Integrated Pest Management Quiz - High Tunnels & IPM

Lesson 9: Integrated Pest Management Quiz
1. Matching. Match the type of control with an example of that control method.
___Prevention Activity
a. natural enemies (lady bug)
___Biological Control
b. crop rotation
___Cultural Control
c. plant inspections
___Mechanical Control
d. pesticides
___Chemical Control
e. use sanitation practices
___Monitoring Activity
f. handpicking insects
2. What is the purpose of integrated pest management?
3. List 3 prevention activities for pest management.
4. Explain the purpose of monitoring as a component of IPM.
5. Describe augmentation and conservation as biological control practices.
6. What should growers consider before installing screening on high tunnels?
7. Why is IPM important to the environment?
8. How do high tunnels reduce disease impact?
9. Explain how powdery mildew impacts plants. Why is it a larger concern in high tunnels
than in field production?
10. List at least 3 measures that should be considered for high tunnel disease management.
BONUS: Name the six major insect and mite pests of high tunnel crops.