“Bioeconomy and the Italian agrifood matrix” Gli strumenti di politica industriale per la filiera agroalimentare Sala Cascina Merlata – Expo 2015 Milano, 14 ottobre 2015 Sustainability Durum Wheat Production in Italy: Barilla Sustanable Farming Project Luca Ruini – HSE&E Vice President & BCFN Expert How to use Sustainability to innovate Barilla case study An interdisciplinary approach starting from LCA study Life Cycle Assessment Footprints Carbon Footprint gCO2-eq per kg or Litre of food Water Footprint Litre per kg or Litre of food Ecological Footprint Global m2 per kg or Litre of food Barilla Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Process System 1. Quick, Simple and Reliable analysis 2. Verified and Certified Results Durum wheat pasta Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) BSF: Barilla Sustainable Farming Cattolica University Spin off Sustainable High Quality Durum Wheat Cultivation Project Sustainable Durum Wheat Cultivation AIM OF THE PROJECT ABOUT DURUM WHEAT PROJECT 1) Identify in the different area sustainable alternative cropping systems for the cultivation of durum wheat; 2) Analyze and evaluate the characteristics of cropping systems identified; 3) Validate the alternative cropping systems with in-field experimentations 4) Integrate the Barilla’s Cultivation Disciplinary (Decalogue) 5) Use a web based Farmers Decision Supporting System (DSS) Durum wheat cultivation INDICATORS USED • CARBON FOOTPRINT: it represents the total amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of CO2 with the relative indicator, commonly called “global warming potential”. • WATER FOOTPRINT: it measures the water consumption of a system in terms of water volumes consumed because of the processes, the irrigation, the natural evaporation by plants and/or that polluted, per unit of time. • ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT: is a measure of how much biologically productive land and water an individual, population or activity requires to produce all the resources it consumes and to absorb the waste it generates using prevailing technology and resource management practices. It is measured in global hectares (gha). • ECONOMICS INDICATORS: represented by the direct costs of cultivation (cultivation operations + technical tools), the gross marketable production (GPS), updated to the price lists of 17 November 2009, and the gross income (GI), i.e. the difference between direct costs of cultivation and GPS. (In the GPS are not considered coupled and uncoupled aid ) • NITROGEN INDEX: measurement of nitrogen availability determined by the previous crop residue, by the contribution of chemical fertilizers and the time required to biologically degrade the organic substance of the preceding crop; • DON INDEX: this index expresses the cultivation safety aspects related to the possibility of reducing pathology occurrence due to the deoxynivalenol mycotoxin (DON). 10 10 Durum wheat cultivation CROP SYSTEM ANALYSIS Crop System analysed Variables • Crop system: species used within the crop rotations • Agricultural “in-field” activities • Fertilizers use • Regional climatic situation System Boundaries Tillage Lombardia, Veneto and Friuli (PLV) Maize Diversified Maize (3 years) – Durum wheat Soybean – Durum wheat – Millet - Maize Emilia Romagna (RER) Cereals Industrial Horticultural Cultivation Maize – Durum wheat – Millet - Wheat Soybean – Durum wheat- Maize – Wheat Tomato – Durum wheat - Maize – Wheat Marche and Toscana Cereals Proteic Alfa alfa Industrial Cultivation Durum wheat (3 years) – Millet Proteic pea (2 years) - Durum wheat (2 years) Alfa alfa (3 years) – Durum wheat Rapeseed – Durum wheat – Sunflower – Durum wheat Puglia, Basilicata and Sicilia One crop Fodder Horticultural Check pea Cultivation Durum wheat (4 years) Durum wheat (2 years) – Oat and vetch (2 years) Tomato – Durum wheat - Tomato – Durum wheat Chick pea (2 years) – Durum wheat (2 years) Sowing Cultivation Fertilization Pesticides Harvesting Yield Sustainable Durum wheat cultivation - 310 kg Co2 / t Carbon Footprint (t Co2 Carbon footprint (tCO /t grains) Carbon Footprint (t2CO 2 /t granella) / t durum wheat semolina) 0,80 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00 Puglia/Basilicata/Sic ilia ra gg io In du st ria le Pr ot ei co Ce re al ico I O nd lo rt us ico tr lo ia le in du st ria le In du st ria le M ai di co lo Ce re al ico lo O rt F or ico ag lo gi in o du st ria le Pr ot ei co Pianura Lombardo Veneto. Net Income (€ / t durum wheat semolina) Reddito lordo (€/t) Emilia Romagna Pianura Lombardo Veneto. Puglia/Basilicata/Sic ilia ra gg io In du st ria le Pr ot ei co Ce re al ico lo In O du rt ico st ria lo le in du st ria le In du st ria le M ai di c Ce olo re al ico lo O rt ico For ag lo gi in o du st ria le Pr ot ei co Marche/Toscana Fo ico l o 180,0 160,0 140,0 120,0 100,0 80,0 60,0 40,0 20,0 0,0 Ce re al > 100 € / t Emilia Romagna Fo Ce re al ico lo Marche/Toscana 12 Durum wheat cultivation - 310 kg Co2 / t Carbon Footprint (t Co2 Carbon footprint (tCO /t grains) Carbon Footprint (t2CO 2 /t granella) / t durum wheat semolina) 0,80 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00 Emilia Romagna Pianura Lombardo Veneto. lo ico Efficienza (kg(kg granella/kg Nitrogen Index utilizzo (kg ofazoto grains/kg ofdurum N) azoto)wheat Nitrogen Indicator Fo Ce re al Puglia/Basilicata/Sic ilia ra gg io In du st ria le Pr ot ei co Ce re al ico I O nd lo rt us ico tr lo ia le in du st ria le In du st ria le M ai di co lo Ce re al ico lo O rt F or ico ag lo gi in o du st ria le Pr ot ei co Marche/Toscana 70,0 60,0 semolina/ kg N) 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0 13 ra gg io In du st ria le Pr ot ei co Ce re al ico lo In O du rt ico st ria lo le in du st ria le In du st ria le M ai di c Ce olo re al ico lo O rt F or ico ag lo gi in o du st ria le Pr ot ei co Fo Ce re al ico lo 0,0 Italian Farmers Handbook DSS Adopting old-well known (but not still applied) agricultural practice is good for farmers, soil & environment ! 14 Durum wheat cultivation Second Part of the Project “Durum wheat: Cropping System Sustainability in Italy 2011-2012” The second part of the project consists in infield experimentation, comparing sustainable and traditional cropping systems. Parma Second year of the go-live phase Ferrara Siena 2011-12: In-field testing with >25 farmers Ancona Macerata Foggia 2013-14: 80.000 t 2014-15: 120.000 t 15 luca.ruini@barilla.com