Middlebury College Application for Student Fundraising / Concession Permit Please Circle One: Fundraising Concession Applicant’s Name: ___________________________________ Box #: ______ Extension #:: ______ Date of Application: ____________________ Class: ________ ID#:____________ Dorm: __________________________ Commons : ______________ Student Organization / Group: _____________________________________________ Fundraising: Describe the activity or project. Include as much detail as possible include project dates, times, projected costs, name of charity, theme, times, etc. Use additional pages if necessary. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Concessions: Description of product or details of service(s) provided. Please use additional pages if necessary. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of company distributing product (if applicable): _______________________________________ If an item has printing on it (e.g. artwork or working on a T-shirt) describe content and intended text: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your advertising plan: ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Price or fee to be charged: ________________________ In understand that all advertising materials (posters, flyers, etc) must be cleared through the Center for Campus Activities and Leadership before distribution. I understand that my Permit Number must be included on all advertising. I also confirm that in signing this form I acknowledge that I have read and understand the regulations for Fundraising and Concessions and agree to abide by them. Applicant’s signature: ___________________________ Date: __________________ Director of Dining Services signature (required for fundraising or concessions involving the sale or distribution of food): _________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Center for Campus Activities and Leadership representative’s signature (required): _________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Permit #: __________