Jenks East Intermediate Sino-Trojan Academy 6th Grade Mrs. Brown - Social Studies Mrs. DuPont - Language Arts Ms. Fu - Chinese Mrs. Lundak – Math Miss Miller – Science Mr. Ni - Chinese Back to School 2012 – 2013 All Sixth Grade STA Teachers Chelsea Brown –Room 228 918.299.4415, x5192 Pam DuPont – Room 226 918.299.4415, 5552 Esther Fu – Room 114 918.299.4415, x5160 Sandy Lundak - Room 229 918.299.4415, x5193 Sarah Miller – Room 227 918.299.4415m x5191 Chi (Paul) Ni – Room C-2B 918.299.4415, x5147 Web Pages - 1. Select Schools 2. Select East Intermediate 3. Select Staff Web pages 4. Select Teacher STA Schedule 7:35-7:59 DuPont HR Room 226 Homeroom Miller HR Room 227 Homeroom Brown HR Room 228 Homeroom Lundak HR Room 229 Homeroom 8:00-8:58 (Core I) Language Arts DuPont Math Lundak Social Studies Brown Science Miller 9:00-9:58 (Core II) Math Lundak Science Miller (Brain Break) Language Arts Social Studies DuPont Brown (Brain Break) 10:00-10:58 (Core III) (Brain Break) Social Studies Brown Language Arts DuPont (Brain Break) Science Miller Math Lundak 11:00-11:55 (Core IV) 11:55-12:35 Science Miller LUNCH Social Studies Brown LUNCH Math Lundak LUNCH Language Arts DuPont LUNCH 12:45-1:35 Chinese or Specials Specials or Chinese Inquiry Chinese or Specials Specials or Chinese Inquiry Chinese or Specials Specials or Chinese Inquiry Chinese or Specials Specials or Chinese Inquiry Lockers/ Dismissal Lockers/ Dismissal Lockers/ Dismissal Lockers/ Dismissal 1:35-2:20 2:30-3:10 3:10-3:15 Core 1 STA Algebra I students will transition to Clinger - Room 126. Clinger EDM students will transition to Lundak - Room 227 for Core 1. Pre-algebra students (5th & 6th) will have instruction in Room 229. Math: In grades K-6 the district curriculum is Everyday Mathematics. Students will be pre-tested prior to a new unit and work will be adjusted so that the curriculum better meets your child’s math needs. Families are encouraged to look over their student’s math journal on a regular basis. Some students will be taking Pre-Algebra or Algebra. In pre-algebra, students will pre-test over prior knowledge, which will determine their pace and content. Science: This year in Science, we will dive into three main concepts related to our ever-changing world. First semester, we will look at Catastrophic Events, their causes, their effects and how they shape our world. Second Semester, we will study Energy, Motion and Machines, as well as Microworlds. We will take a hands on approach through inquiry based labs and activities to demonstrate competence in each of these areas. It is my goal that we think and act like scientists at Jenks East Intermediate. Language Arts: Language Arts is a combination of reading, writing, word study, and grammar. We will focus on reading through the use of The Reading Comprehension Toolkit, novel studies (realistic fiction and diary), and a variety of other materials. The writing process will be used in expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative essays, as well as poetry. Grammar and word study will be incorporated into each reading and writing lesson. Social Studies: In sixth grade your child will be studying Ancient Civilizations first and second quarter. Our class will explore the civilizations using the text “Social Studies Ancient Civilizations” by Harcourt as well as outside sources, including magazines, books, and online websites. We will infuse world geography and tie current events into our study. Students will be researching topics of interest and presenting their findings in creative ways. We will be doing an in depth study of Ancient China during the first semester. Third and fourth quarter we will be studying Geography of the Americas. We will be spending ample time on map skills to lay the foundation for Geography of the Eastern Hemisphere in 7th grade. Chinese: Students will continue developing skills to listen, speak, write and read the Chinese language. The level of language instruction will be Chinese I, which will also be integrated into the content areas when appropriate. Students will have a variety of Chinese activities in order to experience the Chinese Language outside the classroom. These activities will be coordinated through OU Confucius Institute. For native speakers, instruction will be based on pretesting of prior knowledge. The following link is a wiki page Ms. Fu and Mr. Ni share. Parents will be able to find home fun classroom material and some helpful resources on it. Inquiry: Our Inquiry time will focus on technology, research, and global awareness using the thematic unit of Perspective (How communication is influenced by personal and societal perspective). We will investigate the four principals of STA, how our beliefs and values determine our perspective. We will finish the year looking at the several propaganda techniques. Electives: String, Band, and Vocal Music/ P.E. will be held during 5th & 6th period each day. Counselor’s Visit: The sixth grade counselor is Mrs. Rhonda Wells. She will schedule classroom guidance time with each homeroom class on an as needed basis. Mrs. Wells is also available for individual and group counseling. Jenks Wild: Jenks Wild will be from September 10-14 for STA students. All money is due no later than the end of August, 2012. There are no exceptions. Bring 2 pair of sturdy tennis shoes (an old spare pair if the other pair gets wet) and water shoes. You will be receiving a packing list of what to bring prior to the trip. More information will follow. School/Classroom Guidelines and Procedures The Jenks East Intermediate Student Handbook should be reviewed by parents and students to understand school policies, including topics, such as: Attendance, Dress Code, and Behavior. 1. Behavior Management: Within the classroom, positive reinforcement of good behavior is constantly being used to promote a good working and learning environment. If issues arise, the following will be used to reach a resolution. In addition to the Jenks Public Schools handbook, which has outlined procedures to handle specific behavior issues, there is one rule to cover additional classroom incidents: “No one is allowed to interfere with another student’s learning.” This includes, but is not limited to: Disrupting the class/teacher, no home-learning/materials, tardies, hallway behavior, and other challenges that require teacher-specific attention. At this age/grade level, students should now be able to make appropriate choices. The following guidelines are used to monitor student behavior: a) At the beginning of each week, each student receives an imaginary “10.00 Yuan Bank Account of Positive Behavior”. Throughout the day, students can earn more “Yuan” by acting in accordance with the JEI behavior expectations. Students can also lose dollars for not following JEI behavior expectations. b) At the end of each week, students with 9 Yuan or more will earn a Rewards Club Card of their choosing. c) At the end of each week, students with 7 Yuan or less will: (1st offense in a quarter) fill out an “Action Plan for Success”; parent/guardian signature required (2nd offense in a quarter) fill out an “Action Plan for Success”; parent/guardian signature required, parent/guardian contacted by phone or e-mail with receipt requested (3rd offense in a quarter) teacher submits Discipline Referral; parent/guardian contacted. The student will explain his/her choices to the site assistant principal At teacher discretion, students may also be referred to Mrs. Guiou, Interim Assistant Principal, or Mrs. Reid, Interim Site Principal, for immediate disciplinary action. 2. Materials: Students are expected to come to school with all needed classroom materials. They may not leave during class to go to their lockers. 3. Room Dismissal: Once a student has entered the room, they may not leave unless they have received permission from the teacher. 4.Home-learning: Research shows the importance of home-learning in reinforcing the concepts taught in school. All work is to be completed on time and turned in to the appropriate teacher. Parents may check student agenda (see #7) or teacher home-learning web pages for daily assignments. What is the grading scale? A B C D F 100-90% 89-80% 79-70% 69-60% Below 59% Home Learning Late Policy: Any home learning not turned in when it is due or collected will be considered late. Work will be accepted one day late with a ten percent deduction and a second day late with a twenty percent deduction. Work will not be accepted after that. 5. Teacher Web pages: Check each teacher’s web page daily to verify your child’s assignments. We use the web pages to keep you informed of news and important dates. 6. Absence/Make-Up Work: Call the office when your child is absent (ext. 5533). It is the student’s responsibility to get any missed assignments during their absence. Students will have the same number of days to complete the work as the number of days absent. Please utilize the teacher web pages for assignments. 7. Agenda: Students are expected to fill out their agenda each day. All assignments are to be written in pencil. Parents/Guardians are required to check and sign their child’s agenda nightly. Agenda Replacement: $7.00 8. Thursday Envelope: Envelopes will be sent home each Thursday. Graded work, teacher/school notes, and flyers are included in the envelope. Students are responsible for returning the envelope the next school day with a parent/guardian signature acknowledging receipt. Envelope Replacement: $3.00 9. Lunch: Our assigned lunchtime is from 11:50 – 12:35 p.m. If you would like to have lunch with your child off-campus, please follow school policy regarding checking your child out and in. When bringing lunch to your child, please be advised you must check in at the office using Lobby Guard before proceeding to the cafeteria. For our students’ safety, parents may not “hand off” lunches at the curb to their child. 10. Locker: Students have personal lockers to hold school-related materials. Locker checks will be performed on a routine basis to reinforce organization skills. Students should be able to obtain materials in a timely manner. Lock combinations should never be shared with other students. 11. Restroom: Students have 5 scheduled restroom break times. Instructional time is valuable, so the less interruptions, the better for all. 12. Dress Code: We don’t want to be the fashion police! Please refer to the Student Handbook for guidance towards appropriate school clothing choices. No make-up, please. 13. Cell Phone: If you choose to allow your child to bring a cell phone to school, please refer to the Student Handbook regarding Electronic Devices. Phones must left in lockers and turned/powered off. Parents/Guardians will have to come to school to retrieve the cell phone if a student does not follow the guidelines. 14. Backpacks: Backpacks are kept in the locker during the school day. We encourage you to regularly help your child clean out and reorganize their backpack. 15. Birthdays: Birthdays will be celebrated on the “Wonderful Wednesday” of each month during lunch. Homeroom Coordinators will contact parents/guardians of any children who are celebrating a birthday that month. This will spread the responsibility and cost of treats among those families. 16. Progress Reports: Progress reports are sent home during the first nine weeks of the first semester. Additional progress reports will be distributed on an as-needed basis, especially if there is a significant change in student progress. You are encouraged to check your child’s grades on a regular basis (every week or two) using Parent Portal. 17. Trojan Pledge: We ask that all students memorize the Trojan Pledge. Trojan Pledge – 2012/2013 I am a Trojan, I am intelligent. Yesterday’s failures are behind me. Tomorrow’s successes are yet before me, and I will make today the best day of all, for this day begins the rest of my life. I will respect myself and will treat others with respect. If I discipline myself, others will not need to. I will be the best person that I can be. JEI is an institution of wisdom. I’m responsible for my actions and attitudes at school. I choose to learn. I’m committed to excellence. I’m a true Trojan…too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful; too caring to be indifferent, too determined to be defeated…I’m _________ a true Trojan. “Positivity Above the Line!” Announcer: “Where are you living?” ALL: “Above the Line” Announcer: What does it take? ALL: “Commitment” Announcer: “What do we celebrate?” ALL: “Diversity!” Rhythm Response –