Regional Seminar on Developing a Programme for the Implementation of 2008 SNA & Supporting Statistics 30 January – February 1,2013 Kingston, Jamaica Supply & Use Tables (SUT) • Supply and use tables record ▫ The total supply of goods and services in the economy – Supply table ▫ How that supply is allocated whether for intermediate or final use or export – Use table • Presented in the form of matrices Supply & Use Tables (SUT) • SUT serves to provide a more detailed basis for analysing industries and products. • Provides a framework for consistency checking of statistical data from different sources. • First step in preparing input-output tables Supply & Use Tables (SUT) Supply table 1a Output matrix: Output at basic prices, product group x industry 1c Output at basic pr. by industry 1b Output at basic prices by product group 2 Imports of good and services c.i.f. 3 Trade and transport margins 5 Taxes on products 6 Less: subsidies on products 7 Total supply at purch. prices Tota1 Tota1 Tota1 Tota1 Tota1 Tota1 8b Total intermediate consum. by product group 9 Final consum., government 10 Final consum., private 11 Gross fixed capital formation 12 Changes in inventories 13 Exports of goods and services 14 Total use at purch. prices Tota1 Tota1 Tota1 Tota1 Tota1 Tota1 Tota1 Use table 8a Input matrix: intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices, product group x industry 8c Total int. cons. by industry 15 Value added matrix, components by industry = 16 – 8c All industries 16 Total output by industry = 1c All industries Construction of SUT in Jamaica • Supply and Use tables were constructed for the years 2000 and 2007 • Work on 2011 SUT is schedule to start in 2013 • Working level- 301 commodity groups 76 industries • Published – 57 commodity groups 53 industries Construction of SUT in Jamaica • Data Sources: ▫ Detailed financial statements of establishments ▫ Merchandise trade ▫ Production accounts from the national accounts estimates ▫ Balance of payments Construction of SUT in Jamaica • Data Sources: ▫ Household expenditure survey ▫ Government estimates of expenditure ▫ Special surveys from commodity boards Construction of SUT in Jamaica • Balancing done at the most detailed level • SUT has become an integral part of the national accounts compilation process • Used to check the consistency of the national accounts estimates • Used as the benchmark for the national accounts Input-Output Table • Input-Output tables were also developed from SUT compiled in 2000 and 2007 • Input-Output tables are industry by industry, published – 53 industries • Used by stakeholders for analytical purposes – integrated into macroeconomic models • SUT IO for publication.xls