Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 STATIC ANALYSIS OF FREE-FORM SHELLS USING AN IMPROVED NINE-NODE LAGRANGIAN SHELL ELEMENT S.A. Raji Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ilorin, P.M.B. 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria. E-mail address : saraji@unilorin.edu.ng Abstract In this paper, static analysis was carried out using the finite element method for free-form shell element developed earlier by the author (Raji,1998). The numerical work involved in performing these analyses necessitated the use of an electronic computer. A Fortran 77 program, DSHELL was developed and used to analyse the finite elements. Finally, some benchmark examples of uniform and variable thickness plates and free-form shells were considered to test the reliability of the improved nine-node Lagrangian shell element. Results showed that the new element predicted the stress behavior in shell elements accurately. Keywords Benchmark tests, Static analysis, Free-form shells 1. Introduction Structural analysis is a vital part of the overall design optimization task because one has to be able to predict structural behavior for various trial designs in order to guide the design improvement process. Structural analysis of shells has become more feasible because of steady increase in computer speed and power, giving discretisation method like the finite element method preference over the explicit mathematical methods for structural response. Benchmarks should be chosen to satisfy the following requirements (Parish, 1997). The geometries must be simple to define, so that the tests can be constructed with minimum of effort. 22 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 The geometries must represent reasonably realistic problems. The tests must cover all aspects of how the element might be used in practice in an unambiguous manner. The mesh and element boundaries should be defined unambigously and with enough precision to guarantee that the problem specification has no effect upon the results. The chosen idealisation of mesh should not contain heavily distorted elements with unrealistic shapes. Solutions other than finite element solution should preferably exist for the geometries and loadings used in the benchmark. This may be relaxed where ‘exact’ or alternative solutions do not exist. The tests must be based upon facilities that are likely to be availabe in any general purpose system and must not, for example, use forms of constraints or element assumptions that exist only in specialised systems. Where possible target stresses should be quoted in the benchmarks as single displacements and stresses, rather than in graphical form. Several papers (Raji 1998, Huang and Hinton 1986) and texts(Hinton et.al.,1979) have presented many examples of the performance of the Ahmad shell element, Huang-Hinton element and other elements. In this paper, only a brief benchmark examples is used to check the formulation and implementation of the proposed improved nine-node Lagrangian element in predicting the displacements and stresses in plates and free-form shells. 2. Program Structure for DSHELL An analysis module, DSHELL was developed using Fortran 77 on a Sun workstation and used to analyse the finite elements. Figure 1 summarises the basic requirements of the computer program necessary for the complete solution of a problem by the finite element method using program DSHELL. A modular approach is adopted for the program, with the various main finite element operations being performed by separate subroutines. In the program DSHELL, though the input files for static, sensitivity and optimisation analysis are different, all the data sets have to be read in at the begining of the program. 23 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 3. Numerical Examples for Static Analysis The numerical experiments are based on showing how the proposed 9-node Lagrangian element (Raji,1998) behaves in some applications. These benchmark examples are used to test the accurary with which the bendings and displacements are represented in plates and free-form shells. INPUT CHECK1 PROGRAM SHELL1 ECHO CHECK2 GAUSSQ MODTS STIFTS BMATS BMTT THETA JACOB3 SFR2 LOADTS PROGRAM SHELL2 -FRONT PROGRAM SHELL3 -REVERSE INPUT PROGRAM SHELL4 -BACKSUB OUTPUT Fig. 1: Program DSHELL organisation 24 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 3.1 Plates and Shells (a) Simply supported square plates with uniform loading A uniformly loaded, simply supported square plate with hard simple supports, that is, with the lateral displacements and tangential edge rotations constrained to zero) is initially considered as shown in Figure 2. y x 0 1 20 40 w 60 80 ( a) selective integration (b) reduced integration c) thin plate 'exact' a b,c 100 21 41 61 81 Nel Fig. 3: Convergencce characteristics for thin square plates: edge deflection w.r.t. 'exact' thin plate theory. 25 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 1. 2 1 a (a) Selective integration (b) Reduced integration b,c (c) Thin plate 'exact' [5 0. 8 No/Nx 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0 0 2 4 6 2x/a 8 1 0 Fig. 4:Shear force for square thin plate normalized w.r.t. thin plate theory. The following values are assumed in the analysis to simplify the presentation of the results in a non-dimensionalised form. The elastic modulus E is taken to be 10.92t-3 , where t is the thickness of plate, Poisson’s ratio is assumed to be 0.3 so that the flexural rigidity D=1 where D=Et3/12(1-\2). A uniform load q of intensity 1.0 was applied to a square plate of side length a. Two cases were considered; a moderately thick } plate with t/a =0.1 and a thin} plate with t/a = 0.01 . From considerations of symmetry only a quadrant of the plate is considered in the analysis. In this case, the boundary condition on the edges x=0 and x=a are simply supported with zero moment. A closed form solution is not available but the finite element values were compared with the plate theory solution (Scordelis,1989). Figure 3 shows the rate of convergence of the edge displacement using a regular mesh with both reduced and selective integrations. The results demonstrate that the selective integration 26 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 technique converges rather slowly to the ‘exact’ thin plate solution. In contrast, the reduced integration proves highly accurate for the deflection. Figure 4 shows the distribution of the shear force for square thin plate normalized with respect to the thin plate theory using both selective and reduced integrations. The results are compared with the ‘exact’ thin plate results. The reduced integration also gave very close values to the ‘exact’ thin plate values compared to the selective integration results. Table 1 summarises the values of the strain energy, maximum displacement and stress resultants respectively for the moderately thick and thin cases. The deflections and stress resultants obtained are compared with the closed form solutions. A very good comparison is obtained. Table 1 : Strain energy, maximum displacements and stress resultants for square plate under uniform load with hard simple support. Plate Type t/a=0.1 Ndof (active) 121 605 2006 ‘exact’ t/a=0.01 ‘exact’ 121 605 3390 ^ w x qa 2 w x qa 4 / D M x x qa 2 M xy x qa 2 x101 x101 S y x qa x 103 x10 2 1.802747 1.802909 1.802911 0.42783 0.42793 0.42726 0.4929 0.4831 0.4793 0.3389 0.3301 0.3269 0.3321 0.3353 0.3368 - 0.42725 0.4787 0.3247 0.3376 1.703059 1.703509 1.703514 0.40717 0.40645 0.40643 0.4939 0.4819 0.4791 0.3383 0.3307 0.3260 0.3348 0.3359 0.3369 - 0.42727 0.4787 0.3249 0.3378 (b) Variable thickness plates Secondly, variable thickness rectangular plates subjected to uniformly distributed load with different thickness ratios, loading and support conditions were considered. The plates have side lengths a and b in the xand y-directions respectively with an aspect ratio a/b = 2. The thicknesses at x=0 and x=a are designated as t1 and t2 respectively with the flexural rigidities at x=0 and x=a similarly designated as D1 and D2 respectively. 27 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 The material of the plate has a Poisson’s ratio = 0.3. A hard simply supported edge is represented by Sh, a clamped edge by C and a free edge is represented by F. The plates are analysed using an 8x8 mesh in program HSHELL. Table 2 displays the values of the maximum deflection at y=b/2 and strain energy. The results of the analyses are found to be in excellent agreement with the results presented using the Huang-Hinton element (Raji,1998). Table 2 :Maximum Deflections and SE values for rectangular variable thickness plates Support t / b t / b w2 x 10 4 w x10 4 1 Sh / Sh / Sh / Sh 0.01 S h / S h / S h / S h 0.1 2 0.03 PE 357.73 H-H 357.16 PE 487.19 H-H 487.4 0.3 393.1 392.4 523.8 523.9 Sh / C / Sh / F 0.01 0.02 43.69 43.69 4.589 4.598 Sh / C / Sh / F 0.1 0.2 49.09 49.01 4.792 4.783 *A hard simply supported edge is represented by Sh, a clamped edge by C and a free edge is represented by F. ( c ) Cylindrical shell roof The cylindrical shell roof shown in Figure 5 is now considered. The shell is simply supported on diaphragms along the two curved edges and is free along the other two edges. It is subjected to a self weight loading per unit area of 4.31 kN/m^2, and the following material properties and dimensions are assumed: elastic modulus E = 2.07 x 1010 N/m2, Poisson’s ratio ν= 0.25, radius R = 7.62m, span L = 5.24 m. and thickness t =76 mm. 28 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 The ‘exact’ solution(Huang,1989) is obtained by solving the plate equation with the aid of computer. In Figure 6, the effects of normal 3 x3 Gauss point integration and the reduced 2 x 2 integration using parabolic element is shown on the axial displacements. Both types of integrations give convergence solutions as expected but the reduced integration gives deflections which are almost the same as the ‘exact’ ones(Huang,1989) . 29 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 The mathematical explanation for the improvement was explained by Parish,1979 that the coordinates of the 2x2 integration points η,ζ= 1/√3 with the shear expressions are exactly evaluated. The transverse moment at the mid-span of the cylindrical vault using 2x2 reduced integration with the substended angle is shown in Figure 8. The values were compared with the ‘exact’ solution which quite agree. In this case, the moment depends on the position at the mid-span. The moment is minimum at the centre and increases to almost zero value at the outer edge. Angles(Degrees) 0 -1 -2 -3 Nxo-4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -40 -30 -15 15 0 30 40 reduced selective Fig. 7: Shear force (Nxo) at end of support of cylindrical vault 0 -40 -0.5 -1 w(mm) -1.5 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Angles(Deg.) reduced selective -2 -2.5 Fig. 8 : Transverse moment (Mo) at mid-span of cylindrical vault 30 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 Table 3 presents the maximum deflection, strain energy value and the contribution of the membrane and bending energies to the total strain energy using the proposed nine-node Lagrangian element. The results compare well with those obtained by Scordelis and Lo (Huang,1989) . The performance of the improved nine-node Lagrangian element in these standard examples shows that the element is reliable and robust, and could be confidently used for structural analysis, sensitivity and structural shape optimisation of free-form shells. Table 3 : Strain energy and maximum displacement values for cylindrical shell roof under self weight. Mesh w(mm) w 2 Size Percentage Contribution to SE Membrane Bending 2x2 94.441 8997.2 53.0 47.0 4x4 91.211 9609.6 47.7 52.3 6x6 91.593 9649.2 47.6 52.3 8x8 91.685 9656.8 47.6 52.3 10x10 91.721 9660.0 47.6 52.3 Shear contribution to SE is negligible. 4. Conclusion The performance of the improved nine-node Lagrangian element in these standard examples shows that the element is reliable and robust, and could be confidently used for structural analysis, sensitivity and structural shape optimization of free-form shells. 5. Acknowledgement The author wishes to thank Prof. E. Hinton of the Civil Engineering Department, University of Wales, Swansea for his useful discussions and 31 Raji, S. A. USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006 for making the use of his library available to him while he was carrying out his Ph.D. bench work in Swansea. 6. References NAFEMS, (2005), The International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community, http://www.nafems.org, 2005. Hinton, E., Schrefler, B. and Natali, A.(1979), A Finite Element Method for Variable Thickness Plates, 22nd ICES User Group Int. Conf., McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Huang, H. C. and Hinton, E.(1986), A New Nine-Node Degenerated Shell Element with Enhanced Membrane And Shear Interpolation”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., No. 22, pp.73-92. Huang, H.C.(1989), Static and Dynamic Analyses of Plates and Shells, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. Parish,H.(1979), A Critical Survey of the 9-Node Degenerated Shell Element with Special Emphasis on Thin Shell Application and Reduced Integration, Computer Methods”, Int. J. Applied Mechanics And Engineering, No. 20, pp.323-350. Raji, S.A. (1998), A Nine-node Lagrangian Shell Element for the Analysis and Optimization of Shell Structures, Ph.D thesis, University of Lagos, Lagos,Nigeria Raji, S.A. (1997), Innovative Finite Element for Shells, 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering Analysis of Modelling, SEAM4, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, pp.386-399. Rao, N.V.R. (1992), Analysis and Optimisation of Free-form Shell Structures, Ph.D Thesis , University of Wales, Swansea. Scordelis, A.C. and Lo, K.S.(1969), Computer Analysis of Cylindrical Shells, ACI Journal, No. 61, pp.539-561. Timoshenko,S. and Woinowsky-Krieger,S.(1959), Theory of Plates and Shells, 2nd ed., Mc. Graw -Hill, NY. 32