Community Concerns:

May 2, 2011 SAB Meeting Minutes Meeting Start time 4:05pm
Community Concerns:
Speaking with the Daily Lexie Krell Editor and Chief, and Hyatt Norimine Diversity
Reporter, Katie Burke News Editor)
Hyatt- (
Jimmy John’s has condemned the HP1070 laws, they do not support the legislation in
Arizona. SAB has made a point to not use Jimmy John’s , OMAD has made the point as
well. The Arizona legislation is anti immigrant and anti ethnic studies in schools. Jimmy
John’s has supported this legislation and has been boycotted across the country. Due to
recent events in Arizona involving law enforcement sheriffs they have withdrawn their
support for the legislation.
Discussion with The Daily:
Why did the diversity reporter use the checklist photo? Decided to use the photo as a
representation of what is required to graduate. The article posed the requirement as an
additional requirement which is not true. Students commented about the prematurity of
the article and how it has done a disservice to the diversity requirement issue that is in
the works. Daily reps stated that although there were mistakes in the coverage it was
big news that the students at the UW needed to know. Concerns were raised about the
efforts to contact members from the ECC communities. Are they coming to meetings?
People on the Diversity committee were not quoted in the article. Looking to invite the
daily to the ECC communities to get first hand information. Hyatt, The Daily Diversity
reporter, is the person to come to for better coverage of diversity issues. Hyatt will
attend meetings and work to develop better lines of communication with the ECC
communities. What is the hiring process for the Daily? 10 week sessions: the basics of
how the newsroom runs and writing called Development 101, which includes ethics,
then move on to specific reporting beats. What can be done now to correct the article?
Daily will make sure to do an actual correction to the story. Need to answer where the
issue is now, who is involved, and what the story should say. Can someone from the
SAB communities become a writer for The Daily? Is there a way to institutionalize a
bridge of communication with The Daily. As it stands the reporters may not report on
any specific issue. Weekly communication with The Daily for feedback will help to make
stories better represent the issues in the ECC communities. Dr. Sheila is concerned that
there is a lack of trust to have a reporter sit in on SAB meetings. Boundaries will have to
set for Hyatt on what and when to report issues discussed in meetings. The mural
article is another concern for SAB members. The article framed the issue as
insignificant and was said to be offensive, and a slap in the face for students and
community members who worked on the diversity issues on the UW campus. The SAB
community may need to archive the articles that The Daily has printed. Please do
contact The Daily about concerns with how articles are reported on the ECC
communities and issues. The impact of what is said in this meeting will show ultimately
in what is reported in The Daily. DASA is concerned that the coverage for students with
disabilities has been just as negative as diversity issues. What can be done to make the
articles better? Open communication with daily reporters.
May 2, 2011 SAB Meeting Minutes Meeting Start time 4:05pm
What is the recruiting process for the Daily 101 class? There seems to be a disconnect
between the Daily and people involved in diversity issues. Perhaps a phone tree system
needs to be adopted to bridge the gap when it comes to meeting reporter deadlines.
There is concern that diversity will not be an issue with a new editor. Lexie guarantees
that she will be here next year and that diversity will continue to be a priority.
What are the criteria for Daily reporters? What can be done about the lack of diversity
knowledge of writers on The Daily staff? Is there a way to give diversity training to Daily
reporters.Can there be more advertisement in the ECC communities for when The Daily
is hiring. Daily is asked to work harder on maintaining the integrity of the story.
SAO Evaluation Update:
8 factors for the evaluation: to be done on Catalyst or online
Event planning, fund raising, leadership skills, cultural comp, professionalism, support,
communication. Ten questions included. Name, Student org, age of the org, length of
time working with an advisor, advisors name, org. goals, confidence in advisor
knowledge, communication method, effectiveness of communication, did they help you
meet your needs, did they respond in a timely manner, how aware are they of the needs
of your org? Do you have suggestions for concerns not addressed in the survey? How
dependent is your org on the information given by the advisor? Thursday there will be a
meeting to discuss the evaluation. Will have an update at the next SAB meeting.
Please turn in your petitions for the ECC renaming. Needs to be done this week.
Friday, May 6th, 2011 QPOCA, SAB business carnival 6pm to 11pm, Hagget Cascade
Room! It’s free and fun!
The ACE conference, May 13 and 14th MEChA student conference. Needs volunteers!
Contact MECHA representatives. ECT registration. Kane hall for the Culture Night on
Hagget Cascade Room, Tunnel of Oppression 11am to 7pm, Monday and Tuesday!
LA Raza Commission Semana de la Raza
The bite of Asia
Mothers Day on Sunday!
FIUTS community dinner May 2, 2011 Waterfront community Center 6-8pm
ECT, Mix, is showing One Big Happa Family.
Meeting end time 6:03 pm.