LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK OFFICE OF INTERNSHIP & PROGRAM SERVICES SECOND LEVEL (MSW) ADVANCED EVALUATION SCHOOLS SPECIALIZATION Please check one: Mid-term evaluation (630) Final evaluation (631) Date: ____________________ Student: ________________________________ Student ID:___________________ Start Date: ________________________ End Date: _________________________ Placement Site: _____________________________________________________ Field Instructor:_____________________ Field Liaison: _____________________ Cumulative Hours: _______ (Student needs to complete 720 hours total) Total Clients: _______ Recommended Grade:_________ (P=PASS, NP=NO PASS) Please refer to the Learning Agreement and use the following criteria to rate the student. You will find bulleted qualifiers under each of the ten competencies. Please note that the bullets listed are suggestions to highlight the behavior of your student. Keep in mind that the rating should reflect the student’s progress at this point in the overall internship. If the student’s internship experience does not include tasks or activities related to the competency circle NA. Please complete the questions at the end of the evaluation. No further write-up is necessary. After you and the student have reviewed the evaluation, sign it and submit it to the field office: Rating Scale Criteria 1 Demonstrates no competency in this area Demonstrates no competency in this area 2 Demonstrates minimal competency, little knowledge or skill, limited evidence of growth or change, rarely demonstrates progress on tasks and behaviors, and takes little initiative for learning. Developing competence with assistance, with some coaching or prompting demonstrates some skill, marginal 3 competency working towards improvement, beginning level of skill development, needs continued practice and assistance, progress on tasks and behaviors is inconsistent, inconsistently takes initiative for learning. Emerging competency, demonstrates the ability to independently apply skills in simple situations, moderate 4 competency, demonstrating ongoing progress, adequate performance just needs more practice, takes initiative for learning. Demonstrates the competency to begin independent social work practice, demonstrates the ability to apply skills in 5 complex situations, consistent growth and change, demonstrates the ability to complete assigned tasks and activities, takes full responsibility for learning. 0 Does not relate to the student’s internship experience or not sufficient experience to evaluate skill level- “NA”. 1 COMPETENCY #1: PROFESSIONALISM Identify with the social work profession, its mission and core values, and conduct oneself accordingly Student demonstrates the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency N/A Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 0 Practice self-reflection and self-correction. Students will independently analyze and reflect on their practice in the organization and/or institute in which they are practicing Advocate for client access to services. Students will examine client access to services, develop methods for operationalization, empower client for self-advocacy, and evaluate outcome as part of their professional advocate role. Attend to professional roles and boundaries. Students will be cognizant of and compliant and contribute to the development of social work roles. Use supervision and consultation. Students will actively prepare for supervision and constructively analyze their own practice, taking an active role in consultation and supervision. Students will anticipate and respond to crises and ethical dilemmas. Engage in life-long learning & professional growth. Students will evaluate their learning needs and regularly select venues that increase their expertise, e.g., workshops, training and reading professional publications. Students at the Advanced level will demonstrate advanced professional use of self with client(s). Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and communication. COMPETENCY #2: VALUES AND ETHICS Define and apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice in this setting Students will demonstrate the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 Make ethical decisions by applying standards of the NASW Code of Ethics Students will anticipate areas of potential conflict relevant to their area of specialty and formulate a plan of action should such conflict arise. Students will assess the intersection of relevant codes of ethics and state/federal laws and justify a reasoned approach when ethics and laws are in conflict. Tolerate ambiguity and cultural differences in resolving ethical conflicts Students will evaluate alternative courses of action and justify their choice of action in resolving an ethical issue. 2 Apply ethical reasoning to arrive at principled decisions Students will formulate, apply, and evaluate the outcome of a reasoned, critical approach to resolving an ethical issue. Articulate the process of ethical decision making in work with client systems. Distinguish between personal and professional ethics and behaviors. Students will manage personal values and interpret the values of the profession and relevant codes of ethics in their application to practice situations. COMPETENCY #3: CRITICAL THINKING Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments Student demonstrates the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 Critically appraise and integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge and evidence informed practice wisdom Students will critically evaluate different knowledge bases, including research informed practice and practice wisdom, and constructively contribute to the advancement of those sources. Analyze models of assessment, prevention, intervention and evaluation Students will analyze the outcome of their use of differing knowledge sources and further delineate sources are most effective with which practice populations and setting. Students will evaluate and make modifications as needed of models of treatment for diverse client systems correcting for any models that oppress vulnerable populations. Use various methods of technology to search for information, critically interpret evidence, and communicate with others Demonstrate critical thinking by communicating professional judgment using oral and written communication as appropriate to the practice setting. COMPETENCY #4: DIVERSITY Engage diversity and difference in practice. Student demonstrates the ability to: 0 Exhibit an appreciation for both differences and similarities within social contexts Inventory and measure one’s own assumptive worldviews of self and others. 3 Engage client systems in diverse settings to challenge oppression, discrimination, and privilege at the societal, institutional and personal level. Appraise the impact of institutional structures that perpetuate inequality, oppression, discrimination and privilege Gain sufficient self-awareness to minimize the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse groups Evaluate the elements of a culturally competent practice with diverse client systems. Examine self-awareness of stereotypes, biases and prejudices towards culturally diverse communities in all forms. Recognize and communicate their understanding of the importance of differences and similarities in shaping life experiences Develop and apply culturally sensitive and appropriate interventions that acknowledge differences in values. View themselves as learners and engage those with whom they work as informants COMPETENCY #5: SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE Advance local and international human rights and social and economic justice Student demonstrates the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 Understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination Evaluate the appropriateness and feasibility of social justice and human rights considerations and models in social work practice. Advocate for human rights and social and economic justice Assess social work client circumstances and then choose ethically sound practice skills in furthering social justice and human rights. Engage in practices that advance social and economic justice Propose and implement collective action and political advocacy to promote social change. Manage and revise organizational and community change in response to local level service gaps. Use knowledge of the effects of oppression and discrimination on clients and client systems to guide treatment planning and intervention. COMPETENCY #6: RESEARCH INFORMED PRACTICE Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research. Student demonstrates the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 4 Use research evidence and other disciplines to inform practice Conduct analysis of social work practice through the lens of practice based research. Conduct comprehensive review of research related to a practice focused research question to include critical evaluation of research studies as they apply to disenfranchised populations. Use practice experience with clients to inform the formulation of researchable questions. Become more evidence-informed in selecting interventions, particularly with diverse and marginalized clients. Propose practice-based research questions based on practice experience. Understand the process of evidence-informed practice Critically analyze ethics of research designs, particularly related to the potential of differential impact on vulnerable populations Demonstrate basic understanding of research design, methods, and statistics Formulate and propose a research design based on practice based research questions, the current state of professional research, and resources available. COMPETENCY #7: HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT (HBSE) Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment Student demonstrates the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 Select diverse theories of human behavior and the social environment to guide clinical practice. Examine and inspect information from human behavior and the social environment with consideration for social justice. Distinguish among practice situations where HBSE knowledge may apply. Distinguish among elect conceptual frameworks that best fit the practice situations of diverse client systems. Evaluate and revise the utility of conceptual frameworks as they are applied to practice. Judge the utility and limitations frameworks and facts. 5 Critique and apply knowledge to understand the reciprocal interactions between people and their environments Differentially evaluate the applicability of HBSE knowledge to practice situations and diverse client systems. Assess how relevant HBSE knowledge applies to practice situations and diverse client systems. Measure and rate how relevant HBSE knowledge applies to practice. COMPETENCY #8: POLICY Engage in policy practice to address social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services Student demonstrates the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 Analyze, formulate and advocate for policies that advance social well-being Conduct analysis of policy system for an issue to include defining the problem or issue, formulate the vision if the problem or issues was resolved, identifying a range of policy options, compare and contrast policy options, and propose a potential policy option that maximizes social work values. Distinguish theories and models that inform the identification of steps in implementing policy change that leads to the advancement of the social and economic well-being of a target population. For a specific target population, formulate a policy change process securely rooted in these theories and models. Collaborate with colleagues, clients, administrators, policy makers and legislators for effective policy implementation and action For a specific targeted population and problem or issue, formulate a collaborative change plan to include identification of specific stakeholders, the role of the stakeholder in the policy changes, and strategies to engage stakeholders. Communicate to stakeholders and policymakers the implications of policies and policy change in the lives of clients COMPETENCY #9: SHAPING PRACTICE Respond to contexts that shape practice. Student demonstrates the ability to: 0 6 Continuously discover, appraise, and learn about populations, scientific and technological developments, and emerging social trends to provide relevant social services Maintain and improve professional skills by engaging with the analysis, evaluation and reformulation of changing demographics, theoretical and scientific developments and emerging social trends as they arise within the profession. Assess and evaluate one’s own professional efficacy and ethics regularly, within the context of social work practice principles. Continuously evaluate the current technology that most efficiently communicates social work skills and efficacy. Analyze ongoing needs for service and construct and,/or reformulate leadership skills. Provide leadership in promoting sustainable changes in service delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services Analyze on-going social work situations and identify areas in need of stronger leadership skills. Construct strategies for relevant social services with corresponding methods of evaluation. Identify ways that to maximize the strengths of the client context to design and promote effective interventions with clients. 7 COMPETENCY #10: ENGAGE, ASSESS, INTERVENE AND EVALUATE A. Engagement Students will demonstrate the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 Substantively and affectively prepare for action with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities Understand the dynamics of a host setting and how to collaborate with a variety of colleagues in the system as well as other key adults e.g. parents and community members Demonstrate a complex professional identity that requires different a variety of “selves” that present in different settings throughout the school day Analyze specific special education rules and regulations and how they impact practice Assess the student and classroom context that often forms the basis for student-client referrals Discern contexts of engagement that are in non-office settings e.g. classroom, hallway, playground Recognize the roles and functions of the school social worker on interdisciplinary teams e.g. RTI teams, IEP teams Use the best available evidence to understand client system needs and issues Assess social work definitions of confidentiality and how it relates to school social work practice with multidisciplinary teams who may have different ethical standards related to protecting confidentiality of clients Apply individual level interventions that address student academic, behavioral problems that impact the learning process. Apply modes of engaging family around the educational process specifically RTI and the IEP process as well as more informal consultations with parents Employ a variety of group intervention skills in a variety of settings (office, classroom, faculty meetings) Identify how local and community resources impact the school and can enable additional supports for students Use empathy and other interpersonal skills Develop a mutually agreed-on focus of work and desired outcomes Construct a screening and referral system that is consonant with the school culture and reflects the goals of the school Organize with school and community stakeholders, to work at the macro-level to affect social justice concerns for students Demonstrate sensitivity to the interpersonal dynamics and cultural/contextual factors that can both strengthen and potentially threaten a therapeutic alliance. 8 B. Assessment Students will demonstrate the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 Collect, organize, and interpret client data Complete a functional assessment of behavior and write a behavior intervention plan Complete a case study assessment of students for special ed. eligibility Translate learning/behavioral/emotional issues from diagnostic language into educational terminology that makes sense to the host setting Complete a family assessment to determine family strengths and risk factors as related to presenting student referral question Assess the whole-school environment on school climate variables using needs assessment tools to help assess the social-emotional learning going on in the school Assess client strengths and limitations Use a strengths-based framework to discuss the needs, the strengths, and limitations of multiple client systems and translate those assessments into a school context that is typically more behavioral and deficit-based Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives Implement a screening and referral system that is consonant with the school culture and reflects the goals of the school Organize school and community stakeholders, work at the macrolevel to affect social justice concerns for students Select and modify social work interventions based on ongoing assessment with clients Employ best available evidence to collaborate with clients in schools to select effective intervention strategies Assemble interdisciplinary collaboration skills to deliver interventions across multiple levels of the client system. 9 C. Intervention Students will demonstrate the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 Demonstrate the use of specific and appropriate techniques for a range of presenting problems identified in the psychosocial assessment of the client. Operate within the school culture and system, utilize clinical skills to help students by removing barriers to learning Manage to balance their role as a representative of the school with their ethical obligation as social workers to their clients when the school mission or objectives are in conflict with client selfdetermination Identify crisis intervention techniques for students and other school clients in acute distress (e.g. de-escalation techniques, rapid assessment strategies) Implement prevention interventions that enhance client capabilities Analyze school problems using a 3-tier framework to implement prevention programming that targets universal (Tier 1) and indicated (Tier 2) intervention strategies Mobilize community and school resources to develop prevention programming at local, state, and national levels; advocating for school and public policies that enhance student outcomes by removing barriers to learning Help clients resolve problems Apply basic social work ethical principles and practice frameworks to diverse school client needs and diverse school contexts. Identify how to handle the complex demands and limitations of confidentiality Differentiate levels and modes of intervention to different levels of the client system. Construct linkages between the school and the larger community context to enhance service delivery both in and outside of the school Negotiate, mediate, and advocate for clients Advocate for students who are being harmed by the educational system, criminal justice system, or who are homeless by mobilizing school and community resources to advocate on their behalf Facilitate transitions and endings Compose effective and appropriate ending plans with students being mindful of the school calendar and the sometime cyclical nature of student needs; Complete transition plans for students moving on to the next level of schooling 1 0 D. Evaluation Students will demonstrate the ability to: No Minimal Developing Emerging Competency Competency Competency Competency Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 0 Critically analyze, monitor and evaluate social work interventions Demonstrates ability to formulate clear and measurable goals Formulate practical strategies to measure impact of practice interventions on student outcomes based on prior-identified goals Use the best available evidence (databases, scholarly articles and books, and school-based data) understand the role of research in selecting and designing interventions; Disseminate those findings with a larger school social work audience via conference presentations of publication, when interventions are effective Evaluate the outcomes of interventions and use this information to calibrate and modify further work with clients. 1 1 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 1. Identify the methods used to evaluate the student’s performance (example: process recording, observation, etc.) 2. Identify the student’s strengths 3. Identify the area(s) where the student needs improvement. 4. What is the plan to address the area(s) needed for improvement? 5. Summarize the student’s performance, overall, as it relates to these competencies. _________________________ SUPERVISOR’S SIGNATURE ___________________________ STUDENT’S SIGNATURE ______________ DATE ______________ DATE Please make sure that the: · Supervisor and student keep a signed copy of the evaluation and time logs · Student submits a signed copy of the evaluation to the Loyola field office · Evaluation can be submitted to Lewis Tower, Room 850 in person, by fax to 312-915-7090 or by e-mail to internship coordinator 1 2