
Reading/Language Arts
To enhance comprehension, we
have been learning about non-fiction
features. This came in handy when
we did research to find out what
kind of turtles we have at JEE.
We have begun our guided
reading groups. During this time we
have 3, yes 3, of our 5 groups each
day being seen by either a specialist
or myself!
I know your students have
been talking with you about our
exciting news time. This is such an
important part of our day. Not only
is this allowing each student time to
feel important and share, but it is
also teaching them how to tell a
story, which then translates into
becoming better writers! Many of
the students have been sending
in/bringing in photographs, which is
a great way to help them stay
focused with their story telling.
Snack: Don’t forget to send
your child with a healthy snack
each day. We have such a long
morning and really count on this
to energize us and keep us going
until lunch!
Math: Our focus this month is on basic addition and
subtraction facts. Small groups will be created to
work on any area of our last unit that a student needs
extra practice for understanding. Flash cards would
be a great at home tool to help your student. Try to
get them to solve 10 math problems in 1 minute.
Spelling: Try the Prove It
game! If you can spell cat,
you can spell bat, rat, fat,
Math: Open ended response
questions and any math home
links are due on Fridays. We
will take them out and review
them Friday morning. The
number of pages of math
homework each night will vary.
Reading: Each student is
asked to read 20 minutes each
night. Book It reading goal
for October is 350 minutes.
At the end of the month, all
students who have met
(recorded) this amount of
minutes will get a certificate
for a personal pan pizza.
P.E. News: We are very active during our Physical Education classes and in order for
your child to perform safely and to the best of their ability every child needs to wear
athletic shoes. If you are unable to purchase shoes for your child at this time or in
the future; please let us know, and we will be very happy to assist you.
If your child does not know how to tie a shoe, please help them learn. We are
checking all students shoe tying skills at this time and we need your help. This isn’t
an advertisement, however; we just saw on Facebook the other day that “Kicks 4
Kids” located at 81st and Harvard is having shoe tying lessons on Thursday,
September 26th at 5:30. You may call to reserve your spot and their number is 918493-6465.
The rotation schedule for Specials … ART/MUSIC/PHYSICAL EDUCATION.
Office extension 5044:
If your student is sick
or you need to get a
message to them
about the end of the
day, please call our
office. I don’t always
have time to check my
email before the end
of the day.
Important Dates:
10/4- Donuts with
10/4-JEE Carnival
10/15-16 Fall
10/16-18 Fall Break
Day (Late Start)
What a wonderful start
to our school year!
Thank you for the
donations we have
received for our
homework give away!
Thank you to our home
room parents for all
their work! We’ve also
had several amazing
mystery readers too!
918-299-4411 ext.