Evaluating the Expansion Flexibility of Manufacturing Systems in Uncertain Environments Roberta Pellegrino Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale, Politecnico di Bari, Viale Japigia 182, 70126, Bari, Italy, email: r.pellegrino@poliba.it Extended abstract Today having the agility to react to changes in market conditions is one of the keys to success in dynamic and uncertain manufacturing environments. Manufacturing flexibility is an important part of a firm’s competitive strength. Flexibility of a system can be defined as “its adaptability to a wide range of possible environments that it may encounter. A flexible system must be capable of changing in order to deal with a changing environment.” (Sethi and Sethi, 1990). Flexibility in manufacturing systems can be of different types: machine, material handling, operation, process, product, routing, volume, expansion, program, production, and market flexibility. Acquiring this flexibility has a cost. In fact, the investment in flexible manufacturing equipment is generally major than the investment in dedicated equipment. But, on the other hand, a flexible system allows managers to cope with uncertainty and to do future actions in response to market changes. “Flexibility gives the management some degrees of freedom to take advantage of outcomes better than expected and simultaneously provide an ability to reduce losses” (Bengtsson, 2001). This is often very valuable for the firm. The problem is: how valuable is this flexibility? How much money is a firm disposed to spend in order to have this flexibility? To answer these questions, an appropriate methodology able to take into account these characteristics has to be used. Traditional techniques, in fact, are not suitable for evaluating such kinds of flexible manufacturing system investments. They assume that management makes an irrevocable decision on the basis of its future market expectations. Therefore, they assume that the “deterministic” cash flows are known with certainty at initial time. Then, they are discounted with a given discount rate (discounted cash flow – DCF – methodology). This is enough correct in absence of uncertainty, but when managers have the possibility to change their initial decision for reacting to new information from market and, therefore, to improve the value of the project, traditional discounted cash flow methodology assumptions are too heavy. 1 Thus, other more suitable methods to value this flexibility have been proposed in literature; some are based on real options, others do not directly use options theory (Kulatilaka, 1988; Kumar, 1995; He and Pindyck, 1989; Karsak and Ozogul, 2005; Trigeorgis, 1996). In the present paper the author focuses on one kind of manufacturing flexibility: the expansion flexibility. “Expansion flexibility of a manufacturing system is the ease with which its capacity and capability can be increased when needed” (Sethi and Sethi, 1990). This kind of investment can be viewed as consisting of two investment phases (Kumar, 1995). The first (“primary investment”) is the initial price paid to acquire flexible system. The second (“secondary investment”) represents the additional investment required at a later date in order to use flexibility provided by the system. This investment will be made if there are the market conditions (that require the capacity increase) and if it is convenient. As Sethi and Sethi (1990) state, expansion flexibility can be achieved in several ways, such as, for example, by having modular manufacturing system, building small production units, acquiring multipurpose machinery, having a high level of automation that can facilitate mounting additional shifts, providing infrastructure to support growth. From a real options perspective, the initial investment to acquire this option (that is, the investment needed to have flexible system) corresponds to the option price or premium, while the secondary investment to make for expanding the system capacity is the strike or exercise price. As said above, capital expenditure required for flexible system are generally higher than dedicated production systems, and the potential future costs and benefits - that could result from exercising the option - are difficult to value with accuracy at initial time. This is particularly true in presence of a high level of uncertainty, when it is difficult to foresee if the option will be exercised or not. For this reason, this kind of investments requires a correct evaluation tool. The possible secondary investment (for the capacity increase) and the resulting benefits have to be taken into account during the evaluation of the initial investment (that is, when managers have to decide if to invest or not and choose among investment alternatives). Approaches based on option theory have been developed in order to do this (Kumar, 1995; Karsak and Ozogul, 2005). In this paper, the author adopts an approach based on Monte Carlo method (already tested in another – more simple – production context (Costantino and Pellegrino, 2007)). Unlike the traditional techniques, Monte Carlo simulation is able to take several different (theoretically endless) uncertainty sources into account in the evaluation. It assigns a probability distribution (derived by the managers’ experience) to each uncertain or variable model input. 2 On the contrary of traditional methodologies, this can give a (probabilistic) result also when the system complexity does not have closed-form solutions. The traditional techniques proposed in literature for valuating real options have their roots in financial world, such as Black-Scholes’ (1973) model modifies by Merton in 1973, Boyle’s (1977) model for European options, binomial model presented by Cox, Ross and Rubinstein (1979), Least Squares Monte Carlo approach (LSM) proposed by Longstaff and Schwartz (2001), and others. The “financial origin” of these methods often limits their application in real world cases (Lander and Pinches, 1998), especially when the uncertainty sources increase. In fact, they assume that only one (or, however, few) parameter is affected by uncertainty, the others are generally deterministic. This paper presents a quantitative model based on Monte Carlo technique in order to value the option of capacity expansion. Managers have to decide at initial time if to invest in a flexible manufacturing system (with the possibility to increase capacity in the future) or in dedicated system. In other words, the firm has to value if it is convenient to spend additional money to acquire expansion flexibility. Managers have foreseen that an increase of the current demand for final product could happen with a certain probability. Thus, the developed model considers if this event happens. In a positive case, it values if it is really convenient to expand production capacity according to the actual production costs and selling price. In other terms, the model values if the benefits resulting from the capacity expansion (that is, the exercise of the option) are major than the costs to do this. The input parameters of the model are described with adequate probability distributions (on the basis of the managers’ expectations), such as the probability that a demand increase happens, or the value of this increase. Then, the differential benefits and costs between a flexible system and a dedicated one are considered. An illustrative case shows the model working and its results by using the Crystal Ball software. With enough repetitions, it is possible to obtain a probability distribution of benefits/costs associated to this expansion option. This way, managers can assess the probability to have a positive result and the extent of probabilistic differential benefits against an initial certain expenditure for acquiring this flexibility. This tool could be an interesting guide for managers in order to value this kind of investment in uncertain environments. It is clear that the value of this option increases with increasing uncertainty, and it has no value when there is no uncertainty. 3 References Bengtsson, J., 2001, Manufacturing flexibility and real options: A review, International Journal of Production Economics 74, 213-224. Black, F. and Scholes, M., 1977, The pricing of options and corporate liabilities, Journal of Political Economy, 81 (3), 637-654. Boyle, P.P., 1977, Options: A Monte Carlo Approach, Journal of Financial Economics, 4 (3), 323-338. Costantino, N. and Pellegrino R., 2007, Using Real Options to Value Flexibility in a MultiFuel Power Station, Proceeding of 13th IFPSM Summer School on Advanced Purchasing Research, Salzburg, Austria. Cox, J.C., Ross, S.A. and Rubinstein M., 1979, Option pricing: a simplified approach, Journal of Financial Economics 7, 229-263. He, H. and Pindyck, R.S., 1989, Investments in flexible production capacity, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Karsak, E.E. and Ozogul, C.O., 2005, Valuation of expansion flexibility in flexible manufacturing system investments using sequential exchange options, International Journal of Systems Science, 36 (5), 243-253. Kulatilaka, N., 1988, Valuing the flexibility of flexible manufacturing system, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 35 (4), 250-257. Kumar, R.L., 1995, An options view of investments in expansion-flexible manufacturing systems, International Journal of Production Economics 38, 281-291. Lander, D.M. and Pinches, G.E., 1998, Challenges to the Practical Implementation of Modelling and Valuing Real Options, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 38, 537-567. Longstaff, F.A. and Schwartz, E.S., 2001, Valuing American Options by Simulation: A Simple Least-Squares Approach, The Review of Financial Studies, (14) 1, 113-147. Merton, R.C., 1973, The Theory of Rational Option Pricing, Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, 4, 141-183. Sethi, A.K. and Sethi, S.P., 1990, Flexibility in manufacturing: A survey, The International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 2, 289-328. Trigeorgis, L., 1996, Real Options: Managerial Flexibility and Strategy in Resource Allocation, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 4