Publications for Susan Banki 2016

Publications for Susan Banki
Publications for Susan Banki
Banki, S. (2016). Transnational Activism as
Practised by Activists from Burma: Negotiating
Precarity, Mobility and Resistance. In Renaud
Egreteau, Francois Robinne (Eds.),
Metamorphosis: Studies in Social and Political
Change in Myanmar, (pp. 234-259). Singapore:
NUS Press Pte Ltd.
Banki, S., Phillips, N. (2014). "We are the
victims of the separation": A report on
Bhutanese refugees remaining in Nepal. <a
Banki, S. (2014). Bhutan: What future for
minorities in the emerging democracy? East Asia
Forum Quarterly, 6(1), 22-23.
Banki, S. (2014). Precarity of Place: a
complement to the growing precariat literature.
In Matthew Johnson (Eds.), Precariat: Labour,
Work and Politics, (pp. 66-79). London and New
York: Routledge.
Banki, S. (2013). Conduit strategies in refugee
contexts and the educational implications for
populations left behind. International Studies
Association Conference, US.
Banki, S. (2013). Precarity of Place: a
complement to the growing precariat literature.
Global Discourse, 3(3-4), 450-463. <a
881139">[More Information]</a>
Banki, S. (2013). Precarity of Place: a
complement to the growing precariat literature
(conference proceedings). Power and Justice in
the Contemporary World-System Conference,
Banki, S. (2013). Refugee Camp Education:
Populations Left Behind. In Lesley Bartlett,
Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher (Eds.), Refugees,
Immigrants, and Education in the Global South:
Lives in Motion, (pp. 133-148). New York,
United States: Routledge.
Banki, S., Valiente-Riedl, E., Duffill, P. (2013).
Teaching Human Rights at the Tertiary Level:
Addressing the 'Knowing-Doing Gap' through a
Role-Based Simulation Approach. Journal of
Human Rights Practice, 5(2), 318-336. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Banki, S. (2013). The Paradoxical Power of
Precarity: Refugees and Homeland Activism.
Refugee Review.
Banki, S. (2013). The Transformation of
Homeland Politics in the Era of Resettlement:
Bhutanese refugees in Nepal and the diaspora.
European Bulletin of Himalayan Research, 43,
Banki, S. (2013). Urbanity, Precarity, and
Homeland Activism. Burmese Migrants in
Global Cities. Moussons, 22, 1-21.
Banki, S. (2012). A Tale of Two Prime
Ministers: Australia’s Asylum Seeker 'Solutions'.
Oceanic Conference of International Studies,
Sydney, Australia: University of Sydney.
Banki, S. (2012). Refugee Activism and Social
Movements: the Transformation of Homeland
Politics. International Studies Association
Conference 2012, San Diego: International
Studies Association.
Banki, S. (2012). Refugees as Educators: The
Potential for Positive Impact on Educational
Systems. In Margaret Vickers and Florence
McCarthy (Eds.), Refugee and Immigrant
Students: Achieving Equity in Education, (pp.
43-64). North Carolina, USA: Information Age
Banki, S. (2010), Resolving Immigration Status:
Comparative Case Studies.
Banki, S. (2010), Resolving Immigration Status:
Review of the International Literature.
Banki, S. (2009). Contested Regimes, Aid Flows,
and Refugee Flows: The Case of Burma. Journal
of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 28(2), 47-73.
Banki, S. (2008), <i>Bhutanese Refugees in
Nepal: Anticipating the
Impact of Resettlement</i>.
Banki, S. (2008), Can Aid Change Burma?.
Banki, S., Lang, H. (2008). Difficult to remain:
the impact of mass resettlement. Forced
Migration Review (English Edition), April 2008,
Banki, S. (2008), Kilt.
Banki, S., Lang, H. (2008). Protracted
Displacement on the Thai-Burmese Border: The
Interrelated Search for Durable Solutions. In
Howard Adelman (Eds.), Protracted
Displacement in Asia: No place to call home,
(pp. 59-81). hampshire: Ashgate.
Publications for Susan Banki
Banki, S. (2008). Resettlement of the Bhutanese
from Nepal: The Durable Solution Discourse.
In Howard Adelman (Eds.), Protracted
Displacement in Asia: No place to call home,
(pp. 29-55). hampshire: Ashgate.
Banki, S. (2008), Responses to Statelessness.
Banki, S. (2007), Asean Goes Silent on Burma,
Banki, S., Lang, H. (2007). Planning for the
Future: The Impact of Resettlement on the
Remaining Camp Population.
Banki, S. (2007), Protracted Refugee Situations.
A State of Limbo.
Banki, S., Abbas, H. (2007). The broken
promises of military rule. The Boston Globe,
2007 (November 17).
Banki, S. (2006). Burmese Refugees in Tokyo:
Livelihoods in the Urban Environment. Journal
of Refugee Studies, 19(3), 328-344.
Banki, S. (2006). The Triad of Transnationalism,
Legal Recognition, and Local Community:
Shaping Political Space for the Burmese
Refugees in Japan. Refuge: Canada's periodical
on refugees, 23(2), 36-46.
Banki, S. (2004), Refugee integration in the
intermediate term: a study of Nepal, Pakistan,
and Kenya.