Extinct Performance Assessment Student Name:_____________________________________ Per:_______ Date:___________ MS-LS2-4 Construct an argument supported by empirical evidence that changes to physical or biological components of an ecosystem affect populations. MS-ESS3-3 Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment. CATEGORY SCIENCE PRACTICE Carry Out Investigations 4 – EXCEEDES Investigation, research and recorded evidence extended beyond what was required. 3 – MEETS Investigated and researched background information and recorded evidence of their claim. 2 - DEVELOPING Some evidence of research with a claim. 1 – BELOW STANDARDS No or little understanding is evident. SCIENCE PRACTICE Communicate Information Your claim was strongly supported by evidence and gives a convincing argument which inspires the audience to take action. Presentation slides incorporated the required information and pictures to effectively communicate your research and evidence. Some of the presentation was not very clear or connected to the claim. No or little understanding is evident. CROSS-CUTTING CONCEPT Cause and Effect Multiple examples of cause and effect relationships are given to show a stronger understanding. Presentation reflects cause and effect relationships in an ecosystem. Cause and effect is not clear and/or not connected to claim. No or little understanding is evident. CROSS-CUTTING CONCEPT Stability and Change Presentation reflects a strong understanding of the consequences of a less stable ecosystem on organisms. Presentation reflects how changes can affect the stability of an ecosystem. Some evidence of the relationship between stability and change is present but not very clear or not connected to the claim. No or little understanding is evident. DISCIPLINARY CORE IDEA Human Impacts on Earth A convincing argument is supported with evidence showing human activities that have affected ecosystems. Multiple solutions are given. Presentation reflects how human activity can affect populations in an ecosystem and solutions are given. Some mention of humans impacting Earth but not connected to claim. No or little understanding is evident.