Middlebury College Application for Student Fundraising / Concession Permit

Middlebury College
Application for Student Fundraising / Concession Permit
Please Circle One:
Applicant’s Name: ___________________________________
Box #: ______
Extension #:: ______
Date of Application:
Class: ________
Dorm: __________________________
Commons : ______________
Student Organization / Group: _____________________________________________
Describe the activity or project. Include as much detail as possible include project dates, times, projected costs, name of
charity, theme, times, etc. Use additional pages if necessary.
Description of product or details of service(s) provided. Please use additional pages if necessary.
Name of company distributing product (if applicable): _______________________________________
If an item has printing on it (e.g. artwork or working on a T-shirt) describe content and intended text:
Describe your advertising plan: ___________________________________________________________
Price or fee to be charged: ________________________
In understand that all advertising materials (posters, flyers, etc) must be cleared through the Center for Campus Activities
and Leadership before distribution. I understand that my Permit Number must be included on all advertising. I also
confirm that in signing this form I acknowledge that I have read and understand the regulations for Fundraising and
Concessions and agree to abide by them.
Applicant’s signature:
Director of Dining Services signature (required for fundraising or concessions involving the sale or distribution of food):
Center for Campus Activities and Leadership representative’s signature (required):
Permit #: