectives
and recommendations regarding ethical and
sustainable health professional recruitment: A
case study of nurse recruitment. Human
Resources for Health, 20(62), 1-10. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Pacey, F., Harley, K., Veitch, C., Short, S.
(2012). A case study of health workforce change
in Australia. ISA Forum on Sociology, Social
Justice and Democratization, Argentina.
Walker, D., Tennant, M., Short, S. (2013). An
exploration of the priority remote health
personnel give to the development of the
Indigenous Health Worker oral health role and
why: Unexpected findings. Australian Journal of
Rural Health, 21(5), 274-278. <a
e Information]</a>
Short, S. (2013), Book Review; Mapping the
Sociology of Health and Medicine: America,
Britain and Australia Compared.
Short, S. (2013). Evidence-based Regulation A
perspective from Australia. Skilled and Flexible The health workforce for Australia's future,
Adelaide: Health Workforce Australia.
Short, S. (2013). From the Age of Aquarius to
the Era of Economic Rationalism: Health
Sociology in Australia, 1963-2013. Nexus,
Newsletter of the Australian Sociological
Association, 25 (3), 6-8, , 6-8.
Short, S. (2013). Global health workforce
alliance. In Touch, Newsletter of the Public
Health Association of Australia, 30(11), 15-16.
Short, S. (2013). Health Sociology in Australia,
1963-2013: From the Age of Aquarius to the Era
of Economic Rationalism. The Australian
Sociological Association (TASA) Conference,
Melbourne, Australia: The Australian
Sociological Association (TASA).
Harley, K., Marcus (nee Verma), K., Willis, K.,
Short, S., Collyer, F. (2013). Navigating
Australias healthcare maze: analysis of
newspaper messages, 2011-2013. The Australian
Sociological Association (TASA) Conference,
Melbourne, Australia: The Australian
Sociological Association (TASA).
Parer, J., Harley, K., Aird, R., Collyer, F., Cook,
P., Dellemain, J., Hart, B., Rodriguez, L., Short,
S. (2013). Teaching health sociology in
Australia. Nexus, Newsletter of the Australian
Sociological Association, 25(3), 12-18.
Short, S. (2013). Work force regulation: A
perspective from Australia. Health & Care
Professions Council Conference, Edinburgh:
Pacey, F., Harley, K., Veitch, C., Short, S.
(2012). A national scheme for health practitioner
registration and accreditation: the case of
Australia. In S. Short and F. McDonald (Eds.),
Health Workforce Governance: Improved
Access, Good Regulatory Practice, Safer
Patients, (pp. 163-181). Surrey, United
Kingdom: Ashgate.
Harley, K., Calnan, M., Collyer, F., Gabe, J.,
Short, S., Willis, K. (2012). Choosing health
care: a view from the sociological literature. ISA
Forum on Sociology, Social Justice and
Democratization, Argentina.
Short, S., Hawthorne, L., Sampford, C., Marcus
(nee Verma), K., Ransome, W. (2012). Fillipino
Nurses down under: Fillipino nurses in Australia.
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management,
7(1), 7-13.
Short, S., Thabrany, H., Dimitrov Hadjiev, V.,
Ilyas, Y., Iredale, R., Lubis, F., Thongyoo, S.,
Harley, K. (2012). Good doctors, Safer patients,
Improved Access: the case of Indonesia. In S.
Short and F. McDonald (Eds.), Health Workforce
Governance: Improved Access, Good Regulatory
Practice, Safer Patients, (pp. 77-96). Surrey,
United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Short, S., MacDonald, F. (2012). Health
Workforce Governance: Improved Access, Good
Regulatory Practice, Safer Patients. Surrey,
United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Short, S., Marcus (nee Verma), K. (2012).
Medical Regulation in the Real World: Bringing
Evidence to Bear Ideas and evidence to inform
ethical and sustainable international health
professional recruitment to Australia: A case
study of the Philippines. Medical Regulation in
the Real World: Bringing Evidence to Bear,
Ottawa: International Association of Medical
Regulation Authorities (IAMRA).
Short, S. (2012). Social Justice and Health
Inequality. International Conference in Medical
Sociology, Chennai: Madras Medical Mission.
Short, S., Lincoln, M., Cumming, S., Llewellyn,
G. (2012). The Health Sciences Learning
Revolution at the University of Sydney: How to
achieve large scale change in pedagogical
practice, structure and services. 9th National
Allied Health Australia Conference, Australia:
Allied Health Professions Australia.
Short, S., McDonald, F. (2012). The health
Publications for Stephanie Short
workforce governance continuum: improved
access, good practice, safer patients. In S. Short
and F. McDonald (Eds.), Health Workforce
Governance: Improved Access, Good Regulatory
Practice, Safer Patients, (pp. 3-11). Surrey,
United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Harley, K., Willis, K., Gabe, J., Short, S.,
Collyer, F., Natalier, K., Calnan, M. (2011).
Constructing health consumers: Private health
insurance discourses in Australia and the United
Kingdom. Health Sociology Review, 20(3),
306-320. <a
06">[More Information]</a>
Harley, K., Short, S. (2011). Developing an
international comparative framework for primary
health care governance. Menzies Centre
Conference for Health Policy Emerging Health
Policy 2011, Sydney, Australia: Menzies Centre
for Health Policy.
Pacey, F., Harley, K., Veitch, C., Short, S.
(2011). Great expectations: the national
registration and accreditation scheme and the
continuing evolution of health workforce
governance in Australia. Health System Reform
in Asia Conference 2011, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Balasubramanian, M., Short, S. (2011). Is the
concept of ethics misplaced in the migration of
Indian trained dentists to Australia? The need for
better international cooperation in dentistry.
Indian Journal of Dental Research, 22(6),
866-868. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Walker, D., Tennant, M., Short, S. (2011).
Listening to indigenous health workers: Helping
to explain the disconnect between policy and
practice in oral health role development in
remote Australia. Health Education Journal,
70(4), 400-406. <a
368">[More Information]</a>
Harley, K., Willis, K., Short, S., Collyer, F.,
Gabe, J., Calnan, M. (2011). Navigating
public/private healthcare boundaries: choice and
healthcare capital. Annual Conference of the
Australian Sociological Association 2011: Local
Lives/Global Networks (TASA 2011), Newcastle,
Australia: University of Newcastle.
Harley, K., Gabe, J., Willis, K., Short, S.,
Collyer, F., Natalier, K., Calnan, M. (2011).
Partnership with the state: private health
insurance in the United Kingdom and Australia.
2011 The British Sociological Association
Annual Conference, United Kingdom: The
British Sociological Association.
Short, S., Marcus (nee Verma), K. (2011).
Phillipino nurses down under. Health System
Reform in Asia, sydney University: Sydney
Balasubramanian, M., Short, S. (2011). The
Commonwealth as a custodian of dental
migratory ethics: views of senior oral health
leaders from India and Australia. International
Dental Journal, 61(5), 281-286. <a
1.00074.x">[More Information]</a>
Marcus (nee Verma), K., Short, S., Harley, K.
(2010). Global Chain of care: Social causes,
private lives. TASA Annual Conference 2010,
Australia: The Australian Sociological
Association (TASA).
Palmer, G., Short, S. (2010). Health Care and
Public Policy: An Australian Analysis (4th
edition). South Yarra, Victoria, Australia:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Harley, K., Short, S., Willis, K., Collyer, F.,
Gabe, J. (2010). Researching the Social
Experience of Healthcare: The Concept of
Boundaries. Menzies Centre for Health Policy
Emerging Health Policy Conference, Australia:
Menzies Centre for Health Policy.
Collyer, F., Short, S., Harley, K., Willis, K.,
Bandyopadhyay, M. (2010). Social Values,
Private Health Insurance. Australian
Sociological Association Annual Conference,
Australia: Australian Sociological Association.
Short, S. (2010). Symposium, Doctors, Drugs
and Devices; Too much for that: a social critique
of medical technology in late modernity.
Australian Review of Public Affairs.
Pacey, F., Short, S., Harley, K. (2010). The Patel
case and its consequences for health workforce
governance in Australia (letter to editor). BMJ:
British Medical Journal.
Balasubramanian, M., Short, S. (2009). Brain
drain, brain circulation, brain exportation: a case
of Indian dentists migrating to Australia.
International Sociological Association Research
Committee on Sociology of Health Mid-term
Conference ISA RC15, Jaipur, India.
Mathews, B., Goddard, C., Lonne, B., Short, S.,
Briggs, F. (2009). Developments in Australian
laws requiring the reporting of suspected child
sexual abuse. Children Australia, 34(3), 18-23.
McDonald, F., Yoganingrum, A., Purwaningrum,
F., Ariani, D., Short, S. (2009). Evidence-based
decision making to strengthen
local governance: nutritional health interventions
Publications for Stephanie Short
in Bantul and Gunungkidul. AIGRP Policy
Briefs, , 1-18.
Purwaningrum, F., Yaniasih, Y., Tri Lastiwi, D.,
Yoganingrum, A., Ariani, D., McDonald, F.,
Short, S. (2009). Translating Scientific
Knowledge to Policy: Comparison of Barriers of
Evidence Based Decision Making in Bantul and
Gunungkidul. Panitia Seminar Nasional 2009,
Short, S., Thabrany, H., Ilyas, Y., Lubis, F.,
Iredale, R., Hadjiev, V. (2008). Managing the
medical workforce. AIGRP Policy Briefs, , 1-14.
Short, S., Howard, P., Brown, C. (2005).
Evaluation of the Logan Area Division of
General Practice After Hours Service.
Liang, Z., Short, S., Lawrence, B. (2005).
Healthcare reform in New South Wales
1986-1999: using the literature to predict the
impact on senior health executives. Australian
Health Review, 29(3), 285-291.
Guy, L., Short, S. (2005). Rehabilitation of
workers with musculoskeletal injury and chronic
pain. Health Sociology Review, 14(1), 77-83.
Short, S. (2004). Fat is a fairness issue. Griffith
Review, 4(Making Perfect Bodies), 1-6.
Aldrich, R., Zwi, A., Short, S. (2007). Advance
Australia Fair: Social democratic and
conservative politicians' discourses concerning
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and
their health 1972-2001. Social Science and
Medicine, 64(1), 125-137. <a
.08.034">[More Information]</a>
Short, S., Dimitrova Toneva, Z., Dimitrov
Hadjiev, V. (2007). On the inequitable impact of
universal health insurance: The experience of
Bulgaria in transition. Health Sociology Review,
16(2), 130-145.
Taggart, A., Short, S., Barclay, L. (2000). 'She
Has Made Me Feel Human Again': An
Evaluation of a Volunteer Home-based Visiting
Project for Mothers. Health and Social Care in
the Community, 8(1), 1-8.
Short, S., Dalton, M., Henderson, L.,
Domalewski, D., Amsters, D. (2006). Capacity
building in community rehabilitation education –
a review of the literature.
Hart, B., Sainsbury, P., Short, S. (1998). Whose
Dying? A Sociological Critique of the 'Good
Death'. Mortality, 3(1), 65-77.
Liang, Z., Short, S., Howard, P., Brown, C.
(2006). Centralised Control and Devolved
Responsibilities: personal experiences of senior
health executives on the implementation of the
area health management model in New South
Wales, 1990-1999. Asia Pacific Journal of
Health Management, 1(2), 44-50.
Boxall, A., Short, S. (2006). Political economy
and population health: Is Australia exceptional?
Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 3,
6-1-6-4. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Liang, Z., Short, S., Brown, C. (2006). Senior
health managers in the new era: changing roles
and competencies in the 1990s and early 21st
century. Journal of Health Administration
Education, 23(3), 281-301.
Short, S. (2005), Compliance, Community
Participation and Consumerism: A Sociologist's
Contribution to Health Policy Analysis.
De Voe, J., Short, S. (2003). A shift in the
historical trajectory of medical dominance: The
case of Medibank and the Australian doctors'
lobby. Social Science and Medicine, 57(2),