STATE CONSTITUTION OKLAHOMA ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETIES ARTICLE I – NAME The name of this organization shall be the Oklahoma Association of National Junior Honor Societies (OANJHS). ARTICLE II – PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to conduct an annual convention of the member schools to: A. Promote an understanding of NJHS and its activities in the junior high / middle schools of Oklahoma. B. Provide a learning laboratory for the development of leadership abilities. C. Provide for an exchange of ideas among member schools. D. Provide professional development for chapter advisers. ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP Any junior high/middle school chapter of NJHS in the state of Oklahoma may become a member by paying the annual membership dues. ARTICLE IV – GENERAL CONTROL General control of OANJHS shall be vested in an executive committee composed of the advisers of the officer schools. The adviser of the President School shall serve as president and will preside at all meetings of the executive committee and the adviser’s group. The adviser of the Secretary School shall keep the minutes of the executive committee meetings. The President School shall plan the state convention of NJHS chapters with assistance from the other officer schools. Announcement of these plans will be made in the fall to the advisers of all member chapters by the president school. The state association cannot hear appeals of non-selection, discipline, or dismissal of NJHS members. All such appeals should be directed to the national office of NJHS at 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191. Section 1. Section 2. ARTICLE V – MEETINGS The host school shall set the exact dates of the annual convention. Each school may bring their student officers and advisers/sponsor(s) to the convention. Other select members may attend in accordance to each school’s specific situation with the total number of student attendees to be approximately ten. The President school may limit the numbers of attendees due to facility constraints. Revised and Amended 3-10-14 Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Members of the host school’s NJHS (other than the official attendees) may attend the convention but not as official voting delegates. Each school will pay $30 for membership dues to join OANJHS. This shall be paid to the President School by November 1st of the current academic year. The past President School shall remit the OANJHS surplus fund account to the current President School upon reconciliation of all accounts. The host school, based upon estimated expenditures of the convention, will determine a per-person registration fee, not to exceed $45. The host school may require a late fee for schools not meeting the registration deadline. Reimbursement for a school canceling prior to the convention will be subject to a vote by the executive committee. Each chapter adviser is responsible for the safety, well-being, and conduct of their attendees. ARTICLE VI – OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTION The officers of this organization shall be the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, the Parliamentarian, and the Historian. They are elected at the annual convention. A. The state will form regions beginning 2010-2011 with all executive officers, with the exception of president elect, coming from same region to host State Convention alternating between regions every other year. B. In the event no school or district from the appointed region of the state runs for office; all vacant executive positions become open to all schools and districts state wide. C. In the event the State Convention was canceled all executive officers would retain their offices for the following year. State Convention can only be canceled by the majority vote of the entire executive committee. These officers, if opposed, shall be elected by ballot vote. The officers shall be installed during the final session of the annual convention and they shall serve one year. Individuals do not run for office. Schools or school districts run for office. Candidate forms will be in the convention registration packets and must be signed by the chapter adviser and school principal. When voting, each school in attendance gets one vote. A candidate must have a majority (one vote over 50% of votes cast) of votes in order to be declared a winner. In case of a tie vote after a recount, the schools will be declared co-officers, except in the case of president who will be decided with a coin toss. Candidates may pass out favors and campaign during mealtimes. No posters may be hung. All candidates will do a skit or a campaign pitch in front of the body of delegates. Candidates may not change the office they are running for or decide to run once they arrive at the convention unless there is an office opening where no one else is running. Each chapter adviser of an officer school is the official representative of that office at meetings. Revised and Amended 3-10-14 ARTICLE VII – DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. President School: A. Will assume duties at the close of the annual convention. B. Will host the fall advisers’ meeting and the annual convention of the organization. C. Will promptly confirm receipt of convention registration in writing. D. Will have available a current list of the delegate schools for the Secretary School at the beginning of the convention. E. Will communicate with the member schools. F. Will schedule at least one advisers’ meeting during the convention. G. Will schedule a conference meeting for incoming and outgoing officers at the close of the convention. H. Will provide an itemized accounting of convention expenses to be placed in the president’s notebook. I. Will notify advisers of their chapter’s failure to pay its convention fees. Principals will then be notified if the situation is not resolved. Failure to pay will result in this information being forwarded to the new host school with instructions to reject future registration until all past fees are paid. J. Will provide the incoming President School with a notebook that has been kept during the planning year and is passed down each year with any additions needed. K. Will have problems brought to them between convention times and will contact the other officer schools regarding said problems. Resolution may come from a majority vote of the officer schools. L. Will be responsible for the official roll call of member schools during State Convention. Section 2. President-Elect School: A. Will be in charge of a state service project. B. Will assist the President School in any way possible. Section 3. Secretary School: A. Will take accurate minutes of the fall advisers’ meeting and annual convention sessions. B. Will read the minutes of the previous advisers’ meeting and previous convention. C. Will submit a rough copy of the minutes of the convention to the President School at the close of the convention. D. Will submit a copy of the minutes of the fall advisers’ meeting to the President School within one month of the fall advisers’ meeting. E. Will submit a copy of the minutes of the convention to the newly elected President School within one month after the close of the convention. Revised and Amended 3-10-14 F. G. Will assist the President School in any way possible. Will update website to show all chapters PowerPoints and news articles as submitted to Secretary School. Section 4. Parliamentarian School: A. Will be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised. B. Will coordinate all campaign activities, including skits and speeches, and be responsible for the official tally of votes during State Convention. C. Will appoint a substitute school to tally the votes, pending approval from the President School, if running for office. D. Will report the election results to the President School for the formal announcement. E. Will coordinate officer induction ceremony at the convention. F. Will assist the President School in any way possible. Section 5. Historian School: A. Will prepare an electronic scrapbook to be updated including but not limited to pictures, news articles, and souvenirs from the convention. Section 1. ARTICLE VIII – AMENDMENTS Amendments proposed by a Constitution Committee or adviser must be presented to the body of advisers at the fall meeting and/or the annual convention for approval. A majority of advisers present must approve these amendments. Amendments become effective immediately. Revised and Amended 3-10-14