Management 2700A: Research Methods – Summer 2005 Group Research Assignment


Management 2700A: Research Methods

Group Research Assignment – Summer 2005

Guide for Submitting Research Proposal for Project Funding

I. Introduction

The major learning objective for this assignment is to combine theoretical and applied understandings of different research methods, techniques, and tools to create a proposed research project that is both relevant and functional. a. Submission Deadline: 4:30, June 22, 2005 b. Proposals will be accepted only in hard copy format.

Double spaced, 20 page maximum excluding bibliography and appendices if used.

II. Overview of General Requirements a. Proposal

– The proposal will be reviewed and evaluated based on the information you give about the project, the logical development of concepts, propositions or hypotheses, tools for measuring and evaluating your research statement, your research design (including administration, incentives, budget, etc.), and the overall professionalism of your work.

III. Proposal Guidelines

The following components must be included as part of your proposal:

Title page

Abstract or Executive Summary – 150 words maximum

Motivation - describe the importance or relevance of your proposed study; present problem statement and objectives.

Literature Review - summarize prior research (secondary, exploratory, etc.); develop construct or concept definitions which will be used in your proposal; outline the propositions or hypotheses you will be testing (one hypothesis per group member).

Research Design – describe method of data collection (administration, follow-ups); population and sampling procedures (and size); data analysis techniques; validity, reliability, and error relevant to your research design.

Instrument - cover letter; survey design – paying attention to layout, and items (or questions) per construct


Limitation and constraints

Possible Outcomes and importance of each

Bibliography - include as Appendix A


– include as Appendix B

Team Description – include as Appendix C
