Oklahoma Association of National Junior Honor Societies Annual State Convention Registration Packet March 3-4, 2016 Jenks, OK OANJHS Oklahoma Association of National Junior Honor Societies Greetings NJHS Advisers: All advisers, new and returning, are invited to attend the Oklahoma Association of National Junior Honor Society’s Annual State Convention in Jenks. The convention will be held March 3-4, 2016. Please help us get in touch with your surrounding schools that have not attended the state convention in the last few years and invite them to also attend. This year’s OANJHS Convention theme corresponds with loyalty to the ideals of NJHS: scholarship, service, leadership, character and citizenship. The theme, “May the TORCHE be with you”, exemplifies our desire for NJHS chapters across the state to stay true to the positive aspects of leadership, citizenship, scholarship, service and character. This year’s convention will feature several exciting events: Leadership games and activities Guest speaker A’ric Jackson Break-out Sessions – Leadership activities Planetarium Visit Service Project Adviser sharing and hospitality Meals – Thursday Museum & dinner Friday (breakfast @ hotel) Lunch – Lunch trucks in the oval or Pizza Awards presentations State election We hope to encourage you to get fellow chapters in your area to join us for this year’s convention. We welcome all “first Timers” and past attendees. I will be happy to mail a packet to you if you wish, simply email laura.steele@jenksps.org to request a copy. We have included the scholarship box to check to give any amount to other schools that may need assistance in order to attend. If you have a need for assistance, please let us know approximately how much is needed in order for us to try and get the need funded. Please consider joining us at the convention. It is imperative that we have a commitment from your chapter in the form of registration and check payment or PO number by February 12, 2016. If you cannot make that deadline and need an extra week, email and let us know. The cost for each person attending is only $35.00 this year, covering the cost of the facilities, meals, speakers, etc. A $5.00 late fee per person will be charged for late registrations. If your school is unable to attend Thursday night due to District or School restraints, registration for each person will be $20.00. Official convention T-shirts are available for only $10.00 each ($2 more for sizes above XL). Annual OANJHS state dues invoices are attached or if you are attending convention, just pay the state dues with your registration fee. We encourage you chapter to be a part of this Oklahoma organization which can help provide resources and information for your chapter, whether you attend the convention each year or not. Hotel Accommodations: Holiday Inn Express & Suites 12209 S. Yukon Ave. Glenpool, OK 74033 918-296-7000 Rate $ 89.00 Queen Double Rate $ 99.00 for a King Breakfast included Holiday Inn Express & Suites 150 Aquarium Dr. Jenks, OK 74037 918-296-7300 Rate $ 99.00 Queen Double Breakfast included Convention T-Shirts Convention T-shirts are available for purchase with your registration. The shirts will feature this year’s state convention theme logo (to follow shortly) on the back of the t-shirt, along with a small emblem on the front left breast. Although these shirts are not a requirement, it has been a tradition to wear the convention shirts for the full day of events (Friday). This helps identify student and advisers for logistical and safety reasons as well as fostering organizational spirit! Pricing: $10 Youth L through Adult XL and $12 Adult XXL and Adult XXXL Return the following form, indicate the amount on your registration form and include the money with your check or PO. School: _____________________________________________________________________________ Adviser (s):__________________________________________________________________________ Total number of T-Shirts Pricing: $10 Youth L through Adult XL and $12 Adult XXL and Adult XXXL Advisers Youth Large Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult XL Adult XXL Adult XXXL Students Youth Large Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult XL Adult XXL Adult XXXL Other: ____________________________________________________________________________ Front: On left Breast: NJHS State Convention 2016 Back of Shirt: “May the Torch be with you” Officer Election Information: All Officer Candidate schools, except for President – Elect, must come from districts west of I-35. The president- Elect school must come from districts east of I-35 as will the other officer schools in 2016-2017. Available Offices: President-Elect – plans state service project for 2016-17; organizes and host the 2017-18 annual state convention and fall state advisers’ meeting. Secretary- Records minutes of the state convention and fall advisers’ meeting; maintains OANJHS website. Parliamentarian – Conducts 2016-17 state election (next year) and conducts induction ceremony of new state officers. Historian – Prepares an electronic scrapbook, updated monthly, including pictures, news articles, and souvenirs from state convention. We encourage your chapter or school district to run for a state office in preparation for next year’s convention (2016-17). Individual students do not run for office; a school or an entire school district holds offices. Each school is allowed one vote, even if the school district is running as a group. You are required to present a three-minute skit; the skit is very influential in how the voters make their selections. Even if you run unopposed, you must perform a skit. Holding state office is a great way for your school to receive state recognition. Currently, we are planning the skit presentations for Friday afternoon, with the election and induction of officers immediately following. OANJHS STATE OFFICE APPLICATIONS must be returned by February 12 deadline. You may not change the office you are selecting nor decide to run once you arrive at the convention unless an open position has no candidates. OANJHS STATE OFFICE APPLICATION Return by February 12, 2016 School Address: Jenks Middle School 205 East B Street Jenks OK, 74037 School Telephone: 918-299-4415 x 5300 School or District: Adviser: Laura Steele E-Mail: Laura.steele@jenksps.org Best Telephone # to call YOU: 918-527-4720 OFFICE DESIRED (CHECK ONE) President –Elect for 2016-2017 Secretary for 2016-2017 Parliamentarian for 2016-2017 Historian for 2016-2017 RETURN WITH CONVENTION REGISTRATION BY FEBRUARY 12, 2016 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE of EVENTS Thursday, March 3, 2016 Early Arrival – Hotel Check-in (For those schools staying in town) 3:30-6:30 PM- (for schools attending the Thursday night dinner) Museum Tour: Gilcrease (More Information to come) 8:00 – 10:00 PM- Incredible Pizza and Games 10:00 PM curfew- back at hotel Friday, March 4, 2016 8:00 – 9:00 AM Registration in the PAC lobby (Jenks Main Campus). 9:00 AM- Entertainment, Call to Order & Opening Ceremonies 10:00 – 2:00- Break-out Sessions and lunch 2:15 – 3:00 Guest Speaker 3:00 – 4:00 skit rehearsals and presentations, election and induction of new officers 4:30 Closing ceremonies OANJHS State Convention Registration DUE February 12, 2016 Return with Payment (Check or PO) to: Laura Steele Jenks Public Schools – OANJHS State President 205 E. B Street Jenks, OK 74037 School Name: School Address: School Telephone: School Fax: Adviser: E-Mail: Best Telephone # to call YOU: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PO Number / Check Student Name Gender Grade Med Y Release N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Adviser / Chaperone Names Gender SUBTOTALS Photo Special YReleaseN Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N YNeedsN Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N # DUE Students @ $35 ($40.00 if Late) Adults @ $35 ($40.00 if Late) Shirts @ $10.00 Shirts @ $12.00 State Dues $30.00 Scholarship Program Donation Total Amount Enclosed **** WE NEED THE HELP OF THE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM TO ATTEND ***** $ ________________ IS NEEDED. ______________________________________________________ ADVISER SIGNATURE OANJHS Photography / Videography Publicity Release To Whom It May Concern: I hereby give permission for my child, ____________________________________________________ to be photographed or videotaped during activities while participating in the Oklahoma Association of the National Junior Honor Society Annual State convention. I realize that the photography or video may be published in the newspaper, a magazine, the school website, the OANJHS website, or other publication. The photograph and or video may be used for informational or education purposes regarding the programs, services, and activities of the OANJHS or my child’s school. Signature of Parent/ Legal Guardian: _______________________________________Date:_________ Return to your Chapter Adviser by: ______________ OANJHS Permission Form/Medical Release This is to certify that my child has permission to participate in the Oklahoma Association of the National Junior Honor Societies Annual State Convention March 3-4, 2016. Convention Activities will take place on the Jenks High School Campus in Jenks. An overnight stay may be included at a hotel in the area around Jenks. As a parent/ legal guardian of ____________________________________________ (birthdate: ___ / ___ / 19__) I hereby give permission for an OANJHS Adult Member or my child’s School Sponsor to provide and/or authorize emergency medical treatment for my child, or to take my child for treatment at an available hospital, dentist, or doctor’s office in case the injury warrants. I also authorize officials to secure the use of an ambulance, if necessary, for transporting my child to the hospital. I further give my permission for the hospital or the doctor in charge to take and action necessary to provide treatment for my child. I agree to pay the hospital, doctors, and ambulance service for all services rendered to my child. It is further agreed that Jenks Public Schools and/or their officials will be relieved of all responsibilities in the event of an injury. Please Print Clearly: Name of Parent or Legal Guardian Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Mobile Telephone: Emergency Contact Person: Relation to Student: Emergency Contact #: Family Physician: Physician Telephone: List all known Allergies (Medicine, food, plants, etc.) List all known Medication child is currently taking: Tell us ANYTHING else we should know to properly care for your child Insurance Provider: Name of Policy Holder / Policy # / Provider Telephone X / Signature of Parent/ Legal Guardian / 2016 Date Signed This form must be received by the OANJHS State President School by February 12, 2016 My “To-Do” Convention Checklist Task to Complete Complete Convention Registration Form & MAIL Information Laura Steele Jenks Public Schools – OANJHS State President 205 E. B Street Jenks, OK 74037 Reserve Hotel Accommodations Collect Student Convention Fees $35 per student if by Feb. 12, 2016 ($40.00 if Late) Collect Adult Convention Fees $35 per Adult if by Feb. 12, 2016 ($40.00 if Late) Collect T-Shirt Monies & Sizes $10.00 YL – Adult XL $12.00 Adult XXL - XXXL State Dues $30.00 Due Feb. 21, 2014 Collect individual Medical Release & Photo Release Form One per student required Photos / PowerPoint of Chapter / State Service Projects Email To: laura.steele@jenksps.org Two 36 inch ribbons to tie to gavel And Two 12 inch ribbons for President’s gavel For Opening Ceremony Select one student to introduce Chapter For Opening Ceremony Prepare Campaign Skit For Election Assemble, pack supplies for skit For Election Campaign advertising novelties Example: candy, favors, toys No POSTERS – No GUM! Complete application for State Office If running for State Office: Due by February 12, 2016 Other things to Consider: Date completed OANJHS Oklahoma Association of National Junior Honor Societies The State Honor Council Program gives special recognition to these schools that heave designed exemplary programs for their NJHS chapters. “Exemplary” is defined as participating in OANJHS Participation Category and must complete 7 projects, at least one in each of the other categories. A screening committee, made up of the official schools, will review all applications. Projects may or may not be accepted. Any chapter, which according to the decision of the screening committee fulfills the above requirements, will receive the Honor Council Award. A chapter receiving the Honor Council Award for the first time will receive a plaque. Once a school has a plaque, it will be given a certificate for each year it receives the award after the first year. Plaques and/or certificates will be awarded at the state convention. THE AWARD WILL ONLY BE GIVEN TO CHPATERS ATTENDING THE ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION. CATEGORIES OANJHS PARTICIPATION (must have a minimum of 5 points) OANJHS Program Points Possible Attend State Convention 1 Adviser Attends Fall Advisers’ Workshop 1 Run for State Office 2 Host State Convention 2 Hold State Office (President-Elect receives 1 extra point here) 1 Attend State Convention for the First Time Bonus (must have not attended Convention in the last five years) Points Earned 1 Exceed Seven Service Projects 1 Write Newsletter Article 1 State Service Participation Presentation submitted prior to the Annual State Convention 1 >>In categories 2-4, chapters must complete seven total projects with at least two from each category<< Listed below are examples of activities that meet the goal of these categories. >>In categories 2-4, chapters must complete seven total projects with at least two from each category<< Listed below are examples of activities that meet the goal of these categories. 1. CITIZENSHIP/SCHOLARSHIP RECOGNITION AND SCHOOL SERVICE Anti-vandalism/School Pride Campaign New Student Orientation Teacher Aide/Office Helpers Peer Tutoring Fund-raising to purchase something for the school Sponsor Clean-up Day/Week Guides for Open House/ Parent Conferences Spotlight Students of the Week/Month Citizenship Recognition Program/Award Project to recognize Honor Roll Students Recognize Student Birthdays Career Education Day/Week 2. COMMUNITY SERVICE AND HUMAN RELATIONS Paper/Aluminum Can/Glass Recycling Recording for the Blind/Special Olympics, etc. ____-a-thons for Charity Work at a Homeless Shelter/Food Bank Holiday Favors for Nursing Home/Hospital Faculty Appreciation Day Baby-sitting Service Sponsor Senior Citizen Dinner Easter Egg Hunt for Elementary Kids Monthly Bulletin Board Clothing/Food/Toiletries Drive Visit a Senior Citizen Center Adopt a Child in Need Bring Books for Children in the Hospital Thank you/Birthday Notes to Faculty/Students Breakfast with Santa Plant flowers/bulbs Red Cross Christmas Stockings Adopt-a-Grandparent Community Clean-up 3. SCHOOL SPIRIT AND STUDENT INVOLVEMENT Crazy Contests of All Sorts Dances/Parties, etc. Spirit Week T-shirt, button, etc. Sales NJHS Bulletin Board NJHS Column in School Newspaper Safe Trick-or-Treat Night Faculty vs. Students in Sporting Events Help with Concession Stand at Sporting Events Penny Wars Game Attendance/Participation Competition Recognize National Nutrition Month Sponsor a Kindness Month New Student Ice Cream Social Staff Scavenger Hunt (to get to know the staff) Do Something for National Leadership Week OANJHS Oklahoma Association of National Junior Honor Societies Honor Council Application Honor Council Application for 2015-2016 for projects completed January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 Section A: School Information School Name:__________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ Zip: _______________ School Phone: ______________________________ Fax: ______________________ Adviser Name ______________________________________ Date ______________ Section B: Categories [must have a minimum of 5 points] OANJHS Program OANJHS Program Attend State Convention Adviser Attends Fall Advisers’ Workshop Run for State Office Host State Convention Hold State Office (President-Elect receives 1 extra point here) Attend State Convention for the First Time Bonus (must have not attended Convention in the last five years) Possible Pts. Points Possible 1 1 2 2 1 Points Earned 1 Exceed Seven Service Projects 1 1 Write Newsletter Article State Service Participation Presentation submitted prior to the Annual State Convention 1 Total Pts. Earned __________ >>In categories 2-4, chapters must complete seven total projects with at least two from each category<< 4. School Spirit and 2. Citizenship/Scholarship 3. Community Service Recognition and School Service And Human Relations Student Involvement Section C: Signatures __________________________ ____________________________ ______________________________ Adviser NJHS Chapter President Principal If you are unable to attend convention, please consider joining our state association. The following is an invoice you can use to join and pay your dues. Jenks Middle School Attn: Laura Steele 205 E. B Street Jenks, OK 74037 INVOICE DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2015 To: For: Oklahoma Association of National Junior Honor Societies State DUES School: Advisor: Due Upon Receipt Mailing Address: Advisor Email: P.O. # _________ Contact Number: DESCRIPTION AMOUNT State Dues 30.00 TOTAL As an NJHS chapter registered through the National NJHS affiliate, it is also expected to be in good standing at the state level. It is with all State NJHS chapters participating and contributing that we can hold annual State Conventions and make NJHS a memorable and leadership building opportunity for our members. $30.00 Make all checks payable to: NJHS President, Jenks Middle School Payment is due within 30 days. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact laura.steele@jenksps.org Thank you