Publications for Richard Trethowan 2016


Publications for Richard Trethowan


Devasirvatham, V., Tan, D., Trethowan, R.

(2016). Breeding Strategies for Enhanced Plant

Tolerance to Heat Stress. In Jameel M.

Al-Khayri, Shri Mohan Jain, Dennis V. Johnson

(Eds.), Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies:

Agronomic, Abiotic and Biotic Stress Traits , (pp.

447-469). Switzerland: Springer International

Publishing Switzerland. <a href="

8-0">[More Information]</a>

Borna, F., Ahmad, N., Luo, S., Trethowan, R.

(2016). Reproductive biology of a medicinally important plant

Leonurus cardiaca (Lamiaceae). Australian

Journal of Botany , 64, 342-358. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>


Adu-Gyamfi, P., Mahmood, T., Trethowan, R.

(2015). Can wheat varietal mixtures buffer the impacts of water deficit? Crop and Pasture

Science , 66(8), 757-769. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Devasirvatham, V., Tan, D., Gaur, P.,

Trethowan, R. (2015). Chickpea and temperature stress: An overview. In Mohamed Mahgoub

Azooz, Parvaiz Ahmad (Eds.), Legumes under

Environmental Stress: Yield, Improvement and

Adaptations , (pp. 81-90). Chichester, West

Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Mahmood, T., Trethowan, R. (2015). Crop

Breeding for Conservation Agriculture. In

Muhammad Farooq, Kadambot H. M. Siddique

(Eds.), Conservation Agriculture , (pp. 159-179).

Cham: Springer. <a href="

0-4_7">[More Information]</a>

Devasirvatham, V., Gaur, P., Raju, T.,

Trethowan, R., Tan, D. (2015). Field response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to high temperature. Field Crops Research , 172, 59-71.

<a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Agar, O., Tan, D., Barton, D., Trethowan, R.

(2015). Genetic variation in wheat pollen heat tolerance. 17th Australian Agronomy

Conference , Warragul, Victoria: Australian

Society of Agronomy Inc.

Hernández, L., Octavio, L., Valle, B., Martínez,

J., Díaz-López, L., Aragón, C., Vicente, O.,

Papenbrock, J., Trethowan, R., Yabor, L., et al

Publications for Richard Trethowan

(2015). Identification of discriminant factors after exposure of maize and common bean plantlets to abiotic stresses. Notulae Botanicae

Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca , 43(2),

589-598. <a href="">

[More Information]</a>

Adhikari, K., Zhang, P., Sadeque, A., Hoxha, S.,

Trethowan, R. (2015). Is Australian Faba Bean

Industry Vulnerable to Rust (Uromycles

Viciae-fabae). 2nd International Plant Breeding

Congress And Eucarpia - Oil and Protein Crops

Section Conference , Antalya, Turkey: Akdeniz

University, Turkey.

Li, X., He, Z., Xiao, Y., Xia, X., Trethowan, R.,

Wang, H., Chen, X. (2015). QTL mapping for leaf senescence-related traits in common wheat under limited and full irrigation. Euphytica ,

203(3), 569-582. <a href="

2-4">[More Information]</a>

Li, X., Xia, X., Xiao, Y., He, Z., Wang, D.,

Trethowan, R., Wang, H., Chen, X. (2015). QTL mapping for plant height and yield components in common wheat under water-limited and full irrigation environments. Crop and Pasture

Science , 66(7), 660-670. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Readford, E., Tan, D., Tokachichu, R.,

Trethowan, R. (2015). The effect of crop rotations on the incidence of crown rot in wheat.

17th Australian Agronomy Conference ,

Warragul, Victoria: Australian Society of

Agronomy Inc.


Pask, A., Joshi, A., Manes, Y., Sharma, I.,

Chatrath, R., Singh, G., Sohu, V., Mavi, G.,

Sakuru, V., Kalappanavar, I., Trethowan, R., et al (2014). A wheat phenotyping network to incorporate physiological traits for climate change in South Asia. Field Crops Research ,

168, 156-167. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Pattison, A., Appelbee, M., Trethowan, R.

(2014). Characteristics of Modern Triticale

Quality: Glutenin and Secalin Subunit

Composition and Mixograph Properties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 62(21),

4924-4931. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a>

Trethowan, R. (2014). Defining a Genetic

Ideotype for Crop Improvement. In Delphine

Fleruy, Ryan Whitford (Eds.), Crop Breeding:

Methods and Protocols , (pp. 1-20). New York:

Publications for Richard Trethowan

Humana Press.

Trethowan, R. (2014). Delivering drought tolerance to those who need it: from genetic resource to cultivar. Crop and Pasture Science ,

65(7), 645-654. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Sohail, Y., Bansal, U., Bariana, H., Chhuneja, P.,

Mumtaz, A., Rattu, A., Trethowan, R. (2014).

Identification of a co-dominant eSTS marker linked with leaf rust resistance gene Lr28 in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Australian

Journal of Crop Science , 8(8), 1210-1215.

Jahan, E., Amthor, J., Farquhar, G., Trethowan,

R., Barbour, M. (2014). Variation in mesophyll conductance among Australian wheat genotypes.

Functional Plant Biology , 41(6), 568-580. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>


Pattison, A., Trethowan, R. (2013).

Characteristics of modern triticale quality: commercially significant flour traits and cookie quality. Crop and Pasture Science , 64(9),

874-880. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Dennett, A., Wilkes, M., Trethowan, R. (2013).

Characteristics of Modern Triticale Quality: The

Relationship Between Carbohydrate Properties,

α-Amylase Activity, and Falling Number.


Chemistry , 90(6), 594-600. <a href="

0129-R">[More Information]</a>

Zhang, D., Ali, Z., Wang, C., Xu, L., Yi, J., Xu,

Z., Liu, X., He, X., Huang, Y., Khan, I.,

Trethowan, R., et al (2013). Genome-Wide

Sequence Characterization and Expression

Analysis of Major Intrinsic Proteins in Soybean

(Glycine max L.). PloS One , 8(2), e56321-e56321. <a href="

6312">[More Information]</a>

Herrera, J., Verlhust, N., Trethowan, R., Stamp,

P., Govaerts, B. (2013). Insights into genotype x tillage interaction effects on the grain yield of wheat and maize. Crop Science , 53(5),

1845-1859. <a href="

071">[More Information]</a>

Dennett, A., Trethowan, R. (2013). Milling efficiency of triticale grain for commercial flour production. Journal of Cereal Science , 57(3),

527-530. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Salunkhe, A., Tamhankar, S., Tetali, S.,

Zaharieva, M., Bonnett, D., Trethowan, R.,

Misra, S. (2013). Molecular genetic diversity analysis in emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccon

Schrank) from India. Genetic Resources and

Crop Evolution: an international journal , 60(1),

165-174. <a href="

3-9">[More Information]</a>

Adhikari, K., Thomas, G., Diepeveen, D.,

Trethowan, R. (2013). Overcoming the barriers of combining early flowering and anthracnose resistance in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) for the Northern Agricultural Region of Western

Australia. Crop and Pasture Science , 64(9),

914-921. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Atta, B., Mahmood, T., Trethowan, R. (2013).

Relationship between root morphology and grain yield of wheat in north-western NSW, Australia.

Australian Journal of Crop Science , 7(13),


Devasirvatham, V., Gaur, P., Mallikarjuna, N.,

Raju, T., Trethowan, R., Tan, D. (2013).

Reproductive biology of chickpea response to heat stress in the field is associated with the performance in controlled environments. Field

Crops Research , 142, 9-19. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Du, W., Zhao, X., Raju, T., Davies, P.,

Trethowan, R. (2013). Studies on the resistance of Australian chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to

Phytophthora root rot disease. Australian Journal of Crop Science , 7(6), 794-800.

Wilkes, M., Takei, I., Caldwell, R., Trethowan,

R. (2013). The effect of genotype and environment on biodiesel quality prepared from

Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) grown in

Australia. Industrial Crops and Products , 48,

124-132. <a href="

4.016">[More Information]</a>

Dennett, A., Cooper, K., Trethowan, R. (2013).

The genotypic and phenotypic interaction of wheat and rye storage proteins in primary triticale. Euphytica , 194(2), 235-242. <a href="

0-y">[More Information]</a>

Dennett, A., Trethowan, R. (2013). The

Influence of Dual-purpose Production on

Triticale Grain Quality. Cereal Research

Communications , 41(3), 448-457. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>


Devasirvatham, V., Trethowan, R., Gaur, P.,

Raju, T., Tan, D. (2012). Breeding targets to improve heat tolerance in chickpea. 19th

EUCARPIA General Congress , Budapest,

Hungary: Plant Breeding for Future Generations.

Trethowan, R., Chattha, T., Ali, Z., Oldach, K.,

Garcia, A. (2012). Breeding wheat cultivars better adapted to conservation agriculture. Field

Crops Research , 132, 76-83. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Devasirvatham, V., Gaur, P., Mallikarjuna, N.,

Raju, T., Trethowan, R., Tan, D. (2012). Effect of high temperature on the reproductive development of chickpea genotypes under controlled environments. Functional Plant

Biology , 39(12), 1009-1018. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Devasirvatham, V., Tan, D., Gaur, P., Raju, T.,

Trethowan, R. (2012). Effects of high temperature at different developmental stages on the yield of chickpea. 16th Australian Agronomy

Conference 2012 , Armidale, NSW: The Regional

Institute Ltd.

Manes, Y., Gomez, H., Puhl, L., Reynolds, M.,

Braun, H., Trethowan, R. (2012). Genetic Yield of the CIMMYT International Semi-Arid Wheat

Yield Trials from 1994 to 2010. Crop Science ,

52(4), 1543-1552. <a href="

574">[More Information]</a>

Devasirvatham, V., Tan, D., Gaur, P., Raju, T.,

Trethowan, R. (2012). High temperature tolerance in chickpea and its implications for plant improvement. Crop and Pasture Science ,

63(5), 419-422. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Du, W., Zhao, X., Raju, T., Davies, P.,

Trethowan, R. (2012). Identification of

Ascochyta rabiei disease resistance in chickpea genotypes. Euphytica , 186(2012),

697-704. <a href="

4-3">[More Information]</a>

Mir, R., Zaman-Allah, M., Sreenivasulu, N.,

Trethowan, R., Varshney, R. (2012). Integrated genomics, physiology and breeding approaches for improving drought tolerance in crops.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics , 125(4),

625-645. <a href="

4-9">[More Information]</a>

Ali, Z., Salam, A., Azhar, F., Khan, I., Khan, A.,

Bahadur, S., Chattha, T., Ahmad, D., Trethowan,

R. (2012). The response of genetically distinct

Publications for Richard Trethowan bread wheat genotypes to salinity stress. Plant

Breeding (Online) , 131(6), 707-715. <a href="

2.02002.x">[More Information]</a>

Zulfiqar, A., Zhang, D., Xu, Z., Ling, X., Yi, J.,

He, X., Huang, Y., Liu, X., Khan, A.,

Trethowan, R., et al (2012). Uncovering the Salt

Response of Soybean by Unraveling Its Wild and

Cultivated Functional Genomes Using Tag

Sequencing. PloS One , 7(11), 1-13. <a href="

8819">[More Information]</a>


Ortiz-Monasterio, I., Trethowan, R., Holm, P.,

Cakmak, I., Borg, S., Erenoglu, B., Tauris, B.,

Brinch-Pedersen, H. (2011). Breeding, transformation,and physiological strategies for the development of wheat with high zinc and iron grain concentration. In Alain P. Bonjean,

William J. Angus, Maarten van Ginkel (Eds.),

The World Wheat Book, Volume 2, A History of

Wheat Breeding , (pp. 951-977). Paris: Lavoisier


Verhulst, N., Carillo-García, A., Moeller, C.,

Trethowan, R., Sayre, K., Govaerts, B. (2011).

Conservation agriculture for wheat-based cropping systems under gravity irrigation: increasing resilience through improved soil quality. Plant and Soil , 340(1), 467-479. <a href="

0-y">[More Information]</a>

Trethowan, R., Mahmood, T. (2011). Genetics

Options for Improving the Productivity of Wheat in Water-Limited and Temperature-Stressed

Environments. In SS. Yadav, RJ. Redden, JL.

Hatfield, H. Lotze-Campen, AE. Hall (Eds.),

Crop Adaption to Climate Change , (pp.

218-237). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell


Mathews, K., Trethowan, R., Milgate, A., Payne,

T., van Ginkel, M., Crossa, J., DeLacy, I.,

Cooper, M., Chapman, S. (2011). Indirect selection using reference and probe genotype performance in multi-environment trials. Crop and Pasture Science , 62(4), 313-327. <a href="

947/11/040313">[More Information]</a>


Trethowan, R., Turner, M., Chattha, T. (2010).

Breeding Strategies to Adapt Crops to a

Changing Climate. In David Lobell, Marshall

Burke (Eds.), Climate Change and Food

Security: Adapting Agriculture to a Warmer

World , (pp. 155-174). USA: Springer.

Wilkes, M., Seung, D., Levavasseur, G.,

Trethowan, R., Copeland, L. (2010). Effects of

Soil Type and Tillage on Protein and Starch

Publications for Richard Trethowan

Quality in Three Related Wheat Genotypes.

Cereal Chemistry , 87(2), 95-99. <a href="

095">[More Information]</a>

Joshi, A., Crossa, J., Arun, B., Chand, R.,

Trethowan, R., Vargas, M., Ortiz-Monasterio, I.

(2010). Genotype x environment interaction for zinc and iron concentration of wheat grain in eastern Gangetic plains of India. Field Crops

Research , 116(3), 268-277. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Devasirvatham, V., Tan, D., Trethowan, R.,

Gaur, P., Mallikarjuna, N. (2010). Impact of high temperature on the reproductive stage of chickpea. 15th Australian Agronomy

Conference: Food Security from Sustainable

Agriculture 2010 , Australia: The Regional

Institute Ltd.

Pierre, C., Trethowan, R., Reynolds, M. (2010).

Stem solidness and its relationship to water-soluble carbohydrates: association with wheat yield under water deficit. Functional Plant

Biology , 37(2), 166-174. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>


DeLacy, I., Fox, P., McLaren, G., Trethowan, R.,

White, J. (2009). A conceptual model for describing processes of crop improvement in database structures. Crop Science , 49(6),

2100-2112. <a href="

020">[More Information]</a>

Usman, M., Ahmad, D., Ahmad, S., Arshad, M.,

Khaliq, T., Wajid, A., Hussain, K., Nasim, W.,

Chattha, T., Trethowan, R., et al (2009).

Development and application of crop water stress index for scheduling irrigation in cotton

(Gossypium hirsutum L.) under semiarid environment. Journal of Food, Agriculture and

Environment , 7(3-4), 386-391.

Azhar, F., Ali, Z., Akhtar, M., Khan, A.,

Trethowan, R. (2009). Genetic variability of heat tolerance, and its effect on yield and fibre quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).

Plant Breeding , 128(4), 356-362. <a href="

8.01574.x">[More Information]</a>

Chattha, T., Ahmed, A., Ali, Z., Trethowan, R.

(2009). Genotype X Tillage Interactions in Broad

Acre Crops and their Implications for Cultivar

Improvement. The 14th Australasian Plant

Breeding Conference (APBC) & 11th Congress of the Society for the Advancement of Breeding

Research in Asia & Oceania (SABRAO) 2009 ,

Australia: SABRAO.

Hernandez-Segundo, E., Capettini, F.,

Trethowan, R., Van Ginkel, M., Mejia, A.,

Carballo, A., Crossa, J., Vargas, M.,

Balbuena-Melgarejo, A. (2009).

Mega-Environment identification for barley based on Twenty-seven years of global grain yield data. Crop Science , 49(5), 1705-1718. <a href="

227">[More Information]</a>

Trethowan, R., Turner, M. (2009). New targets in wheat improvement. CAB Reviews:

Perspectives in Agriculture Veterinary Science

Nutrition and Natural Resources , 4(009), 1-14.

<a href="

4009">[More Information]</a>

Trethowan, R., Van Ginkel, M. (2009). Synthetic

Wheat - An Emerging Genetic Resource. In

Carver, Brett F (Eds.), World Agriculture

Series: Wheat Science and Trade , (pp. 369-385).

Iowa, USA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.

Trethowan, R., Chattha, T., Rapp, G., Turner,

M., Zhao, X., Lancaster, J. (2009). The Potential of Indian Mustard for Biodiesel Production in

North-Western NSW. The 14th Australasian

Plant Breeding Conference (APBC) & 11th

Congress of the Society for the Advancement of

Breeding Research in Asia & Oceania

(SABRAO) 2009 , Australia: SABRAO.


Lage, J., Trethowan, R. (2008). CIMMYT's use of synthetic hexaploid wheat in breeding for adaptation to rainfed environments globally.

Crop and Pasture Science , 59, 461-469. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Johnson, C., Trethowan, R., Metz, T., Valerio, R.

(2008). Communication strategies for delivery of the benefits of cooperative research in the

CIMMYT Suite of Projects. 11th International

Wheat Genetics Symposium 2008 , Sydney:

Sydney University Press.

Dreccer, M., Chapman, S., Ogbonnaya, F.,

Borgognone, M., Trethowan, R. (2008). Crop and environmental attributes underpinning genotype by environment interaction in synthetic-derived bread wheat evaluated in

Mexico and Australia. Crop and Pasture

Science , 59, 447-460. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

William, M., Langridge, P., Trethowan, R.,

Dreisegacker, S., Crouch, J. (2008). Genomics of

Wheat, the Basis of Our Daily Bread. In Paul

H. Moore, Ray Ming (Eds.), Genomics of

Tropical Crop Plants , (pp. 515-548). New York:

Springer Science+Business Media.

Lage, J., Trethowan, R., Hernandez, E. (2008).

Identification of site similarities in western and central Asia using CIMMYT international wheat yield data. Plant Breeding , 127(4), 350-354. <a href="

7.01411.x">[More Information]</a>

Ogbonnaya, F., Imtiaz, M., Bariana, H., McLean,

M., Shankar, M., Hollaway, G., Trethowan, R.,

Lagudah, E., van Ginkel, M. (2008). Mining synthetic hexaploids for multiple disease resistance to improve bread wheat. Crop and

Pasture Science , 59, 421-431. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Ogbonnaya, F., Emebiri, L., Jilal, A., Trethowan,

R., Abdalla, O., Brettell, R., Moody, D., van

Ginkel, M. (2008). Molecular Diversity and

Association Mapping in a Collection of Synthetic

Hexaploid Wheat. 11th International Wheat

Genetics Symposium 2008 , Sydney: Sydney

University Press.

Trethowan, R., Mujeeb-Kazi, A. (2008). Novel

Germplasm Resources for Improving

Environmental Stress Tolerance of Hexaploid

Wheat. Crop Science , 48(July-August),

1255-1265. <a href="

477">[More Information]</a>

McDonald, G., Genc, Y., Nurzhanuly, B.,

Trethowan, R., Reynolds, M., Yaqub Mujabid,

M., Eagles, H., Oldach, K., Mather, D.,

Wallwork, H. (2008). Quantifying the value to grain yield of QTL for adaptation and tolerance to abiotic stress in bread wheat. 11th

International Wheat Genetics Symposium 2008 ,

Sydney: Sydney University Press.


Crossa, J., Burgueno, J., Dreisegacker, S.,

Vargas, M., Herrera-Foessel, S., Lillemo, M.,

Singh, R., Trethowan, R., Warburton, M.,

Franco, J., et al (2007). Association Analysis of

Historical Bread Wheat Germplasm Using

Additive Genetic Covariance of Relatives and

Population Structure. Genetics , 177(3),


Singh, R., Trethowan, R. (2007). Breeding

Spring Bread Wheat for Irrigated and Rainfed

Production Systems of the Developing World.

In Manjit S. Kang and P.M. Priyadarshan (Eds.),

Breeding Major Food Staples , (pp. 109-140).

Ames, Iowa, U.S.A.: Blackwell Publishers.

Dreccer, M., Borgognone, G., Ogbonnaya, F.,

Trethowan, R., Winter, B. (2007).

CIMMYT-selected derived synthetic bread wheats for rainfed environments: Yield evaluation in Mexico and Australia. Field Crops

Research , 100(2-3), 218-228. <a

Publications for Richard Trethowan href="

">[More Information]</a>

Reynolds, M., Dreccer, F., Trethowan, R. (2007).

Drought-adaptive traits derived from wheat wild relatives and landraces. Journal of Experimental

Botany , 58(2), 177-186.

Ortiz-Monasterio, J., Palacios-Rojas, N., Meng,

E., Pixley, K., Trethowan, R., Pena, R. (2007).

Enhancing the mineral and vitamin content of wheat and maize through plant breeding. Journal of Cereal Science , 46(3), 293-307. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Mathews, K., Chapman, S., Trethowan, R.,

Pfeiffer, W., van Ginkel, M., Crossa, J., Payne,

T., DeLacy, I., Fox, P., Cooper, M. (2007).

Global adaptation patterns of Australian and

CIMMYT spring bread wheat. Theoretical and

Applied Genetics , 115(6), 819-835.

Mathews, K., Chapman, S., Trethowan, R.,

Pfeiffer, W., van Ginkel, M., Crossa, J., Payne,

T., DeLacy, I., Fox, P., Cooper, M. (2007).

Global adaptation patterns of Australian and

CIMMYT spring bread wheat. Theoretical and

Applied Genetics , 115(6), 819-835.

Ortiz, R., Trethowan, R., Ortiz-Ferrara, G.,

Iwanaga, M., Dodds, J., Crouch, J., Crossa, J.,

Braun, H. (2007). High yield potential, shuttle breeding, genetic diversity, and a new international wheat improvement strategy.

Euphytica , 157, 365-384. <a href="

5-9">[More Information]</a>

Singh, R., Huerta-Espino, J., Sharma, R., Joshi,

A., Trethowan, R. (2007). High yielding spring bread wheat germplasm for global irrigated and rainfed production systems. Euphytica , 157,

351-363. <a href="

6-6">[More Information]</a>

Trethowan, R., Crossa, J. (2007). Lessons learnt from forty years of international spring bread wheat trials. Euphytica , 157(3), 385-390. <a href="

0-1">[More Information]</a>

Burgueno, J., Crossa, J., Cornelius, P.,

Trethowan, R., McLaren, G., Krishnamachari, A.

(2007). Modeling additive x environment and additive x additive x environment using genetic covariances of relatives of wheat genotypes.

Crop Science , 47(1), 311-320.

Xu, X., Yuan, H., Li, S., Trethowan, R.,

Monneveux, P. (2007). Relationship between

Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Grain Yield in Spring Wheat Cultivated under Different

Water Regimes. Journal of Integrative Plant

Biology , 49(10), 1497-1507.

Chapman, S., Mathews, K., Trethowan, R.,

Singh, R. (2007). Relationships between height and yield in near-isogenic spring wheats that contrast for major reduced height genes.

Euphytica , 157(3), 391-397.

Chapman, S., Mathews, K., Trethowan, R.,

Singh, R. (2007). Relationships between height and yield in near-isogenic spring wheats that contrast for major reduced height genes.

Euphytica , 157(3), 391-397.

Trethowan, R., Reynolds, M., Ortiz-Monasterio,

J., Ortiz, R. (2007). The genetic basis of the green revolution in wheat production. In Jules

Janick (Eds.), Plant Breeding Reviews V28 , (pp.

39-58). US: Wiley.

William, H., Trethowan, R., Crosby-Galvan, E.

(2007). Wheat breeding assisted by markers:

CIMMYT's experience. Euphytica , 157(3),

307-319. <a href="

5-7">[More Information]</a>

Ogbonnaya, F., Ye, G., Trethowan, R., Dreccer,

F., Lush, D., Shepperd, J., van Ginkel, M.

(2007). Yield of synthetic backcross-derived lines in rainfed environments of Australia.

Euphytica , 157(3), 321-336. <a href="

1-y">[More Information]</a>


Varela, M., Crossa, J., Rane, J., Joshi, A.,

Trethowan, R. (2006). Analysis of a three-way interaction including multi-attributes. Crop and

Pasture Science , 57(11), 1185-1193.

Morgounov, A., Trethowan, R. (2006). Avenues to increase yield of short season high latitude wheat in northern Kazakhstan and Siberia.

International Symposium on Wheat Yield

Potential : Challenges to International Wheat

Breeding . CIMMYT.

Warburton, M., Crossa, J., Franco, J., Kazi, M.,

Trethowan, R., Rajaram, S., Pfeiffer, W., Zhang,

P., Dreisegacker, S., van Ginkel, M. (2006).

Bringing wild relatives back into the family: recovering genetic diversity of CIMMYT bread wheat germplasm. Euphytica , 149(3), 289-301.

van Ginkel, M., Reynolds, M., Trethowan, R.,

Hernandez, E., Condon, A. (2006).

Complementing the breeders eye with canopy temperature measurements. International

Symposium on Wheat Yield Potential :

Challenges to International Wheat Breeding .


Trethowan, R., Crossa, J. (2006). Forty years of international bread wheat trials : what have we learned? International Symposium on Wheat

Yield Potential : Challenges to International

Publications for Richard Trethowan

Wheat Breeding . CIMMYT.

Chapman, S., Matthews, K., Trethowan, R.,

Singh, R., Crossa, J., Pfeiffer, W., van Ginkel,

M., DeLacey, I. (2006). Global adaptation of near-isogenic spring wheat lines contrasting for major reduced height genes. International

Symposium on Wheat Yield Potential :

Challenges to International Wheat Breeding .


Mathews, K., Chapman, S., Trethowan, R.,

Singh, R., Crossa, J., Pfeiffer, W., van Ginkel,

M., DeLacy, I. (2006). Global adaptation of spring bread and durum wheat lines near-isogenic for major reduced height genes.

Crop Science , 46(2), 603-613.

Valenzuela-Herrera, V., Aguilar-Rincon, V.,

Garcia de los Santos, G., Trethowan, R.,

Guillermo, F. (2006). Inheritance of resistance to

Tilletia indica (Mitra) of the synthetic hexaploid ruff (Triticum turgidum L.)/T. tauschii (Coss.)

Schmalh. X Triticum aestivum L. [in Spanish].

Revista Mexicana de Fitopatologia , 24, 153-159.

Darvey, N., Zhao, X., Trethowan, R. (2006).

Isolated microspore culture in a cyclical breeding system for the production of inbred lines and hybrids. 6th International Triticale Symposium ,

N/A: N/A.

Crossa, J., Burgueno, J., Cornelius, P., McLaren,

G., Trethowan, R., Krishnamachari, A. (2006).

Modeling genotype X environment interaction using additive covariances of relatives for predicting breeding values of wheat genotypes.

Crop Science , 46(4), 1722-1733.

Ogbonnaya, F., Dreccer, F., Shankar, M.,

Muhammad, I., Trethowan, R., Borgognone, G.,

Winter, B., Bariana, H., Milgate, A., Thompson,

J., et al (2006). Progress in the use of synthetic wheats for improving abiotic and biotic stresses in wheat. 13th Australasian Plant Breeding

Conference APBC 2006 , New Zealand:

Australasian Plant Breeding Conference.

Lillemo, M., Chen, F., Xia, X., William, M.,

Pena, R., Trethowan, R., He, Z. (2006).

Puroindoline grain hardness alleles in CIMMYT bread wheat germplasm. Journal of Cereal

Science , 44(1), 86-92.

Ortiz, R., Trethowan, R., Ortiz-Ferrara, G.,

Iwanaga, M., Dodds, J., Crouch, J., Crossa, J.,

Braun, H. (2006). Shuttle breeding : ways forward. International Symposium on Wheat

Yield Potential : Challenges to International

Wheat Breeding . CIMMYT.

Trethowan, R., Morgounov, A., Zelenskiy, Y.,

Lage, J. (2006). Shuttle breeding between

Mexico and Kazakhstan : results, refinements and prospects [in Russian]. 2nd Central Asian

Cereals Conference .

Condon, A., Reynolds, M., Rebetzke, G., van

Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R., Brennan, J., Bonnet,

D., Riches, J., Farquhar, G. (2006). Stomatal aperture related traits and yield potential in bread wheat. International Symposium on Wheat Yield

Potential : Challenges to International Wheat

Breeding . CIMMYT.

Trethowan, R., Morgunov, A., He, Z., De Pauw,

R., Crossa, J., Warburton, M., Baytasov, A.,

Zhang, C., Mergoum, M., Alvarado, G. (2006).

The global adaptation of bread wheat at high latitudes. Euphytica , 152(3), 303-316. <a href="

7-1">[More Information]</a>

William, H., Trethowan, R. (2006). Wheat molecular breeding: a case for optimism.

International Symposium on Wheat Yield

Potential : Challenges to International Wheat

Breeding . CIMMYT.

Ogbonnaya, F., Dreccer, F., Ye, G., Trethowan,

R., Lush, D., Shepperd, J., van Ginkel, M.

(2006). Yield of synthetic backcross-derived lines. International Symposium on Wheat Yield

Potential : Challenges to International Wheat

Breeding . CIMMYT.


Braun, H., Trethowan, R., Reynolds, M. (2005).

A three pronged approach to breeding wheat for adaptation to moisture stress [oral presentation].

2nd International Conference on Integrated

Approaches Approaches to Sustain and Improve

Plant production Under drought stress .

Trethowan, R., Reynolds, M., Sayre, K.,

Ortiz-Monasterio, J. (2005). Adapting wheat cultivars to resource conserving farming practices and human nutritional needs. Annals of

Applied Biology , 146(4), 405-413.

Esmaeilzadeh Moghaddam, M., Trethowan, R.,

William, H., Rezai, A., Arzani, A., Mirlohi, A.

(2005). Assessment of genetic diversity in bread wheat genotypes for tolerance to drought using

AFLPs and agronomic traits. Euphytica ,

141(1-2), 147-156.

William, H., Singh, R., Trethowan, R., van

Ginkel, M., Pellegrinshi, A., Huerta-Espino, J.,

Hoisington, D. (2005). Biotechnology applications for wheat improvement at

CIMMYT. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and

Forestry , 29(2), 113-119.

Pfeiffer, W., Trethowan, R., van Ginkel, M.,

Ortiz-Monasterio, J., Rajaram, S. (2005).

Breeding for abiotic stress tolerance in wheat.

In M. Ashraf; P. J. C. Harris (Eds.), Abiotic stresses : plant resistance through breeding and molecular approaches , (pp. 401-489). New

York: Food Products Press.

Publications for Richard Trethowan

Trethowan, R. (2005). Breeding wheat for high iron and zinc at CIMMYT : state of the art, challenges and future prospects. 7th

International Wheat Conference , Dordrecht:


Lillemo, M., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R.,

Hernandez, E., Crossa, J. (2005). Differential adaptation of CIMMYT bread wheat to global high temperature environments. Crop Science ,

45(6), 2443-2453.

Trethowan, R., Reynolds, M. (2005). Drought resistance: genetic approaches for improving productivity under stress [key note address]. 7th

International Wheat Conference , Dordrecht:


Pfeiffer, W., Trethowan, R., Ammar, K., Sayre,

K. (2005). Increasing yield potential and stability in durum wheat. In Conxita Royo, Natale Di

Fonzo (Eds.), Durum Wheat Breeding: Current

Approaches and Future Strategies , (pp.

531-562). Binghamton, New York: Food

Products Press.

Trethowan, R., Crossa, J., Pfeiffer, W. (2005).

Management of genotype x environment interactions and their implications for durum wheat breeding. In Conxita Royo, Natale Di

Fonzo (Eds.), Durum Wheat Breeding: Current

Approaches and Future Strategies , (pp.

777-802). Binghamton, New York: Food

Products Press.

Monneveux, P., Reynolds, M., Trethowan, R.,

Gonzalez-Santoyo, H., Pena, R., Zapata, F.

(2005). Relationship between grain yield and carbon isotope discrimination in bread wheat under four water regimes. European Journal of

Agronomy , 22(2), 231-242.

Reynolds, M., Dreccer, F., Trethowan, R. (2005).

Stress adaptive mechanisms from wheat landraces and wild relatives [oral presentation].

2nd International Conference on Integrated

Approaches Approaches to Sustain and Improve

Plant production Under drought stress .

Nicol, J., Trethowan, R., Bolat, N., Bagci, A.,

William, M., Hekimhan, H., Yildirim, A., Sahin,

E., Elekcioglu, H., Toktay, H., et al (2005). The

International Breeding Strategy for the

Incorporation of Resistance in Bread Wheat

Against the Soil Borne Pathogens (Dryland Root

Rot and Cyst and Lesion Cereal Nematodes)

Using Conventional and Molecular tools. 7th

International Wheat Conference , Dordrecht:


Wang, J., Eagles, H., Trethowan, R., van Ginkel,

M. (2005). Using computer simulation of the selection process and known gene information to assist in parental selection in wheat quality breeding. Crop and Pasture Science , 56(5),

Publications for Richard Trethowan


Trethowan, R., Hodson, D., Braun, H., Pfeiffer,

W., van Ginkel, M. (2005). Wheat breeding environments. In M. A. Lantican; H. J. Dubin;

M. L. Morris (Eds.), Impacts of international wheat breeding research in the developing world, 1988-2002 , (pp. 4-11). Mexico:



Mathews, K., Chapman, S., Trethowan, R.,

Pfeiffer, W., van Ginkel, M., DeLacy, I. (2004).

Adaptation Trial: Comparison of Australian and

International Spring-Wheat Production Regions.

54th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference and 11th Wheat Breeders Assembly , North

Melbourne, Vic.: Cereal Chemistry Division,

Royal Australian Chemical Insititute.

Lillemo, M., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R.,

Hernandez, E., Rajaram, S. (2004). Associations among international CIMMYT bread wheat yield testing locations in high rainfall areas and their implications for wheat breeding. Crop Science ,

44(4), 1163-1169.

van Ginkel, M., Reynolds, M., Trethowan, R.,

Hernandez, E. (2004). Can canopy temperature depression measurements help breeders in selecting for yield in wheat under irrigated production conditions? 4th International Crop

Science Congress , Burwood Vic: The Regional

Institute Ltd.

Monneveux, P., Reynolds, M., Trethowan, R.,

Pena, J., Zapata, F. (2004). Carbon isotope discrimination, leaf ash content and grain yield in bread and durum grown under full-irrigated conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop

Science , 190(6), 389-394.

Kirigwi, F., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R.,

Sears, R., Rajaram, S., Paulsen, G. (2004).

Evaluation of selection strategies for wheat adaptation across water regimes. Euphytica ,

135(3), 361-371.

Warburton, M., Pinzghi, Z., Dreisegacker, S.,

Lage, J., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R. (2004).

Identifying the new source of variation seen in synthetic backcross derived synthetic wheat. 4th

International Crop Science Congress , Burwood

Vic: The Regional Institute Ltd.

van Ginkel, M., Pena, R., Trethowan, R.,

Rajaram, S., Hernandez, E. (2004). Improvement in wheat quality during the past 10 years at

CIMMYT; achieved while retaining high yield.

10th International Wheat Genetics Symposium ,

Rome: Istituto Sperimentale per la

Cerealicoltura, Sezione di Bergamo.

Mathews, K., Chapman, S., Trethowan, R.,

Pfeiffer, W., van Ginkel, M., DeLacey, I. (2004).

International Adaptation Trial: Using probe and reference genotypes to characterize global spring wheat production environments. 4th

International Crop Science Congress , Burwood

Vic: The Regional Institute Ltd.

Trethowan, R., Reynolds, M., Pfeiffer, W.,

Ammar, K., van Ginkel, M., Crossa, J. (2004).

Managed drought stress environments in Mexico and their association with global wheat growing environments : reslilient crops for water-limited environments. The Rockefeller Foundation's

Food Security Theme Workshop .

Trethowan, R. (2004). Selecting wheat with improved adaptation to moisture limited environments: CIMMYT's approach and experience. 54th Australian Cereal Chemistry

Conference and 11th Wheat Breeders Assembly ,

North Melbourne, Vic.: Cereal Chemistry

Division, Royal Australian Chemical Insititute.

Wang, J., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R., Ye, G.,

DeLacey, I., Podlich, D., Cooper, M. (2004).

Simulating the Effects of Dominance and

Epistasis on Selection Response in the CIMMYT

Wheat Breeding Program using QUCIM. Crop

Science , 44(6), 2006-2018.

Nicol, J., Bagci, A., Hekimhan, H., Tunali, B.,

Bolat, N., Braun, H., Trethowan, R. (2004).

Strategy for the identification and breeding of resistance to dryland root rot complex for

International spring and winter wheat breeding programs. 4th International Crop Science

Congress , Burwood Vic: The Regional Institute


van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R., Reynolds, M.,

Warburton, M., Hoisington, D. (2004). Using novel diversity of Mexican wheat landraces to identify genetic solutions for drought tolerance.

49th Annual Meeting of the Crop Science Society of America .


Trethowan, R., van Ginkel, M., Ammar, K.,

Crossa, J., Payne, T., Cukadar, B., Rajaram, S.,

Hernandez, E. (2003). Associations among twenty years of bread wheat yield evaluation environments. Crop Science , 43(5), 1698-1711.

Wang, J., van Ginkel, M., Podlich, D., Ye, G.,

Trethowan, R., Pfeiffer, W., DeLacy, I., Cooper,

M., Rajaram, S. (2003). Comparison of two breeding strategies by computer simulation. Crop

Science , 43(5), 1764-1773.

Trethowan, R., Borja, J., Kazi, M. (2003).

Contribution of synthetic wheats to drought tolerance. 2003 annual meetings of the American

Society of Agronomy , Madison, Wis.: American

Society of Agronomy, Inc.

Ogbonnaya, F., Dreccer, F., Trethowan, R.,

Winter, B., Eastwood, R., Sheppard, J., Lagudah,

E. (2003). Exploitation of synthetic wheats for agronomically useful genes : current status. 10th

International Wheat Genetics Symposium , Rome:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura,

Sezione di Bergamo.

Pena, R., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R. (2003).

Glu-D1 and Glu-B3 glutenin composition and quality characteristics of the diverse wheat gene pool used by the CIMMYT bread wheat-breeding program. 10th International

Wheat Genetics Symposium , Rome: Istituto

Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura, Sezione di


William, H., Crosby, R., Trethowan, R., van

Ginkel, M., Mujeeb-Kazi, A., Pfeiffer, W.,

Khairallah, M., Hoisington, D. (2003). Molecular

Marker Service Laboratory : An Interface between the Laboratory and the Field. 10th

International Wheat Genetics Symposium , Rome:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura,

Sezione di Bergamo.

Boru, G., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R.,

Boersma, L., Kronstad, W. (2003). Oxygen use from solution by wheat genotypes differing in tolerance to waterlogging. Euphytica , 132(2),


Wang, J., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R., Ye, G.,

DeLacey, I., Podlich, D., Cooper, M. (2003).

QUCIM, a software program that simulates inbred breeding programs is exemplified by the role of pleiotrophy, dominance, epistasis and linkage on selection. Arnel R. Hallauer

International Symposium on Plant Breeding .

Atkas, H., Bagci, A., Bolat, N., Büyük, O.,

Cekic, C., Ekiz, H., Gültekin, I., Hekimhan, H.,

Kaya, Y., Keser, M., Trethowan, R., et al (2003).

Research On Root Rots And Nematodes :

Progress Update Of Turkey-Cimmyt

Collaboration From 2003. Annual Wheat News

Letter , 49, 147-149.

Trethowan, R., Borja, J., Kazi, M. (2003). The impact of synthetic wheat on breeding for stress tolerance at CIMMYT. Annual Wheat News

Letter , 49, 67-69.


Trethowan, R. (2002). Breeding wheat for tolerance to moisture stress at CIMMYT. 2nd

Kazakstan-Sibreian Network for Spring Wheat

Improvement : Modern Methods of Spring Wheat

Breeding , Almaty: GTZ-CIMMYT Regional

Seed Network.

Smale, M., Reynolds, M., Warburton, M.,

Skovmand, B., Trethowan, R., Singh, R.,

Ortiz-Monasterio, J., Crossa, J. (2002).

Dimensions of diversity of modern spring bread wheat in developing countries from 1965. Crop

Publications for Richard Trethowan

Science , 42(6), 1766-1779.

Gilchrist, L., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R.,

Hernandez, E. (2002). Genes with major effects on FHB resistance promise easy marker application. 2002 National Fusarium Head

Blight (NFHB) Forum , [East Lansing,

Michigan]: Michigan State University.

Copland, S., Reynolds, M., Trethowan, R.,

Davies, W., Gooding, M. (2002). Moisture stress resistance of wheat lines derived from synthetic hexaploids. Genotype to Phenotype: Narrowing the Gap . Association of Applied Biologists.

Reynolds, M., Trethowan, R., Crossa, J., Vargas,

M., Sayre, K. (2002). Physiological factors associated with genotype by environment interaction in wheat. Field Crops Research ,

75(2-3), 139-160.

Pellegrineschi, A., Reynolds, M., Ribaut, J.,

Trethowan, R., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K.,

Hoisington, D. (2002). Preliminary characterization of the Dreb genes in transgenic wheat. 10th International Association for Plant

Tissue Culture and Biotechnology (IAPTC&B)

Congress , Dordrecht ; Boston ; London: Kluwer

Academic Publishers.

Trethowan, R., van Ginkel, M., Rajaram, S.

(2002). Progress in breeding for yield and adaptation in global drought affected environments. Crop Science , 42(5), 1441-1446.

Pena, R., Trethowan, R., Pfeiffer, W., van

Ginkel, M. (2002). Quality (end-use) improvement in wheat : compositional, genetic, and environmental factors. Journal of Crop

Production (Print) , 5(1/2), 1-37.


Reynolds, M., Trethowan, R., van Ginkel, M.,

Rajaram, S. (2001). Application of physiology in wheat breeding. In M. P. Reynolds; J. I.

Ortiz-Monasterio; A. McNab (Eds.), Application of physiology in wheat breeding , (pp. 2-10).

Mexico: CIMMYT.

Reynolds, M., Skovmand, B., Trethowan, R.,

Singh, R., van Ginkel, M. (2001). Applications of physiology to wheat breeding. Warren E.

Kronstad Symposium 2001 , Mexico: CIMMYT.

Trethowan, R. (2001). Avances en el

Mejoramiento del Trigo para Tolerancia a la

Germinacion en la Espiga (brotamiento).

Simposio Internacional de estrategias y metodologias utilizadas en el mejoramiento de trigo = International seminar on strategies and methodologies used in the improvement of wheat .


Pena, R., Trethowan, R., van Ginkel, M. (2001).

Bread Wheat Quality Improvement at CIMMYT:

Current and Projected Strategies. Golden

opportunities: an Australian and Chinese collaboration on wheat quality .

Trethowan, R., Singh, R., Huerta-Espino, J.,

Crossa, J., van Ginkel, M. (2001). Coleoptile length variation of near-isogenic Rht lines of modern CIMMYT bread and durum wheats.

Field Crops Research , 70(3), 167-176.

Nicol, J., Rivoal, R., Trethowan, R., van Ginkel,

M., Mergoum, M., Singh, R. (2001). develop multiple disease resistant. 2nd Australasian

Soilborne Diseases Symposium , Lorne, Vic.:

Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium.

van Ginkel, M., Ortiz-Monasterio, J., Hernandez,

E., Trethowan, R. (2001). Methodology for selecting segregating populations for improved

N-use efficiency in bread wheat. Euphytica , 119,


Reynolds, M., Copeland, S., Trethowan, R.,

Skovmand, B. (2001). Physiological approaches to stress breeding for wheat. XVIth Eucarpia

Congress 2001 , Edinburgh: European

Association for Research on Plant Breeding


Reynolds, M., Trethowan, R., Skovmand, B.

(2001). Physiological selection for stress resistance. 22nd Hard Winter Wheat Workers

Workshop .

Trethowan, R. (2001). Preharvest sprouting tolerance. In M. P. Reynolds; J. I.

Ortiz-Monasterio; A. McNab (Eds.), Application of physiology in wheat breeding , (pp. 145-147).

Mexico: CIMMYT.

Pellegrineschi, A., Ribaut, J., Trethowan, R.,

Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K., Hoisington, D.

(2001). Recent developments in transgenics for water-limited conditions in wheat.

APEC/JIRCAS Joint Symposium and Workshop on Agricultural Biotechnology , Tsukuba, Japan:

Japan International Research Center for

Agricultural Sciences.

Trethowan, R., Crossa, J., van Ginkel, M.,

Rajaram, S. (2001). Relationships among bread wheat international yield testing locations in dry areas. Crop Science , 41(5), 1461-1469.

Wang, J., van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R.,

Podlich, D., DeLacey, I., Cooper, M. (2001).

Simulation of the CIMMYT Wheat Breeding

Program. Warren E. Kronstad Symposium 2001 ,

Mexico: CIMMYT.

Trethowan, R., Pena, R., van Ginkel, M. (2001).

The effect of indirect tests for quality on grain yield and industrial quality of bread wheat. Plant

Breeding , 120, 509-512.


Trethowan, R., Pena, R., van Ginkel, M. (2000).

Breeding for grain quality: a manipulation of

Publications for Richard Trethowan gene frequency. 6th International Wheat

Conference , Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer

Academic Publishers.

Nicol, J., Rivoal, R., Trethowan, R., van Ginkel,

M., Mergoum, M., Singh, R. (2000). CIMMYT's approach to identify and use resistance to nematodes and soil-borne fungi, in developing superior wheat germplasm. 6th International

Wheat Conference , Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer

Academic Publishers.

Maes, B., Trethowan, R., Reynolds, M., van

Ginkel, M., Skovmand, B. (2000). Glume pubescence and its influence on spikelet temperature of wheat under freezing conditions.

6th International Wheat Conference , Dordrecht ;

Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

van Ginkel, M., Trethowan, R.,

Ortiz-Monasterio, J., Hernandez, E. (2000).

Selection methodology of segregating populations for improved N-use efficiency in bread wheats. 6th International Wheat

Conference , Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer

Academic Publishers.
