UNIT UNDERSTANDING: 6TH GRADE WORLD INSTRUMENTS PROJECT SUBJECT/GRADE/YEAR: MUSIC/6TH/2012-13 STAGE 1 – DESIRED RESULTS (STANDARD) POWER STANDARD (S): What CCSS/ISBE/National TRANSFER GOAL: Applies the Power Standard to a “novel” real world situation. T Standard(s) will this unit address? A statement of what students should be able to do with the standard R knowledge in other contexts. Students will be able to independently use their A • NSM 9 learning on a long-term basis to… N • CCSS Reading: R16.1, R16.2, R16.4, R16.7 S • CCSS Writing: W6.2a, W6.2b, W6.2d, W6.2f • Understand that instruments, wherever they are from, are classified into F • Speaking Standard: SL6.1a, SL6.1b, SL6. 1c, S6.2, SL6.4, different families. E SL6. 5, SL6. 6 R • Observe Closely • Research from multiple sources • Speaking • Writing • ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS: What specific understandings can be predicted from the Power Standard(s)? Students will understand that… A C Q U I S Musical Instruments are used in different cultures for specific ceremonies, historical and social events Musical instruments can be made of specific materials or ‘found’ items in different cultures. Using Musical instruments build a sense of community Music is a universal language Musical instruments are part of all cultures ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What thought provoking questions would foster inquiry, understanding, and transfer of learning? • What do artifacts such as musical instruments tell us about the people who made them? • When is music entertainment and when is it an art? KNOWLEDGE: What should students know as a result of this unit? What can be studied? (Theory/Concepts/Mental Coordination) Students will know… Musical instruments How to recognize instruments in performance How to recognize musical instrument use in different cultures How to organize & present information from research I SKILLS: What should students be able to do as a result of this unit? What can be practiced? (Application of Theory/Concepts/Physical T Coordination) I Students will be able to… O • Observe details to draw illustration N • Research from multiple sources • Speak in front of an audience • Organize information to create a script STAGE 2 –EVIDENCE (ASSESSMENT) SUMMATIVE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (S): Is each standard and transfer goal being assessed? An authentic assessment(s) designed to show how students demonstrate their understanding of essential questions and transfer goals when applied to a new, varied, or realistic situation. Should be written in the GRASPS format and reflect the UbD “Six Facets of Understanding.” Each student will be able to . . . Present information in written, spoken, and graphic form, assessed via an evaluation rubric given at beginning of the project ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: What criteria will be used in each assessment to evaluate attainment of each desired result? What are the qualities by which learning is judged? Think rubric components!!! (Content, Process, Product, knowledge, skill) Constructively aligned assessment criteria begin with a noun that complements the verb in the assessment tasks objective. If the objective is for students to "explain how concepts in the subject interrelate" one of the criteria might be "Clarity of explanation". That is, the criterion describes the quality in the assessment task that will be judged as an assessment. Other commonly used quality words used in criteria include: Accuracy, Currency, Depth, Impact, Legibility, Originality, Succinctness, and Relevance. • See Rubric grading scale FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE: What daily evidence has been collected to determine goal attainment? Tests, quizzes, discussions, homework, exit slips, graphic organizers, note-taking, etc… Immediate verbal teacher feedback Monitor daily progress STAGE 3 – LEARNING PLAN (ACTIVITY) PRE-ASSESSMENT: What will be done to determine students’ background knowledge, skill level, and possible misconceptions? (K-W-L) How will students be grouped? What opportunities for differentiation will take place? • Brief discussion about prior knowledge of world musical instruments. ALIGNED LEARNING ACTIVITIES: What will be done each day to foster student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition? How will critical thinking, problem solving, and systems thinking be incorporated? Consider the “Gradual Release of Responsibility Model” and “WHERETO” format when developing daily experiences linked to Stages 1 and 2. DATE(S) “WE WILL…” OBJECTIVE: How are action verbs used to link content to the Power Standard for each learning experience? PROCEDURES: What is the daily lesson plan process? What is the step-bystep path of learning? How are learning activities prioritized and sequenced in an engaging and time sensitive manner? How are learning experiences differentiated or modified to meet assessed learning needs? How are the daily products connected to Summative Performance Tasks? Day 1 – Research and answer questions 1 – 8 completely. PROGRESS MONITORING: How is progress toward transfer, meaning, and acquisition regularly monitored? What are the misunderstandings? How will students receive relevant feedback? Day 1 We will research our chosen instrument. See Webquest: zunal.com/webquest.php?w=167921 Immediate Teacher feedback Day 2 We will create a Poster/Google presentation for our research. Day 2 – Draw your instrument on your poster paper and make it colorful. Add pictures of your instrument in action. Add factoids and information. You may also create a Google presentation. Immediate Teacher feedback Day 3 We will generate the best way to carry out our presentation. Day 3 – Decide how you will present your poster/Google presentation and information to the class. Immediate Teacher feedback Day 4 We will create the script for our presentation. Day 4- Write out what each person will say . . . like a “Script” for a play. Who says WHAT and WHEN is very, very important in making a good presentation! Immediate Teacher feedback Day 5 We will rehearse our presentation. Day 5 – Practice your presentation many times, so it runs smoothly! Immediate Teacher feedback Day 615 Student Presentations Final Day Reflection on essential question • Student peer evaluations (form) • Teacher evaluation (rubric) Written reflection Teacher review of reflections