NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITORING SYSTEM Dimpalben Prajapati B.E., Gujarat University, India, 2007

Dimpalben Prajapati
B.E., Gujarat University, India, 2007
Submitted in partial satisfaction of
the requirements for the degree in
A Project
Dimpalben Prajapati
Approved by:
__________________________________, Committee Chair
Jinsong Ouyang, Ph.D.
__________________________________, Second Reader
Chung-E Wang, Ph.D.
Student: Dimpalben Prajapati
I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University
format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to
be awarded for the Project.
__________________________, Graduate Coordinator
Nikrouz Faroughi, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science
Dimpalben Prajapati
The basic goal of this project is to develop a system that, in real time, monitors and
controls the Linux and Windows servers in the ECS network. The advantage of such
system is that it will help the IT people in ECS department to monitor the servers
remotely via web interface. IT administrator can identify the server performance issues
by just analyzing statistics shown on the web interface.
The system has mainly 3 components: One is web interface which enables the tabular as
well graph view of performance data for various servers, second is Linux managing
server which collects and manipulates the statistics of a server from Linux agents, and
third is Linux and Windows agents deployed on ECS servers which collect the raw data
from servers.
_______________________, Committee Chair
Jinsong Ouyang, Ph.D.
I would like to thank all the people who have helped and guided me in completing my
Masters project. My sincere thanks to Dr. Jinsong Ouyang for giving me the opportunity
to work on this project and guiding me throughout the project. His insightful knowledge
and thinking about the project helped me a lot in growing my conceptual knowledge in
system programming aspect. I am extremely thankful to Dr. Chung-E Wang for agreeing
to be my second reader and his promptness regarding review of my project. Finally, I
would like to thank my professors, department and school for giving me this opportunity
to learn and grow towards attainment of this degree.
My friends always helped me in learning and gave their valuable feedback in completing
the milestones during the journey of Masters. I would like to thank my parents and inlaws. They have always motivated me and blessed me to reach this far in my life. Last
but not the least, I am extremely thankful to my fiancé Nishad, who constantly
encouraged me to achieve my goals and helped me to make my dreams come true. I
dedicate my success to him and he will always be the person behind all my achievements
in life.
List of Tables....................................................................................................................viii
List of Figures...................................................................................................................ix
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................1
1.2 Motivation.........................................................................................................2
1.3 Goal...................................................................................................................2
1.4 Results...............................................................................................................3
2. ARCHITECTURE........................................................................................................4
2.1 Operating Console.............................................................................................5
2.2 Web Server and Web Interface….....................................................................5
2.3 Database............................................................................................................8
2.4 Managing Server................................................................................................8
2.5 Agents...............................................................................................................9
3. IMPLEMENTATION..................................................................................................12
3.1 Web Interface...................................................................................................13
3.1.1 Sending Data Collection Request.....................................................14
3.1.2 Receiving Performance Stats............................................................16
3.1.3 Stop Updates.....................................................................................19
3.1.4 Settings..............................................................................................19
3.1.5 AJAX................................................................................................21
3.1.6 RGraph..............................................................................................21
3.2 Managing Server..............................................................................................23
3.3 Agent...............................................................................................................30
3.3.1 Linux Agent......................................................................................30
3.3.2 Windows Agent................................................................................37
4. CONFIGURATION....................................................................................................47
4.1 Configuration Specs.........................................................................................47
4.2 Installation………............................................................................................49
5. CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................51
6. FUTURE WORK........................................................................................................52
Database Schema…………………………………………………………………8
System Architecture………………………………………………………………4
Web Server to Managing Server Communication………………………………...7
Process Flow Chart………………………………………………………………11
Socket Communication………………………………………………………......12
Performance Stats in Tabview…………………………………………………...18
Data Loading using AJAX………………………………………………………19
Set Interval……………………………………………………………………….20
Delete Data from Database………………………………………………………20
Graph for Overall CPU Utilization………………………………………………23
CPU Structure……………………………………………………………………27
Memory Structure……………………………………………………………......27
Disk I/O Structure………………………………………………………………..28
Network I/O Structure……………………………………………………………28
Process Structure…………………………………………………………………29
Performance Stats Structure……………………………………………………...29
Linux Agent Process Flow Chart………………………………………………...31
Chapter 1
The Network Performance Monitoring System remotely monitors the servers deployed in
ECS, Engineering and Computer Science, department network, in real-time. The
advantage it gives to IT administrator is, he/she doesn’t have to go to individual server
and type the commands or monitor the task manager. The System gives flexibility to
check performance metrics from anywhere, anytime and in real-time.
Performance monitoring can be useful in solving so many server issues as well as
improving the server response capabilities. It can identify any loopholes server
experiences and in that situation, direct the IT administrator to overcome those.
1.1 Background
HP and other’s research – HP has one performance monitoring software which is called
HP Performance Manager Software. “HP Performance Manager Software is a web-based
analysis and analysis and visualization tool that analyzes performance trends of
applications, system, and services.”[1] This software monitors performance in real time
and tracks historical trends which help in managing and optimizing performance of
mission-critical servers.
1.2 Motivation
The servers deployed in ECS network are one the busiest servers as Students do all their
computing activities related to course projects and assignments. So constantly monitoring
can be useful in analyzing the busy hours so that administrator can enhance the resources
in that period of time. This provides better user experience and prevents server bog down
issues. Current systems such as HP’s Performance Manager Software and other
monitoring tools, provides the great help in improving organizations network resources,
preventing errors in network access and providing easy access to remote resources. By
looking through existing systems and software, I tried to cover not all the functions they
provide but minimal functionality with basic features. This will establish basic foundation
for big system in future.
1.3 Goal
Building successful deliverable of the system which monitors Windows as well as Linux
server is main challenge and goal of this project. When system is deployed on ECS
network, it should be configured very easily. Source code of the system should not need
any internal modifications in order to run in ECS environment. System should collect and
process five sets of statistics: system wide CPU utilization, system wide memory
utilization, disk I/O statistics, network utilization, and process resource utilization.
1.4 Results
The system is successfully developed and deployed on servers of ECS department. User
can see updates coming from selected servers in table and graph as expected. Managing
server can handle single server requests and multiple server requests. It also successfully
implemented multithreading which handle requests for each server in individual thread.
The system can monitor Linux servers as well as Windows servers.
Chapter 2
This chapter discusses all the components modules, interfaces and database in detail. This
project follows the architecture containing 3 main components. This architecture is very
seamless and robust. Each component performs specific functionality. All components
are interconnected in such a way that binds whole system together. One of them is Web
interface which has all user interactivity. User has no knowledge of any other component.
Second component is managing server which is the bridge between Agents (Windows
and Linux) and Web server. Third component is Managed Agent which interacts with
Linux and Windows servers.
Figure 1. System Architecture
2.1 Operating Console
This component provides access to whole system. User doesn’t have to know the
underlying architecture. This user can be IT administrator or a person who can analyze
the performance metrics of Linux or Windows server.
Any web browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Chrome with
JavaScript-enabled feature.
User should have knowledge about web environment.
User should understand the system performance metrics like CPU, memory and
network utilization, disk I/O, and network I/O.
2.2 Web Server and Web Interface
Web server hosts the web interface. Web interface is developed in PHP using HTML,
Javascript and AJAX technologies. Web interface gives the user a choice for selecting
single/ multiple server/s. When user chooses the server, web server gets the performance
statistics and web interface displays those in tabular and graph view. Web interface has
user-friendly view for displaying performance statistics. This view resembles Windows
task manager view of displaying performance stats. It uses Yahoo UI library to wrap the
performance statistics in five different categories: Overall, CPU, Network, Disk, and
Web server interacts with two other components of system as shown in Figure 1, one is
managing server and other is database system. When user makes request for data updates,
web server forwards that request to managing server. This communication happens using
sockets where web server is socket client and managing server is socket server.
LAMP i.e. Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, platform
Text editor like Dreamweaver, emacs, vi, Bluefish
Understanding of AJAX technology, PHP to MySQL operations, HTML, CSS
and JavaScript
Sockets in PHP
Libraries used:
Yahoo UI – tabview, calendar
Figure 2 shows the communication between different components of system. It depicts
how these components are interconnected and which information is passed between them.
In order to see the performance statistics in real-time, user selects single or multiple
server/s from the list provided and starts data collection. On receiving user’s request for
Web Interface
List of servers
Web Server
Command for data
Performance stats
Performance stats
Performance Stats
Figure 2. Web Server to Managing Server Communication
data updates, web server forms the command for data collection to send to managing
server. This command has following format:
| (STARTDATACOLLECTION), 1 byte | (NumOfServers), 1 byte | (Interval), 1 byte |
(ServerName/s), 16*NumOfServers bytes |
After sending the command for data collection to managing server, web server waits for
the response from managing server. Managing server sends serialized performance
statistics to web server. When web server receives the response from managing server, it
performs 4 main tasks. First, it de-serializes those statistics. Second, it inserts them into
database. Third, it binds the response into tabular format. Forth, it generates graphs from
current statistics and displays on web interface.
2.3 Database
Database contains historic performance statistics. Whenever web server receives
performance statistics from managing server, it inserts statistics into corresponding
tables. Following is the outline of database schema:
Table 1. Database Schema
Table Name
Contains total CPU utilization, total
network utilization, and memory metrics
for each server
Contains CPU metrics for each cpu of
Contains Network metrics for each adapter
of server
Contains Disk metrics for each server
Contains Process metrics for each server
Settings for Interval and
address of
managing server
All Servers that can be monitored
2.4 Managing Server
Managing server is responsible for sending request from web server to appropriate agent
because web server doesn’t have knowledge about what agent is. It receives response
containing performance statistics after sending request.
Managing server performs managerial part of this system. The task done by this
component is too time-sensitive. The processing of request and response has to be so
quick because web server expects the updates in very short time interval. To achieve this
requirement, managing server accomplish the data gathering task using multithreading.
Managing server serves the request of each server in different thread, instead of serving
the request one-by-one. It implements parallel processing via multithreading to achieve
faster communication.
After sending the request to agent, managing server waits for response that each
respective agent sends. Managing server forwards that response to web server. Some of
the performance metrics don’t need any extra calculation or processing. But for some of
the metrics, managing server performs calculation and then sends the statistics to web
C/C++ on unix platform
C sockets
Multithreading (pthreads)
Sorting algorithms
C structures and pointers manipulation
2.5 Agent
Agent is very crucial part of this project. An Agent has to be deployed on each server that
user wants to monitor otherwise, monitoring would not be possible. When agent receives
request for data fetching from managing server, it starts reading the Performance stats
from specified server, binds the stats in data structure, and sends back to managing
server. Agent sits idle until it receives request from managing server for data fetching.
There are two types of agents: one is Linux agent which runs on Linux server and second
is Windows agent which runs on Windows server.
C/C++ on linux platform
Visual C/C++ on windows platform
VB scripting
/proc Linux pseudo filesystem
PDH Interface to get raw counters
Figure 3 shows the process flow chart for overall architecture of this project. It clearly
depicts how each component interacts with each other and with what information.
Command for
data colleciton
Managing Server
Command for
data collection
Web Server
Inserts data into database
List of servers
with interval
Data comes from database
Web Interface
Figure 3. Process Flow Chart
Chapter 3
This chapter discusses the implementation in detail. Implementation follows the
architecture discussed above. The flow is very smooth where each component is
connected very tightly. Three main components, Web server, managing server and agent,
are connected with each other using TCP/IP sockets. Project implements client/server
model for each component. The sockets use UDP connection because establishing
connection is not very important to start data collection. The reason for not using TCP is
that everything happens inside ECS network, no external intervention is involved, and
each source is trusted. The focus of this communication is Datagram, which passes
messages from one point to another, and use of UDP connection makes the
communication faster as well as eliminates extra overhead in establishing connection.
for data
Windows Agent
Request for data
Web Server
Managing Server
performance stats
Request for
data collection
Figure 4. Socket communication
Raw performance
Linux Agent
3.1 Web Interface
Web Interface is implemented on LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) platform.
It uses various technologies and libraries like AJAX, Yahoo UI, RGraph, to enhance
interactivity to user. To implement/enhance/extend the web interface, developer should
have grasp on PHP-MySQL, HTML, Javascript, AJAX and CSS.
The web application has following design structure:
nwMgtSystem – parent folder
- Images
- js
- lib
- Styles
- All PHP files
Tasks of each component in web interface are distributed in different files/folder. All
images displayed on web interface are coming from Images folder. There are two main
JavaScript files used in this project. One is loadData.js. This file contains code for AJAX
request/response to get data from database to display in tables and graphs. The other is
prototype.js which contains framework for AJAX and some DOM functions.
lib folder contains libraries for yahoo tabview, RGraph and calendar. Yahoo tabview is
used for AJAX tabs to display different performance metrics. RGraph is used to generate
line chart and pie chart. calendar.js is used for interactive calendar tool which user uses
to delete data from database.
The web interface follows the style guideline that csus and ecs provide. Styles folder
contains site.css which is used across entire web application and tabview.css which is
used to provide styling tabs.
Index.php is the base of web application hierarchy. It uses three template files,
header.php, mainNavigation.php and footer.php. It is mainly divided into four tasks:
Send data collection request, receiving performance stats, stop data collection, and
3.1.1 Sending Data Collection Request
When user clicks on “Start Updates” button, it sends the data collection request by calling
sendRequest() function. This function gets the selected server/s, forms them into array,
and sends AJAX request to getData.php.
var ddServers = document.getElementById("ddListServers");
var selectedServers = new Array();
var i;
var count= 0;
for(i=0; i<ddServers.options.length;i++)
selectedServers[count] = ddServers.options[i].value;
var val = selectedServers;
new Ajax.Request("getData.php",
method: 'post',
postBody: 'q='+ val,
onComplete: callshowResponse
getData.php makes socket connection to managing server. The address and port where
managing server can listen for requests from web server are listed in config.php. Web
server forms the command and the structure of that command is listed in Chapter 2.
Following snippet of code shows the process of sending commands for data collection.
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
$serverName = $managingServer;
$portnum = $port;
socket_connect($socket, $serverName, $portnum);
$sendcmd = chr($cmd) . chr($numServers);
// 1st byte=cmd and 2nd
socket_sendto($socket, $sendcmd, strlen($sendcmd), 0, $serverName,
socket_sendto($socket, $interval, strlen($interval), 0, $serverName, $portnum)
socket_sendto($socket, $server, strlen($server), 0, $serverName, $portnum)
When AJAX completes the request, function callshowResponse() starts the timer for
receiving data collection response from managing server.
function callshowResponse(req)
var serversRequested = req.responseText;
var interval = $('txtInterval').value *1000;
The timer is now activated and is called every specified interval of time. This triggers the
call to startReceivingData() function.
3.1.2 Receiving Performance Stats
After sending the command for start data collection, startReceivingData() function
sends AJAX request to receiveData.php for receiving performance statistics.
receiveData.php binds socket with managing server and starts receiving data for all the
servers requested. Also it makes connection with database and as soon as it receives data,
it inserts every metrics in database. Following snippet of code shows how it binds socket
with managing server and received platformID, number of CPUs and CPU structures.
$socketRecv = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
!socket_bind($socketRecv, $address, $port)
// Getting platformID
socket_recv($socketRecv, $buf, 1, 0);
//Getting ServerName
socket_recv($socketRecv, $buf, 16, 0);
//Getting number of cpus
socket_recv($socketRecv, $buf, 8, 0);
$cpuStructSize = 28;
// 28bytes -> |cpunum=8|sysutil=4|userutil=4|idleutil=4|numinterrupts=8
socket_recv($socketRecv, $buf_cpuinfo, $numCPUs*28, 0);
When the request is finished, the data is loaded on active tab.
if(myTabs.get('activeIndex') == 1)
else if(myTabs.get('activeIndex') == 2)
loadCPUStats() function first gets the data to load into table and then calls
updategraph() function to update the graph with latest data. This function is generic
function to load graph for every performance metric. According to flag passed to this
function, respective AJAX request is performed. AJAX response gives set of data points
to plot on graph.
Data loading in tabs for Overview, CPU, Network, Memory, Disk and Process is done in
getOverallStats.php, getCPUStats.php, getNetworkStats.php, getMemoryStats.php,
getDiskStats.php and getProcessStats.php respectively. Graph loading is done in
graphOverall.php, graphCPU.php, graphNetwork.php, graphMemory.php, graphDisk.php
and graphProcess.php.
Figure 5 shows tabs for five different metrics. This view resembles the Windows task
manager view. There are mainly five tabs on web interface:
Figure 5. Performance Stats in Tabview
Overview tab displays Overall CPU utilization i.e. if gaia has 4 CPUs, it displays
overall CPU utilization, Memory utilization and network utilization.
CPU tab displays utilization of individual CPU for each server. The performance
stats for every server are displayed individually. This view resembles the Linux
‘top’ command display where each row of output is for one single CPU.
Network tab displays performance stats for each network adapter. It includes
bytes received, bytes sent, number of errors, collisions, and network utilization. It
displays graph for network utilization. This is overall utilization of all adapters.
Memory tab displays memory performance stats containing total memory, free
memory, used memory, memory page in, memory page out, memory swap in, and
memory swap out. It also shows graph for memory utilization.
Disk tab displays each disk partition for the server. This view also resembles the
Linux ‘top’ command display where each row of output is for one disk partition.
The details include number of reads on disk partition, number of writes, major,
minor and number of blocks.
Process tab shows the details same as Linux ‘top’ commands. It displays statistics
of every process running, suspended and idle. These include PID, priority,
Process Status, Process memory utilization and Process CPU utilization.
Figure 6 shows how data is loaded in tabs.
Figure 6. Data Loading using AJAX
3.1.3 Stop Updates
When user clicks on “Stop Updates” button, AJAX request is sent to stopUpdates.php,
which in turn sends command ‘CMD_STOP_UPDATES’ to managing server.
$cmd = "4"; // command for StopDataCollection = 4
$sendcmd = chr($cmd); //1st byte=cmd
socket_sendto($socket, $sendcmd, strlen($sendcmd), 0, $serverName,
3.1.4 Settings
Web Interface also provides a way to reconfigure interval at which data updates should
be coming from managing server and to delete data from database. Delete functionality
supports different date ranges as well as user can specify only from and to dates. If user
specifies only from date, data is deleted from the date specified to current date and time.
If user specifies only to date, all the data is deleted before the date specified.
Figure 7. Set Interval
Figure 8. Delete Data from Database
3.1.5 AJAX
AJAX is a methodology to create asynchronous web applications. “With Ajax, web
applications can send data to, and retrieve data from, a server asynchronously (in the
background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page.”[1].
Web application uses AJAX to send the request to web server and receive response
asynchronously without intervening the user display. Following snippet of code shows
how AJAX makes request to server to get data from webserver:
new Ajax.Request("getData.php",
method: 'post',
postBody: 'queryString='+ serverNames,
onComplete: callshowResponse
Following snippet of code shows how AJAX response is received from web server:
function showResponseCPUStats(req)
contentCPU = req.responseText + "<br>";
$('divCPUStats').innerHTML = contentCPU;
3.1.6 RGraph
RGraph is an external library used for generating graphs. I am using this library to
generate line graph for CPU, Network and overall performance statistics. This library
uses HTML canvas element to draw graphs on-the-fly. “<canvas> is an HTML element
which can be used to draw graphics using scripting (usually JavaScript)”[2]. This element
is very flexible tool for drawing graphics. Following code snippet shows how to create
<canvas> element:
<canvas id="cvsCPU" width="500" height="300">[No canvas
RGraph library takes id of canvas element to generate graph. The library requires data
points to plot. These data comes from AJAX response. As soon as web server receives
performance statistics from managing server, AJAX engine makes request to get the most
recent data from database, forms the response in tabular view and graph view. Here,
Rgraph uses these data from AJAX response and draws the graph in canvas. Following
code snippet shows snippet of this process:
lineSys = new RGraph.Line('cvsCPU', arrSys);
lineUser = new RGraph.Line('cvsCPU', arrUser);
Every time data is received from managing server, graph also gets updated which shows
the moving graph just like windows task manager. To display CPU utilization, graph
combines 3 views together which includes system utilization, user utilization and idle
utilization. Following figure displays graph view for CPU utilization:
Figure 9. Graph for Overall CPU Utilization
3.2 Managing Server (ms)
The implementation of managing server is solely based on C/C++ and its enormous
features. Successful implementation of this component of the project requires very good
understanding of C Sockets, Multithreading (POSIX threads) and data structures.
Managing server is developed on UNIX platform. I used gcc compiler, gdb debugger and
Managing server implements bridge functionality between web server and agents. It
behaves as socket server for web server and socket client for agents. When managing
server is first started it reads server.conf file in the msserver directory. This file contains
configuration for socket connection. Following code snippet shows this configuration:
hostcomputer ;name
9100 ;port
9200 ;port
9300 ;port
The [WEBSERVER] section describes web server name e.g hostcomputer and the port
that the managing server uses to send data to web server e.g. 9100. The [MANAGING
SERVER] section lists the port number. Managing server uses this port to listen requests
from web server. The [AGENTS] section lists the port number. Agent listens for requests
on this port. Managing server binds the socket using this port number to make
communication with agent.
Managing server is mainly divided into two interfaces: ws2msinterface and
ms2agentinterface. The ws2msinterface is responsible for establishing communication
between web server and managing server. The ms2AgentInterfce is responsible for
establishing communication between managing server and agent.
Ws2msinterface contains structures for web server command and arguments. Web server
sends “START DATA COLLECTION” command to managing server. From that
command, managing server gets interval, number of servers and server names that need
monitoring. The detailed structure of this command is described in web Server section of
this chapter. Depending on the number of servers managing server receives, it starts
individual thread for each server. Each thread establishes connection with corresponding
agent. To achieve this, managing server uses Multithreading in C/C++. Managing server
implements this using POSIX thread (pthread) libraries. “It allows one process to spawn a
new concurrent process flow”.[3] One process creates another process to gain speed
through parallel processing. Here, managing server creates dataCollectionThread which
runs independently. Following code snippet shows thread creation:
pthread_create(dataCollectionThread, NULL, collectData, NULL);
All threads establish independent connection to agent without interrupting other threads.
Received performance stats from agents are manipulated in their respective thread only.
Managing server receives metrics for individual CPUs of each server so the calculation is
necessary before metrics send back to web server. After that calculation, all the received
data is captured and formatted properly in corresponding structures. Detailed description
about those structures is explained later in this chapter. The last step in ws2msinterface is
to send back the response containing performance metrics. Now metrics are bound in
perfstats structure and sent over to network.
The following line shows how we send data through socket.
sendto(afd, stats->ci, stats->numCPUs * sizeof(cpuInfo), 0, serv_addr,
The ms2agentinterface first sends “START DATA COLLECTION” command to agent
so that agent can start reading the performance metrics. When agent receives this
command, it starts the process of getting the performance stats. Agent wraps all statistics
data in perfStats structure and sends back to managing server. The process of
communication should be known at both sides so both managing serve and agent share
common data structures. They include structures to hold CPU, Memory (RAM),
Network, Disk I/O, and Process. The interface also shares one important structure
perfStats to send over the network. This structure wraps structures for all performance
metrics. Following figures described set of data structure shared by ms2agentInterface:
// structure to hold CPU information.
typedef struct
long long
//-1 if sending overall CPU data
//User mode utilization per CPU
//sys mode utilization per CPU
//idle utilization per CPU
unsigned long long numInterrupts;
//# of interrupts per CPU
} cpuInfo;
Figure 10. CPU Structure
// structure to hold memory (RAM) information.
typedef struct {
unsigned long long
//Free memory
unsigned long long
//Used memory
unsigned long long
//Total memory
//Memory utilization
unsigned long long
//# of pages paged in
unsigned long long
//# of pages paged out
unsigned long long
//# of swapped pages swapped in
unsigned long long
//# of swapped pages swapped out
} memInfo;
Figure 11. Memory Structure
// structure to hold disk I/O information.
typedef struct
unsigned long long numBlocks;
per parition
unsigned long long major;
unsigned long long minor;
unsigned long long numRdOp;
unsigned long long numWrOp;
unsigned long long numBlocksRd;
unsigned long long numBlocksWr;
} diskInfo;
//Partition name
//# of blocks/sectors
//Major number
//Minor number
//# of read operations
//# of write operations
//# of blocks read
//# of blocks written
Figure 12. Disk I/O Structure
// structure to hold network information.
typedef struct
networkName[256]; //"Overall" if sending
overall network data
unsigned long long bytesRec;
//bytes received per Adapter
unsigned long long bytesSent; //bytes sent per Adapter
unsigned long long errors;
//number of erros per Adapter
unsigned long long colls;
//number of collisions per
//network utilization per
} networkInfo;
Figure 13. Network I/O Structure
// structure to hold process information.
typedef struct
unsigned long long pid;
// PID
unsigned long long userID;
// UserId
unsigned long long priority;
// Process Priority
unsigned long long sizeTotal;
// Total program size
unsigned long long sizeRes;
// Resident Set size
unsigned long long pages;
// Shared pages
// Process Status
unsigned long long cpuTime;
// Process CPU utilization
// Used in calculating the process
% cpu utilization on the managing server.
// Process memory utilization
unsigned long long wallTime;
// Running time (wall time)
// Process Command
} procInfo;
Figure14. Process Structure
//structure to send over the network
typedef struct
//'L' for linux, 'W' for
agentName[16]; //server name, i.e
unsigned long long numCPUs;
//# of CPUs on the server
//appropriate # of cpuInfo
unsigned long long ctxt;
// total number of context
//memInfo struct
unsigned long long numLogDrives;
//# of disk drives
//appropriate # of diskInfo
unsigned long long numNetAdapters; //# of network adapters
//appropriate # of networkInfo
unsigned long long numProcs;
//# of processes on server
//appropriate # of procInfo
Figure 15. Performance Stats Structure
} perfStats;
3.3 Agent
3.3.1 Linux Agent
Linux agent handles the collection of performance metrics from Linux server. It is
designed to send unprocessed raw system metrics to the managing server. When
agent starts the process of reading the
performance metrics from /proc.
The implementation of the agent is in C. Communication layer uses UDP for the network
protocol. The code is divided into three parts. First part listens for a command from the
managing server, second part executes the command and third part sends performance
metrics back to the managing server.
Agent waits for managing server to start the data collection process. This reduces
unnecessary processing at agent side. Figure 16 demonstrates the flow chart for agent
processing. The structure of CMD_START_DATA_COLLECTION is same as the
structure that web server sends to managing server.
Create the Socket
Bind address of managing server to socket
Get the command from managing server
Read the performance metrics from
Fill PerfStats data structure
Send PerfStat to managing
Figure 16. Linux Agent Process Flow Chart
Once agent receives the data collection command, agent starts the most important and
critical part of this whole system which is getting/reading the performance metrics from
Linux server. This process requires thorough understanding of proc file system and very
efficient File Handling mechanism from C/C++.
Proc File system:
“The proc file system is a pseudo-file system which is used as an interface to kernel data
structures. It is commonly mounted at /proc.”[4]
Read Memory Stats:
meminfo is used to find memory usage on the system. It is used for reading total memory
and free memory. From these two metrics, calculation for used memory and total
memory utilization are performed.
fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r")
fscanf(f, "MemTotal: %d kB MemFree: %d kb", &mtotal, &mfree)
meminfo->total = mtotal;
meminfo->free = mfree;
meminfo->used = meminfo->total - meminfo->free;
meminfo->util = (float) meminfo->used/(1.0*meminfo->total)*100;
This file displays virtual memory statistics. It is used for reading information about
memory page in, page out, swap in, and swap out.
fopen("/proc/vmstat", "r"))
fscanf(f, "pgpgin %d pgpgout %d pswpin %d pswpout %d",
&pgin, &pgout, &swpin, &swpout)
Here, agent opens the vmstat file system, reads the statistics and put them in pgin, pgout,
swpin,and swpout.
Read CPU Statistics:
This file system contains information about kernel activity. It gives total number of
processes running in user mode and kernel mode, idle processes, and total number of
interrupts. This information is for per CPU. We also get context switches across all
CPUs. The code snippet given below shows the process of capturing CPU statistics.
fopen("/proc/stat", "r")
fscanf(fp, "cpu%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &cpuNum, &user,
&nice, &sys, &idle, &val3, &val4, &val5)
cinfo[i].cpuNum = cpuNum;
cinfo[i].user = user + nice;
cinfo[i].system = sys;
cinfo[i].idle = idle;
This process runs for each CPU and we store this statistics into CPU_INFO data
Read Disk statistics:
This file system contains list of device numbers, their sizes and names. We read major
and minor numbers, number of blocks, and partition name for each partition from this file
fopen("/proc/partitions", "r")
fscanf(f," %d %d %d %s\n", &numMajor[i], &numMinor[i], &numBlocks[i],
This file system contains disk I/O statistics for each disk device.
f = fopen("/proc/diskstats", "r")
fscanf(f, " %d %d %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d",
&numMajor[j], &numMinor[j], (char*)&partName[j],&ioRead[j],
&blockRead[j], &ioWrite[j], &blockWrite[j], &temp1[j], &temp2[j],
&temp3[j], &temp4[j], &temp5[j], &temp6[j], &temp7[j])
strncpy(di[i].paritionName, partName[i], 32);
di[i].numBlocks = numBlocks[i];
di[i].major = numMajor[i];
di[i].minor = numMinor[i];
di[i].numRdOp = ioRead[i];
di[i].numWrOp = ioWrite[i];
di[i].numBlocksRd = blockRead[i];
di[i].numBlocksWr = blockWrite[i];
Here, we opened /proc/partition and /proc/diskstats, to read disk statistics. This process is
done for each disk partition.
Read Network statistics:
This pseudo file system contains network device status information. These include total
number of received and sent packets, and the number of errors and collisions. We need
performance metrics for each network adapter.
fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r")
fscanf(f, " %[^:]: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
%d", b[i].networkName, &bytesRec, &errs, &a, &a, &a, &a, &a, &a, &bytesSent, &errs,
&a, &a, &colls, &a, &a, &a)
b[i].bytesRec = bytesRec;
b[i].errors = errs;
b[i].bytesSent = bytesSent;
b[i].colls = colls;
Here, network performance metrics are being read for each network adapter and then
total metrics are calculated as shown below:
total_bytesrec = total_bytesrec + b[i].bytesRec;
total_bytesent = total_bytesent + b[i].bytesSent;
= total_errs + b[i].errors;
= total_colls + b[i].colls;
Read process statistics:
This is the most complex procedure among all performance metrics. It requires step by
step reading and calculation. We read one by one file system from /proc and store the
information in proc_info data structure.
“There is a numerical subdirectory for each running process; the subdirectory is named
by the process ID. Each such subdirectory contains the many pseudo-files and
Process Statistics are found under /proc fie system. This file system gives Process ID,
process priority, shared pages, resident size, Process memory utilization, CPU utilization,
and process name for each process in system.
sprintf (fname, "/proc/%s/stat", ent->d_name);
fscanf (f, "%d %s %c %d %d %d %d %d %u %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu
%lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", &nodePtrPid, (char*)&(nodePtr->cmd),
&(nodePtr->state), &ppid, &pgrp, &session, &tty_nr, &tpgid, &flags, &minflt,
&cminflt, &majflt, &cmajflt, &utime, &stime, &cutime, &cstime, &priority, &nice,
&num_thr, &itrealv, &startTime);
// Calculate CPU utilization here
// nodePtr->cpuUtil = (utime + stime)/100.0;
nodePtr->cpuTime = (utime + stime);
// Assumption startTime/100 = wall time in secs
// getWallTime(&(nodePtr->wt), startTime);
nodePtr->wallTime = ontime - startTime/100;
sprintf (fname, "/proc/%s/statm", ent->d_name);
fscanf (f, "%d %d %d", &nodePtrSizeTotal, &nodePtrSizeRes,
// Calculate memory utilization
nodePtr->memUtil = (nodePtr->sizeRes/(1.0*nodePtr->sizeTotal))*100;
After filling the data structure perfstats, agent sends the data structure to managing
server. The procedure for sending data to managing server is same as how we send
performance stats to web server. The flag sendingWebserver is set to false if data is
being sent to managing server. The procedure for accomplishing this task is mentioned
int send_perfstats(int afd, const sockaddr* serv_addr, perfStats* stats, int
This procedure is defined in perfstatsnetwork.c. After sending the data to managing
server, Agent waits for another command from web server. The heart of this whole
‘Performance monitoring system’ is reading /proc to get most recent performance
statistics of any Linux server.
3.3.2 Windows Agent
Windows agent handles the collection of performance metrics from windows machines.
When agent receives “START_DATA_COLLECTION” command, it starts fetching the
performance metrics. To achieve this, it uses PDH and WMI, Windows Management
Instrumentation, functions. To collect performance data using PDH functions, agent
performs following steps [6]:
Create a query: Before using PDH functions we need to create a new query that
collects performance data from a real‐time source, by using PdhOpenQuery
function. The function returns a handle to the query that is used by all PDH
function calls.
Add counters to the query: After creating the query, the PdhAddCounter function
is called for each counter and it is added to the query.
Collect the performance data: PdhCollectQueryData Function is used to collect
the current raw data value for all counters. PdhGetFormattedCounterValue
function computes a displayable value for the specified counter.
Display the performance data: PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE Structure is used
to compute counter value as a long, double, longlong, lpcstr and lpcwstr by using
longValue, doubleValue, largeValue, AnsiStringValue and WideStringValue
respectively before printing.
Close the query: The PdhCloseQuery function is used to close the query and
release all allocated system resources. PdhCloseQuery closes all counter handles
associated with the query.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
“Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the infrastructure for management
data and operations on Windows‐based operating systems”.[7] We must initialize COM
to access and set WMI protocols.
To collect performance data using WMI, following steps are performed.
Initialize COM: Because WMI is based on COM technology, the CoInitializeEx is
called to access WMI. General COM security levels are set using
Create a connection to a WMI namespace: WMI runs in a different process than
your application. Therefore, you must create a connection between your
application and WMI. The initial locator of WMI is obtained using
CoCreateInstance. Connection with WMI is established through a call to the
IWbemLocator::ConnectServer method.
Set the security levels on the WMI connection: For using the WMI connection,
the impersonation and authentication levels must be set. The security levels on the
IWbemServices proxy is set with a call to CoSetProxyBlanket.
Get the data from the Query: WMI exposes a variety of COM interfaces to access
and manipulate data.
Cleanup and shut down your application: After the queries to WMI are
completed, all COM pointers must be destroyed.
Windows agent is programmed using C/C++ and scripting is done using VB language.
The communication layer uses UDP for the network protocol. The code consists of three
First part listens for a command from the managing server, second part executes the
command and third part sends the relevant data back to the managing server. First part
consists of a simple while loop in the agent.cpp file which listens for a command from
the managing server. The commands are specified in the ws2msinterface.h file. For
second part where the agent executes the given command, the outline is provided to
explain how performance data collection is implemented since that is the most
complicated part. When the command to collect performance data is received the agent
executes the copy stats functions.
\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time
% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a
non‐Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the percentage of time that the processor
spends executing the idle thread and then subtracting that value from 100%. (Each
processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to
run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average
percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It should be noted that the
accounting calculation of whether the processor is idle is performed at an internal
sampling interval of the system clock (10ms). Nowadays processors comes with very fast
processing features, % Processor Time can therefore underestimate the processor
utilization as the processor may be spending a lot of time servicing threads between the
system clock sampling interval. Workload based timer applications are one example of
applications which are more likely to be measured inaccurately as timers are signaled just
after the sample is taken.
\\Processor(_Total)\\% Privileged Time
% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent
executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service is called, the service
will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system‐private data. Threads executing
in user mode cannot access this data. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such
as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process
boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and
privileged modes. Some of the work done by Windows on behalf of the application might
appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.
\\Processor(_Total)\\% User Time
% User Time is the percentage of elapsed time the processor spends in the user mode.
User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for applications, environment
subsystems, and integral subsystems. The privileged mode is designed for operating
system components and allows direct access to hardware and all memory. The operating
system switches application threads to privileged mode to access operating system
services. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.
Interrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the processor receives
and services hardware interrupts. It does not include deferred procedure calls (DPCs),
which are counted separately. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices
that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data
communication lines, network interface cards, and other peripheral devices. These
devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require
attention. Normal thread execution is suspended. The system clock typically interrupts
the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. This
counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples,
divided by the duration of the sample interval.
\\Memory\\Cache Bytes
Cache Bytes is the sum of the Memory\\System Cache Resident Bytes, Memory\\System
Driver Resident Bytes, Memory\\System Code Resident Bytes, and Memory\\Pool Paged
Resident Bytes counters. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an
\\Memory\\Available Bytes
Available Bytes is the amount of physical memory, in bytes, available to processes
running on the computer. It is calculated by adding the amount of space on the Zeroed,
Free, and Standby memory lists. Free memory is ready for use; Zeroed memory consists
of pages of memory filled with zeros to prevent subsequent processes from seeing data
used by a previous process; Standby memory is memory that has been removed from a
process' working set (its physical memory) on route to disk, but is still available to be
recalled. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
\\ LogicalDisk(Partition name) \\ Disk Writes/sec
Shows the rate at which write operations are performed on the disk.
\\ LogicalDisk(Partition name) \\ Disk Reads/sec
Shows the rate at which read operations are performed on the disk.
\\ LogicalDisk(Partition name) \\ Disk Write Bytes/sec
Shows the rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.
\\ LogicalDisk(Partition name) \\ Disk Read Bytes/sec
Shows the rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.
GetDiskFreeSpace ( ), a Win32 API, was used to determine some of the low level
information about a disk. The information such as disk space, disk space used, free disk
space, root path name, sectors per cluster and bytes per sector can be determined using
this API call. Its Syntax is
BOOL WINAPI GetDiskFreeSpace(
__in LPCTSTR lpRootPathName,
__out LPDWORD lpSectorsPerCluster,
__out LPDWORD lpBytesPerSector,
__out LPDWORD lpNumberOfFreeClusters,
__out LPDWORD lpTotalNumberOfClusters
\\Network Interface(pAdapter->Description) \\Packets Received/sec
Packets Received/sec is the rate at which packets are received on the network interface.
\\Network Interface(pAdapter->Description) \\Packets Sent/sec
Packets Sent/sec is the rate at which packets are sent on the network interface.
\\Network Interface(pAdapter->Description) \\Packets Received Discarded
Packets Received Discarded is the number of inbound packets that are chosen to be
discarded even though no errors have been detected to prevent their delivery to a
higher‐layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding packets could be to free up
buffer space.
\\Network Interface(pAdapter->Description) \\Packets Received Errors
Packets Received Errors is the number of inbound packets that contained errors
preventing them from being deliverable to a higher‐layer protocol.
\\Network Interface(pAdapter->Description) \\Packets Outbound Discarded
Packets Outbound Discarded is the number of outbound packets that were chosen to be
discarded even though no errors have been detected to prevent transmission. One possible
reason for discarding packets could be to free up buffer space.
\\Network Interface(pAdapter->Description) \\Packets Outbound Errors
Packets Outbound Errors is the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted
because of errors.
\\Network Interface(pAdapter->Description)\ \Current Bandwidth
Current Bandwidth is an estimate of the current bandwidth of the network interface in
bits per second (BPS). For interfaces that do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no
accurate estimation can be made, this value is the nominal bandwidth.
\\Network Interface(pAdapter->Description) \\Bytes Total/sec
Bytes Total/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network
adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec is a sum of
Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec.
GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &ulOutBufLen)
This function gives the information of all the network adapters. pAdapter‐>Description
gives the name of the adapter which can be used in the counter path to get further
This shows the number of processes in the computer at the time of data collection. This is
an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. Each process represents a
program that is running.
\\Process(*)\\Priority Base
This shows the current base priority of this process. Threads within a process can raise
and lower their own base priority relative to the process's base priority.
\\Process(*)\\Elapsed Time
This shows the time, in seconds, since this process has been running.
\\Process(*)\\% Processor Time
This shows the percentage of time that the processor spent executing a non‐idle thread. It
is calculated by measuring the duration that the idle thread is active during the sample
interval, and subtracting that time from 100 %. (Each processor has an idle thread that
consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run.) This counter is the primary
indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed
during the sample interval. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap
conditions are included in this count.
Chapter 4
4.1 Configuration Specs
Web application configuration:
Web application is already deployed under project account named nms.
Username: nms
Password: ********
To change the password, go to, do login to ECS portal, login with above
credentials and select change the password link from menus listed under My Account
(link is shown on right-side menu list).
Database configuration:
Database is located on athena sever under user account nms. Name of database is also
nms. To connect to mysql server:
mysql -h athena -u nms -p
This will prompt for password. The example shown below explains the database access
procedure in brief.
For example:
[nms@athena ~]> mysql -h athena -u nms -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \\g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1605
Server version: 5.1.40-community MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Type \'help;\' or \'\\h\' for help. Type \'\\c\' to clear the current
input statement.
mysql> use nms
Database changed
mysql> exit
[nms@athena ~]>
Socket configuration:
There is one configuration file maintained at managing server side. This file contains
server address and port for web server and agent. So in future, if web server needs to be
moved from athena to some other server then this config file must have to be changed.
Attention should be paid if the ports listed are assigned to some other application.
9100 ;port
9200 ;port
9300 ;port
Other than this configuration, no other change is needed to make communication
happening successfully between components of the system.
Agent configuration:
Agent only knows the socket endpoint when it gets the data from managing server so no
configuration set up is needed as the port on which agent listens for request is already
specified by agent by mutual agreement between managing server and agent.
4.2 Installation
Once web application is deployed on web server, no additional installation is needed.
index.php page is already built so no need for writing index.html file. After deploying the
application to web server, make sure the database configuration is correct as per the
location of database. If database server, username or password is changed, please change
the config.php file to establish successful database connectivity.
Copy the managing server code from CD provided. If managing server process is not
running as cron job or background process, to manually run the managing server process
follow the steps described below:
Open the terminal and go to msserver directory.
Execute “make server” to compile the project
Execute “./server” to run managing server
To manually run Linux agent process, follow the steps described below:
Open the terminal and go to msserver directory.
Execute “make server” to compile projecy
Execute “./agent” to run agent.
Follow these steps for each server that need monitoring otherwise web interface
will not be able to see any update.
To run Windows agent, follow the steps described below:
copy the agent code to Visual Studio under the folder projects on target Windows
Open the project in Visual Studio.
Run it using “ctrl+F5”. This starts the windows agent on window server.
Chapter 5
I developed this project to provide the way to monitor any server anytime, anywhere and
with real-time data. The process of getting the data and displaying the data is very
transparent to end-user. User doesn’t have to have background knowledge of how web
interface sends the request, how the performance metrics are calculated at managing
server side, how the data is sent back from managing server to web server. The only thing
user can see is after pressing “Start Updates” button, he/she can see the updates coming at
every specified interval. User can see the graph moving just like Windows Task
This system also gives flexibility to add more servers which need monitoring. The time
interval at which the updates come from servers is reconfigurable. Overall, this project
tries to accommodate requirements for monitoring servers at organizational level.
Chapter 6
The important aspect of this project is, it stores the performance metrics in database,
which provides a way to analyze the historic data and make important decisions like
which server needs more bandwidth, more disk space, which process bogs down the
server most and what is network and CPU utilization of specific server. But Right now,
analyzing historic data can be done only by going through whole database. In order to
overcome this limitation, web application can be extended in such a way that it displays
the historic data in web interface itself. As the foundation is already built to
accommodate this enhancement, it will fasten the process for adding any database related
enhancement in future.
[1] HP Performance Manager software
[2] AJAX Programming [Online]
[3] Canvas Tutorial
[4] POSIX thread (pthread) libraries
[5] proc - Linux man page
[6] /proc/[pid] - Linux man page
[7] Using the PDH functions to consume counter data
[8] Windows Management Interface