Annual Unit Plan Template

Annual Unit Plan Template
Mission Statement
1. State your unit’s mission
A good mission statement should
describe the purpose of your unit
define the kinds of activities and/or services the unit provides
describe the audiences or populations the unit serves
describe how the unit fits into Cerritos College
describe how the unit ‘s mission supports the college’s mission
Unit’s Outcomes Statements
1. State the unit’s student learning or administrative unit outcomes (SLO’s or AUO’s). (i.e., if your
unit was completely successful, what would people served by the unit be able to do, say, know,
and/or value?)
2. What kinds of assessments has the unit implemented to determine how well or how poorly the
people served by the unit are achieving these intended outcomes?
3. What changes or improvements has the unit made to address the shortfalls in achievement that
emerged from the most recent assessments of outcomes?
Unit’s Characteristics
What kinds of courses, programs and/or services does the unit provide?
What kinds of employees staff the unit?
What kinds of audiences are served by the unit (students, faculty, general public, etc.)?
Do the unit’s courses, programs, and/or services reflect current knowledge and practices? How
do you know (what evidence leads to your conclusion)?
Unit’s Trends
1. Using the data provided in the sections below, discuss any increases or decreases that could
affect the unit’s future plans. Compare the unit’s increases and decreases to the division’s and
college’s increases and decreases.
a. Enrollment
i. Headcount
ii. Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH)
iii. Full-Time Equivalent Students(FTES)
iv. Other
b. Demographics of those served by the unit
i. Age
ii. Gender
iii. Ethnicity
iv. First time-college attendee in family
v. Other
Full-Time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF) (formerly FTIE) and/ or Full-Time Equivalent
Fill Rate for courses and offerings of the unit (for instructional units only)
Success rates in courses as revealed in Grade Distribution Reports (if applicable)
i. Overall
ii. By age
iii. By gender
iv. By ethnicity
v. Other
Retention rates in courses (if applicable)
i. Overall
ii. By Age
iii. By gender
iv. By ethnicity
v. Other
Degrees and certificates awarded (if applicable)
i. Number of degrees awarded over the last six years
ii. Number of certificates of achievement awarded over the last six years
iii. Number of certificates of verification offered by the department
External tests and validations (e.g., licensing examinations, etc.)
Core indicators (for Career and Technical Programs)
Unit’s Strengths
1. What best practices does the unit exhibit? What things does the unit do best? How do you know
[i.e., what evidence leads to your conclusion(s)]? Is there external validation for your
2. What strengths are identifiable in
a. Student course success rates?
i. Overall
ii. By age
iii. By gender
iv. By ethnicity
v. Other
b. Student course retention rates?
i. Overall
ii. By age
iii. By gender
iv. By ethnicity
v. Other
c. Student program retention rates?
i. Overall
ii. By age
iii. By gender
iv. By ethnicity
v. Other
d. Number of degrees and certificates awarded?
e. Student or client satisfaction measures (if applicable)?
i. Overall
ii. By age
iii. By gender
iv. By ethnicity
v. Other
f. External relations with the community?
3. What strategies has the unit developed to optimize its strengths?
Unit’s Areas for Improvement
1. Based on the analysis of the data, which unit indicators of success need improving?
2. What strategies has the unit developed to address these needed improvements?
3. What new programs, courses, and/or services, if any, should the unit offer to improve?
Unit’s Opportunities
1. What opportunities outside the unit could the unit leverage to improve?
Unit’s Challenges
1. What are the biggest external threats or challenges the unit faces?
2. What evidence do you have to sup
Unit’s 3-5 Year Strategic Directions
1. Identify the 3-5 year strategic direction(s) of the unit. Describe what that would be like.
2. How does the unit’s plan address the following strategic directions of the college’s Educational
Master Plan:
a. Increase student success
b. Enhance a culture that develops, nurtures, and sustains effective employees and leaders
c. Enhance effectiveness and efficiency through resource management
d. Develop and sustain instructional programs that address community work force needs
3. How does the unit’s plan support the strategic directions of other college-wide plans, if at all?
4. How does the current plan build upon recent unit planning?
5. What new or different services may be needed by those served by the unit? How do you know?
6. What impact will the increases and decreases in the trend elements have over the next 3-5
Unit’s Planning Impact on Others
1. Which other units or parts of the organization will be affected by the unit’s planning?
2. How will these other units be affected?
3. What do they need to do to assist or accommodate the unit’s planning?
Unit’s Planning Participants
1. Who participated in developing this unit plan?