PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING February 8, 2012 Wetherell Center Board Room 2:30 – 4:00 pm Present Members: Susan Antillon, Rhodella Brown, Bruce Cook, LeeAnn Davis, Nancy Duke, Steve Eckman, Gabriel Gomez, Judy Haydt, Lee Kenyon, Michelle Lee, Tom LoBasso, Michelle McCraney, Mike Moore, Nancy Morgan, Patty Navarra, Susan Pate, Anindya Paul, Joanne PinkstonMcDuffie, Evan Rivers, Harry Russo, Ted Sofianos, Amy Szoka, Harun Thomas, Hector Valle, Mike Vitale, Jennifer Walsh, Cathy Webb, Dustin Weeks, Nabeel Yousef, Jeff Zahnen I. Introduction Tom LoBasso welcomed everyone. II. College Updates Mike Vitale gave an update on WDSC/Center for Interactive Media. The station will remain broadcasting and will remain as the emergency broadcast headquarters. Florida Virtual College will relocate to the WDSC building. It will evolve into a faculty driven, interactive media center for an AS degree. Current employees of WDSC have been notified their employment will end as of June 30th, but have been encouraged to apply for new positions at the media center. III. Committee Reports a. Administrative Unit Review – Max Nagiel / Michelle Parker The Administrative Unit Review Committee had no report at this time. b. College Life – Bruce Cook / Harun Thomas The College Life Committee met on January 27th. Susan Antillon reviewed the most recent CCSSE data with the Committee. Bruce Cook shared with the Council some of the recent updates in Student Activities. c. Enrollment Development – LeeAnn Davis / Dick Pastor The Enrollment Development Committee met on January 25th. The Committee voted to go forward with Grades First. IT requested to meet with the Grades First representative to see how the system would work with our system. The meeting has been scheduled for February 20th. The Committee anticipates submitting a proposal to purchase the system. The Committee also anticipates submitting a proposal for the College to take over the cost of the contract for the new system to call and text students. It was paid for by SGA this year with the plan that the College will take over the cost next year. The next meeting is scheduled for February 14th. d. Faculty and Staff Development – James Greene / Harry Russo The Faculty and Staff Development Committee submitted two proposals. The first proposal was for the re-creation of funding/budget for SPD, tuition reimbursement, and faculty sabbaticals. The second proposal was for the re-establishment and/or re-invention of an office or department to focus on the initiatives of the first proposal. Planning Council Meeting February 8, 2012 Page 2 e. Grants – Michael Flota / Ted Sofianos The Grants Committee is developing a proposal and shared grant statistics. f. Institutional Advancement – Gabriel Gomez / Judy Haydt The Institutional Advancement Committee’s Judy Haydt and Gabriel Gomez presented a proposal for “DSC Info Centers”, a visually attractive, strategically-placed information center to be located at various high-traffic facilities on campus. These info centers can feature colorful, attractive wall graphics as a backdrop for brochure racks, flat screen monitors airing promotional videos, and touch screen stations allowing navigation through general college information. The proposal was approved by the Council and will be refined to better define the cost/setup involved in the multimedia components of these “DSC Info Centers”. g. Institutional Technology – Anindya Paul / Eric Urff The Institutional Technology Committee has been involved in coordinating some DACUM sessions to capture the usability and functional features of our current student database system. Four sessions have been conducted so far. The Committee has selected users from all functional areas of the college at all user levels; and has been collecting the data and will be summarizing it upon completion of the last session. The Committee has also been looking into promoting and enhancing the “web meeting” experience for the college community, utilizing Adobe Connect for this purpose. The WDSC department has been contacted to find out if they have any equipment (cameras) that could be used for the classrooms. The Committee is also looking into acquiring some specialized equipment (audio and video) from the different vendors. The goal is to have an integrated system that will be easy to use and available at all campuses. h. Instructional Program Review – Jim Backer / Rhodella Brown / Nick Petropouleas The Instructional Program Review Committee gave a presentation on the programs that were reviewed and approved by the Committee to date. The Committee approved many programs that responded to the ‘closing the loop,’ which were resolutions for recommendations presented to programs reviewed in the 2010-2011 academic year. These programs included various programs under review from the School of Computer Science and two programs under the School of Business, namely Accounting Applications/Computerized Certificate #0943 and Accounting Technology Operations Tax Preparation Certificate #0935. In addition, the IPR Committee presented information from the Occupational Therapy Assistant AS Degree #2215 that had an accreditation visit in May, 2011. The Committee accepted the program’s presentation and their IPR Accreditation Visit Summary in lieu of the normal lengthy IPR report. i. Operational Effectiveness and Accountability – Susan Antillon / Janet Parish The Operational Effectiveness and Accountability Committee had no report at this time. j. Strategic Planning and Assessment – Mary Bruno / Dustin Weeks The Strategic Planning and Assessment Committee met on February 7th and is working on a draft of the next Annual Plan. The Committee is also looking at strategies to bring the Annual and Strategic Plans into synch with proposed revisions to the planning calendar and SACS / QEP timetables. The Committee will be meeting again on March 6th and should have a final draft of the new plan for formal presentation to the Planning Council at the March 28th meeting. k. Teaching and Learning – Susan Pate / Evan Rivers Planning Council Meeting February 8, 2012 Page 3 The Teaching and Learning Committee met on Wednesday, February 1st, and received reports from three subcommittees: Teaching and Learning Adjunct Salary Subcommittee, Faculty Load Committee, and the Academic Integrity Committee. We also received an update from the General Education Committee. The Committee will be bringing forward recommendations from the Retention Committee and from the Faculty Load Subcommittee at the next co-chairs meeting. The next meeting is Wednesday, February 29th. Constituent Heads: a. Student Government Association – Cathy Webb stated the QEP focus group information has been filtering down to the SGA and is glad to be a part of the process. b. Administrative Council – Steve Eckman stated a video is being prepared, “Faces of Daytona,” which highlights the College’s student success stories. The video will be shared at next month’s Council meeting. Business/Conclusions: Michelle McCraney presented the minutes from the last Planning Council meeting, and hearing no corrections, approved the minutes. Nancy Morgan offered a revised Council calendar to end Council in May instead of June. Hearing no opposition, the calendar was approved. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Next Meeting: The next Planning Council Co-Chairs meeting will occur on February 15, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. in the Wetherell Center Board Room. The next Planning Council meeting will be held on February 22, 2012 at 2:30 p.m. in the Wetherell Center’s Board Room.