December 1, 2004 Ms. Alicia Townsend, Recorder City of Luttrell

December 1, 2004
Ms. Alicia Townsend, Recorder
City of Luttrell
P.O. Box 82
Luttrell, Tennessee 37779
Re: Collection of Delinquent Wastewater Debt
Dear Alica
Attached is an ordinance making it an offense to fail or refuse to pay the sewer bill, and
to provide remedies fro such failure or refusal. The city council should pass it and follow
it to ensure that sewer bills are kept current.
Mayor Grigsby asked about placing a lien upon the properties and not forcing the
payment until the property is sold. There are no provisions in Tennessee Law that
permits such liens under those conditions. The city must pursue the collection of the debt
following the provisions of Tennessee Law and may obtain a lien if the debt is not repaid.
Please call me if you have questions or comments.
Respectfully Yours
Ron Darden
Municipal Management Consultant
Enclosure 1