MAJOR CASE STUDY SHEET (to be completed by FFA for all case studies and returned to the School) Date: _______________ Faculty Field Advisor: __________________________ Focus: _________________________ Identifying Client Information Age: _____ Race/Ethnicity: ________________ Citizenship: ____________ Gender: _______ Religion: _____________________ Social Class: ___________ Sexual Orientation: _________________________ Facility: _________________________ Modality: __________________________ Duration of Intervention: ____________________ Mode of Intervention: __________ Presenting Problems: ___________________________________________________________ Diagnostic: ___________________________________________________________________ Major Themes/Issues: ___________________________________________________________ How Services were Funded: ______________________________________________________ Education & Usage: ___________________ Summary of Case: (please limit to one paragraph) Grade (circle one): P MP F Evaluation of Case Study’s Potential use for Teaching : Excellent ____ Very Good ____ Fair _____ Poor _____ Identifying Student Information: Author’s Name: __________________ Author’s Race/Ethnicity: ___________ Placement Year: 1st 2nd FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Student’s approval obtained: _________ Date: _________ When Used: _______________________ When Used: _______________________ When Used: _______________________ Course: _________________________ Course: _________________________ Course: _________________________ 1