Global Forum on Gender Statistics 26-28 January 2009 Accra, Ghana Household satellite accounts on production and consumption of unpaid work services. Proposed methodology María Eugenia Gómez Luna Coordinación de Asesores. INEGI 1 Objective This presentation deals with a proposed methodology to compile satellite accounts on production and consumption of UNPAID HOUSEHOLD SERVICES within the System of National Accounts 1993, using the National Time Use Survey and the System of National Accounts of Mexico, 2002 2 A point to start: Productive Activities OUTPUT HUMAN ACTIVITIES Paid Work ECONOMIC OUTPUT SNA Goods and services I. Productive Activities No SCN Unpaid Services Unpaid Work II. Personal Activities • Personal benefits • Learning • Entertainment • Personal care … General Production The SNA boundary Production _______________ 100.0% Market production_____ 87.9% Own account final production______ 5.5% Other non market production___________ 6.6% Unpaid household services, are not within SNA boundary It is necessary a monetary value to know the magnitude of the unpaid work output in the same way of other economic activities It is necessary to compile a satellite account to have the total household production and consumption Household Satellite Accounts will enlarge the boundaries Including a new concept of work: Paid and unpaid as a total Extending the household production boundary Extending the SNA production and GDP boundary Extending the SNA consumption boundary Extended SNA production boundary= General Production SNA SATELLITE ACCOUNT OF UNPAID SERVICES 1. MARKET PRODUCTION 2. OWN FINAL USE 4. UNPAID HOUSEHOLD SERVICES UNPAID DOMESTIC SERVICES ( food, cleaning, care textiles, shopping…, including travels) OWN ACCOUNT GOODS PRODUCTION OWN ACCUONT CAPITAL PRODUCTION UNPAID CARE GIVING SERVICES TO HOUSE HOLD MEMBERS (Children, elderly, sick people, including travels …) SERVICES OF OWNER OCCUPIED DEWLLINS PAID DOMESTIC SERVICES UNPAID COMMUNITY SERVICES to other households To thecommunity) 3. OTHER NON MARKET PRODUCTION General government production Non profit Institution production SCN UNPAID VOLUNTEER SERVICES (NLI) + No SCN 6 PROPOSAL METHODOLOGY -The objective of household satellite accounts - General aproach - The boundary of the productive household activities The value of unpaid work The main results 7 Main Objectives of the HHSA 1. Provide estimation on production, gross domestic product, private consumption and compiles satellite accounts 2. Contribute to recognize unpaid work as part of a new concept of work, TOTAL WORK 3. Make visible women and men contributions to the economy and to the society ( reproduction and wellbeing) 4. Make visible the differences on the unpaid work distribution between women and men within the household 5. Have a set of statistics and indicators within the SNA framework to improve gender-sensitive measures and knowledge on the household economy to planning, policies makers and monitoring. 6. Contribute to construct a sensitive gender framework How to make a monetary value to unpaid household services? • Measuring the output according to the cost incurred • Considering that the only one input is unpaid work. • Only time of primary activities is taken into calculations • Using physical units of time “spend on” productive activities and a suitable “wage” of similar activities Quantity of hours x “wage” per hour Q x P = OUTPUT Data Sources • National Time Use Survey 2002 Activities and quantity of time “spending on” • National Income and Expenditures HH Survey 2002 “market wage” per hour of activities alike household activities . System of National Accounts of Mexico, 2002 Conceptual and quantity framework Goods and Services Accounts Institutional Sector Accounts 10 Quantity data source: Time Use Survey 2002 Some relevant characteristics Population: 12 and up years Survey instrument : Questionnaire 90Preselected activities 15 Main activities categories (close to ICATUS) Collecting period 18 November – 13 December as soon as National Incomes and Expenditures Household Survey finished Data presentation: Weekly data Data base available 11 It is necessary to classified the productive actities Cooking 4.0 9.7 Washing dishes 2.1 Cleaning dwelling 2.2 Carrying water, picking up wood or waste disposal 3.7 2.6 3.9 3.3 4.9 2.3 3.0 2.7 Paying and managment Dwelling repairs 3.5 5.8 Transporting a household member to work or school Purchasing groceries 1.4 2.0 Health care Caring for children or household members 3.7 2.4 Laundry, ironing or sewing clothes Tending domestic animals 4.3 3.3 1.6 3.6 Men 1.4 2.4 Women Source: INEGI. Encuesta Nacional sobre Uso del Tiempo, 2002 (National Time Use Survey, 2002) 12 “Third party criterion” is used to identify the unpaid household productive activities SNA PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES 01. Work SCN (ILO concept) 02. Work for household on primary production activities 03. Work for household on non primary production activities 04. Work for house hold in construction activities 05 Work for household providing servicies for income UNPAID PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES Personal activities 09. Actividades de estudio. A. Unpaid work services 06. Unpaid domestic services for own final use 10. Vida social y participación en actividades comunitarias. 07. Unpaid care services to household members 11. Asistencia a acontecimientos culturales, de entretenimiento y deportivos y visitas culturales. B. Unpaid community and volunteer services 12. Aficiones, juegos y otros pasatiempos. 08. Unpaid community services and help to other house holds 13. Práctica de deportes de interior y de exterior. 08ª Unpaid volunteer services work 14. Utilización de medios de comunicación de masas. 15. Cuidado y mantenimiento personal. 13 Source: Guide to producing statistics on Time Use: Measuring Paid and Unpaid Work Use We can construct an indicator with physical data, hours a week TOTAL WORK and WOMEN and MEN CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL WORK PAID WORK (SNA) UNPAID WORK TOTAL ACTIVITIES 3 405 328 1 747 996 1 657 332 MEN 1 487 278 1 242 369 244 909 WOMEN 1 918 049 505 626 1 412 423 √ √ Total Work Total Work Women Total Work Men 51.3 73.6 83.5 48.7 26.4 16.5 Paid work Unpaid work Total Work Paid work Unpaid work Paid work (SNA) Paid work Unpaid work Unpaid work 71.1 85.2 56.3 43.6 28.9 14.8 Men Women Men Women Men Women 14 Annual monetary value added of unpaid household services Number of hours of each unpaid productive activity X 50 Weeks = Total annual hours ……………… Q “Wage” per hour*of each unpaid activity, one for woman and one for man, …………………… P Imputing Monetary Value Q . P = Gross value added by activity *In general, it is the income received 15 Alternatives to value the UPW and the impact on the contribution to the GDP Canada Potential income Replacement cost Years Before taxes After taxes Specialists General 1961 63.6 52.4 55.6 34.2 1971 57.5 40.5 50.1 30.5 1981 47.6 31.3 39.5 25.6 1986 44.6 28.0 37.5 26.1 1992 54.2 32.0 43.0 34.0 Source: Satistique Canada. Travail non rémunéré des ménages: mesure et évaluation. 1995 16 Billions of pesos General Gross Domestic Product , includes unpaid household services Women and men contributions to monetary value added of unpaid household services Icatus Name/denomination Men Woman Total Men Woman 100.0 100.0 100.0 23.1 76.9 45.4 62.2 58.3 18.0 82.0 6.8 2.1 18.3 6.0 15.6 5.1 10.1 9.5 89.9 90.5 10.5 16.6 15.2 16.0 84.0 Cleaning cloth and footwear 5.7 13.5 11.7 11.3 88.7 Minor repairs and maintenance 5.0 0.3 1.4 85.3 14.7 Payments 2.0 0.5 0.9 52.2 47.8 13.3 7.1 8.6 36.0 64.0 51.6 36.7 40.2 29.7 70.3 38.2 2.2 25.9 2.0 28.8 2.1 30.7 24.7 69.3 75.3 11.2 3.0 1.9 1.2 8.8 1.1 0.8 0.2 9.3 1.5 1.1 0.4 27.7 46.5 40.1 62.5 72.3 53.5 59.9 37.5 Total 06 Unpaid Domestic Services for HH members Preparation of meals Wash ing dishesd Cleaning dweeling Management 07 Unpaid Care Services for HH members Childcare Health Care Care to other household members 08 Community and volunteer unpaid services Unpaid services to households Community and volunteer Women and men contributions to Gross Domestic Product of unpaid household services. Quantity and monetary value Quantity of unpaid work time Value of unpaid work The contribution of unpaid hh services to GDP is equivalent to 23.7 % of total GDP GD1: Agriculture, cattle, forestry and fishing GD2: Mining Gd3: Manufactures GD4 Construction GD5 Electricity GD6 Commerce, restaurants and hotels GD7 Transport and communications GD8 Financial and real estate GD9 Community and 4.0 professional services 27.0 20.0 23.7 18.6 13.4 10.7 5.1 1.4 1.3 Unpaid HH services s GD1 GD2 Source: MEGL , with INEGI data. GD3 GD4 GD5 GD6 GD7 GD8 GD9 20 . Men and women contribution to the total value of unpaid household services 11.9 0.7 10.5 28.2 0.8 47.8 Fuente: INEGI. Encuesta Nacional sobre Uso del Tiempo (ENUT), 2002 Unpaid domestic services Comunity and volunteer work Caregiving services Unpaid care health services contribute with 11.3 % to the new Health GDP • Heath is a mixture production: -Private, public, and hh sector. • Temporary sick's care is one of the most relevant unpaid activity • Women are the health careers and also the most users. • Health care is something “normal” for women, with relevant social and labor costs Satellite account of unpaid household services and the total economy Cuenta Satélite de Hogares Concepto SCN Producción 2,670,141 Producción de mercado Producción para uso final extendido Producción para uso final propio Producción de servicios no remunerados Contribución de las mujeres Contribución de los hombres Otra producción no de mercado 2,168,406 501,734 Consumo intemedio Producción Cuenta de servicios Satélite de no Hogares remunerados 1,358,491 1,358,491 1,044,292 314,199 Economía Total Aportaciones % SCN SCN SNRH En millones de pesos 66 34 Economía Total Extendida 9,861,630 11,220,121 2,168,406 8,560,496 501,734 501,734 8,560,496 1,860,225 501,734 1,358,491 1,044,292 314,199 4,126,984 5,734,646 614,186 7,093,137 614,186 5,120,460 5,120,460 2,061,897 3,420,388 Otros impuestos sobre la producción 34,790 Otros subsidios a la producción Excedente neto de operación 348,080 348,080 1,783,235 Ingreso mixto neto 1,240,538 1,240,538 1,783,235 Fuente: Elaboraciones propias del cálculo de los SNRH y de INEGI, SCNM. Cuentas por sectores institucionales 34,790 1,991,890 106,939 678,250 1,358,491 1,884,951 296,333 3,350,381 106,939 59 41 1,884,951 1,358,491 1,654,824 Cuánto se registra en las Cuentas Nacionales % 88 1,358,491 1,044,292 314,199 799,400 4,126,984 Valor agregado bruto/ Producto interno bruto Consumo de capital fijo Valor agregado neto/ Producto interno neto Remuneración de los asalariados (incluye contrib. soc. imp.) 678,250 4,028,632 Estructura de la cuenta satélite de los hogares 18 82 1,783,235 1,783,235 81 60 Production and Consumption Satellite Accounts Cuenta Satélite de Producción y Consumo de SNRH Producción y Consumo Total Cuenta de Producción y Consumo SCN Concepto Estructura de la Producción y el Consumo SCN (%) Estructura de la Cuenta Satélite de Estructura de la Oferta y Utilización Oferta y Utilización Producción y Total (%) Total (%) Consumo Estructura de la Producción y Consumo de los SNRH (%) Recursos En millones de pesos a precios corrientes Producción Total Extendida Producción en valores básicos Producción de mercado Producción para uso propio extendido Producción para uso propio Producción de servicios no remunerados de hogares Contribución de las mujeres Contribución de los hombres Otra Producción, no de mercado Impuestos sobre los productos, netos Importación de bienes y servicios CIF Oferta total = Utilización total 11,220,121 82.8 100.0 8,560,496 63.2 76.3 6.6 1,860,225 501,734 1,358,491 1,044,292 314,199 799,400 13.7 3.7 10.0 7.7 2.3 5.9 16.6 4.5 12.1 9.3 2.8 7.1 4.3 528,491 3.9 9,861,630 8,560,496 100.0 86.8 80.9 70.3 501,734 5.1 4.1 799,400 8.1 528,491 1,794,948 14.7 1,794,948 13.3 12,185,069 100.0 13,543,560 100.0 Empleos Consumo Total extendido 10,571,853 78.1 100.0 Consumo Total Consumo intermedio 9,213,362 4,126,984 100.0 44.8 75.6 33.9 4,126,984 30.5 39.0 Consumo final efectivo 5,086,378 55.2 41.7 6,444,869 47.6 61.0 4,744,128 51.5 38.9 342,250 3.7 2.8 4,744,128 1,358,491 342,250 35.0 10.0 2.5 44.9 12.9 3.2 9.9 1,205,942 8.9 Consumo efectivo individual Consumo no remunerado de los hogares Consumo efectivo colectivo Formación bruta de capital fijo Variaciones de existencias 1,205,942 84,667 Exportación de bienes y servicios 1,681,098 Exportación de bienes 1,558,732 Otros servicios 122,366 Fuente: Elaboraciones propias del cálculo de los SNRH y de INEGI, SCNM. Cuentas de bienes y servicios 0.7 84,667 0.6 13.8 12.8 1.0 1,681,098 1,558,732 122,366 12.4 11.5 0.9 Thank you Your comments are welcome Tiempo dedicado a los servicios no remunerados de los hogares y aportaciones en las horas dedicadas y en el valor de los servicios Horas dedicadas a la semana (miles) Icatus Denominación HOMBRES 07 08 TOTAL HOMBRES MUJERES TOTAL HOMBRES MUJERES TOTAL 308,264.4 1,611,485.5 1,919,749.9 16.1 83.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 211,395.2 1,325,581.5 1,536,976.7 13.8 86.2 100.0 68.6 82.3 80.1 Preparación de alimentos 35,964.9 444,752.4 480,717.3 7.5 92.5 100.0 11.7 27.6 25.0 Lavar los trastes Limpieza de la vivienda 10,401.6 57,042.1 133,328.1 376,547.5 143,729.8 433,589.6 7.2 13.2 92.8 86.8 100.0 100.0 3.4 18.5 8.3 23.4 7.5 22.6 Limpieza de la ropa y calzado Reparaciones menores y mantenimiento Realizar pagos o trámites para el hogar Administración y compras Servicios no remunerados de cuidado de miembros del hogar Cuidado de niños Cuidados de salud Cuidados a otros miembros del hogar Servicios a la comunidad y a otros hogares Ayudar a otros hogares o familiares Participar en alguna act social, o mejoras a la comunidad 30,507.3 246,624.3 277,131.6 11.0 89.0 100.0 9.9 15.3 14.4 22,113.6 5,682.9 27,796.5 79.6 20.4 100.0 7.2 0.4 1.4 7,178.5 48,187.3 8,472.2 110,174.1 15,650.6 158,361.3 45.9 30.4 54.1 69.6 100.0 100.0 2.3 15.6 0.5 6.8 0.8 8.2 82,739.8 54,388.1 6,980.6 263,505.6 181,658.4 17,305.7 346,245.4 236,046.5 24,286.3 23.9 23.0 28.7 76.1 77.0 71.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 26.8 17.6 2.3 16.4 11.3 1.1 18.0 12.3 1.3 21,371.1 64,541.5 85,912.6 24.9 75.1 100.0 6.9 4.0 4.5 14,129.4 22,398.4 36,527.9 38.7 61.3 100.0 4.6 1.4 1.9 9,422.9 18,840.2 28,263.0 33.3 66.7 100.0 3.1 1.2 1.5 4,706.6 3,558.3 8,264.8 56.9 43.1 100.0 1.5 0.2 0.4 TOTAL 06 MUJERES Aportaciones al tiempo dedicado % Servicios Domésticos no remunerados de los hogares Fuente: MEGL Estimaciones propias con base en la ENUT y ENIGH2002 26 Puntos de partida • El trabajo es un factor de producción cuyos resultados se traducen en bienes y servicios • El trabajo no remunerado que se realiza en los hogares para sus propios miembros se incorpora en actividades productivas cuyo resultado se traduce en servicios • Los hogares proporcionan servicios domésticos y de cuidado de personas a otros hogares • Servicios comunitarios • Trabajo voluntario