8 Grade Algebra Mrs. Karakas (8B)

8th Grade Algebra
Mrs. Karakas (8B) – Room 1001
Periods 2, 5, 9
1. District 123 Vision:
Learn Today for a Successful Tomorrow
2. District 123 Mission
The mission of Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123, as a district striving for excellence, is to
ensure that each student learns the skills, acquires the knowledge, and develops the behaviors
and attitude necessary to succeed in the future as a caring, responsible, and productive citizen;
this mission accomplished through a challenging instructional program that is consistent with the
state and local goals is provided by a caring and talented staff within a safe and healthy
environment in partnership with the entire community.
3. OLHMS Core Values
At Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School, we are committed to SUCCESS by providing an
educational experience for each of our students that promotes CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT and
PROGRESS toward our three “Mustang Musts”.
Be Respectful refers to your ability to treat others the way you expect to be treated. OLHMS
students exhibit respect by…
- being polite and courteous
- following classroom expectations
- accepting teachers’ decisions
- cooperating and encouraging others
Be Responsible refers to your ability to take ownership of your actions. OLHMS students
exhibit responsibility by…
- being prepared for class
- following directions the first time they are given
- completing tasks
- using equipment properly
Be Safe refers to the role you play in maintaining a safe learning environment. OLHMS
students exhibit safety choices by…
- wearing school ID at all times
- avoiding harmful situations
- honoring personal space and materials
- entering and exiting the learning environment in an orderly fashion
4. Rationale
Students will gain knowledge in the areas of number sense, geometry, expressions and equations,
and functions. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of algebraic concepts.
Students will begin to explore patterns, relations, and functions. They will learn to represent and
analyze mathematical situations using algebraic symbols and graphing in preparation for high
school. The course will emphasize problem-solving strategies and incorporate applications to real
world situations while aiding students in becoming 21st century learners.
5. Math Units
Common Core State Standards:
•Unit 1 - Solve linear equations and analyze linear functions. (8.EE.5, 8.EE.7, 8.F.1, 8.F.2, 8.F3, 8.F.4)
•Unit 2 - Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. (8.EE.2, 8.G.6, 8.G.7, 8.G.8, 8.NS.1, 8.NS.2)
•Unit 3 - Work with integer exponents and exponential functions. (8.EE.1, 8.EE.3, 8.EE.4)
•Unit 4 - Reason with congruence and similarity and perform transformations. (8.EE.6, 8.G.1, 8.G.2,
8.G.3, 8.G.4, 8.G.5)
•Unit 5 - Create and apply expressions and equations to problem situations.
(8.EE.7a, 8.EE.7b,
•Unit 6 - Analyze and solve systems of simultaneous linear equations and inequalities.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
•Make sense of a real world scenario by transferring and applying mathematical knowledge.
(MP1, MP2, MP4, MP5)
•With evidence, can clearly communicate mathematical thinking, in verbal or written form, and
critique the reasoning of others. (MP3)
6. Daily Procedures
1. Opening activity (warm-up)
2. Discuss daily objective and agenda of class
3. A blending of direct instruction with constructivist learning (students will learn best by trying to
make sense of something on their own with the teacher as a guide to help them along the way.)
4. Practice problems
5. Closure Activity/Reflection
7. Expectations of Student
Students will:
1. Arrive to class on time.
2. Follow the Mustang Musts – Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe.
3. Come to class prepared everyday with the necessary materials (binder, stylus, chromebook,
calculator, pencils and correcting pen).
4. Give all tasks his or her best effort.
5. Be diligent in note taking. Students must be attentive. Always listen to and follow directions.
6. Follow the absent procedures:
Go to www.d123.org
1. Click on: Schools (OLHMS)
2. Click on: Teacher Pages (Black bar)
3. Click on: Mrs. Karakas
4. Look for a copy of weekly lesson plans on main page of my website
Classroom work is important. If you are absent for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to
find out what he or she missed with regard to class work, daily notes, homework, and a quiz/test.
All assignments from absences must be completed in a timely manner.
8. Expectations of Teacher
Teacher will:
1. Establish high expectations through a rigorous curriculum and model necessary steps in solving
Assist students needing extra help during class, at lunch, or before/after school.
Maintain a positive atmosphere to ensure a safe environment for all students.
Provide opportunities for students to experience success.
Reward positive behavior while correcting inappropriate behavior.
Keep parents informed of child’s progress via Skyward.
9. Assessment Criteria
Homework is to be completed for the class period it is due. Formative assessments will occur on a
daily basis in the classroom. This can be accomplished through informal observation, questioning,
in-class work, quizzes and homework. Summative assessments will be given after the instruction of
the unit.
10. Materials
•Interactive Binder
•Pencil and correcting pen
11. Instruction and Directions for Help?
District website: www.d123.org
Phone: (708) 499-6400
Email: kkarakas@d123.org