Members: Susan Antillon, Rhodella Brown, Mary Bruno, Bruce Cook, LeeAnn Davis, Shana Deyo, Nancy
Duke, Steve Eckman, Angie Falconetti, Michael Flota, Barry Gibson, Gabriel Gomez, Len
Greene, Judy Haydt, Kathleen Lazarus, Michelle Lee, Lori Lemoine, Roberto Lombardo,
Michelle McCraney, Mike Moore, Theresa Moore, Nancy Morgan, Max Nagiel, Patty Navarra,
Janet Parish, Michelle Parker, Dick Pastor, Susan Pate, Joanne Pinkston-McDuffie, Andrea
Reese, Evan Rivers, Jane Rosati, Harry Russo, Ted Sofianos, Eric Urff, Hector Valle, Kevin
Veiga, Jennifer Walsh, Dustin Weeks, Ted Wygant, Nabeel Yousef
President Carol Eaton stopped by and shared her top priorities: 1.) SACS, 2.) Governance
Structure, and 3.) Community.
College Updates
Tom reviewed the Planning Council’s purpose and charge. He discussed the creation of a new committee charged with developing a new process for “process of procedures”. Tom also noted that the SACS Steering Committee was charged with completing a first draft of the compliance report by October 31.
Susan Antillon presented the Core Performance Indicators, which are located in the Institutional
Research (IR) folder of the portal and at IR website.
Students First
Michelle McCraney presented the definition of this year’s Planning Council theme, “Students
First”. The definition of “Students First” was created per the recurring themes that were shared by
Planning Council members during the Planning Council’s orientation (September 9, 2011). The definition is as follows:
Students first means always taking students’ needs, concerns, and expectations into consideration. It also means making sure that these needs are met throughout the entire educational process, from first contact in the community or admissions office, in the classroom, on campus, and through their final journey across the stage at graduation.
Proposal: Employee Satisfaction Survey
Angie Falconetti presented information regarding the potential submission of the Noel-Levitz
Employee Satisfaction Survey. The Planning Council agreed that the survey should be conducted per the department of Institutional Research during the fall 2011 semester (i.e., November/early
December 2011). A proposal for funding will be sent to the executive staff for approval. Planning
Council members requested the allocation of time for and access to the survey for all employees, specifically those who do not have access to a computer.
Planning Council Meeting
October 19, 2011
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Committee Reports a.
Administrative Unit Review – Max Nagiel / Michelle Parker
The Administrative Unit Review Committee reviewed their purpose and charge and assigned members to the upcoming units to be reviewed. The Committee received a demonstration on how to navigate Florida Online. b.
College Life – Bruce Cook / Harun Thomas
The College Life Committee discussed the purpose of the Committee, and decided to leave the creation and administration of questionnaires to more appropriate groups at the college. The
Committee is also looking into various methods of connecting with the students, including the portal, D2L, clubs and organizations, and identifying the point of contact at each campus to speak to the students. c.
Enrollment Development – LeeAnn Davis / Dick Pastor
The Enrollment Development Committee reviewed the new admissions module, financial aid issues, retention issues, and the new phone system for contacting students. d.
Faculty and Staff Development – James Greene / Harry Russo
The Faculty and Staff Development Committee reviewed the work of the Committee from the past up to present day and discussed the current “charge”. The 2011-12 Committee will focus on
SPD / Tuition Reimbursement / Faculty Sabbaticals and the eventual re-establishment of a
Faculty and Staff Development office. The next meeting will occur on November 1, 2011 and
Dr. Michael Vitale will speak briefly about SPD / Tuition Reimbursement / Faculty Sabbaticals and his vision of the future for these important opportunities. e.
Grants – Michael Flota / Ted Sofianos
The Grants Committee discussed several topics including workshops, grants mentoring, incentives, and time management. The Committee is in the midst of prioritizing topics. f.
Institutional Advancement – Gabriel Gomez / Judy Haydt
The Institutional Advancement Committee reviewed their purpose and charge, and last year’s approved proposal. Also discussed was the best time to host an event at NJC and SEMP, and fundraising ideas. g.
Institutional Technology – Anindya Paul / Eric Urff
The Institutional Technology Committee is reviewing viable “virtual meeting” options, as there are some constituent groups using Adobe Connect. Although not everyone has a webcam and microphone in their office, they could still listen and communicate by typing questions and suggestions. The College is looking to implement Live@edu the Microsoft software for students to eliminate the problem of forwarded email becoming deadmail. Also, everyone within the college, including adjuncts, will have a log-in with email and network access. The subject of etexts has been shelved for now and will be discussed again in the future. h.
Instructional Program Review – Jim Backer / Rhodella Brown / Nick Petropouleas
The Instructional Program Review Committee reviewed the mission and purpose of the
Committee along with the documents, process, and list of 41 programs for review this academic
Planning Council Meeting
October 19, 2011
Page 3 year. The Committee members were asked to become familiar with all the documents on the shared S: drive and to attend the next meeting on October 24 th to learn more about answering the questions on the reports. i.
Operational Effectiveness and Accountability – Susan Antillon / Janet Parish
The Operational Effectiveness and Accountability Committee brainstormed ideas which will be compiled into a list to discuss, agreed to develop a college-wide survey, and changed the location of future meetings. Some of the ideas generated involve ways to reduce spending and develop more “green” initiatives across all campuses. The Committee also agreed on the importance of adding a member from the finance department. The members were asked to submit at least one question to aid in developing the survey. j.
Strategic Planning and Assessment – Mary Bruno / Dustin Weeks
The Strategic Planning and Assessment Committee reviewed planning documents, vision, mission, values, institutional outcomes, strategic direction and priorities, operational responsibilities, and the 2010-2011 Annual Plan. There was much discussion regarding the mission statement in that it does not address the strategic priority “Community Connections”. An amended mission statement was presented, but more research needs to be conducted before deciding if the mission needs to be changed. If a change is agreed upon, it will need Board approval. k.
Teaching and Learning – Susan Pate / Evan Rivers
The Teaching and Learning Committee had Dr. Eileen Hamby and Anita Bevins from the College of Business present an abstract regarding the Television Studio Production certificate program, which will begin fall 2011. The abstract was approved to be forwarded to the Curriculum
Committee. The Committee discussed and formally approved the policy that students who take any general education courses must earn a “C” grade or better to receive credit for the course.
Susan and Evan brought forth items for the Committee’s consideration and members volunteered to serve on the following three subcommittees: Review Load Credit Assignment and Issues of
Equity, Treatment of Adjuncts, and Academic Integrity Database.
Michelle McCraney reviewed the Planning Council calendar. Angie Falconetti stated she has been working with the Co-Chairs to pinpoint the best location to house the Planning Council documents
(i.e. agendas, minutes). Also, time will be added to the meeting agendas for the constituent heads to give reports.
The meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m.
Next Meeting: The next Planning Council Co-Chairs meeting will be November 2, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. in the Wetherell Center Board Room. The next Planning Council meeting will be November 9, 2011 at 2:30 p.m. in the Wetherell Center’s Board Room.