Compendium of Midterm Course Evaluations St. John Fisher College Fall 2005 1) This exercise takes one class session. Divide the board into two sections labeled “what to keep and what to change.” Tell the students it’s their job to evaluate the course (not YOU), and divide them into groups of 4 or more. Each group is responsible for coming up with suggestions and writing them on the board under the appropriate heading. All members of the group need to agree about on the ideas in order for them to be written on the board. Tell them to put stars or other symbols next to ideas that receive more than one group’s vote. You leave the room and go to your office while this is going on, and arrange for a student come and get you when they finish. You return to the classroom and the students explain their feedback to you. With the students, you decide which changes can be implemented (and which are non-negotiable, like “let’s not have any more class for the rest of the term”). My students love this exercise, and it’s surprisingly painless for the teacher. The fact that there’s accountability and face-to-face dialogue removes the “revenge” aspect of some written anonymous evaluations. 2) I typically ask three questions at midterm What am I doing that is working well? What am I doing that is not working? What am I NOT doing that I should? 3) Course Title: ________________________________ Mid-semester Course Feedback Form I’m interested in your feedback regarding your experience in the course to date, and your perceptions of your progress in it. Your responses are anonymous (do NOT write your name on this form) – please provide your honest reactions. Feel free to continue your comments on a separate page. Overview: Please check the category which best describes your level of satisfaction with the course to date: _____ extremely satisfied _____ pretty satisfied _____ neutral/don’t know _____ pretty dissatisfied _____ extremely dissatisfied Please check the category which best describes your satisfaction with your progress in the course to date: _____ extremely satisfied _____ pretty satisfied _____ neutral/don’t know _____ pretty dissatisfied _____ extremely dissatisfied Course Texts: On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the highest positive rating, how would you rate the course texts? Text #1 Title ___________________________________________________ Rating: _____ Text #2 Title ___________________________________________________ Rating: _____ Please comment on what you especially like and/or dislike about the text(s). What is helpful? What is not helpful? How well are you doing keeping up with the reading assignments? Check the space below which best describes your progress with the reading. _____ I have completed all the assigned readings on time. _____ I usually complete most of the assigned readings on time _____ I often have difficulty completing the assigned readings on time _____ I am way behind with the assigned readings Course lectures/activities: A variety of methods have been used in class to reinforce and expand upon the assigned readings. Some of these methods include: lectures, quizzes, small group discussions, roleplays, demonstrations, videos, etc. What has been most helpful to you in meeting the learning objectives of the course, and why? What methods (as above) have been least helpful for you in meeting the learning objectives of the course, and why? Work for outside of class: Out-of-class assignments have been designed to provide you with scholarly and practical experiences. These include: self-reflective writings, research projects, reading reviews, skills practice, etc. To date, what has been most helpful to you in meeting the learning objectives of the course, and why? What has been least helpful, and why? About the instructor: Please comment about the ways in which the instructor has facilitated your learning in this course. Please comment about the ways in which the instructor has not facilitated your learning in this course. General: What kinds of things would you like to see done differently in the remaining half of the semester in this course? (Be specific about why, what, and how.) 5) Course Evaluation – English 251- “The Essay” – Creative Non-Fiction Please take a few minutes to complete this survey for future course planning purposes. Thank you in advance for your helpful comments. Your remarks are confidential (for my eyes only) and won’t have any bearing on your final grade. Furthermore, you can choose to remain anonymous. 1. Did the course fulfill the goals of the syllabus? (help you become a better writer, improve your critical reading ability) Why or Why not? 2. Evaluate how well the following met (or didn’t meet) your individual needs: Course Text: Tell it Slant In-class writing practice time and “Try Its” from text Essay Assignments Class Discussions Peer Review groups Feedback from me on your essays 3. What was your favorite part of the course? 4. What was your least favorite part of the course? 5. Any suggestions for improving the course? Name (Optional)________________________________________________________ 6) Reflective feedback form: To inform my instruction, please share the following… What is working/has worked for you in this course in terms of Dr. G’s instructional effectiveness (i.e. style of instruction as it relates to you gaining an increased understanding of content and concepts); course content; and class structure (i.e. Socratic seminars, dialogue and debate, and the like)? What, if anything, would you recommend or like to see done differently in this course? General comments and feedback. Thank you very much. 7) MID SEMESTER COURSE REVIEW SHEET History 225C-X01: Modern Italy Please provide a written response to the questions. Your time and consideration are greatly appreciated. 1) What are the strengths of this course and the LC? 2) What are the weaknesses of this course and the LC? 3) What is your overall view of this course and the LC? 4) What is your overall view of the instructor? 8) Here's a mid-semester assessment I've used for several years. It involves a self-reflection on student performance as well as a reflection on how the class as a whole is going. After students have completed the assessment and I've had a chance to read what they've written, I usually do an in-class discussion regarding how the class is going. I initially leave the room after identifying a couple of students as facilitators. The facilitators make notes and after 5 or 10 min., come find me and share the highlights of what's been said (without identifying anyone). I then return and address questions and concerns. Sometimes the discussion simply echoes what students have written, but in other instances new things come up. Also, in discussing issues together, the students often work out solutions which they can present to me collectively. I think they appreciate my immediately addressing their concerns, even if I just explain the reasons why I'm not going to do things differently. Last year, in a class of 40+ students, I would say it took me about 30 to read through the assessments and 20 min. of class time to do the discussion. BIOL 214 Microbiology Spring 2003 Mid-Semester Assessment Due: At the beginning of class on Fri., Mar. 14 If you review your syllabus, you’ll find it includes a list of expectations for both students and myself. Among the things I indicated that I would do is work with students to create an effective learning environment. Toward this end, it is useful for us to reflect on how things are working for each of us as individuals, how well the class is functioning as a whole, and the extent to which our expectations for the course are being met. This gives us an opportunity to highlight what is working well (so that we can continue to do these things) and identify what needs improvement (so that we can come up with ways to make these things work better). There are 2 parts of this mid-semester assessment. The first, is a selfassessment that requires you to reflect on your performance thus far in the course and evaluate to what extent you’ve met the objectives you set for yourself at the very beginning of the semester. The second asks you to address the overall class and quality of our learning environment. Please read and follow the specific directions accompanying each section. This assignment is due at the beginning of class on Fri., Mar. 14. Part 1: Self-Assessment Directions • Consult your answers to questions 1 - 3 of the very first homework assignment of the semester (Intro/Chpt. 1). To refresh your memory, the questions were: 1. What are your objectives or goals for this course? List 3 (or more) things you hope to get out of this course. 2. What steps will you take to reach these goals? 3. Describe the qualities of a classroom in which you feel comfortable asking or answering questions. List as many things as you can. • Provide responses to the items that follow. In some cases you will be required to circle a number, or rank a series of activities, while in others you’re asked to provide a written response. Note that you are asked to refer back to the very first homework assignment where you identified your goals and objectives for the course and identified a plan for their realization. • The completed self-assessment, labeled with your name, is due by the beginning of class on Fri., Mar. 14. It may be submitted electronically or as a hard copy. Remember to make a copy for yourself. A. Circle the number that best reflects how pleased you are with yourself on Very Pleased Very Displeased Your preparation for class 1 2 3 4 5 Your participation in class 1 2 3 4 5 Raising questions in class on unclear issues1 2 3 4 5 Reviewing material after class 2 3 4 5 Realizing the goals and/or objectives you set for1 2 yourself at the beginning of the semester 3 4 5 1 B. Rank how important each of the above areas is to you with 1 being the most important and 4 being the least important. Your preparation for class _________ Your participation in class _________ Raising questions in class on unclear issues _________ Reviewing material after class _________ Realizing the goals and/or objectives you set for yourself at the beginning of the semester _________ C. Identify and briefly describe the actions you will take to increase your satisfaction in the areas listed above and improve your overall performance and success in the course. Part 2: Class-Assessment Directions • Provide written responses to the items that follow. You may remain anonymous if you wish. • Bring 2 copies of this assignment with you to class on Fri., Mar. 14, submitting one of these copies at the beginning of class. Do NOT put your name on the class-assessment unless you wish me to specifically address your concerns and comments (I can do this privately or speak with the whole class according to your wishes). 1. In our classes, what is working and why? Please reflect on all the different aspects of the course (e.g. the ways we consider information, work through problems, group activities, traditional lecture, how questions are handled, new information is dealt with, reading and homework assignments, etc.) and identify those things that are most effective for you personally and the class in general. It is also helpful if you can articulate why something works. 2. In our classes, what is not working and why? Please reflect on all the different aspects of the course and identify those things that don’t work for you, or which, in your opinion, don’t work for the class in general. You might also comment on those things that you dislike. (Please try to be objective and honest. Sometimes something can work even though we dislike it!) It is REALLY, REALLY helpful if you explain why something is not working or why you dislike it if improvements are to be made. 3. What suggestions do you have for improving our learning environment and fixing the things that aren’t working? Can or should some things be done differently? If so, how and why 9) It's too late for my idea to be of help to you this semester, but I'll share it with you for the future. On the first day of class I take about 15 minutes to have the students brainstorm what their expectations for the course are. These are expectations that they have of ME as the professor. I write them down on the board, and we have a brief discussion to make sure I understand what they mean. Then I enter them into my word processor, cleaning them up for parallel form. I make a copy available to students on Blackboard. Then, at the mid-semester point, I turn these expectations into a survey using a Likert scale. This helps me know whether or not I'm succeeding in meeting their expectations. Equally important, it communicates to the students that I take their expectations seriously. The students seem to really appreciate this system. 10) Things I would change about this class: I find the book….. (helpful, worthwhile, too costly…..): The workload is: _____ comparable to other classes _____ difficult, but manageable _____ too difficult (honestly?) _____ just right _____ too easy Suggestions/ feedback for my professor: 11) MIDTERM COURSE EVALUATION 1. For your background and ability, how do you rate this course in terms of difficulty? 2. How effective is the method of presentation of the course material? 3. What changes would you like to see in the presentation of the course material? 4. How effective was the lecture/homework in preparing you for the exam? 5. What changes would you like to see in the format of the exam? 6. Describe one change you would like to see going forward. 7. Describe one positive thing of the course so far. 12) I use the “survey manager” on Blackboard and give the short evaluation below. Name: Midterm Instruction Assessment Description: This survey will provide me with valuable information regarding instructional methods and learning for this and future courses. Please think seriously about what does and what does not help you learn the material in the course. Please try not to let the fact that something "is hard" influence your comments. Thanks. Instructions: Please respond to the questions below. Thank you very much. Add Question Here Question 1 Multiple Choice Question: 1. Which of the following methods best helps you learn in class? Answer: a. lecture b. whole class discussion c. small group work, then whole class discussion d. small group work; group completes an assignment (no whole class discussion) Add Question Here Question 2 Multiple Choice Question: 2. Which method ranks second in helping you learn during class? Answer: a. lecture b. whole class discussion c. small group work followed by whole class discussion d. small group work and assignment Add Question Here Question 3 Multiple Choice Question: 3. Which method helps you the least? Answer: a. lecture b. whole class discussion c. small group discussion followed by whole class discussion d. small group work with assignment Add Question Here Question 4 Multiple Choice Question: 4. Do short reading quizzes help you get your reading done and learn the material better? Answer: a. yes b. no Add Question Here Question 5 Multiple Choice Question: 5. Do reflective essays help you learn the material? Answer: a. yes b. no Add Question Here Question 6 Multiple Choice Question: 6. Do written homework assignments in addition to reading assignments help you learn the material? Answer: a. yes b. no Add Question Here Question 7 Essay Question: 7. Do you have any comments that will help me improve the instruction in this course? Answer: Add Question Here Question 8 Essay Question: 8. Of the activities we are currently doing in class, which are the most helpful and which are the least helpful? Answer: Add Question Here 13) TSL-610 MIDTERM COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS, & OPINIONS WHAT IS GOING WELL? WHAT COULD BE DONE BETTER? MORE OF THIS !!! LESS OF THAT !!!! NOBODY ASKED ME, BUT..... 14) I have tried a basic "suggestion hat" or "suggestion box" where students place anonymous responses to three questions: What have you learned so far about the writing process? What is still unclear? What activities work best in class? This is a standard format that I got from a Brockport handout. I usually get responses such as visuals, group work and student presentations in front of the class work best. The uncertainties are usually about MLA format and citation, how to write a "sparkling" introduction (to borrow Dee Hogan's phrase) and how to use transitions. I am always asked to incorporate more hands-on activities/field trips but this depends on the time factor. I have also tried a handout where student input was not anonymous, but students are more likely to be precise in their assessment when there is anonymity. 15) I have no standard form but I have used narrative as a common tool. I attended a workshop on evaluation and the speaker suggested at midterm asking the students to write about what was going well, what was not and suggestions. 16) I usually just ask three questions: What do you like most about the way this class is being taught, What do you like least the way this class is being taught? What one change in teaching would you make to make this class more valuable? Unfortunately, I sometimes find out the response is about work load. usually tell them this is one thing that won't change. 17) What are your impressions of the instructor’s knowledge of the subject? Was she well prepared for classes? Does she display a clear understanding of the course topics? What are your reactions to the instructor’s delivery skills? Does she express ideas clearly? Does she encourage active learning? Did she coordinate different activities? Does she manage time well? Does she provide an atmosphere conducive to learning? I What are your perceptions of the design of this course? Were policies and expectations clear? Did the assignments/projects/papers help to develop a better understanding of course content? What are your overall impressions of the course and the instructor? Would you recommend this course and/or instructor to a friend? Any additional comments? 18) Midterm Check-in Please write your responses anonymously Turn this in after the break and we can have a discussion 1. What aspects of the course are useful to you and why? 2. What seems to work best for class? What works for you personally and why? 3. What, in our classroom, isn’t working and why? What suggestions do you have to fix things that aren’t working? 4. What can or should be done differently and why? 5. How do you feel about the classroom culture? 6. Do we need to talk about any aspects of the culture in our classroom? If so, What? 7. What are you feeling best about in our classroom? 8. Do you recommend any changes? If so, what? 9. What, of the things considered so far in the class, would you like to hear more about? 10. What, of the things considered so far in the class, do you not yet understand? 11. What, of the things considered so far in the class, will you remember to tell your children/grandchildren? 19) I have created surveys utilized in the EMBA program to gather feedback on a regular basis. Zoomerang ( is a great free survey website. You simply have to create log-in information and from there create your survey. Once you create your survey/surveys, you can then send the survey/ surveys to as many recipients as you like by email (simply create a contact list by inputting email information). The survey will arrive in the recipients inbox, they click on the attachment and go directly into the survey. The survey can only be taken once, unless you re-send the survey. The survey results can be monitored by the sender, but are anonymous. Let me know if you have any other questions regarding Zoomerang. Thus far it has turned out to be a very helpful tool.