NTT: Preparing Your Dossier Monday, May 16, 2016 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

NTT: Preparing Your Dossier
Monday, May 16, 2016
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Extension NTT Committee
Business Development & Chair
Non-tenure Track at Large
Tenure Track at Large
4-H Youth Development
Community Development
Human Environmental Science
*Terms Expire August 31, 2016
Chris V. Thompson
Raymond Massey
Stephen D. Ball
Don Nicholson*
Mary S. Sobba*
Van Ayers
M. Kathy Dothage
So What Are These Rank
Titles & Attributes?
 Assistant Extension Professional
 Associate Extension Professional
 Extension Professional
Assistant Extension
Professional Attributes
 At the time of application, hold an earned doctoral
 If no doctoral degree is held, the candidate must have
an appropriate terminal degree, OR a master’s degree
and normally at least five years of Extension and/or
equivalent full-time academic experience.
 The candidate’s dossier must clearly reflect excellence
in Extension as determined by the Extension NTT
Promotion Committee.
Associate Extension
 At the time of application hold an earned doctoral
degree and normally at least 5 years of Extension
and/or equivalent academic experience.
 If no doctoral degree is held the candidate must have
an appropriate terminal degree, OR a master’s
degree and normally at least ten years of Extension
and/or equivalent full-time academic experience.
 The candidate must demonstrate a high degree of
competence in Extension scholarship as well as local
and statewide participation in professional activities
and services.
Extension Professional
 At the time of application, hold an earned doctoral
degree and normally at least ten years of Extension
and/or equivalent academic experience.
 If a doctorate is not held, the candidate must hold the
appropriate terminal degree, OR a master’s degree,
and must have typically 15 years of Extension and/or
equivalent full-time academic experience.
 The candidate must demonstrate sustained excellence
in Extension scholarship as well as local, statewide
and national participation in professional activities
and services.
Critical Part of Process
Unranked faculty who serve in positions that are eligible for NTT rank
and who meet the requirements described in the “Attributes” section
may make a decision to apply for a promotion within the NTT system.
…Once rank is established it is anticipated that in many
cases it may take as many as five or more years before
criteria for the next level can be achieved.
Subsequent promotions will consider only work that
occurred from the last promotion to the desired
So What Is In A Dossier?
(Tab I) Appointment Folder
• Initial letter of appointment
• Position Description
(Tab V) Summary of
Accomplishments (Not to exceed
25 pages)
Also consider:
 5 samples of work
Each sample of work should
not exceed 5 pages
(Tab II) Departmental Summary
Letters and Recommendations
 Up to 4 colleague/peer review
(Tab III) College/School Summary
Letters and Recommendations
(Tab VI) External Reviews
Signature Page
History & Recommendations Page
(Tab IV) Complete C.V. (Not to
exceed 25 pages)
(Tab VII) Departmental and
Divisional Guidelines
Non-tenure track promotion
• Next round of applications due to supervisors by
midnight Sept. 30 (Oct. 1, 2016)
Preparing promotion
• Format: Dossiers should be prepared following
American Psychological Association’s Formatting
and Style Guide. Documents should be prepared
using a 10 to 12-point font. See: APA Style from
Purdue Online Writing Lab.
Preparing promotion
• A Signature page (appendix B) and a History and
Recommendations page (appendix C) are placed
in front of the dossier, before tab 1.
• Both forms are found on the Preparing Promotion
Dossiers page on the website. They are fillable
forms. Download, complete, save and upload to
SharePoint and add to the paper dossier.
Preparing promotion
• Be sure the History and Recommendation
Summary is complete. The total for each year
must be 100 percent. Any variations from the
initial appointment during the preceding five
years must be explained as addendum.
• Examples of variations may include leaves,
administrative appointments, change in
teaching load, etc.
Preparing promotion
Peer letters and letters of recommendation from
reviewers will be added by regional directors/
supervisors to both the paper and electronic
Paper Dossier
The paper dossier should be placed in a light blue pressboard report
binder with fasteners along the left side. Ring and spring-clip binders
are not acceptable. (Publications & Marketing item UED103)
• Tabs using Roman numerals and the names specified in Appendix
D: Content Outline separate the sections in the dossier.
• Faculty members must label the front of their binder with the
following information:
Division of Extension Dossier in Support of Promotion to the Level
of (Assistant Extension, Associate Extension or Extension
Submission Date
• Send one original paper copy of the dossier to their supervisor.
Paper Dossier
Sample dossier label
and tabs
Tab I - Appointment
Tab II – Department
Summary Letters and
Tab III –
Summary Letters
Tab IV – Complete C. V.
Tab V – Summary of
Tab VI – External
Tab VII –
Departmental and
Division Guidelines
Electronic Dossiers
• Request SharePoint site and an email will be sent to you
when granted.
• A copy of the dossier should be submitted via SharePoint,
which provides maximum confidentiality while allowing
access to individuals in the review process.
• Candidates should create PDF files of their dossier.
Scanned documents must be readable; scanning at 200
to 300 dpi with OCR is recommended. Review documents
for legibility before submitting. To reduce PDF file sizes
for Word documents, choose "Save as" and select
"Minimize size (publishing online)."
Electronic Dossiers
• Contents are exactly the same as a paper dossier
• A set of dossier folders for each candidate will be created
when the supervisor or regional director is notified of
their intent to seek promotion. Materials should be
uploaded to the appropriate folders:
• Keep in mind the timeline for dossier submission.
Individual access will be determined according to the
posted deadlines. Once the documents are uploaded and
application is final, candidates will no longer have access
to the files. Be sure that documents are in their final form
before uploading them.
Preparing your dossier
• Be well organized and follow the instructions in the most
recent promotion call letter.
• Include all requested information in the specified format.
• Never assume that your accomplishments are obvious to
• Provide detailed information on your accomplishments
and contributions.
• Know your strengths and emphasize them in your CV.
Resumes and CVs
• What’s the Difference?
• A resume is “a summary, as of one’s employment, education,
etc., used in applying for a new position.”
• A resume is a career and educational summary meant to
highlight your skills and experience.
• A resume is written in the third person so as to appear more
objective and factual.
• “A curriculum vitae (CV) is noted as “a regular or particular
course of study of or pertaining to education and life.”
• A CV is a list meant to document every job and degree you’ve
ever received in your life.
Resumes and CVs
• A CV is written in a paragraph style, not broken up with
bulleted or italicized information to highlight any skills,
accomplishments, or achievements for each specific
• Each paragraph lists the responsibilities from a first
person perspective “I” and “my” which is just not done in
a professional resume.
Criteria for the Summary of
1. Statement of Personal Extension/Teaching
Criteria for the Summary of
2. Creation & Transfer, Programming, and
Curriculum Development in Areas of Scholarly
• excellence in transferring or applying knowledge
• incorporates current and appropriate research in
educational efforts
• organizes, presents and implements high quality,
stimulating, educational programming
• effectiveness in program development
• outcomes and impacts in high priority knowledge
areas/named or branded programs
Criteria for the Summary of
3. Extension Scholarship and Research
• publication/dissemination of scholarly work
• contributions to eXtension
Criteria for the Summary of
4. Innovation & Creativity in Teaching, Programming,
and/or Research
• new teaching techniques, delivery systems &
learning approaches to subject matter
• new & innovative approaches to reaching
underserved communities/constituent groups
• application of existing research to new problems,
creation of novel research approach to problem,
adaptation of research agenda to new needs
Criteria for the Summary of
5. Revenue Generation
• Provide examples of contracts, classes generating
fees, and/or gifts/endowments established or
• PI/Co-PI on grants
• Increases in county funding for CPDs or other
sources of revenue
Criteria for the Summary of
6. Professional and University Related Service
• pursuit of professional development and
• participation in professional service organizations
utilizing position expertise
• contribution to the achievement of the goals of
• recognition by profession as a leader
Criteria for the Summary of
Also consider:
 5 samples of work
Each sample of work should not exceed 5 pages
Up to 4 colleague/peer review letters
• Reviews of the candidate’s performance are essential
components of the promotion process, and they are a
critical part of the dossier.
• The regional director or unit supervisor, in consultation
with the candidate, will be responsible for identifying
external reviewers.
• External reviewers are from outside the University of
Missouri System. The candidate should give the
supervisor a list of names of potential reviewers who are
qualified to provide an expert objective review.
• In a separate process, the supervisor should also compile
a list of potential reviewers. (Appendices E, F, G)
• Two external reviewers should be selected by the
2016 NTT Timeline
Timeline for Entry into the NTT System
(The deadline for each is intended to be midnight the day prior to the stated
date. Materials need to be submitted by midnight Sept. 30.
Aug. 1
Candidate request SharePoint Site
Oct. 1
Candidate submits one paper copy and one electronic via SharePoint to his/her supervisor.
Oct. 1 – Oct. 31
Supervisor (i.e., regional director/continuing education director) submits letters of recommendation to NTT Promotion
Committee. Supervisor submits paper and electronic dossier to NTT Promotion Committee.
Nov 1 – Nov. 30
Program Director submits letters of recommendation to NTT Promotion Committee.
Jan. 15
Chair of the Extension NTT Promotion Committee provides the Vice Provost with written notice of the committee’s vote
and recommendation.
Jun. 1
Vice Provost of Extension forwards the candidate’s dossier, the Vice Provost’s vote and recommendation to the Provost.
Aug. 1
Provost completes reviews of all dossiers.
Sept. 1
If approved by the Provost, the candidate’s promotion becomes effective.
Appeal Process
• Refer to the document on the MU Extension
NTT Tips
Follow the guidelines
Resume vs. CV (accumulative)
Summary of accomplishments – clear cut
Outcomes should be included
Grammar should be professional
NTT Tips
• RDs can be general reviewers, not editors
• Applicants edit for content. Have others review
dossier. (Consider a professional editor)
• It is the decision of the applicant as to which rank
to pursue
• If not sure about appropriate rank discuss with
your supervisor
NTT Tips
• Checklist used by faculty and RDs on website
• Review the FAQs
• Announcements on SharePoint – Documents
posted in PDF Format
• Use APA Citations – links to resources online
• Review examples of dossiers previously submitted
in 205A Whitten. Can only take notes, can’t copy
or remove. Contact Tamra or HR Staff.
NTT Tips
• Number your pages!
• If applying for second rank and a program,
activity, or other spanned both time periods,
make it clear in your Summary of
Accomplishments what occurred during the
current promotion review period
• Not all reviewers understand your program area,
explain the differences as needed
• Charts and graphics large enough to be read
Next NTT ISE is Thursday, August 4
at 10 AM
Chris Thompson