Regional Seminar on Developing a Program Supporting Statistics


Regional Seminar on Developing


Program for the Implementation of the 2008 SNA and

Supporting Statistics

Murat EKŞİ

11-13 September 2013

Ankara - Turkey

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey


Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey


• Until 1993 data related with Financial Intermediary Institutions activities were included in Statistics on Services. Through 1993 to 2001, these data were published under the name of Financial Intermediary Institution


• Beginning from 2002, Financial Intermediary Institutions Statistics were produced with regard to European Council decision No 58/97 accepted in

20/12/1996 (EC, Euratom) and regulations No 1225/99, 1226/99, 1227/99,

1228/99, 1112/99, 86/635 and 91/674 including commission decisions concerning financial institutions.

• Financial Intermediary Institutions Statistics are produced according to

295/2008, 250/2009 and 251/2009 currently.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey


• To determine structure of financial intermediary institutions sector which constitutes important part of national economy and changes of the country's social and economic structure,

• To compile data to determine structure of the sectors,

• To compile data for international comparison and to meet national and international demand for data,

• To make available international statistical comparisons,

• To compile sector based data compatible with EU Structural Business

Statistics regulations.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey


• Financial and Insurance Activities are included in Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, NACE Rev.2.

• 64- Financial Service Activities (except Insurance and Pension Funding)

• 65- Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Funding (except Compulsory

Social Security)

• 66- Activities Auxiliary to Financial Services and Insurance Activities

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

• 64 - Financial Service Activities (except Insurance and Pension Funding); cover

Banks, Participation Banks, Financial Leasing Companies, Factoring Companies,

Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, Consumer Financing Companies, Lenders,

Asset Management Companies, Securities Investment Associations, Real

Estate Investment Associations and Venture Capital Trusts.

• 65 - Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Funding (except Compulsory Social

Security); cover Life Insurance, Non-Life Insurance and Reinsurance


• 66 - Activities Auxiliary to Financial Services and Insurance Activities; cover

Mutual Funds Companies, Foreign Exchange Offices, Activities of Insurance

Agents (legal entity), Credit Surety Cooperatives of Turkish Craftsmen and

Artisans, Activities of Insurance Brokers, Activities of Insurance Agents (real entity) and Insurance Experts, Stock markets (Istanbul Stock Exchange,

Derivatives Exchange and Istanbul Gold Exchange), Futures Brokerage Firms,

Portfolio Management Companies, Credit Guarantee Fund, Central Institution of Record, Interbank Card Center and VAT Repayment Companies.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Statistical Unit

• The statistical unit of surveys on Financial Intermediary Institutions is enterprise.

• Enterprise: The enterprise is an organizational form that produces goods and services using decision autonomy at first degree. An enterprise carries out one or more activities at one or more locations.

• The enterprise corresponds to the legal unit.

Geographical Coverage

Geographical coverage is whole Turkey.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Source of Address

• The address frame which is obtained from the Undersecretariat of Treasury are used for Insurance Companies, Lenders and Foreign Exchange Offices.

• Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency addresses are used for Banking,

Financial Leasing, Participation Banks, Factoring, Consumer Financing

Companies and Asset Management Companies.

• Capital Board of Markets addresses are used for Mutual Funds, Investment

Associations and Portfolio Management Companies.

• The address frame which is obtained from Credit Surety Cooperatives of

Turkish Craftsmen and Artisans Central Union is used for these cooperatives.

• Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey address frame is used for Insurance Agencies.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey


The full enumeration method is used for all sectors except Insurance

Agencies, Experts and Credit Surety Cooperatives of Turkish Craftsmen and


Reporting unit: Enterprise

Observation Unit: Enterprise and local units. Information on local units is collected via a specific section of the questionnaire.

Sampling Method: All of the enterprises are covered in sampling by using stratum simple random sampling in Financial Intermediary Institution

Statistics study. The sample is stratified by 4-digit NACE and NUTS1.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Data Sources

Data sources used are

• Enterprises

• Administrative data obtained from supervisory institutions

(Undersecretariat of Treasury, Banking Regulation and

Supervision Agency, Capital Board of Markets, The Association of Capital Market Intermediary Institutions of Turkey): Trial balances, income tables and balance sheets

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Data Compilation Process

• Data are collected by web based programs, post and face-to-face interviews by using Financial Intermediary Institution


• There are three questionnaires. These are;

Finance and Insurance Activities

Foreign Exchange Offices

Insurance Agencies, Experts, Brokers, Credit Surety Cooperatives of Turkish Craftsmen and Artisans

• Data are transmitted to databases through web applications by regional offices and by enterprises themselves and then enterprises’ data are processed by packaged softwares.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Data Compilation Process

• Data on databases are controlled, editted and prepared to be published.

• Imputation method is used in case of lack of data.

• Outliers are observed and necessary actions are taken.

• Mistakes related with digit, misunderstanding and etc. are identified.

• When sampling method is used, factors are taken from the department of sampling and applied to the existing data.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Data Release

• Financial Intermediary Institutions Statistics are produced yearly.

• It is declared to the public by a news release and statistical tables taking place on the web site of TurkStat.

• Financial Intermediary Institutions Statistics are published 18 months later after the reference period (t+18).

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Future Plans

• Financial Intermediary Institutions Statistics will be produced in 12th month after refence period (t+12).

• First news release was published in July, 2013. It is planned to be published every year.

• Eurostat adaptation process will go on, improving actions are to be taken.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey


• Coverage

The activities of creating content or acquiring the right to distribute content and subsequently broadcasting that content, such as radio, television and data programs of entertainment, news, talk and the like are covered.

• Short history

This study have been carried out since 1995.

Radio and

Television Institution Statistics have been published annually within the context of European Union regulations since 2002.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Sectoral coverage: Programming and broadcasting activities are included in Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, NACE Rev.2.

60-Programming and broadcasting activities

6010-Radio broadcasting

6020-Television programming and broadcasting activities

Between 2002 and 2008, only terrestrial broadcasting institutions were covered. Institutions broadcasting via satellite and cable have been covered since 2009.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Geographical coverage: Geographical coverage is Turkey.

Time coverage: Annual

• Classification

Broadcasting institutions are classified in accordance with the

Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European

Community, NACE Rev.2.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

• Statistical unit: Enterprise.

However, in this study

“broadcasting institution” term is used instead of enterprise.

Method: Full enumeration

Adress information on broadcasting institutions obtained from the Radio and Television Supreme Council.

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

Sources: Annual Radio and Television Institution Survey is the basic data source.

Type of data collected: Data is collected through face-toface interview with broadcasting institution by using Annual

Radio and Television Institution questionnaire.

Processing system: Data transmitted to data-bases through web applications by regional offices are processed

Regional Seminar on Developing A Program for the Implementation of the

2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics

11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey

• Publication

Radio and Television Broadcating Institution Statistics have been published under the statistical tables chapter on Turkish

Statistical Institute website for the years 2002 and 2011.

Radio and Television Broadcasting Institution Statistics, 2011 issued as news release for the first time. It is planned to be published every year.
