Centre for Peace ___________________________________________________________________

Centre for Peace
and Conflict Studies
ABN 15211513464
Mackie Building K01
Telephone +61 2 9351 5440
University of Sydney
Facsimile +61 2 9660 0862
NSW 2006 Australia
Dr Saul Mendlovitz
Chair, International Steering Committee GAPW
Professor of International Law
Co-Director, World Order Models Project
123 Washington St Newark, NJ 07102
December 10th 2003
Dear Dr. Mendlovitz,
The inaugural Australian Global Action to Prevent War meeting was held at the Centre for Peace
and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney, from 2.30 -- 5-30pm on Thursday December 4th 2003.
This very fruitful workshop was co-chaired by Professor Joseph Camilleri (Melbourne) and
Professor Stuart Rees (Sydney) with the aim of reviewing the objectives of the Global Action
project within an Australian context. Colleagues invited to attend the first Australian GAPW
workshop included interstate participation from academic and government departments, and from
non-government and civil society organisations.
It is anticipated that a working paper -- Joining the GAP: Australia and the Dialogue on Global
Action to Prevent War --- will be prepared in response to this working group meeting and available
early in 2004.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Joseph Camilleri
and Dr. Stuart Rees
Global Action to Prevent War, Australia