
The Earth & Moon System
☼ Earth is a _______________
☼ _______________ believed the Earth was round because of the shadow cast on the Moon
during a lunar eclipse. (circa 350 B.C.)
☼ Earth _______________ slightly at the equator & is somewhat _______________ at the poles.
☼ The amount of time it takes an object to make one full spin on its _______________.
☼ Rotation causes _______________ & _______________.
☼ Earth’s rotation is _______________, 56 min
☼ The amount of time it takes for one object to make one full trip _______________ another larger
object in _______________.
☼ The orbit path is _______________.
☼ Earth’s revolutionary period is _______________
Magnetic Field
☼ The movement of Earth’s _______________ material & Earth’s rotation _______________ a
magnetic field.
☼ Protects Earth from some of the solar _______________.
☼ The magnetic axis is inclined at _______________ from the rotational axis.
The Seasons
☼ Earth’s Orbit & _______________ Axis
 Whether the Earth is closer to the Sun or further away has _______________ to do with its
 Earth’s axis is tilted _______________
 The tilting of the axis results in part of the Earth receiving more direct _______________ at
times causing the _______________.
 The day when the Sun reaches its greatest _______________ north or south of the
 The summer solstice is the 1st day of _______________ and has the _______________
number of daylight hours during the year.
 The winter solstice is the 1st day of _______________ and has the _______________ number
of daylight hours during the year.
 The two days out of the year when the Sun is directly over the _______________.
 1st day of _______________ & spring.
 The number of daylight hours are nearly _______________ all over the world.
 _______________ hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun.
The Moon
Motions of the Moon
☼ Rotation period = _______________ days
☼ Revolutionary period = _______________ days
☼ Since both motions are the same, the
same side of the Moon
_______________ faces the Sun.
☼ This produces the _______________ of
the Moon.
Phases of the Moon
☼ Each phase is determined by the
_______________ of the Earth, Moon,
& Sun.
☼ _______________ occurs when the
lighted side of the Moon begins to
show more & more.
☼ _______________ occurs when the
lighted side becomes less and less.
☼ The thin sliver of the lighted side is called a _______________ _______________
☼ When the right half of the lighted side is showing, its called a __________________________
☼ When more than half of the lighted side is showing, its called a __________________________.
☼ A ______________________________ occurs when all of the lighted side of the Moon is showing.
☼ A ______________________________ occurs when the Moon is between the Sun & Earth. The
dark side of the Moon faces the Earth while the lighted side faces the Sun. The moon is not up
during the night.
☼ A __________________________ occurs after the Full Moon.
☼ When the left half of the Moon is showing, a __________________________ occurs.
☼ A __________________________ occurs next followed by the New Moon again.
☼ Solar Eclipses
 The Moon, during the __________________, blocks the Sun by passing in front of it.
 The shadow cast on the Earth by Moon during the eclipse is called the _______________.
 A partial eclipse is seen in the _______________, which is a lighter shadow.
☼ Lunar Eclipse
 The _______________ passes between the Sun & Moon. The Earth casts its shadow on the
surface of a Full Moon.
 Light passing through the Earth’s atmosphere
during a total lunar eclipse can sometimes
make the Moon turn _______________.
 More _______________ than solar eclipses.
The Moon’s Surface & Interior
☼ Lunar Surface
 No _______________
 Covered in craters caused by
_______________ impacts.
 Dark, flat regions made of _______________
lava flows are called maria (mare.)
Solar eclipse top, Lunar on bottom
Lunar Interior
☼ Crust of the light side of the Moon might be _______________ than the dark side of the Moon.
☼ The upper mantle of the Moon is _______________ with a partially _______________ lower
☼ The core may be solid & __________________________.
Exploring the Moon
“We choose to go to the Moon.”-JFK
☼ Project _______________
 Goal: orbit a _______________ spacecraft around the Earth and bring it back safely.
 _________________________________________ was the 1st US citizen in space (1961)
 John Glenn was the 1st US citizen to _______________ the Earth.
Project Gemini
 Goal: Teams of two astronauts in the same spacecraft meet up & _______________ with
another spacecraft.
Project Apollo
 Goal: Successfully land a person on the _______________
 Apollo I: _______________ on the launch pad when an electrical fire erupted in the cockpit,
killing the 3 person crew.(1967)
 Apollo XI: Neil _______________ & Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin successfully land on & explore the
Moon. (1969)
 Apollo XIII: An explosion occurred in one of the _______________ tanks two days into the
 The crew was unable to land on the Moon, but returned safely to Earth _______________ days
 Apollo XVII: The last _______________ to the Moon. The 1st _______________ (scientist)
explores the Moon.