CensusInfo Project By CAPMAS - EGYPT

CensusInfo Project
2010 World Population & Housing Census
 UNSD coordinates international statistical programs and
activities, including census activities.
 Approved by the Statistical Commission at its 36th session
in 2005 and adopted by the United Nations Economic and
Social Council (ECOSOC) by its resolution A/2005/13.
 Recognize population and housing censuses as one of the
main sources of data for effective development planning
and objective decision-making.
2010 World Population & Housing Census
Programme Goals
There are three essential goals, which are:
To agree on international principles and recommendations
to conduct a census
2. To facilitate countries in conducting census at least once
during the period of 2005-2014
3. To assist countries to disseminate census results in a timely
manner using ( censusInfo)
What is CensusInfo ?
software based on DevInfo platform with new
 A Powerful tool for organizing, storing and presenting census
data in a uniform way
 Facilitates sharing data with national and international users,
on CD-ROM and on the web
 Supports user-defined tables and indicators
What can CensusInfo produce?
 Presents information as indicators and tables with high-quality
maps and graphs.
 Information for national, regional and local authorities and
 Spatial and graphical analysis
 Supplementary metadata covering definitions, classifications
and coverage and quality assessments
Objective of Census Info
“To disseminate the main tables and indicators
population and housing characteristics for the country as a
whole and for geographical areas/administrative units that
can be used for planning, management and evaluation of
development programs “
Main features of Census Info
 A tool to disseminate population and housing census results
on the web and on CD-ROM
 Presents indicators with map and graph facilities by date of
census and different geographic levels, from regions up to
small geographic area
 Includes census topics and a suggested list of census
tables/indicators with accompanying metadata
 Customized to meet country-specific census indicators
 Generates user-defined tables, graphs, maps and reports
 Import data from other software applications
CensusInfo Topics
Population topics
Housing topics
EGYPT and UNSD Activities Regarding
In response to CAPMAS request, UNSD provided three
technical assistance missions for training CAPMAS concerned
staff on Census Info Software as follows :
 The 1st workshop was conducted from 2 - 6/5/2010.
 The 2nd from 20 - 23/9/2010 attended by (11) trainees from the
information technology sector and the statistics sector. These
two workshops focused on data management
 The 3rd from 11 - 13/10/2010 concerned the user application ,
attended by (28) trainees working on IT and statistics sector.
EGYPT and UNSD Activities Regarding
CensusInfo cont
 CAPMAS has developed the Census Info database, in
cooperation with UNSD experts.
 The database is available now on CAPMAS Web Site
 CAPMAS has copied several CD-ROM for such database.
 Updated database includes both 1996 & 2006 census data.
 CAPMAS has modified the data in order to serve the analysts
of census data, which is considered the added value for
disseminating census data.
 A comparison between 1996 and 2006 Census Info databases
is available on CAPMAS website.
Some Screen shots of Census Info
CAPMAS HomeApplication
Census Info
Some Screen shots of Census Info
Application cont
Census Info Interface
Some Screen shots of Census Info
Application cont
All Topics
Some Screen shots of Census Info
Application cont
Pop by age Total and Govs
Some Screen shots of Census Info
Application cont
Pop by age Total and Govs Map
Some Screen shots of Census Info
Application cont
Pop 15 Ys + (labor force)
Some Screen shots of Census Info
Application cont
Pop by Educational status
Some Screen shots of Census Info
Application cont
Pop by Marital status