Publications for Nicole Gurran 2016

Publications for Nicole Gurran
Publications for Nicole Gurran
Cui, T., Gurran, N. (2015). Planning Reform,
Interest Group Participation and Influence: the
Case of New South Wales. State of Australian
Cities National Conference (SOAC) 2015, Gold
Coast: Urban Research Program at Griffith
University on behalf of the Australian Cities
Research Network.
Gurran, N., Ruming, K. (2016). Less planning,
more development? Housing and urban reform
discourses in Australia. Journal of Economic
Policy Reform. <a
1065184">[More Information]</a>
Gilbert, C., Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2016).
Targets for Affordable Housing: Supporting
Equitable and Sustainable Urban Growth. In
Rebecca Leshinsky, Crystal Legacy (Eds.),
Instruments of Planning: Tensions and
Challenges for More Equitable and Sustainable
Cities, (pp. 80-91). New York: Routledge.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2016). ‘Boulevard of
Broken Dreams’: Planning, Housing Supply and
Affordability in Urban Australia. Built
Environment, 42(1), 55-71.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2015). Are Governments
Really Interested in Fixing the Housing
Problem? Policy Capture and Busy Work in
Australia. Housing Studies, 30(5), 711-729. <a
1044948">[More Information]</a>
Hamin, E., Gurran, N. (2015). Climbing the
Adaptation Planning Ladder: Barriers and
Enablers in Municipal Planning. In Walter Leal
Filho (Eds.), Handbook of Climate Change
Adaptation, (pp. 839-860). Berlin:
Springer-Verlag. <a
5-9">[More Information]</a>
Van den Nouwelant, R., Davison, G., Gurran, N.,
Pinnegar, S., Randolph, B. (2015). Delivering
affordable housing through the planning system
in urban renewal contexts: converging
government roles in Queensland, South Australia
and New South Wales. Australian Planner,
52(2), 77-89. <a
914044">[More Information]</a>
Groenhart, L., Gurran, N. (2015). Home security:
Marketisation and the changing face of housing
assistance in Australia. In Gabrielle Meagher,
Susan Goodwin (Eds.), Markets, Rights and
Power in Australian Social Policy, (pp.
231-255). Sydney: Sydney University Press.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P., Yates, J., Gilbert, C.,
Whitehead, C., Norris, M., McClure, K., Berry,
M., Maginn, P., Goodman, R. (2015). Housing
markets, economic productivity, and risk:
International evidence and policy implications
for Australia. AHURI Final Report - Australian
Housing and Urban Research Institute, 254,
Gilbert, C., Gurran, N., Rowley, S., James, A.,
Phibbs, P. (2015). Planning regulation and the
mediation of housing outcomes: new evidence
from planners in four metropolitan regions. State
of Australian Cities National Conference
(SOAC) 2015, Gold Coast: Urban Research
Program at Griffith University on behalf of the
Australian Cities Research Network.
Gurran, N., Gilbert, C., Phibbs, P. (2015).
Sustainable development control? Zoning and
land use regulations for urban form, biodiversity
conservation and green design in Australia.
Journal of Environmental Planning and
Management, 58(11), 1877-1902. <a
967386">[More Information]</a>
Ruming, K., Gurran, N., Maginn, P., Goodman,
R. (2014). A national planning agenda?
Unpacking the influence of federal urban policy
on state planning reform. Australian Planner,
51(2), 108-121. <a
894105">[More Information]</a>
Ruming, K., Gurran, N. (2014). Australian
planning system reform. Australian Planner,
51(2), 102-107. <a
896065">[More Information]</a>
Hamin, E., Gurran, N., Emlinger, A. (2014).
Barriers to Municipal Climate Adaptation:
Examples From Coastal Massachusetts’ Smaller
Cities and Towns. Journal of the American
Planning Association, 80(2), 110-122. <a
949590">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2014). Going Bananas
Over Affordable Housing. The Conversation. <a
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2014). Living on the
Block and other housing Fantasies. The
Conversation. <a
e Information]</a>
Austin, P., Gurran, N., Whitehead, C. (2014).
Publications for Nicole Gurran
Planning and affordable housing in Australia,
New Zealand and England: Common culture;
different mechanisms. Journal of Housing and
the Built Environment, 29(3), 455-472. <a
6-3">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Austin, P., Whitehead, C. (2014).
That sounds familiar! A decade of planning
reform in Australia, England and New Zealand.
Australian Planner, 51(2), 186-198. <a
890943">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N. (2013). A more sustainable Australia:
from suburbia to newburbia. The Conversation.
41">[More Information]</a>
Chui, R., Gurran, N. (2013). China plans 36
million affordable homes. Lessons for Australia.
The Conversation. <a
-19710">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Norman, B., Hamin, E. (2013).
Climate change adaptation in coastal Australia:
An audit of planning practice. Ocean and
Coastal Management, 86, 100-109. <a
2.10.014">[More Information]</a>
Ruming, K., Maginn, P., Gurran, N. (2013).
Converging visions? The case of contemporary
Australian metropolitan planning. 10th
International Planning and Environment
Symposium, Sydney: ICMS Pty Ltd.
Bhattarai, A., Gurran, N. (2013). Cultural
influence on ecological footprint: A case study of
Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. 11th International
Congress of the Asian Planning Schools
Association (APSA 2011), Tokyo, Japan: Asian
Planning Schools Association.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2013). Evidence-free
zone? Examining claims about planning
performance and reform in New South Wales.
Australian Planner, 51(3), 232-242. <a
833121">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2013). Home equity:
Australia’s growing wealth divide. The
Conversation. <a
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2013). Home truths: are
planners really to blame for our housing
"shortage"? The Conversation. <a
tage-12723">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2013). Housing supply
and urban planning reform: The recent
Australian experience, 2003-2012. International
Journal of Housing Policy, 13(4), 381-407. <a
840110">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Gilbert, C., Phibbs, P. (2013).
Planning and the Housing Market: Measuring
Regulatory Difference and Implications for
Explaining Supply and Affordability Trends. 7th
Australasian Housing Researchers Conference
2013, Fremantle, WA, Australia: Curtin Business
Gurran, N. (2013). Planning, housing supply and
affordability, Virtual Special Issue Editorial.
Urban Policy and Research, Virtual Special
Issue July 2013.
Gurran, N. (2013). The boomer housing bust:
Coming to Australia? The Conversation. <a
Davidson, G., Gurran, N., Van den Nouwelant,
R., Pinnegar, S., William, R. (2012). Affordable
Housing, Urban Renewal and Planning:
Emerging Practice in Queensland, South
Australia and New South Wales. AHURI Final
Report - Australian Housing and Urban
Research Institute, (195), 1-122.
Gurran, N. (2012). Environment: Celebrate
biodiversity. The Daily Telegraph.
Gurran, N., Norman, B., Hamin, E. (2012).
Population Growth and Change in
Non-Metropolitan Coastal Australia. In Robin
Ganser and Rocky Piro (Eds.), Parallel Patterns
of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth, (pp.
165-184). Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P., Thompson, S. (2012).
Proceedings of the 10th International Urban
Planning and Environment Association
Symposium. The 10th International Urban
Planning and Environment Association
Symposium, Sydney: University of Sydney.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P., Bramley, G., Gilbert, C.,
Austin, P. (2012). Quantifying Planning System
Performance and Australia's Housing Reform
Agenda: An Investigative Panel. AHURI Final
Report - Australian Housing and Urban
Research Institute, (191), 1-125.
Hamin, E., Gurran, N. (2012). Space for
Adapting: Reconciling Adaptation and
Publications for Nicole Gurran
Mitigation in Local Climate Change Plans. In
Otto-Zimmermann, Konrad (Eds.), Resilient
Cities 2, (pp. 317-324). Dordrecht: Springer.
Gurran, N. (2011). Australian urban land use
planning - Principles, systems and practice.
Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.
Gurran, N., Hamin, E., Norman, B. (2011).
Climate change mitigation, adaptation and local
planning. In Nicole Gurran (Eds.), Australian
urban land use planning - Principles, systems
and practice, (pp. 237-249). Sydney, Australia:
Sydney University Press.
Bhattarai, A., Gurran, N. (2011). Culture, Cities
and Environment: An eco-footprint study of
Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. World Planning
Schools Congress 2011 (WPSC 2011), Perth,
Australia: University of Western Australia.
Gurran, N. (2011). Development control and
environmental assessment in NSW. In Nicole
Gurran (Eds.), Australian urban land use
planning - Principles, systems and practice, (pp.
183-213). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University
Gurran, N. (2011). Escape from Sydney:
planning the way out of congestion. The
Conversation. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Ruming, K., Gurran, N., Randolph, B. (2011).
Housing Affordability and Development
Contributions: New Perspectives from Industry
and Local Government in New South Wales,
Victoria and Queensland. Urban Policy and
Research, 29(3), 257-274. <a
592136">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2011). Measuring
Australian planning: A new index of local
controls for environmental performance and
housing. World Planning Schools Congress 2011
(WPSC 2011), Perth, Australia: University of
Western Australia.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2011). Measuring
planning system performance: the case of
hosuing supply and affordability. State of
Australian Cities (SOAC) Conference 2011,
Melbourne, Australia: State of Australian Cities
National Conference.
Gurran, N. (2011). Migracion residencial y
transformacion social en las costas australianas
(Lifestyle migration and the social
transformation of Australia's coastal
environments). In Tomas Mazon, Raquel
Huete, Alejandro Mantecon (Eds.), Construir
una nueva vida Los espacios del turismo y la
migracion residencial (Building a new life. The
areas of tourism and residential migration), (pp.
103-128). Barcelona: Milrazones.
Gurran, N., Whitehead, C. (2011). Planning and
Affordable Housing in Australia and the UK: A
Comparative Perspective. Housing Studies,
26(7-8), 1193-1214. <a
618982">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Norman, B., Gilbert, C., Hamin, E.
(2011). Planning for climate change adaptation
in Coastal Australia: State of practice, (pp. 5 83). Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Architecture
Design and Planning, The University of Sydney.
Gurran, N. (2011). Planning for housing supply,
choice and affordability. In Nicole Gurran
(Eds.), Australian urban land use planning Principles, systems and practice, (pp. 251-272).
Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.
Gurran, N. (2011). How can Australian local
governments use planning lever gor housing
diversity, choice and affordabilty? In Nicole
Gurran (Eds.), Australian urban land use
planning - Principles, systems and practice, (pp.
255-278). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University
Gurran, N. (2011). Systems for plan-making,
development assessment and planning appeals in
the Australian states and territories. In Nicole
Gurran (Eds.), Australian urban land use
planning - Principles, systems and practice, (pp.
125-142). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University
Gurran, N. (2011). Intergovernmental
responsibilities for the environment and land use
planning in Australia. In Nicole Gurran (Eds.),
Australian urban land use planning - Principles,
systems and practice, (pp. 105-124). Sydney,
Australia: Sydney University Press.
Gurran, N. (2011). Thirty years of environmental
planning in New South Wales. In Nicole
Gurran (Eds.), Australian urban land use
planning - Principles, systems and practice, (pp.
143-182). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2011). Learning from the
Australian Urban Land Use Planning Monitor.
2010 Annual Conference of the Australian and
New Zealand Association of Planning Schools
ANZAPS 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand:
Bugg, L., Gurran, N. (2011). Urban Planning
Process and Discourses in the Refusal of Islamic
Schools in Sydney, Australia. Australian
Planner, 48(4), 281-291. <a
Publications for Nicole Gurran
593531">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Ruming, K., Randolph, B. (2010).
How do planning requirements impact housing
costs and the development process? AHURI
Research and Policy Bulletin, (125).
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2010). Measuring
regulatory difference: findings from the first
national survey of local planning control in
Australia. 2010 Conference of the Association of
Collegiate Schools of Planning, Minneapolis:
Austin, P., Gurran, N., Whitehead, C. (2010).
Planning and affordable housing:diverse
approaches from a common starting point? The
Experience of Australia, New Zealand and the
UK. CCHPR Conference 2010, Cambridge UK:
Cambridge Centre for housing and Planning
Gurran, N. (2010). Planning for coastal
resilience: Issues and Emerging Practice.
Australian Centre for Climate and
Environmental Law (ACCEL) conference,
Sydney: Sydney Law School.
Ruming, K., Gurran, N., Randolph, B. (2010).
Size does matter!: Negotiating development
levies and
infrastructure charges tied to development in
New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. 4th
Housing Researchers Conference (APNHR
2009), Sydney, Australia: City Futures Research
Centre, University of New South
Gurran, N. (2010). Yes to housing affordability,
but don't take my home. The Punch. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Ruming, K., Randolph, B. (2009).
Counting the costs: planning requirements,
infrastructure contributions, and residential
development in Australia. Final Report Series of
the Australian Housing and Urban Research
Institute (AHURI), 140, 9-110.
Gurran, N., Ruming, K., Randolph, B. (2009).
Does planning make housing unaffordable? State
of Australian Cities National Conference 09,
Perth: Australian Sustainable Cities Research
Milligan, V., Phibbs, P., Gurran, N., Lawson,, J.,
Phillips, R. (2009). Growth and innovation in
affordable housing in Australia: the role of
not-for-profit providers. AHURI Research and
Policy Bulletin, 119, 1-4.
Milligan, V., Gurran, N., Lawson, J., Phibbs, P.,
Phillips, R. (2009). Innovation in affordable
housing in Australia: Bringing policy and
practice for not-for-profit housing organisations
together. Final Report Series of the Australian
Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI),
Report No. 134, 1-185.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2009). Planning for
sustainable cities and regions: an audit of local
environmental plans in NSW. State of Australian
Cities National Conference 09, Perth: Australian
Sustainable Cities Research Network.
Hamin, E., Gurran, N. (2009). Urban form and
climate change: Balancing adaptation and
mitigation in the U.S. and Australia. Habitat
International, 33(3), 238-245. <a
10.005">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N. (2008). Affordable Housing: A
Dilemma for Metropolitan Planning? Urban
Policy and Research, 26(1), 101-110. <a
1985">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N. (2008). Book Review 'Talking about
Sydney'. Urban Policy and Research, 26(2),
229-231. <a
4307">[More Information]</a>
Gurran, N., Milligan, V., Baker, D., Bugg, L.,
Christensen, S. (2008). New directions in
planning for affordable housing: Australian and
international evidence and implications. Final
Report Series of the Australian Housing and
Urban Research Institute (AHURI), (120), 1-144.
Gurran, N., Norman, B., Gleeson, B. (2008).
Planning Education Discussion Paper, (pp. 4 55). Kingston, ACT, Australia: Planning Institute
of Australia.
Gurran, N., Hamin, E., Norman, B. (2008).
Planning for climate change: Leading Practice
Principles and Models for Sea Change
Communities in Coastal Australia, (pp. 4 - 66).
Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Architecture,
University of Sydney.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2008). Planning for
sustainable change: a review of Australian local
planning schemes. In Gilmour T and Blakely EJ
with Pizarro RE (Eds.), Dialogues in Urban
Planning: Towards Sustainable Regions, (pp.
129-152). Sydney: Sydney University Press.
Gurran, N., Ruming, K., Randolph, B., Quintal,
D. (2008). Planning, government charges, and
the costs of land and housing. Australian
Housing and Urban Research Institute AHURI
Positioning Paper Series, (109), 1-85.
Publications for Nicole Gurran
Foran, B., Gurran, N. (2008). Population. In
David Lindenmayer,Stephen Dovers, Molly
Harriss Olson and Steve Morton (Eds.), Ten
commitments : reshaping the lucky countrys
environment, (pp. 169-177). Collingwood
Australia: CSIRO Publishing.
Gurran, N. (2008). Someone must pay for the
price for our facilities. North Shore Times.
Gurran, N. (2008). Talking about Sydney;
Population, Community and Culture in
Contemporary Sydney. Urban Policy and
Research, 26(2), 229-231.
Gurran, N. (2008). The Turning Tide: Amenity
Migration in Coastal Australia. International
Planning Studies, 13(4), 391-414. <a
9055">[More Information]</a>
Milligan, V., Phibbs, P., Gurran, N., Fagan, K.
(2007). Approaches to Evaluation of Affordable
Housing Initiatives in Australia, July 2007, (pp.
1 - 94). Sydney, Australia: Australian Housing
and Urban Research Institute (AHURI).
Gurran, N. (2007). Academy of Science, Fenner
Conference on the Environment: Water,
Population and Australia's Urban Future. Fenner
Conference on the Environment: Water,
Populationa and Australia's Urban Future 2007,
Canberra, online url: Australian Academy of
Gurran, N. (2007). Australian urban land use
planning: introducing statutory planning
practice in New South Wales. Sydney: Sydney
University Press.
Gurran, N. (2007). Chance to pave future path.
Courier Mail.
Gurran, N. (2007). Cheaper homes often come at
a high price. Sydney Morning Herald.
Gurran, N., Blakely, E., Squires, C. (2007).
Governance responses to rapid growth in
environmentally sensitive areas of coastal
Australia. Coastal Management, 35(4), 445-465.
5776">[More Information]</a>
Affordable Housing in Australia's Metropolitan
Regions. State of Australian Cities National
Conference 2007, Adeliade: SOAC 2007.
Gurran, N. (2007), Planning without the greed.
Gurran, N. (2007). Someone has to pay the price.
Blacktown Advocate.
Gurran, N., Blakely, E. (2007). Suffer a Sea
Change? Contrasting perspectives towards urban
policy and migration in coastal Australia.
Australian Geographer, 38(1), 113-131.
Norman, B., Dalton, T., Wood, G., Berry, M.,
Gurran, N., Spiller, M. (2007). Sustainable
Urban Land Management. In R Atkinson, T
Dalton, B Norman and Wood G. (Eds.), Urban
45: New Ideas for Australia's Cities, (pp. 9-11).
Melbourne: RMIT.
Bhattarai Upadhyay, V., Gurran, N. (2007).
Where do the cities in the poorest countries
stand? A cultural approach to phenomenon called
'world city'. The 7th International Conference on
Urban planning and Environment UPE 7,
Thailand: Faculty of Architecure, Kasetsart
University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Gurran, N. (2006). Book Review: Vortex Cities
to Sustainable Cities. Urban Policy and
Research, 24(3), 424-427.
Jacobs, K., Natalier, K., Slatter, M., Berry, M.,
Stoakes, A., Hutchison, H., Grieve, S., Phibbs,
P., Gurran, N. (2006). How Effective Are Private
Rental Support Programs. Australian Housing
and Urban Research Institute Research and
Policy Bulletin.
Gurran, N., Squires, C., Blakely, E. (2006).
Meeting the Sea Change Challenge: Best
Practice Models of Local and Regional Planning
for Sea Change Communities. Meeting the Sea
Change Challenge: Best Practice Models of
Local and Regional Planning for Sea Change,
Sydney, Australia: National Sea Change
Taskforce Inc..
Gurran, N. (2007). International Practice in
planning for affordable housing. Australian
Planner, 44(4), 18-19.
Gurran, N., Squires, C., Blakely, E. (2005).
Meeting the Sea Change Challenge: Sea Change
Communities in Coastal Australia, (pp. 1 - 61).
Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Architecture,
University of Sydney.
Gurran, N., Milligan, V., Baker, D., Bugg, L.
(2007). International practice in planning for
affordable housing: lessons for Australia.
Australian Housing and Urban Research
Institute AHURI Positioning Paper Series, 99(1),
Jacobs, K., Natalier, K., Slatter, M., Berry, M.,
Stoakes, A., Seelig, T., Hutchison, H., Grieve, S.,
Phibbs, P., Gurran, N. (2005). A review of
private rental support programs. Final Report
Series of the Australian Housing and Urban
Research Institute (AHURI), 86, 1-59.
Gurran, N., Milligan, V. (2007). Planning for
Beatley, T., Gurran, N. (2005). Coastal
Publications for Nicole Gurran
Management in Australia and the US:
Comparative Analysis and Planning
Implications. Association of Collegiate Schools
of Planning Conference, United States:
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning.
Milligan, V., Phibbs, P., Fagan, K., Gurran, N.
(2005). Issue 51: Not for Profit Affordable
Housing - The Australian Experience. AHURI
Research and Policy Bulletin, 51.
Gurran, N. (2005). Planning at the conservation
frontier. Australian Planner, 42(1), 31-38.
Squires, C., Gurran, N. (2005). Planning for
affordable housing in coastal Sea Change
communities. National Housing Conference,
Perth: Department of Housing & Works Western
Gurran, N., Squires, C., Blakely, E. (2005).
Planning for Sea Change in Coastal Australia.
Australian Planner, 42(4), 10-11.
Milligan, V., Phibbs, P., Fagan, K., Gurran, N.
(2004). A Practical Framework for Expanding
Affordable Housing Services in Australia:
Learning from Experience.
Greenhalgh, E., Minnery, J., Miller, A., Gurran,
N., Jacobs, K. (2004). Boarding houses and
government supply-side intervention. Australian
Housing and Urban Research Institute AHURI
Positioning Paper Series, 067, 1-56.
Greenhalgh, E., Miller, A., Minnery, J., Gurran,
N., Jacobs, K., Phibbs, P. (2004). Boarding
Houses and Supply – Side Intervention. Final
Report Series of the Australian Housing and
Urban Research Institute (AHURI), 54, 1-67.
Gurran, N. (2004). Book Review: Towards
Cosmopolis. Urban Policy and Research, 22(4),
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2004). Indigenous
Interests And Planning Education: Models From
Australia, New Zealand And North America.
Australian and New Zealand Association of
Planning Schools (ANZAPS) Conference 2004.
Association Historique Internationale de l'Ocan
Gurran, N. (2004). Integrating Local People And
National Parks In Rural Australia: Community
Involvement And Support For Conservation. The
9th ISSRM, Italy: Carlo Delfino.
Gurran, N. (2004). Local Governments and
Housing. Australian Housing and Urban
Research Research and Policy Bulletin.
Gurran, N. (2003). Housing and Sustainable
Urban Development: Evaluating Local Housing
Strategies in NSW, Queensland and Victoria.
Planning Institute of Australia National
Conference, Australia: Planning Institute of
Gurran, N. (2003). Housing Locally: Positioning
Australian Local Government housing for a New
Century. Urban Policy and Research, 21(4),
Gurran, N. (2003). Local Governments and
Housing. Community Housing Forum.
Rubbo, A., Gurran, N., Taussig-Rubbo, M., Hall,
M. (2003). Participatory Urban Planning and
Gurran, N. (2003). Policy and Sustainable Urban
Development: Evaluating the Use of Local
Housing Strategies in Queensland, New South
Wales and Victoria.
Gurran, N., Phibbs, P. (2003). Reconciling
indigenous and non indigenous land management
concepts in planning curricula. Australian and
New Zealand Association of Planning Schools
(ANZAPS) Conference, Auckland: The
Department of Planning, The University of
Gurran, N. (2002). Crossing the Boundaries:
Conservation and Settlement Planning in
National Park Communities of NSW Australia.
2002 Conference for the Association of
Collegiate Schools of Planning, United States:
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning.
Gurran, N. (2002). for environmental
stewardship in NSW World Heritage Areas.
Planning Institute of Australia Conference NSW
Division, Australia: Planning Institute of
Gurran, N. (2002). Housing Policy and
Sustainable Urban Development: Evaluating the
Use of Local Housing Strategies in Queensland,
New South Wales and Victoria.
Gurran, N. (2002). Planning at the Conservation
Frontier: National Parks and Neighbouring
Communities in New South Wales. Joint
Conference for the Royal Australian Planning
Institute and the New Zealand Planning Institute
Congress, Australia: Royal Australian Planning
Institute Inc.
Gurran, N. (2002). Planning for Park
Communities in New South Wales.
Phibbs, P., Gurran, N., Mead, M. (2002).
Reconnecting theory and practice in planning
education: Surveys of planning graduates and
their employers. Australia and New Zealand
Association of Planning Schools (ANZAPS)
Conference, Australia: Australian and New
Zealand Association of Planning Schools.
Publications for Nicole Gurran
Gurran, N. (2002). Sustaining Human and
Ecological Territories. Fifth Symposium of the
International Urban Planning and Environment
(IUPE) Association, UK: International Urban
Planning and Environment (IUPE) Association.
Gurran, N. (2001). Planning for Park
Communities in New South Wales, Bundjalung
National Park Survey of Local Residents.
Gurran, N. (2001). Planning for Park
Communities in New South Wales, Dorrigo
National Park Survey of Local Residents.