Sample Newsletter Article for use by Accounting Software Resellers

Sample Newsletter Article for use by Accounting Software Resellers
Accounting Tutorials for Business Owners and Bookkeepers
As a small business owner, do you need certain financial information at your fingertips, but
struggle to access it? Do you resist meeting with your banker or CPA because you’re
uncomfortable or unsure of the questions they are going to ask you? Does your bookkeeper
struggle with basic accounting concepts such as how to close your books? Could they benefit
from a refresher?
Take advantage of an easy to use, interactive self study course to train both you and your
bookkeeping staff in the fundamentals of accounting and financial management with InCharge!
and TakeCharge! developed by Marlatt Crash CourseWare. InCharge! is a solution developed
specifically for you, the business owner. It provides a crash course in financial management
designed to help owners and managers make the most of the data in their accounting system.
TakeCharge! is the bookkeeper's crash course in accounting that teaches accounting principles
and concepts to people already involved in day-to-day bookkeeping activities.
InCharge! covers topics critical to you as a business owner, including:
 Accounting Fundamentals
 Depreciation and inventory valuation methods
 How to calculate and interpret financial ratios
 How to read financial statements
 What to Expect from Your Accounting Software
 How to Work Most Effectively with Your CPA and Your Banker
 Working with Your Bookkeeper
TakeCharge! covers topics for your bookkeeper such as:
 Basic Financial Statement Formats
 The Accounting Equation
 The Chart of Accounts
 Debits and Credits
 T-Accounts
 Reviewing Financial Statements
 Period End Processing
To order InCharge! for $150, TakeCharge for $99, or to order both for a special offer price of
$190, contact your Account Manager at xxx-xxx-xxxx or by e-mail at