Document 16639243

Census Dates
September 2010, or
 Six months after elections to ensure
smooth conduct free from any political
Update of household listing
 Update of village lists
 Update of EA and CA Maps
 Office set up
– Regional Offices Set up (8 regions)
– District Census Offices Set up (398 districts)
International Consultants Recruitment
– Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Expert
– Capacity Building Advisor
Security Assessment
 Preparation of strategies for security
compromised areas
 Transport plan
– Preparation of Transportation Requirements and
– Preparation of Air and Ground Transport Contracts
for Deliveries of Census Materials
Publicity plan
– Development of Media Communication Packages
– Delivery of Media Communication Packages
– First Media Wave
– 2nd Media Wave
– 3rd Media Wave
Procurement plan and Requirements
– Finalization and Approval of General
Procurement Requirements including ICT
– Delivery
– Quality check
– Inventory and Storage in Kabul Main Warehouse
Training plan
– Statistical Data analysis and interpretation
– Refresher training on Cartography and GIS staff for
Training of Regional Master Trainers, Senior Master
Trainers, Provincial Statistics Officers on Census at CSO,
Training of District Trainers, District Census Officers, and
their Deputies, and Provincial Staff in 34 CSO Provincial
Training of Enumerators and Controllers in the District
Editors, Coders and Data Entry Operators Training
Training of Database , Data Entry and IT section staff in
CSPro and in other RDBMS
Training of CSO staff in SPSS, STATA software for data
Census Instruments
– Pre- testing of Questionnaires
– Pre - testing of manuals and forms
– Finalization and Printing of Questionnaires,
Forms and EN,CN , PSO and DSO manuals
– Review of Census tables with key stakeholders
– Finalization of Census tabulation plan
– Revision and finalization of data entry code
Pilot Census
 Appointment of Enumerators and Controllers
– Completion of Enumerators’ and Controllers’ lists
– Notification of Enumerators and Controllers with
Official Letters
Manual Editing and coding plan
– Geographic ID codes check, manual editing and
coding shall be done prior to data entry and
further computer processing
Data Processing plan
– Data Entry Operators Editors and Coders
Development of data dictionary for the record
layout of housing and household questionnaire
Development of CSPro based data entry system
to include data verification and range checks.
Around 150 microcomputers will be available to
capture the Census data
Development of computer data editing and
imputation procedures and programs
Preparation of computer programs for tabulation
Data dissemination plan
– Print: a) One volume of report for Afghanistan
and one each for the 34 provinces (these
include tables and analysis)
b) Other print census dissemination
products according to type of users (brochures,
press releases, newspapers, etc)
– TV and radio: announcements, plugs,
interviews shall be scheduled highlighting the
results of the census
– Workshop/Fora: presentation of census results
dissemination plan
–Utilization of census data through Research
–Thematic maps and digital GIS databases will
be done and will be properly disseminated to
concerned users
storage and Management
Total budget for the census
The estimated budget for the entire 4 year
program is approximately US $ 69 million
Security issue
– About 39.97% of the districts have Security problem
– Consultation with governors and other local authorities that was
done in 34 provinces 10 provinces revealed security problems of
different degrees
Funding gap
There was a short fall of funds in 2008. The activities that
will be funded are the following :
Recruitment and payments of functionaries
Printing of census materials
Setting up of District Census Offices
Transport of census materials
Media outreach
Data entry processing and analysis
Publication and dissemination of results
Voter’s registration
– Voter’s registration has been scheduled in 2008
– Registration is a political process and may affect the
security of people who will be conducting the Census
and as well as the cooperation of respondents
Elections (presidential and parliamentary)
– Elections are political process and may affect the
quality of the Census
Enumerators will visit every household
in every settlement in Afghanistan
 Will include the nomadic population of
 Will include population in institutional
living quarters
 Will include those Afghans in diplomatic
posts assigned outside Afghanistan
Mapping :
 Use of ArcGIS Desk Top 9.1 Software.
 Use of ArcGIS Desk Top 9.2 Software.
 Use of very high Resolution Quick Bird
satellite Imagery which was acquired for
the thirty four provincial centers for Nahia,
CA and EA delineation (Resolution color 2
meter black and white 0.6 meter).
 ArcGIS server Arc SDE for GIS Database.
 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database.
Data Capture:
 Traditional Data Entry
 CSPro software (public open license by US
Census Bureau) for data entry and
 Appropriate data processing software for
tabulations and data analysis
 Appropriate project management software
for progress monitoring
Afghanistan Population and Housing
Census in 2010 involve:
Data processing for over 28 million population.
To be collected from about 5 million households
Covering more than 21,000 EAs
Situated across a geographical spread of 34
provinces, 364 Districts, 34 provincial capitals, and
over 42,000 villages
Requiring a composite data processing cycle
involving: a) Housing data ( housing type, facilities ,
etc), and b) Population enumeration data
(Demographic, social, cultural and economic
structure of population )
Thank you