Name_________________________ 1. Matching. Match the type of control with an... Lesson 9: Integrated Pest Management Quiz

Lesson 9: Integrated Pest Management Quiz
1. Matching. Match the type of control with an example of that control method.
_E_Prevention Activity
a. natural enemies (lady bug)
_A_Biological Control
b. crop rotation
_B_Cultural Control
c. plant inspections
_F_Mechanical Control
d. pesticides
_D_Chemical Control
e. use sanitation practices
_C_Monitoring Activity
f. handpicking insects
2. What is the purpose of integrated pest management?
A common-sense, holistic approach to dealing with pests.
Using knowledge of plants, pests and the environment in a sensible way to reduce
the number of pests before they do unacceptable damage.
3. List 3 prevention activities for pest management.
Choosing resistant and adapted species when available
Plant according to best management practices
Plant disease- and pest-free transplants and seeds
Use sanitation practices
Irrigate and use mulch to minimize plant stress
Fertilize according to need
4. Explain the purpose of monitoring as a component of IPM.
The purpose of monitoring is to find pests and diseases early, before pests reach
damaging levels. Monitoring also helps in determining which control methods will
be most effective.
5. Describe augmentation and conservation as biological control practices.
Augmentation – The release of specific beneficial organisms within an area for
control of an existing pest population.
Conservation – The practice of preserving (conserving) the natural enemies that
are already present in the high tunnel environment.
6. What should growers consider before installing screening on high tunnels?
Screening can reduce airflow, thus increasing temperatures inside the high tunnel
when greater ventilation is required. Screening does not completely restrict the
influx of pests, but does reduce it. Needed pollinators (bees and bumblebees) would
need to be introduced and maintained.
7. Why is IPM important to the environment?
Primarily, IPM helps to protect the environment through a reduction in
unnecessary pesticide applications. In IPM, pesticides are only applied when there is
a need. All IPM practices should be environmentally sound. Benefits received from
a control vs. the risks of that control must be considered before a practice is
8. How do high tunnels reduce disease impact?
Keeping foliage dry, thus preventing the establishment of most foliar diseases.
9. Why is it a larger concern in high tunnels than in field production? Explain how powdery
mildew impacts plants.
Environmental conditions favor the development of powdery mildew, because it can
germinate in the absence of free water. It produces white, powdery colonies on the
leaves, petioles, and stems of infected plants. Usually it appears on the lower leaves
and it gradually spreads throughout the canopy. Plants become weakened from leaf
loss and fruit size can be significantly reduced.
10. List at least 3 measures that should be considered for high tunnel disease management.
Use plastic mulch combined with trickle irrigation
Maintain humidity to remove excess moisture
Use disease-resistant varieties; start with disease-free seed and transplants
Provide optimal growing conditions (proper irrigation, fertilization, staking,
pruning, etc.)
Practice sanitation to remove and destroy infected plants (Pick produce
frequently and cleanly, remove all over-ripe and damaged produce from tunnel;
remove all plant residues at end of the season)
Practice crop rotation
BONUS: Name the six major insect and mite pests of high tunnel crops.
Spider Mites
Cucumber Beetles