Making value visible
M. Mubila
Statistics Department
African Development Bank
• Introduction
• Types of data generally collected through a
• Why is it important to promote census
• Promotion of censuses and results
• Merits of sufficient and in-depth analysis of
census data
• Dissemination of census results
• Archiving
• Census evaluation
• Conclusion
 A modern census is defined as a process of data collection, compilation,
evaluation and dissemination of demographic, socio-economic data pertaining
to a country’s population at a specified time.
 This implies that a census is complete only when the above activities are fully and
successfully undertaken including sufficient and in-depth analysis of census
Types of data generally collected
through a census
 Censuses provide very key information on demographic, human settlement, social
and economic issues which can be used for local, regional, national, and
international purposes. The census is the only census exercise that generates data
at smallest geographical domain.
 For comparability among countries the United Nations for the 2010 round of
censuses recommended the collection of data on core topics to facilitate
comparability of data and information among countries.
Why is it important to promote
census results?
 Apart from providing basic demographic and socio-economic results of varying
detail, a quality and successful census provides the opportunity for mobilizing the
country and making statistical activities visible. A census still remains the
backbone of statistical development in many African countries.
 The census is one of the most comprehensive operations that collects varied and
relatively comprehensive data about the country’s population at low level
geography i.e. small areas. It is, therefore, prudent to fully analyze and promote
census findings by disseminating to all relevant stakeholders or users.
 Instead of countries only providing basic population size figures, there is
unlimited potential to carry out in-depth analysis of the country’s population
with respect to education, gender, occupation, economic activity, disability etc.
Such analytical results would provide numerical profiles and informed
commentaries essential for evidence-based decision making at all levels including
small areas such as communities and therefore add value to census results. In fact
the common complaint from census data users is that the disseminated results are
lacking at community level. By providing such data the profile of census results
and activities would be promoted and more valuable especially that a number of
African countries are adopting or trying to adopt a decentralizing model of
Promotion of censuses and results
 Promotion of the census results, has to start by planning and
implementing a quality and credible census. This implies that all the
three phases of the census, namely planning, enumeration (field count)
and post enumeration phases (data capture, processing, analysis and
dissemination) should be professionally and objectively undertaken. This
will entail obtaining reliable data that will instil confidence into users of
census data resulting into its promotion and adding value to the results.
Merits of sufficient and in-depth
analysis of census data
 One of the most important tasks in a census operation is the analysis of
census data.
 The aim is to produce a sanctity narrative that brings together evidence
and arguments in support of conclusions about the demographic and
socio-economic situation the data is supposed to represent .
 The census information offers a wonderful opportunity for detailed
analysis to add value to census results because of the universal coverage,
relatively many items covered and the simultaneity of its conduct
 However, for most countries in Africa, the voluminous information
collected is only partially analyzed and disseminated and often in an
untimely manner. This in turn leads to undervaluing the census and
underutilization of the results. To some extent it is a disservice to
countries when one looks at the missed opportunity to analyse and
provide the needed data pertinent to informed policy and decisionmaking.
 There is, therefore, need for in-depth analysis of census data instead to
of just basic numbers relating to population size or counts.
 Thematic areas for in-depth analysis, in addition to regular staff of the
national statistical office, may involve subject matter specialists from
research institutions, universities, line Ministries etc. In this way you build
analytical capacity at the national statistical office. At the same time you
satisfy the demand from specialist users of census results. Hence the
Areas requiring in-depth analysis may include : Age
Structure; Mortality, Fertility and Migration; Education;
Disability; Aging; Youth; Gender correlates etc. With the
production of thematic reports the utilization of census data
is maximized and justifies the heavy investment both
financial and human resources that go into the
implementation of a census program.
Dissemination of census results
 Dissemination of census results can add value to census results by
adopting an aggressive approach that would satisfy an assortment of
different users. Timely release of data is a quality measure that cultivates
confidence in the census data by informed users. In order to make value
visible of the census results the dissemination strategy should entail using
different media to cater for different stakeholders. Some of the suggested
modes include:
 Printed reports; CDROMS; Internet dissemination and databases; charts;
and walk-in requests from the census office; workshops and seminars;
bulletins; 10 % of anonymized micro data and Geographic information
System (GIS) web-based mapping.
 Archiving encompasses actions undertaken to ensure that completed
questionnaires, control forms, manuals, other relevant documents, maps,
data and accompanying metadata collected are managed and maintained
in formats that ensures their utility for current and future uses.
 Unfortunately, for most African countries, archiving of census data and
associated documents are usually given the least attention this explains
the scarcity of materials and information of previous censuses.
 This is an area which needs to receive special attention in the 2010 round
of censuses.
 Indeed value of the census results would and its utilization would be
enhanced as census information would be readily available for use and
analysis time immemorial.
Census evaluation
 Census evaluation is a necessary activity associated with the census. It
promotes the census because informed users or stakeholders recognize
and appreciate the census office’s effort of self-evaluation with respect to
the census results.
 In addition, the evaluation adds value to the census as serious users will
have some parameters, such as the coverage rates and content measures,
to judge the census and how far they can go in interpreting the results.
Internationally users will give more credence to the census results
knowing that a census evaluation was conducted.
 Two known methods of evaluation are currently recommended, namely
the use of demographic analytical techniques and the post enumeration
surveys (if well designed and implemented). Owing to the paucity of
time series demographic data in most Africa countries the former
approach is not intensively used. The most common method, therefore
adopted, is the post enumeration survey approach. While a number of
countries carried out post enumeration surveys during the 2010 census
round, some African countries did not.
 The African Development Bank strongly supports the promotion and
utilization of census data. With reliable and sufficiently analyzed census
data, countries benefit by formulating policies and making decisions based
on objective information. In addition, the much needed visibility of
national statistical systems will be enhanced. It is the Bank’s hope that
the Many African countries, if not all will take part in the 2020 round of
census and add visible value to the census results by adhering to the
recommendations which will come from this workshop.
 I would like to conclude by stating that the African Development Bank
supported the 2010 round of census, in some African countries through
providing technical assistance and is poised to continue during the 2020
round of censuses.
Thank you